Read The Slivers of Avalon: The Abandoned Edge Page 31


  After a short nap, I wake to sun in my eyes again. Why are those freaking shades open now? That’s just annoying. And why am I so grumbly—I should be happy.

  I roll over and find Sloane still sleeping next to me. Reaching my arm out tentatively, I brush my hand over his hair ever so softly. He is just so beautiful.

  I stare a while longer, and then quietly (I hope…) get up to creep over to my phone. I don’t make even the slightest noise. The sheets don’t rustle and Sloane doesn’t move as I slide down the bed.

  Huh. Maybe I’m learning to be all ‘stealth-like’ after all. Pretty cool.

  Grabbing my purse, I walk out to the living room and settle in on the sofa. I turn on my phone and text Hollie. I can’t not share this with my best friend. I don’t share every detail, as it’s personal and special, and also because I don’t think Hols will understand the whole blood part. I decide to keep that to myself.

  When I figure I’ve told Hols enough (at least through texting—private things might become less private when I see her in person), and I also realize my best friend has her own stuff to deal with (I can feel the jealousy even through the phone lines), I end the conversation and flip on the TV. The volume is only on seven and I could hear it. Normally, I would have to turn up any television to at least halfway—like thirty on Sloane’s, I suppose. Huh. Do I have super-enhanced hearing, too?

  Less than a minute later, Sloane pads out of the bedroom, rubbing his left eye sleepily.

  “Are you finished telling your little girlie secrets?” He smiles at me and I can’t help but smile back if only because everything about him has that effect on me. But I don’t want him to think I’m telling anyone all sorts of things about him.

  “What do you mean?” I sometimes use the old trick of answering a question with a question to get out of things I don’t want to discuss. This is one of those times.

  “That won’t work on me, silly. You have no reason to be embarrassed that you told your best friend about us.” Sloane has made his way over to the sofa and is now perched on the edge of the cushion by me.

  “I—I’m not embarrassed. I don’t think.” I squint my eyes in confusion. “I just don’t get how you know I talked to Hollie. My phone doesn’t have any buttons to make any noise.”

  “I know. But I could still hear it so I left you alone. Once you turned the TV on, I figured it was safe to come out.”

  “So this super-hearing really is another fae thing?” I think for a second. “Well then, did you hear me getting out of bed?” I’m getting all excited about faery powers. I turn my body toward Sloane, arm up over the back sofa cushion. “I think I’m learning to be all spy-like.”

  “No, I didn’t hear you. That is one thing I was going to ask you about. I wondered why I could hear you on your phone, but I have no clue when you came out here.”

  “That’s just weird. How can I be quiet with some things and not others?”

  “I think it is probably because you were trying. When you left the bed, I’m sure you really wanted to be quiet, is that right?”

  I nod and then continue Sloane’s thoughts. “So when I was texting, I wasn’t trying to be quiet ’cause I just assumed it would already be quiet. And that made it so I wasn’t quiet at all. How weird. This is all gonna take some getting used to.”

  With a sigh, I ask, “Well, do you think we should go back home and see what the next step is?”

  “Yeah, we probably should. Come on, babe. Let’s get dressed and head back.”

  “Do you think they’re gonna be super mad at me?” I half-frown. “We spent more time doing, well—other stuff than we did discovering how to take down Donovan.”

  “We did spend a lot of time doing what you call ‘other stuff.’” We both giggle at this. “But we also shared quite a lot with each other and I think you have done a fabulous job with your half of the research. The spells, or whatever else you will need, are going to have to come from your friend, Landon.”

  “I’m sure you’re right. I just don’t want to make them angry. They are doing, and have done, so much to help me—a perfect stranger—and I don’t want to screw it up.”

  Sloane holds out his hand to help me up from the sofa. “Even if they are angry, which they aren’t, once they see you and remember how phenomenal you are, they will simply be happy to have you back in Avalon.”

  I tuck myself into Sloane and he wraps his arms around me.

  “Who’s silly now, babe?” I smile against his chest and can feel his rapid heartbeat, sure that my own matches. “But you are more than sweet so that makes up for it.”

  He kisses the top of my forehead and steps back. I hate letting go of him but I know we do need to get a move on. Holding his hand out again, I take it and follow him back to the bedroom.

