Read The Solitary Farm Page 23



  As Mrs. Vand obstinately refused to speak, there was little use forBella to remain in the hut. The girl was sick and faint with all she hadgone through, and wished to get home to rest. Cyril also was anxious tofollow Inglis and his officers to the Manor-house to see what had beendiscovered likely to prove the truth of Mrs. Vand's statements. Butbefore going, Bella made a last attempt to induce her presumed aunt toconfess all in detail. "It's your sole chance of getting out of thistrouble," said Bella, who was now sorry to see her enemy brought so low.

  "I don't care if I get out of the trouble, or if I do not," said Mrs.Vand wearily. "Henry is dead, just as we were on the eve of happiness,so I don't much care what becomes of me."

  "Could you have been happy in America knowing your husband to be amurderer?" asked Cyril, skeptically.

  "Certainly," returned the woman with great composure. "I knew all alongthat Henry had struck the blow; but I daresay Jabez goaded him intodoing so, as poor Henry was so good and weak."

  "Weak!" echoed Cyril, remembering all. "He was not very weak to kill anactive man like Captain Huxham, and a strong negro such as Durgo was."

  "Ah!" said Mrs. Vand exultingly, and contradicting herself in a trulyfeminine way, "Henry was a man--none of your weaklings. If we had onlyescaped with those"--she stared hard at the black bag which containedthe jewels--"but it's no use fretting now. Everything is at an end, andBella is glad."

  "No, I am not, Aunt Rosamund----"

  "I am not your aunt; I don't wish to be your aunt."

  "All the same, I am very sorry for you," said Bella, with the tears inher eyes, "and if I can do anything to help you let me know. Good-bye,aunt, and may God watch over you." She bent and kissed the linedforehead.

  "Don't you believe that I killed Jabez?" faltered Mrs. Vand, somewhattouched.

  "No," said Bella quietly. "I believe what you say. Henry killed CaptainHuxham, and like a true wife you held your tongue to save him. I shouldhave done exactly the same had Cyril been guilty."

  "You're a good girl, Bella. I'm sorry I was so hard on you. I don'tsuppose there's much happiness left me in this life, now that Henry isdead. But I shall repay you for those kind words. There! there! Don'tkiss me again. I have been mistaken in you. Good-bye," and Mrs. Vand,lying down on the floor in an utter state of despair, turned her face tothe wall.

  Bella had to leave her in this unsatisfactory condition, as there was nochance of taking her home to Miss Ankers' cottage. Dutton still watchedby the door, and probably had overheard all that she had confessed, eventhough she had not been so explicit as she should have been. But she haddetailed quite sufficient to ensure her arrest as an accomplice afterthe fact, so it was not likely that Dutton would permit her to leave thehut until he received orders from his superior. Under the circumstancesthere was nothing to be done, but for the young people to go, which theyaccordingly did. Granny Tunks flung a curse after them as they passedout into the night, and flung also a burning sod to emphasise the curse.

  "Old devil!" said Cyril, comforting Bella, who was crying. "Dutton, lendme your lantern, as the path along the channel is dangerous."

  Dutton, having received five shillings, made no objection to this,provided he got back his bullseye later in the night. Cyril promised toreturn it when he came back to the hut with Inglis, and then, takingBella's arm he led her carefully along the slippery path. The storm hadpassed and the wind had dropped, but the clouds were still thick enoughto envelope the earth in murky darkness. They picked their footstepscarefully, until they came to the foot of the corn-path. Here theyhalted.

  "How are we to get across, Cyril?" asked the girl, shivering.

  Lister groped in the corn wherein Durgo had flung the planks, and soonrecovered these. With the aid of Bella he fixed them again on thetressels sunk in the mud, and the two passed dry-shod over the channel.In walking to Marshely the young man gave Bella the bag. "Take this,dear," he said. "The jewels are in it. Be careful of them."

  "Oh, Cyril," said the girl, awestruck, "did Mrs. Vand steal them?"

  "Yes, and in spite of what she says I believe she and Henry murderedyour father--I mean Captain Huxham--for the sake of the jewels. Theywere in this bag, marked with the initials 'M. F.'--your father'sinitials."

  "Just as Granny saw it in her trance."

  "Very nearly, only she called the bag--and it is a bag, as you see--aportmanteau. Either Granny or the unseen are at fault. But it matterslittle since the jewels are now in your possession. Keep themcarefully."

  "But Cyril," said Bella, as they drew near the cottage, "does it seemright for us to keep jewels that already have caused two murders? Myfather was killed because of these gems by Captain Huxham, and he metwith the same fate for probably the same reason."

