Read The Solitary Farm Page 13



  So far it appeared extremely probable that Edwin Lister was the assassinof Captain Huxham. From the evidence of her own eyes, Bella knew thatCyril's father had called to see the old sailor, and that she had notseen him depart was owing to the fact of the drugging. By puttinglaudanum in the girl's tea Huxham had precipitated his own death, sinceBella, with her wits about her, might have made a third at theinterview, and so the blow would not have been struck. Neither Bella norCyril thought that Edwin Lister had come to the Manor intending tomurder Huxham, although it certainly seemed strange that the formershould have carried with him the Nigerian knife with which the crime hadbeen committed. But howsoever this particular point might be explained,it was probable that the tragedy was the outcome of a sudden quarrel.

  Edwin Lister had profited but little by his crime, since the sum of onehundred pounds was all that he had been able to find in the safe.Certainly many papers had been carried away, but there was nothing toshow that these were of value, save the fact that they had been thieved.If Edwin Lister could only be found, an explanation might beforthcoming; but he seemed to have vanished completely. It was notimprobable that he had walked to Tarhaven, some miles away, to escape ona steamer to the Continent; but if this was the case it was strange thathe had not communicated with his savage friend. Durgo was a man uponwhom Edwin Lister could rely entirely, setting aside the fact that Durgowas needed to guide the expedition into the Hinterland of Nigeria, wherethe treasure was concealed. It was now some weeks since the death andburial of the skipper, but as yet Edwin Lister had given no sign of hisexistence. And until he did so, there was no chance of solving themystery.

  True to his promise, Cyril called at "The Chequers Inn" to see Durgo,and found that the negro was looked upon as a royal guest. The leanlandlady believed him to be an African prince, on a secret mission toEngland concerning the missionary question. She was right in one way,for Durgo undoubtedly was a chief, and the son of a chief; but it wasquestionable if he was the friend of the missionaries. However--as Cyrilfound--he made this excuse for his presence in Marshely, and Mrs. Giles,the landlady, a red-hot fanatic, was delighted that her house should beso honoured. Also Durgo paid largely for the sitting-room and bedroomwhich he occupied.

  Cyril was amazed when he called one evening, to see this samesitting-room, as he saw evidence of great luxury in the articles broughtby the negro to decorate the somewhat bare apartment. The furniture ofthe parlour--as Mrs. Giles called it--was plain and cheap, but therewere evidences that it was occupied by a wealthy guest. Indiancoverlets, gorgeously embroidered, adorned the chairs; there weresplendid wild-beast skins on the floor, and on the side-tables appearedseveral silver vases rudely but skilfully wrought. Cyril noted a bronzeincense-burner in which pastilles smouldered, several small goldenimages of ugly tribal gods, some beautifully-made spears and war-clubs,brightly-hued feathers, curious shells, and photographs of native townsand their inhabitants. Why Durgo should travel with such a collection ofrubbish was not clear; but probably he did so, that he might besurrounded by memorials of his sunny country in the land of fogs andgreyness.

  Durgo himself was a surprise, as he received Cyril in a well-madesmoking suit, and, quite in the conventional manner, offered himcigarettes of a good brand and the orthodox whiskey and soda. "Orchampagne if you prefer it," said Durgo, laying his black hand on theold-fashioned bell-rope.

  "Coffee for me," said Lister, throwing himself into a comfortablearm-chair, and accepting a cigarette. "Do you know, Durgo, that you aresomething of a puzzle to me?"

  The negro rang the bell, gave an order for coffee to Mrs. Giles, whoentered, and when she had retired turned to his guest. "How so?" heasked.

  "Your very good English, the adornments of this room, your presentdress--I did not look for such things in a--a----" Cyril hesitated.

  "In an African negro," finished Durgo, sitting down, with a grave smile.

  "Well, yes. People of your colour," added Cyril, with the covertinsolence of the white towards the black, "don't usually----"

  Durgo raised one large hand. "I know: don't proceed," he said withsuppressed anger; "you think we are barbarians."

  "Well, you are, as a rule."

  "I am the exception to this rule." Durgo paused, and his eyes wanderedto some photographs over the mantel-piece. "I told you that themissionaries educated me," he continued, "but if you look at thosephotographs, you might learn who was my real Alma Mater."

  "Alma Mater," repeated Cyril, rising to approach the mantel-piece; "why,these are University photographs."

  "Oxford. I was at Oxford some years ago."

  "You?" Cyril looked at the groups of boating-men, cricketers, footballplayers, and wondered. He wondered still more at a portrait of Durgo ina Master of Arts gown. "You!" said Cyril, completely surprised.