  “Oh crap. My bag’s out in Hollie’s truck. All my clothes and stuff are in it.”

  “You can hop in the shower first and I will go grab it for you,” Sloane offers. “All I need is the keys.”

  I walk over to my purse and pull them out, still surprised at how warm they are to the touch. Glad to hand them over, I gave him a quick smile and a kiss and head toward the bathroom.

  After we are showered and dressed, Sloane and I leave to meet back up with Zoë and Landon, sure they have information by now that I can use. After all, I’ve spent enough time away. The thought brings a smile to my face and floods my heart with warmth.

  Even with what I am up against, knowing I have found something so pure and true is a force that will keep me strong. I am ridiculously happy for Sloane and all that he is and all he has already given me—even though I still have that nagging feeling inside. You can’t help who you fall for and I am simply not going to waste my time worrying rather than being happy.

  Walking hand in hand, we dash across the deserted street and head toward the woods. Sloane really did pick the perfect spot for his apartment, just like he said. We are extremely close to a portal—I can sense it all the way to my bones.

  I can also sense I am being called, which I find rather odd. There’s no way I can hear Landon’s voice. But the thing is, I can. Faintly, on the breeze, meant just for me. Landon is calling out the name ‘Kellyn,’ asking me to return. Guess I have good timing. My mother must have given me that because it certainly has never been a strong suit of my own.

  I mention to Sloane that I can hear Landon. He isn’t surprised in the least. He does start laughing, though, when I manage to trip over a rock. He has to tighten his grip to keep me upright.

  “Sorry, love. I guess you’re a little unfocused. I must have worn you out,” he says with a sideways smile.

  “Ah, shut it, ya brat.” I laugh back and nudge him with my hip.

  We approach the tree line and find a gap wide enough to walk into the small forest. One I hadn’t even known existed before I learned of my true nature. I can only assume it’s something that is a part of the faery sight. This makes me wonder if these trees are actually even here.

  Again, I say something to Sloane, as we step over a tangle of tree roots and branches, finding our way to a clear path.

  “Well, I’m not sure since I’ve always been this way, but I suppose it is possible. Why not? If you have lived here all your life and never saw these trees, then maybe it is part of the fae realm that humans can’t see.”

  “That’s kind of cool, don’t you think? It’s like we have our own little secret. We get to be a part of something most people don’t know about.” I pause, realizing he probably doesn’t understand, not ever having felt out of place.

  Well, except for with Donovan, but I’d rather not think of that. I told myself I am going to trust Sloane no matter what. But my stupid mind isn’t letting me do that great of a job of it…

  I look at him until I think he might notice me doing so, admiring his chiseled features and his pefectly messy hair and even the way he holds himself. When I feel I should probably look away, I realize that something else entirely
is demanding my attention. Out of the corner of my eye I glimpse the shimmering light we’re looking for―a faint swirl of mist.

  Sloane notices it at the same time. “Look, doll. There it is.”

  “I know. It’s awesome. I can’t wait to be able to breathe again! Wait―or not breathe. Whatever… Let’s go.”

  Hands still clasped, we jog toward the gap, which almost resembles a doorway, only it’s made of light rather than wood, and we jump through it.

  The second we pass through, I close my eyes and feel the air around me. It is almost nonexistent, but still feels like silk on my skin. The heaviness of the human realm has disappeared and I feel like myself.

  Turns out we have returned to the same spot I left from after meeting Landon and Zoë—when I went back to the human realm to find answers.

  “Well this helps. I know where I am. Let’s go to my friends’ house.”

  I lead Sloane to the left and, as we walk, we say hello (in unison—like me and Hols!) to a few friendly fae who are taking an evening stroll.

  I notice that it is evening. Even though the sun woke me up less than an hour ago. It makes me wonder what day it is here…

  We soon arrive at the tree where I was first truly introduced to my realm. Zoë and Landon’s house.

  It was one thing to talk to Bonnie, something altogether different to see my mother, but this here is the real world as far as I am concerned.

  Sloane and I walk up to the door and, as I lift my hand to knock on it, it opens. Zoë stands waiting with a big smile on her face.

  “We knew you were coming. Landon called you and I sensed you were close.”