  "I daresay in ages past, many and many a wicked deed has been committedfor the sake of these jewels. Do you remember what you heard Granny sayin her trance?--that a Roman empress had secured the jewels by crime. Mydear girl, all jewels have a history more or less, and if one feared thesort of thing you mention, not a woman would wear jewels. No, dear: Godhas given you this fortune, and you have every right to make use of it.Here's the door, and by the light in the window I see that Miss Ankersis sitting up."

  "I promised to tell her why I went out," said Bella, kissing her lover,"so, as she is our good friend; she must know all."

  "Just as you please: tell her everything from the beginning. I have totell Inspector Inglis what I know shortly."

  "Will you tell him about your father?" asked Bella faintly.

  Lister hesitated. "I must," he said at length with a mighty effort, "forif I do not Luke Tunks may be caught, and he will tell."

  "Tell what?"

  "I don't know: God only knows what happened when Luke peeped throughthat window. From the presence of the bloody knife on the floor, and thefact that Vand murdered Huxham, I am inclined to believe that Huxhamstabbed my father with that knife."

  Bella caught his sleeve. "If so where did Captain, Huxham hide thebody?"

  Cyril removed her arm gently, although he shivered. "We have had enoughof these horrors for one night, dear," he said, kissing her. "Go insideand talk to Miss Ankers. To-morrow I'll come and see you."

  "What are you about to do, Cyril?"

  "I am returning to the Manor-house, and then shall go to Granny's hutwith Inglis. There must be an end to all this mystery to-night.Bella"--he turned suddenly--"if it is proved that my father is alive,will you still marry me? Think of the disgrace he has brought on me."

  "Why? In any case your father didn't murder Captain Huxham."

  "No; his hands are free from blood in that respect. But this case willhave to be thoroughly inquired into, and much about my father may comeout. His doings were shady. As I told you, I had to borrow one thousandpounds to buy back a cheque for that amount which he had forged in thename of an old college friend. Then there's the gun-running in Nigeria,and all manner of doubtful means by which he made his money. Bella, ifyou marry me, you marry a man with a soiled name."

  Her arms were round him on the instant. "_You_ have not soiled it," shewhispered, "and that is enough for me."

  Cyril's lips met hers in a passionate kiss, and, glowing with happiness,she ran into Dora's little garden as the door opened. Miss Ankers,hearing voices at this late hour--for it was nearly midnight--waslooking out to see what was the matter. Cyril watched her admit Bella,and then turned away with a sigh. He intended to confess much about hisfather to Inglis, which he would much rather have kept concealed; butunder the circumstances there was no other way of settling matters.Since the tragic death of Captain Huxham, these had been in a very badway.

  Very shortly the young man arrived at the Manor-house, and found aconstable on guard at the door. But he was admitted the moment the manrecognised him. It appeared that Inglis had been expecting him for sometime. Lister walked into the study, wherein the inspector hadestablished himself, and explained that he had been
escorting MissHuxham home.

  "The poor girl is quite worn out," said Cyril, seating himself with anair of relief, for he also was extremely tired.

  "No wonder," replied the inspector. "Is Dutton on guard?"

  "Yes. Mrs. Vand and the old woman and the girl are all safe."

  "I have sent along another man," said Inglis nodding, "so that there maybe no chance of the three escaping. The house was locked up when we camehere, Mr. Lister, and only by breaking a window could we enter. Look atthis, sir"--and the inspector pointed to a small lozenge-pane in thecasement, which had been broken.

  "Well," said Cyril, after a pause.

  "Through that broken pane Luke Tunks saw everything which took place inthis study on the night of the murder."

  Cyril felt his hair rise, and he thought of his father's probabledanger, but he calmed down on reflecting that at least Edwin Lister wasnot guilty of the frightful crime. "How do you know?" he gasped withdifficulty.

  "We have caught Luke, and he will be here in a moment or so to confess."

  Cyril looked surprised. "How did you catch him?"

  "He ran out of the hut when we crossed the channel, and concealedhimself in the corn. Then, remembering that the Manor-house was desertedhe fetched a circle round the fields and came here. When we got into thehouse we found him nearly crazy with fear; he took us for ghosts."

  "Where is he now?"

  "In the kitchen guarded by a couple of men. He refused to confess, and Igave him an hour to make up his mind. Meanwhile, we have searched thehouse and have found that everything valuable more or less is gone. Somethings left behind have been packed in boxes. I suppose the Vands hopedto escape and then get their goods later. But they carried off what theycould."

  "They intended to go to America," said Cyril, "the woman explained. Shealso declared that her husband murdered Captain Huxham."

  "I expect she had a hand in it herself."

  "She denies that."