  "Yes. Why not? My father was a great chief--a king, as you might say.But it was Edwin Lister who first fired my ambition to learn the lore ofthe white men, so that I might civilise my tribe. He induced my fatherto give me much money, and took me to England himself many years ago. Iwas at school, and at Oxford until I took my degree. Then I returned tomy tribe in Nigeria--in Southern Nigeria--and as my father was dead Iattempted to teach my countrymen and subjects what I had learned. Yourfather helped me, and it was then that he saved my life when a lionattacked me. I could do nothing, however," continued the negro bitterly,"as my countrymen were too much under the sway of the fetish priests.These raised an outcry against me, and nominating a cousin of mine aschief, drove me and your father away. We only escaped death by anaccident, but I managed to bring some treasure with me, and came withyour father to England."

  "And now I suppose you want to find this treasure you spoke of, andregain your chiefdom," said Cyril, interested in this strange story.

  Durgo fingered a cigarette carefully, and lighted the same. "There is notreasure," he remarked quietly.

  "But you said----"

  "I know I did, when Miss Huxham was present. Women, as I say, shouldknow nothing or hear nothing of these things. To you I speak plainly, asyou are the son of my master, and so are entitled to my regard andtrust. I came here with your father," added Durgo slowly, "to get moneyfrom Huxham, so that we both might buy guns and swords and rifles, tore-conquer my tribe."

  "But the British Government?"

  "Quite so. The Government would not approve, so for that reason Iremained in rough clothes, in rough lodgings, near the docks; whileEdwin Lister went to live in the West End. He interested severaladventurous spirits in our proposed expedition, but money was sadlyneeded, and I had not enough. Thus your father came down to see CaptainHuxham, and get that which was required. Captain Huxham, whom yourfather had met in Nigeria, owed my father a lot of money, which he didnot pay. I was only employing Edwin Lister to get back my own."

  "I see. But how did my father learn the whereabouts of Captain Huxham?"

  "_You_ told him," was the negro's unexpected reply.

  "I told him! I don't recollect----"

  "Perhaps not, as you spoke hurriedly. But don't you remember that whenyour father one day asked you for money, you said that you wished tosave all you could, as you desired to marry Miss Huxham. Your fatherquestioned you, and learned that she was the daughter of an old sailor.It was therefore easy for him to guess that he had found the man forwhom he was seeking."

  "But I did not tell my father where Captain Huxham lived."

  Durgo waved his hand, as Mrs. Giles brought in the coffee. "That waseasy," he remarked, when she left the room, "you were followed here byyour father. But now that you understand the position, will you workwith me?"

  "I will work with you to learn the truth about this murder."

  "I understand," said Durgo shrewdly, "so that you may prove EdwinLister's innocence."

  "Yes," said Cyril, accepting the cup of black coffee which his hostpassed to him. "I am hoping to see my father and to learn that he didnot kill Captain Huxham.
If he did, there is no chance of happiness forme, as I cannot then marry Miss Huxham."

  Durgo stirred his coffee calmly. "No, that is true. I am sorry for you.But if such is the case, and your marriage is an impossibility, why notcome with us on our expedition to the Hinterland of Nigeria? If I winback my chiefdom, I can do much for you."

  "I don't want to go with my father," said Cyril, turning pale,"especially if he has--as I suspect--spoiled my life's happiness. If heis innocent, I can then marry Miss Huxham, and will stay at home."

  "Quite so. I understand. But my offer is always open to you, if youchoose to take it. Meanwhile, the first thing to do is to learn whatEdwin Lister took away with him."

  "One hundred pounds."

  "Yes, and some papers. I wish to learn what those papers are, as CaptainHuxham may have made a memorandum of the property he possessed. Theremay be other papers which may cast light on those which were stolen."

  "But I don't understand," said Cyril perplexed. "Whatever propertyCaptain Huxham possessed went to his sister, now Mrs. Henry Vand."

  "The English property," said Durgo with emphasis; then seeing that hisguest was still puzzled, he laughed in his guttural way. "Never mind. Ihave an idea which may or may not turn out to be correct. I shall knowwhen Mrs. Tunks comes here this evening, and then I can explain myselffully."

  "Mrs. Tunks--Granny Tunks! What has she to do with the matter?"

  Durgo smiled in his slow way. "My friend, I have not been idle while inMarshley looking for my master Edwin Lister. I wished to search theManor-house for possible papers to reveal that which I desire to know."

  "What is that?"