  “That’s so freaking cool. I knew I heard him…”

  “Well come in. Don’t just stand outside, guys. Cead mile failte.” Zoë is seemingly proud of her heritage.

  “Ah, I know what that means now. Covetina told me.” I grin back widely, pleased to have such an interesting connection with my new friends—the fact that they are fae and from a different world. It is beyond me and I can’t help but adore it.

  We enter the house and I introduce Sloane to Zoë and Landon. Landon is a bit taken aback, as if afraid, or maybe he doesn’t trust his guest, but I give him a knowing look. I tell him with my eyes that I will explain it all and not to worry.

  I sense Landon knows who Sloane is. But I also knew my friends will understand just as well as I did. Too bad it took me some time because I don’t think we really have that here.

  The four of us take a seat where I learned so much the day before—at least, the day before when it comes to me own existence… Zoë has prepared more of the honey cakes I love so much, and there is a pitcher of milk and some glasses sitting out.

  “For strength,” Zoë tells me.

  “Yeah, I assumed that, but wasn’t sure. So much other stuff is going on, I figured it was the least of things to mention. But good to know. Are there other foods that do the same?”

  “Sure. The berries we collect, as well as certain herbs. My favorite is one called saffron crocus. I doubt you have heard of it―if it’s even in the human realm, but it’s so good! I’ll have to make some muffins with it sometime soon for you.”

  “Awesome. Sounds great. You’ll have to show me how so I can return the favor. You guys have already done so much for me and I feel I’ve done nothing…”

  Landon reaches for an odd-looking berry, shaped like a strawberry, yet blue, and says, “Don’t even worry about it, hon. You’re about to do us all the biggest favor possible. After that, you won’t owe anyone anything. All we want is your friendship.”

  A huge grin spreads across my face and I reach out for Sloane, who is sitting next to me on the same bench I chose before. He grabs my hand and squeezes it, smiling at me with an adoring look. My heart melts like a Popsicle in July.

  “All right,” Landon says. “First thing’s first. Just so you know, I figured out the perfect way to trap the creature from some amazing books at the repository, but before we get to that, we have to address this whole Sloane issue.” He looks over at Sloane apologetically, and continues, “’cause you have to know that we know exactly who you are…”

  Zoë nods, the same expression on her face as her partner’s.

  “Fair enough. It isn’t like I didn’t know this was coming.” Sloane squeezes my hand again, tighter this time, and doesn’t let up. His nervousness is so strong it even floats into me a bit. I really want Zoë and Landon to like Sloane and even trust him, but I know they will after he tells his story.

  “So, yes. I am technically a part of The Depraved. To make an extremely long story short, I had no choice. I was born into it―I took over my father’s position when he stepped down. With the courts, you do what they tell you and that’s all there is to it. No discussion or compromises allowed. It is royalty. Period. The thing of it is, I have never felt comfortable with it all. For decades and decades, I have seen the destruction and the evil that emanates from them all and I have desperately wanted to get away.”

  He pauses and looks at me with a little smile. I smile back, eyes lighting up at the sight of him and how he looks at me, and I send reassurance his way (I swear I feel heat pulsing through my eyes, as if they actually are light bulbs!). Zoë and Landon sit transfixed, both leaning forward in the same position. Elbows on their knees, chins resting on their hands.

  “I knew I didn’t belong, but I haven’t had a way out. That is, until a serendipitous chance yesterday, which I now think wasn’t exactly just chance.

  “Kellyn and I saw each other twice. Once when she was with Donovan pretending to be Andrew, and then again when she came into the bar D and I frequent. And well, as you can see, we couldn’t not talk to each other. We are as alike as you two and we had never met before.”

  Sloane lets up on my hand, but then squeezes it again, gently, sweetly. He turns to me once more with a look of adoration before looking back at the other couple in the room. I am starting to get self-conscious. I hope I don’t have toothpaste smudged on my chin or anything. There is no way someone can keep looking at me simply because he wants to…

  “It was pretty hard for me not to say anything the first time. I could see her true self, but I knew she only saw a human when she looked at me. So when she came in the bar, well, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity again.”

  Zoë shakes her head, amazement on her face. “I’ve never seen, nor heard of, anything like it before. It’s beyond awesome. That in itself makes me trust you. The goddesses have tied you to Kellyn and I need no more reassurance than that. But, I am interested in your story, so please go on.”

