Read The Slivers of Avalon: The Abandoned Edge Page 29


  We walk hand in hand, careful not to get too close. Both of us know we won’t part if our bodies touch more than they already are. And this dark street is hardly the place for the things we want to do.

  “So are you taking me to show off your place? I’ll bet it’s pretty nice. I haven’t found one yet, seeing as I just left home this morning. Oh, and I guess I’m supposed to graduate first.” I manage to half-laugh about that situation.

  “Definitely. I am already headed there.” He looks at me out of the corner of his eye and grins.

  We’re only a short distance away—I can sense the woods. Sloane mentioned he lived near there, as the fae tend to keep near that area. It makes it easier for them to escape, if need be. Just head on into the forest. After about five minutes of insanely heightened anticipation, we stop in front of an amazing loft-style apartment building.

  Feeling like taking control, I hold my hand out to him for his keys. With a tilt of his head and a glint in his eye, he gives them to me.

  I regret this decision almost right away – before I even grab the keys. I let go of his hand to unlock the door and my stomach sinks a little. I have no idea what possessed me to try this. I still suck at doors.

  Hurry up, ya stupid key! You’re making me look bad.

  I try my best, but I am not even close to being capable of getting the main door open—I hoped I could be quick about it and avoid getting burned, but I should know most things don’t go according to my plan.

  Sloane takes the key from my hand, his hands rough yet smooth and sensual at the same time. He easily accomplishes what I wasn’t able to do. Again, he holds the door open for me and I slide inside next to him.

  We climb the stairs to his apartment in no time, where, of course, he opens the door. My hand aches from the key since I have been in the human realm for too long—I am taking longer to heal than I should.

  I’m much stronger now than I even was earlier, and being closer in proximity to my own realm is helping me breathe much easier, but the metal still caused me pain. I find that odd but I suppose I’ve had too long of a day.

  Walking into a dark entrance, I shut the door and reach around for a light-switch. It takes only a fraction of a second to realize that isn’t necessary. I turn to Sloane and see his body glowing in front of me. Our bodies light up the entire (large!) entry area.

  Sparks literally fly when he reaches out to me. He touches my arm ever so gently and caresses my wrist with his fingertips. My heart pitter-patters like I’m in an old Saturday morning cartoon. It quite possibly could start beating straight out of my chest.

  Along with the sensation of tender, buzzing electricity, I can also see it. Little bits of light shoot off of our skin. We both stare for a moment, mesmerized by the magic—our magic we are creating.

  A burst of boldness shoots through me again and, with my left hand, I grab his hand off my arm. I walk backward—there isn’t a chance I’m letting go of him now—and I lead him down the hall. Not once do I take my eyes off his. The blue of his irises light up like neon lights.

  As I turn forward just before the entrance to his room—he silently directed me here—I catch a glimpse of myself in the hall mirror. My eyes look the same as his, only bright green instead.

  Sloane takes charge once he is superrightthereclose behind me. He wraps his arms around my waist and walks me past the threshold. It is even darker in his room. The shades are drawn, blocking out any street or business lights.

  My heart races with an energy foreign to me, but I adore it. Where my skin touches his, our bodies light up brighter. Stars begin to dance along our arms. If I hadn’t experienced this in Avalon, I might be freaking out. Instead I am comforted by what we are and the mystery and art of our bodies.

  I sigh and lean my head back into the crook between his neck and shoulder. He turns his head and kisses my hair. I feel him inhale the smell of my vanilla shampoo.

  We reach the bed and I turn around, enveloping myself in Sloane’s strong arms. He is simply pure bliss. I breathe in his musky scent and it increases my desire like crazy.

  Tentatively, I lift my head off his chest and look up into his brilliant eyes. He leans down for a soft, first kiss. I send happy thoughts to the heavens in amazement. I’m not sure what would have happened if I’d had to wait any longer.

  The sweet kiss turns passionate―his hands tangle in my hair while mine unbuttons his shirt to reveal the most perfect skin I have ever touched. Yes, it is soft and smooth—he takes care of his body, but he is no doubt a male. The definition of his muscles convince me of that.

  He slowly guides me down to the bed so that I am sitting. At first I’m not sure what to do next, but instinct makes me raise my arms—I have no control but couldn’t care less—and Sloane lifts off my shirt. In turn, I pull his down off his arms. Both tops land carelessly on the floor.