  "She naturally would," said Inglis very drily. "However, I'll send forLuke Tunks and see if he is willing to confess," and he gave a sharporder to one of the constables who was lounging in the hall.

  In a few minutes the tall, lean gipsy, who looked extremely ill andextremely defiant, made his appearance at the door, held by twopolicemen.

  "Bring him in," said the inspector calmly, and arranging some sheets ofpaper, which he took out of his pocket along with a stylograph pen. "Nowthen, my man, will you confess all that you saw?"

  "If I do what will happen, governor?" asked Tunks hoarsely.

  "You may get a lighter sentence."

  "Will I be arrested?"

  "You are arrested now, and shortly you will be lodged in gaol."

  "Then I shan't say anything!" growled Luke defiantly, and folding hisarms he leaned against the panelled wall.

  "Very good," said Inglis serenely; "take him away. In the morning he canbe removed to the Pierside goal."

  The two constables advanced, and Luke bit his lip. In any case he sawthat things looked black against him.

  "You have no right to arrest me," he declared. "On what charge do youarrest me?"

  "On a charge of murdering Captain Jabez Huxham."

  "I didn't. I can prove I didn't."

  "You can do so in court and to a judge and jury. Take him away."

  "No, no! I'll tell you all I know now," said Luke, making the best of abad job, and being imaginative enough to both see and feel a visionaryrope encircling his neck. "Let me tell now, governor."

  This was exactly what Inglis wanted, as he desired to obtain allavailable evidence for the forthcoming inquest on the bodies of the deadmen, black and white. But he pretended to grant the man's wish as afavour. "As you please," he said with a cool shrug. "You two men can gooutside and remain on guard on the other side of the door."

  The constables did as they were ordered and closed the door. Inglis,Lister, and Luke Tunks were alone, and as the gipsy was still weak fromhis late illness the inspector signed that he could take a seat. "Nowtell me all you know, and I shall take it down. You shall affix yourname to your confession, and Mr. Lister and myself will be thewitnesses. Do you agree?"

  "Yes," said Luke hoarsely, and drawing his sleeve across his mouth, "fornothing I can say can hang me. I didn't kill either of the blokes."

  "Either of the blokes? What do you mean?"

  "I mean that Captain Huxham killed the man who called himself Lister,and Henry Vand killed Captain Huxham. I saw both murders."

  Lister rejoiced, horrified as he was at the idea of his father's violentdeath, but thankful from the bottom of his heart that he had gone to hisown place guiltless of blood. Inglis saw the expression on the youngman's face, and asked a leading question.

  "Was not this Mr. Lister your father?"

  "Yes," answered Cyril promptly. "He came home from Nigeria some monthsago with Durgo, who is the son of a friendly chief. My father, Iunderstand, came down here to ask Captain Huxham for certain jewels--"

  "Those you showed me, sir?"

  "Yes, they were robbed from a trader called Maxwell Faith by Huxham, andmy father wished to get them. Durgo came down to seek for my father, butwe have never been able to find him."

  "He is dead," said Luke abruptly.

  "So you say; but where is the body?"

  "I don't know; I can't say." Luke paused, then turned to the inspector."Let me tell you what I saw through yonder broken pane."

  "Very good." Inglis arranged his papers and prepared his pen. "Mind youspeak the truth, as I shall take down every word you say. Afterwards Mr.Lister can tell me what he knows."

  So it was arranged, and Tunks, as ready to tell now as formerly he wasunwilling, launched out into his story. It appears that after leavingMrs. Coppersley--as she was then--he went home to have some food.Shortly before eight o'clock he strolled along the banks of the riverand saw Pence watching the house. Knowing that the preacher was in lovewith the daughter of his master, he took little notice; then, whilelying in the corn by the side of the path smoking, he saw, as hethought, Cyril Lister pass him, and stealthily followed.

  "Why did you do that?" asked Inglis, raising his eyes.

  "I knew that this gent"--he nodded towards Cyril--"was in love with MissBella also, and knew that Captain Huxham hated him."

  "Why did he hate him?"

  "I can tell you," said Cyril quickly; "because of my father. Huxham knewmy father in Nigeria, and as my father wished to get these jewels hefeared lest he should force him to give them up. For this reason Huxhamcame down here and planted corn all round his house as a means ofdefence, and installed a search-light. He wished to be on his guard."

  "Did your father intend murder?" asked the inspector, sharply.

  "I really can't say."

  "But he did," struck in Luke, who had been listening earnestly. "Allthat the young gent says is true, sir. I only followed, as I thoughtthat there would be a row between Captain Huxham and--as I thought--Mr.Cyril. I waited outside the house, and then hearing loud voices in thestudy--in this place," said Tunks looking round, "I stole to thecasement and peeped through that broken pane. They did not know that Iwas there."