  “Yeah, it is definitely a sign of some sort,” Sloane responds. “And because I met her and we’re so connected, and I know of her background and what you guys are up to, I feel strongly that we can take down Donovan. Maybe not completely―not yet. But we can knock him down a notch. And over time, we can maybe take him from his position.”

  He stops talking, seeming to contemplate if he wants to go on or not. With a shrug, he continues, “Initially, a long time ago, I thought that I wanted to take over and maybe side with The Divine―”

  “What’s The Divine?” I interrupt, wanting to smack myself upside the head for being so rude.

  “Well, just like The Depraved is the dark court, The Divine is the opposite—the light court. But there is a balance to everything that should never be tampered with. That is why I reconsidered. I don’t know what exactly would happen if everything was all good, kind, pretty and perfect.

  “Then another question I couldn’t answer is, would the Solitary fae eventually band together to reform The Depraved, possibly in a worse way―without the history and rules? I haven’t decided about all of that yet. But for now, I hope you trust me that I have never truly been a part of The Depraved―only as much as they’ve demanded of me. I have never been a part of the evil acts they commit.” Sloane looks back and forth from Zoë to Landon as he says this, gauging their reactions.

  A collectiv
e non-sigh, due to the lack of air, travels around the room as everyone appears to be gathering their thoughts. I have no thinking to do.

  I know what is true, no matter what stupid warning type thoughts keep popping up in my head. Although it’s also true that I thought of Sloane a lot without meaning to and now here I am with him. But that’s different. He was basically in front of me after a breakup. There’s no explanation needed there.

  I know Sloane. I don’t doubt him for a second. Not during rational thought. And I was right in my prediction earlier; emotion is my rationality. That’s just me so why try to change it. I hope to form it into a strength. With the help of Sloane, who is my mate―my one and only—and he is going to help me in my most desperate time of need. A literal life or death situation. That is all I need to know.

  “All right then,” Landon says, leaning back. “I have no reason not to believe you, so I guess we move forward—together—on this. Take care of it as a team. What do you think, Zoë?”

  “I categorically agree with you, babe. Kellyn obviously feels he’s sincere. They’re a match, plain and simple. I feel he’s true and you do too, so there should be absolutely nothing to worry about.”

  “Good. Now that that’s settled, let’s talk about the spell I found.” Landon springs up and walks over to one of the stacks of papers and books he has on his desk. While he goes through them, I grab some more food. I can’t seem to stop eating it. Not only does it taste phenomenal, but it’s making me feel great, too. I am going to need all the strength and focus possible.

  Landon makes his way back over and sits down next to Zoë again, shoving the food to the far end of the coffee table, away from all of us. I feel my face start to form a childlike pout but manage to stop it from fully appearing so I don’t look like a whiny baby. Even being in Avalon, and after a great night’s sleep, my emotions are all over the chart. Up and down and spinning around.

  He spreads a few sheets of paper on the cleared spot (makes sense … I’m not that lazy that I can’t stand and grab some food when I want), and places an open book on his lap—an old, faded ribbon marking his page.

  “Wow, that book looks ancient,” I remark through the last bit of food I was able to grab.

  “It is. This book has been around for thousands of years. When I pulled it off of the shelf, I was afraid it would turn to dust.” Landon laughs lightly.

  His face turns serious as he looks at me and Sloane. Zoë curls up with a pillow, feet underneath her like she is ready for a good story. And Landon sure seems prepared to tell one.

  “So here’s what I came up with.” He looks over the loose pages, running his finger down the book’s fragile paper. “Sloane is right. We can’t stop Donovan. Not yet. But—I found a way to stop the evil creature. It will be tricky, but now that I think about it, Sloane could actually be a big help.”

  “Really? How so?” Sloane asks.

  “Well we have to get Kellyn near Donovan, but we need her to be safe, right? You can pretend to have captured her, claiming you found her doing something wrong―I don’t know, you can come up with a scenario that will work, I’m sure. Then you can bring her to him and the plan will be set in motion.

  “We only need a couple of things for the actual spell. I did a lot of research and came up with the simplest plan. Here is a list of what we need. One, a picture of the creature, which is hard since we can’t use a photograph and I certainly cannot rip a page out of the book, but I’m sure I can draw something.”

