Read The Sons of Masguard Companion Guide Page 2

not king yet.”

  The daughter of former Queen Constance Prideaux, this elegant, snowy wolf rules the Secoran Kingdom with integrity and compassion. With an eye on preserving the utopian nature of the land, she struggles against the aspirations of her cousin, Von Ulric, and the politicians who would bend to his will. She places her trust in Captain Marshall, whose allegiance to her is beyond reproach.

  Elder Abner Frum

  “Spry as a school boy, aren’t I?”

  Abner is the Elder of Vernos, a small coastal village situated near the Pelham Point lighthouse. He lives in a library, where he spends his days studying and has amassed an impressive understanding of the world outside his door. So impressive, in fact, that the Scholars Guild has spent years trying to recruit this old badger. As curmudgeonly as he is knowledgeable, Abner responds to the idea with scorn, dismissing their attempts as pointless at best, and threatening in all other cases. For if they were ever to learn that he raised the illustrious son of Masguard, they would doubtless use that knowledge for their own nefarious purposes.

  Advisor Eadric

  “I’m no commoner, Marshall. I’ll not be treated as one.”

  Eadric is a high ranking member of the Scholars Guild who advises the queen on matters regarding the Scepter of the Ancients and the fabled island of Mosque Hill. He is squat and awkward as kookaburras go, and is always quick with a condescending word or complaint.


  Ensign Wexler

  “Honor and purpose. I understand, sir.”

  This young fennec fox is a minor officer on the Albatross. He is hopeful and motivated as he learns the ins and outs of military life alongside the accomplished figures aboard the finest ship in the Secoran fleet.

  Careful Steps Kal

  “Stop talking to me like I’m some ordinary kid.”

  An orphan from the village of Bryton, this little raccoon grew up on the streets of Secora Tor, where she learned to steal and stay alive by any means necessary. She is befriended by the terminally-ill Maya, who worries over C.S.’s position as a message runner for Baron Von Ulric.

  The Commodore

  “You’ll never take me alive, I say!”

  Known by no other name, the Commodore keeps to himself while tending to the lighthouse at Pelham Point. He is an unusual gull whose paranoia has pushed him to the edge of sanity. Needless to say, he and his monocle are less than fond of visitors.

  The Kota Brothers

  “Oh, aye, we’re thieves.” “But we ain’t crooks.” “Thieves have honor, we do.”

  This comedic trio is comprised of Gil, Lumber, and Ormac, three fun-loving raccoons who once had the good fortune to command the notorious Thieves Guild. Having now settled in with the crew of the Negvar, they spend their days turning every tedious chore into a rollercoaster ride of lighthearted shenanigans.

  Amelia Ling

  “I’d rather wedge myself a place among misfits who accept themselves for what they are.”

  A peace-loving feline from the Hathe Peninsula, Amelia Ling is the heart of the Negvar and McKinley’s dearest friend. She is as calm as she is tolerant, often seeking to understand where others would condemn. It is most curious that she has chosen to spend her life at sea, as she cannot swim.

  Master Tobb

  “Oi diddun mean nuttin’ by it, ye know.”

  Master Tobb is a jovial beaver who serves on the Negvar as McKinley’s carpenter. He carries a pipe flute wherever he goes, and is more than happy to strike up a tune at a moment’s notice.


  “Don’t worry, dad. I’m not broken yet.”

  The secret daughter of a certain pirate, Maya lives in the finest hospital Secora has to offer, where she bravely battles a terminal illness. She cherishes a collection of trinkets and baubles brought to her by her father while longing for the day when she can reveal herself to the world without putting the pirate in danger.

  Doctor Calum

  “They don’t call me the doctor for nothing.”

  The aunt of Commander Gray Calum, this ringtail cat has a brisk and efficient bedside manner. Prone to bouts of scolding when her advice as a physician goes unheeded, beneath her disapproving demeanor she carries a grandmotherly concern for the entire crew.

  Lieutenant Trimble

  “Aye, sir.”

  Second Lieutenant Trimble is a dutiful marten who has served on the Albatross for many years. She is fourth in command, behind Commander Calum and First Lieutenant Ryder.

  Lieutenant Bowers

  “Aye, sir.”