  "I shall tell you when I am sure," said the negro doggedly, "and notuntil then. But it was impossible for me to enter the Manor-house andsearch, as this man Vand is very clever and cunning, and more of awatch-dog than his stupid wife. I could have managed her had she beenunmarried, by posing as a wealthy prince--in fact, I could have cajoledher as I have done Mrs. Giles--but her husband is suspicious and sharp.I could do nothing. Then I learned that this gipsy woman, Mrs. Tunks, isin the habit of charing at the Manor-house. I therefore offered to payher a large sum if she would bring to me certain papers which are hiddenin a sandal-wood chest, carved with the figures of the gods of mytribe."

  "How do you know that such a chest exists or is in the Manor-house?"

  "After I see Mrs. Tunks I can tell you," said Durgo softly.

  "How will Mrs. Tunks know the chest?"

  "I have described it to her. The figures of the gods are carved on softwhite wood, and the lines are filled in with red and blue and yellowpigment. The design and the decoration are very noticeable. The work is,what you call in English, skrimshanking."

  "I thought the word was a military slang one, meaning to shirk work,"said Cyril, after a pause.

  "Quite so, but I think the word is a nautical one. Sailors carve andcolour their carvings in the way I mention, and call such workskrimshanking. I expect that when a sailor was not at his post theexcuse made was that he was skrimshanking; hence the slang meaning ofthe word."

  "Very interesting from a philological point of view," yawned Lister,taking another cigarette; "but had we not better get back to our talk ofmy father's whereabouts?"

  "We can do nothing until I know what Edwin Lister took away with him,"said Durgo again, "and that I can only learn if Mrs. Tunks brings thepapers I mentioned this evening." He glanced at the travelling clock onthe mantel-piece. "Nearly nine; she should be here soon."

  "But will she have the papers?"

  "Yes. Yesterday she told me that she saw the chest in an attic under apile of rubbish, but had no chance of opening it. To-day she is charingat the Manor-house, and will be able to get what I want."

  "But if Mrs. Vand catches her?"

  "Mrs. Vand won't," was the confident reply. "Granny Tunks is too cleverto be caught and moreover wants to earn the fifty pounds I promisedher."

  "Great Scott! are you so wealthy as to----"

  "Yes, yes!" interrupted Durgo impatiently. "I have much money, but notenough for my expedition. Unless indeed Edwin Lister has carried thesepapers, which will show us how to get the money."

  "Then my father knew about this chest also?"

  "Yes. I expect he looked for it in Captain Huxham's study after thecrime was committed. Unfortunately it happened, according to GrannyTunks, to be in the attic, so he missed it. But Huxham may have had thepapers in his study."

  "And that was why the room was so upset?" asked Lister thoughtfully.

  "That was why. After the crime was committed----"

  "Great heavens! man," burst out the other irritably, "don't talk as ifit was certain that my father killed the man."

  "If he did not, who did?" demanded Durgo coolly; then, as Cyril wasmarkedly silent, he continued, "I think very little of the killingmyself. If what I believe about the papers I require is correct, CaptainHuxham deserved his death as a thief and a false friend."

  "You speak in riddles," said Lister bewildered.

  "Granny Tunks can solve them," replied the negro significantly. "Havesome more coffee and try these cigars. They are superfine."

  Cyril silently accepted this further hospitality, and stared furtivelyat the calm black face of his host. The nose was aquiline and the lipsextraordinarily thin, so it was apparent that Durgo had Arab blood inhis veins. Perhaps he was a descendant of those conquering Mohammedanswho came down like a storm on Central Africa, in the Middle Ages. Whatwith Durgo's looks, his educated speech and his air of command, Cyrilwondered that he had ever taken the negro for an ordinary black. All thesame he believed that, given the necessary environment, the savagerywould break out from under the thin veneer of civilisation which the manhad acquired at Oxford. Scratch a Russian and you find a Tartar; scratcha modern man, semi-civilised or wholly civilised, and you find theprehistoric animal.

  While Cyril was thinking in this manner and watching the black man'sface through the smoke, he saw Durgo suddenly listen intently, with theair of an animal scenting danger. Shortly footsteps were heard in thepassage without, and the door opened to admit Granny Tunks, who wasshown in by Mrs. Giles. The toss of the lean landlady's head, and herair of disdain, showed that she was by no means pleased with the raggedvisitor. But a glance from the glossy Romany eye of Mrs. Tunks sent hershuddering out of the room. In spite of the religion taught by SilasPence at the Little Bethel chapel, Mrs. Giles was primitive enough tobelieve in the power of the evil eye. And she had some reason to, forpeople who offended Mrs. Tunks invariably underwent a spell of bad luck.

  "Here I am, master," said Mrs. Tunks with a cringing air, and Cyrilstarted to hear her so address the negro. He was further surprised whenhe saw how commanding were the looks of Durgo.