  I interject at this point. “Actually, do you think I could ask my halfling friend, Hols, to draw him? She’s an amazing artist and I kind of need to see her―check up on her a bit. The day I found out I was a faery was the same day she found out about her heritage.”

  “Oh yeah. Sure. That is a good idea. But, well―” he stops and there is no vibe saying why.

  “Well what?” Sloane asks with a look on his face that says he isn’t going to let Landon keep us in the dark for many more seconds. My first reaction is anger, but I then realize it is probably second nature for him to act this way. He doesn’t mean any harm to my new friends. He just has a way about him because of being with Donovan and everyone else for so long.

  Still, even understanding, I don’t like it and I hope anger like that is never directed at me. Relief rushes through my body when I see embarrassment spread across his face.

  “Here is the thing. I have a feeling Hollie might not be safe because of her human blood and her connection to Kellyn.

  “So if you are going there anyway,” Landon looks at me, “I think I have something else that might help. It’s an amulet that will help protect her because, unfortunately, she might need it.”

  “Yeah, I’m scared for her too, and I’ve let her know it. I’ve been keeping in touch with her and asked her to check on our other friends, also. If this amulet will really work, I’m all for giving it to her. Anything that’ll help.”

  “Great, I can get you started with that,” Zoë says excitedly. “We’ll make it after Landon finishes up telling you what he found out.”

  “Yeah, Zoë loves making things―all of the bowls and wall hangings around here were done by her. She created them all from nature,” Landon tells me and Sloane.

  Within seconds, a no-nonsense look washes over Landon’s face. “All right. Essentially, the only way to defeat the creature is to wait until his curse is over―until it is close enough to when he will be bound again. What you need to do, Kellyn, is your own spell. One that will trap the creature’s soul and send it somewhere else. He needs to end up in a worse hell than he has been living in. It must be one that will not release him—so he can never do this again.”

  “Wow. Sounds heavy. Do you honestly think I can override a spell that’s been around for centuries? I know I have strength, but I can’t possibly be that powerful … can I?” I look around at the others for an answer.

  “I have no doubt you can do it, babe,” Sloane tells me.

  “I would not have even gone this route if I didn’t think it could be done,” Landon agrees. “There is something else I found to help you out; there is another spell you can do right beforehand to give you an extra boost of power. The hardest part of all of this will be staying focused, and to memorize every word. You cannot screw it up in any way, or this all might be for naught.”

  “Oh, no worries about that. I can read it once and I’ll be fine. One of my gifts, I suppose―photographic memory.” I smile sheepishly, feeling kind of dorky that I have to tell them this.

  “Well then, that’s perfect. There is just one last thing―you are going to have to conjure up some of the things you will need when the time comes. You can’t meet up with Donovan with a bag full of tricks.”

  “Is that possible? You think I can do that? I know I keep doubting myself and I need to stay strong and believe, but the thing is, Covetina told me I can only change things about myself. Like I changed my dress for my baptism. But I’m not supposed to be able to change the world around me.”

  “You won’t really be changing anything Mother Nature has created. You will just be adding things, simple things. I will show you how and you can practice. I promise it will be easy enough.” Landon smiles reassuringly. “Now let’s get started with memorizing these spells and getting you to really believe them so they work at full strength. We have less time than you probably realize.”

  “Why? How long do we have?” I ask.

  Landon half-frowns. “Based on the prophecy―the rhyme―the creature is supposed to be bound again when the new moon is back. That occurs at just a few minutes past one a.m.”

  “One am when? What day? Wait―you mean tomorrow?! Like this coming morning? Well hell! How are we supposed to do all this before then? Especially if I have to go see Hols—time passes so much differently there…”

  “Calm down, it will be all right. We can do our part here so you only need to focus on your own part, which will be simple for you with your talents. Sloane and I will figure o
ut how to get you to Donovan. All you have to do after you leave here is go see your friend and relax. It is important for you to be as fast as you can, though, and when you come back we will all be together to do this.”

  “Together. OK.” I straighten my upper body and process for a second. “Just so long as I have you guys behind me, I’m ready to do this.”

  I lean over and give Sloane a kiss, and then stand up to go sit next to Landon on the sofa in order to see the book better, praying to the goddesses for strength as I do so.