  "What became of Mr. Pence meanwhile?" asked Inglis suddenly.

  "He was watching the house, but I think he went away and then cameback."

  Inglis nodded. "That is unsatisfactory. I must examine Mr. Pence later.You go on, Tunks, and tell us exactly what you saw."

  Tunks settled down to his narrative. "I listened and heard all about thejewels and the death of Maxwell Faith and all about Miss Bella being hisdaughter. I saw by this time that Mr. Lister was not Mr. Cyril here, andI guessed from his likeness that he was Mr. Cyril's father. Mr. Listerwanted Captain Huxham to give up the jewels for some expedition, but thecaptain refused. They began to quarrel, and then the captain pulled outa big knife from a drawer of his desk and rushed on Mr. Lister. Therewas a struggle and Mr. Lister tried to pull out a revolver. At lengthHuxham got Mr. Lister down and cut his throat."
br />   "Which would account for the quantity of blood found on the floor herewhen Huxham's body was found. I thought there was too much blood for oneman's corpse to supply. Go on."

  "Oh, it's terrible--horrible!" said Cyril, covering his face. "What didyou do, Tunks? Why didn't you give the alarm?"

  "What, and be run in for being an accomplice!" said Tunks disdainfully,"not me. But I was frightened, and when I saw that Captain Huxham hadkilled Mr. Lister--I knew his name by that time, having heard themtalking--why, I ran away as hard as my legs could carry me."

  "Where did you go?"

  "Home to Granny, so that I might be able to supply an alibi ifnecessary. I didn't tell her anything, but she found out a lot when Iwas raving with the drink in me. But I couldn't rest, and when Grannywas a-bed I stole out. It was after ten by this time. I went up to theManor and to yonder window. Then I saw Mrs. Coppersley--as she was--andMr. Vand, talking to the captain and telling him they were married. Theknife, all bloody, was on the floor near the door, but they were allthree so busy talking that they did not notice it. But I wonder thecaptain didn't cover it up.'

  "Where was the body of my father?" asked Cyril impatiently.

  "I don't know; the body was gone. I've never been able to find out wherethe captain put up the body. But, as I say, he turned out Mr. Vand andhis wife, as I knew she was then, and cursed up and down. But he didn'tpick up the knife; in place of doing so, which would have been moresensible, seeing that he had murdered the Lister cove with it, he wentto his desk and pulled out a black bag. He emptied this of jewels, andmy mouth watered."

  "Ah, so you recognised the bag when you tried to steal it from Mrs. Vandin your mother's cottage?"

  "Yes, I did," said Luke sullenly, "and very sorry I am that I didn't getclear off with it."

  "You have quite enough to answer for as it is," said Inglis sharply. "Goon, as I have got everything down so far."

  "Well, then while the captain was sitting at the desk gloating over thejewels Mr. Vand comes in softly like a cat. He saw the jewels and hiseyes lighted up. Captain Huxham, being busy, didn't hear him, so hepicks up the knife lying near the door, and before I could cry out herushed at the old man. Huxham turned to meet him, and got the knife inhis heart. Then Mr. Vand, as cool as you please, dropped the knifebehind the desk, and taking the bag with the jewels, he put 'emback--went away."

  "What did you do?"

  "I went home and tried to sleep, but couldn't."

  "Why didn't you warn the police?" asked Inglis.

  "No, sir. I'm only a gipsy, and they'd have thought I'd something to dowith the business. If I'd accused Mr. Vand him and his wife would haveaccused me, and it would be two to one. Besides," said Luke coolly, "Iwasn't sorry to see old Huxham downed after killing the other gent.Serve him right, say I. So that's all."

  "Humph," said Inglis, finishing his writing. "You made capital out ofthis?"

  "Yes, I did," said Luke defiantly, and taking the pen which Inglis heldout to him. "I told Mr. and Mrs. Vand what I'd seen. They werefrightened--it was the next morning, you see--and paid me heaps of moneyto hold my tongue. Then, like a fool, I went on the bend, and talked somuch that Granny got to know heaps, and so set the nigger brute on ourtracks. There"--Luke signed his name--"you can't hang me for what I'vetold you."

  Inglis and Lister both signed as witnesses, and the inspector put thepaper into his pocket. He was about to ask further questions--tocross-examine Tunks in fact--when the door opened and a young constableappeared in a mighty state of excitement.

  "Sir," he cried to his superior officer, "Mrs. Vand has escaped!"

  "Escaped!" cried the inspector, in a voice of thunder.

  "Yes, sir. Dutton is lying drugged in the hut, and the old woman hasbeen stunned. Mrs. Vand and the gipsy girl are gone."