  "Have you got those papers?" asked the negro, extending his large hand.

  Granny Tunks had them and said so, but it took her some time to findthem, so ragged were her garments and so hidden her pocket. She stillwore the brown dress tagged with parti-coloured ribbons, and herplentiful white hair still hung like seaweed from under the dingy redhandkerchief. Also as usual she jingled with the multiplicity of coinswhich dangled from her neck, her wrists, and from various parts of herpicturesque dress. In sixty or seventy seconds she managed to find abundle of dusty papers tied up with faded red tape, and passed them toDurgo with ingratiating smiles. "There you are, deary----"

  "Master!" snapped the negro, with sudden ferocity.

  "Yes, master," stammered the woman, turning slightly pale under herbrown skin. "I found them in the chest you spoke of. The cat"--she meantMrs. Vand--"didn't see me, master, so no one knows but this gentleman;but he won't say a word; no, no, I'll be bound he won't."

  "How do you know?" asked Cyril sharply.

  Mrs. Tunks replied without taking her beady black eyes from Durgo. "Isaw the coming of the master in the crystal, lovey, and told your dearsweetheart of the same. The master brings good luck to you both, so ifyou tell, it will part you and your deary for e

  "We are parted as it is," said Cyril bitterly.

  "Perhaps not," replied the old woman.

  Lister rose from his chair and stared. "What do you mean?" he criedimperiously.

  Durgo, who had been examining the papers, looked up on hearing thisquestion, and shot forth a long arm in the direction of the door. "Go!"he said to Mrs. Tunks. "Go at once."

  "And the money, master?"

  "You shall have it to-morrow, as soon as I have examined these. Go, Isay; I am not used to speak twice."

  "But Durgo," cried Cyril, annoyed by the interruption, "I want toknow----"

  "You shall know what Mrs. Tunks has to say to-morrow," said Durgo,settling down into the chair and still examining the papers.

  The witch-wife, who had moved slowly towards the door, had not looked atLister once during her stay in the room. All the time her gaze was fixedalmost reverentially upon the negro. In spite of Durgo's prohibitionCyril crossed the room to catch Mrs. Tunks by the arm. But the moment hetouched her she seemed to wake up as from a magnetic spell, and openingthe door slipped through like a snake. When the door was closed againCyril, in some anger, faced Durgo.

  "Why didn't you let me question her?"

  "She would have said nothing," returned the man dryly, "because sheknows nothing."

  "She hinted that Bella--Miss Huxham, I mean--and myself would not beparted."

  Durgo shrugged his shoulders. "Hai! The woman is a witch and knowsdoings of the unseen. She may have been told----"

  "Oh, rubbish! I don't believe in such things."

  "Possibly you don't; I do. I have been taught things which would openyour eyes if I explained them. In Africa we know much that you don'tknow."

  A sudden light flashed into Cyril's brain. "Is that why Mrs. Tunksaddressed you as master?"

  Durgo nodded absently, still reading the papers. But he did not reply inwords, as his eyes were travelling over some faded writing and his lipswere moving. Before Cyril could ask another question, as he was desirousof doing, the negro started to his feet with a fierce shout, whichsounded like a warcry.

  "As I believed; as I thought!" he shouted. "Hai! the good news."

  "What is it?" asked Lister, surprised by the savage exultation.

  Durgo thrust the papers into his pocket and began to tell a storywithout any preamble. "When my father was chief, there were two tradersin his town whom he trusted. One traded inland, and the other commandedthe river steamer. Maxwell Faith was the inland trader's name, and thesteamer commander was Jabez Huxham. For services rendered, my father,the chief Kawal, gave Mr. Faith jewels to the value of forty thousandpounds. Huxham became jealous, and having murdered Faith ran away withthe jewels. He brought them to England, to Bleacres, and feared nightand day lest he should be assaulted and killed for the sake of thetreasure. That is why Huxham planted the fields with corn, leaving onlyone path whereby to reach the Manor-house. He did not wish to besurprised. Huxham took Faith's papers also regarding the value andnumber of these jewels. The papers were in the chest I told you of, andI have these papers here"--he tapped his breast--"but the jewels nodoubt have been taken by your father, who doubtless killed Huxham to getthem." Durgo nodded. "Good, very good. When my master Edwin Listerwrites to me to join him, we can sell the jewels for forty thousandpounds and then can fit out our expedition to recover my chiefdom.Good-night, Lister. I have work to do; good night!" and before Cyrilcould recover from his amazement he found himself gently led into thepassage and heard the door locked.

  "What does it all mean?" he asked himself, but could not answer thequestion.