  I move farther back onto the bed and Sloane crawls to join me. In theory, it seems weird as I think about it, but those thoughts disappear when I can see that it’s sexy as hell. The movement of his arm and shoulder muscles make him look like a god—a perfect male specimen. He stays on his knees and hovers above me as I lie back. Leaning down, bracing himself with his hands on either side of me, he kisses my shoulder. And then my collarbone. And then my breath disappears. His soft yet forceful lips must have stolen it.

  So slowly and sensually, he moves down my body. When he arrives at my waist, he teases me with his tongue and I gasp in delight. He must have wanted to hear it and so gave my breath back. He lifts his head and smiles at me while moving onto his side to lie down.

  A fire-red glow captures my attention—the skin where Sloane’s lips had been has turned a deep crimson, but with the light from within me, it glows much brighter. I turn my head slightly to look at him and I discover that his mouth matches my torso. Moving my gaze up just barely, I find his eyes twinkling with anticipation.

  Moving onto my side to face Sloane, I prop my head on my hand and trail my free fingers down his chest and stomach. When I reach his waistline, I see a dull red glow following my touch. The longer I keep my hand on him (which is no problem since I have no desire to stop touching the gorgeousness that is Sloane), the brighter his skin becomes.

  I expertly unbutton his jeans, without an inkling as to how I am capable. Normally I’m not so adept at such things. But everything about this moment feels so perfect—a confidence I’m not used to consumes whatever part of me that isn’t filled with desire. I am sure nothing can go wrong here in this bedroom.

  Sloane lifts his hips as I slide his jeans down off of them. I sit up on my knees and pull his pants off the rest of the way. His boxer briefs follow.

  Taking advantage of my brazenness, Sloane unbuttons and then unzips my jeans, but I finish his work by pushing them down on one side, and then the other. Back and forth, until they are down around my lower thighs.

  Slipping his forefinger into the top elastic of my panties, he teases me again. I can hardly believe my own actions, but I do the same with my underwear as I did with my pants. Then I reach behind my back and unhook my bra.

  Sloane sighs as the garment falls away and sits up to be closer to me … and then grabs my head from behind and kisses me with a fierce passion. The gentle touches and kisses are great but this… Oh my gods!

  Our bodies meet, skin on skin, and I suck in a breath at the wildness of the connection. I closed my eyes when Sloane began kissing me again, but I can still see the stars waltzing. They appear to move in time with us.

  Leaning me gently back onto the pillows, Sloane pulls off my clothes all the way. He then lies on top of me and groans softly as our bodies fully touch each other.

  We continue to kiss and caress and grab, anywhere and everywhere possible. As if Sloane is magnetized and I am his opposite, yet his match all the same. I can’t not touch him.

  When I open my eyes to look at his body in amazement, I notice the ceiling is also alight with stars. Too many to co
unt. Thousands, maybe millions. They light up the room as if the world has a spotlight on us. Like we are the most important beings in existence.

  The foreplay and teasing has lasted long enough – I can’t stand it any longer. Sloane has his tongue on my thigh and I have to bite my lip not to yell out in excitement.

  He knows exactly what I want—he wants the same, of course—and makes his way up my body again, a devilish grin on his face when he looks at me in between soft, trailing kisses. I open my eyes just in time to catch his expression.

  And then ‘it’ happens; our powerful desires come to fruition. As our two bodies become one and truly connect on the deepest physical level, shooting stars soar about the room—their trails forming the same pattern as the our movements. The celestial glitter flies through the air and glides past our heads.

  I know without any doubt in my spirit that I am meant to be in Sloane’s arms forever, and he most definitely belongs in me. A perfect fit.

  The pleasure lasts forever, but is also over entirely too soon. Fireworks explode above as I cry out in elation, unable to contain myself—and not even wanting to.

  Only a moment later, Sloane joins me in the throes of passion. He moans deeply and murmurs sentiments which mirror my own, intensifying the colorful display in the room. Red, green, and blue showers. The same colors as our skin and eyes.

  All around us, the air is alive with the same knowledge filling me—that our souls were made for each other.

  Sloane collapses tenderly on me and kisses my forehead. He practically purrs in my ear, “I have waited so long for you. For this.”

  I can think of nothing else to say but, “I love you.” We have only just met, but I mean these three words with every ounce of my being. I have found my mate and I am positive nothing can take him away from me.

  After our breathing returns to normal, or as normal as possible while in this realm, I move out from underneath Sloane. I pull down the covers and slide under them, holding them up for him to crawl under.

  Once we are both lying back down, I cuddle onto his chest and fall asleep so fast I don’t remember it happening. I sleep a dreamless sleep—Sloane’s arms wrapped tightly around me.