  A hotheaded squirrel who acts in accordance with his captain’s wishes but often speaks out of turn, Bowers is a third lieutenant under Trimble. He is noted to have “some trust issues.”

  Mayor Drumlin

  “I, for one, would rather go down swinging.”

  Mayor Drumlin is an old hound whose honest approach to politics is a breath of fresh air in the queen’s court. He is intolerant of deceit and ambition, and as such is no friend to Baron Von Ulric.


  “Dumb things will happen, Cap’n. We got that.”

  As Masguard’s quartermaster, Fender has a habit of telling it like it is. The marmot is gruff, straightforward, and often oversteps conventional niceties – a quality appreciated by his captain.


  “These mists are not of my doing.”

  Described only as the “demon bird,” it is not clear how Ustim came to be on Masguard’s ship, or what role he may have played in Masguard’s final voyage, beyond having carried out an “errand” at the explorer’s request. Though he makes reference to a debt, the circumstances behind his seeming commitment are not immediately apparent.


  “Grogoch crush you with his bare hands!”

  An albino wolverine, Grogoch serves on the Havoc as Lady Sira’s primary guard. He is a large and cruel Kathkan with a taste for torture, whose brutal strength can only be surpassed by the Baron’s superior size and intelligence.

  The Bony Thief

  There was more to do. Always more to do.

  Though this petty robber is never named and his species never identified, he has an integral part to play in the arrival and mysterious evolution of Secora’s perpetual fog. He is poor, thin, and – most importantly – quite mad.

  Chimmy the Leech

  “I don’t belong here.”

  Chimmy is new aboard the Negvar, and the possum makes no attempt to hide his discomfort as a member of McKinley’s crew. Despite the crew’s numerous efforts to usher him into the fold with jest and comforting words, he remains cross and sullen.


  “I am casting my vote for the future. You would be wise to do the same.”

  The self-appointed mouthpiece of Von Ulric, this weasel attends the queen’s court with the sole purpose of furthering the Baron’s agenda, spewing lies and spreading fear at every opportunity. Though despised by many an appointed official, his words never fail to provoke a response from spineless noblemen.

  The Ships: Bending Sails

  The Albatross

  A First Rate Ship of the Line, the Albatross is a massive vessel with a strong hull and state of the art weaponry. Spacious but utilitarian, with multiple decks dedicated almost exclusively to cannons, it is only fitting that this monster should be the flagship of the Secoran Armada.

  The Negvar

  The Negvar is a smaller class of vessel commonly referred to as a frigate. Built for quick getaways, this pirate ship is light and fast, with two decks and minimal weaponry. It is notable that McKinley the Marauder was able to acquire the Negvar, as most pirates are unwilling to attempt an assault on these solid-but-nimble ships.

  The Havoc

  A style of ship similar to the xebec, the Havoc is a Kathkan warship heavily fitted with carronades, or smashers. Faster even than the Negvar, she is the apple of Lady Sira’s eye and – as the coyote would be quick to tell you – “She has seen better days…”

sive Concept Sketches

  Early Sketch of Abner Frum

  Working art for Careful Steps Kal

  Early Sketch of Tiny and Samson (These two characters were sadly cut from the final draft of the book.)

  Early Sketch of Fender (and unnamed sailor)

  Early Sketch of the Commodore


  Aft – The rearward portion of a ship.

  Ahull – Resting broadside to the sea or with the helm held in the direction the wind is blowing.

  Bow – The front of the ship.

  Foremast – The first mast on a ship with more than two masts.

  Keel – The “backbone” on the underside of a ship.

  Mainmast – The tallest (usually the central) mast on a ship.

  Middle and Lower Gun Decks – The second and third deck on a large ship, primarily occupied by cannons.

  Midshipman – An experienced sailor not yet an officer.

  Mizzenmast – The third or rearmost mast on a ship.

  Orlop – The lowest deck of a large ship, over the hold.

  Porthole – A small, circular window in the hull of a ship.

  Stern – The area over the sternpost, at the rear of the ship.

  Tar – Slang for sailor.

  Topman – A sailor stationed above the deck.

  Wardroom – A recreational and dining room used only by the officers of a ship.

  Yard – The horizontal beams on a mast, where a sail is attached.

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