Read The Spy Page 14


  This fairy form contains a soul as mighty, As that which lives within a giant's frame; These slender limbs, that tremble like the aspen At summer evening's sigh, uphold a spirit, Which, roused, can tower to the height of heaven, And light those shining windows of the face With much of heaven's own radiance.


  The number and character of her guests had greatly added to the cares ofMiss Jeanette Peyton. The morning found them all restored, in somemeasure, to their former ease of body, with the exception of theyouthful captain of dragoons, who had been so deeply regretted byDunwoodie. The wound of this officer was severe, though the surgeonpersevered in saying that it was without danger. His comrade, we haveshown, had deserted his couch; and Henry Wharton awoke from a sleep thathad been undisturbed by anything but a dream of suffering amputationunder the hands of a surgical novice. As it proved, however, to benothing but a dream, the youth found himself much refreshed by hisslumbers; and Dr. Sitgreaves removed all further apprehensions byconfidently pronouncing that he would be a well man within a fortnight.

  During all this time Colonel Wellmere did not make his appearance; hebreakfasted in his own room, and, notwithstanding certain significantsmiles of the man of science, declared himself too much injured to risefrom his bed. Leaving him, therefore, endeavoring to conceal his chagrinin the solitude of his chamber, the surgeon proceeded to the moregrateful task of sitting an hour by the bedside of George Singleton. Aslight flush was on the face of the patient as the doctor entered theroom, and the latter advanced promptly and laid his fingers on the pulseof the youth, beckoning to him to be silent, while he muttered,--

  "Growing symptoms of a febrile pulse--no, no, my dear George, you mustremain quiet and dumb; though your eyes look better, and your skin haseven a moisture."

  "Nay, my dear Sitgreaves," said the youth, taking his hand, "you seethere is no fever about me; look, is there any of Jack Lawton'shoarfrost on my tongue?"

  "No, indeed," said the surgeon, clapping a spoon in the mouth of theother, forcing it open, and looking down his throat as if disposed tovisit the interior in person. "The tongue is well, and the pulse beginsto lower again. Ah! the bleeding did you good. Phlebotomy is a sovereignspecific for southern constitutions. But that madcap Lawton absolutelyrefused to be blooded for a fall he had from his horse last night. Why,George, your case is becoming singular," continued the doctor,instinctively throwing aside his wig. "Your pulse even and soft, yourskin moist, but your eye fiery, and cheek flushed. Oh! I must examinemore closely into these symptoms."

  "Softly, my good friend, softly," said the youth, falling back on hispillow, and losing some of that color which alarmed his companion. "Ibelieve, in extracting the ball, you did for me all that is required. Iam free from pain and only weak, I do assure you."

  "Captain Singleton," said the surgeon, with heat, "it is presumptuous inyou to pretend to tell your medical attendant when you are free frompain. If it be not to enable us to decide in such matters, of what availthe lights of science? For shame, George, for shame! Even that perversefellow, John Lawton, could not behave with more obstinacy."

  His patient smiled, as he gently repulsed his physician in an attempt toundo the bandages, and with a returning glow to his cheeks, inquired,--

  "Do, Archibald,"--a term of endearment that seldom failed to soften theoperator's heart,--"tell me what spirit from heaven has been glidingaround my apartment, while I lay pretending to sleep?"

  "If anyone interferes with my patients," cried the doctor, hastily, "Iwill teach them, spirit or no spirit, what it is to meddle with anotherman's concerns."

  "Tut--my dear fellow, there was no interference made, nor any intended.See," exhibiting the bandages, "everything is as you left it,--but itglided about the room with the grace of a fairy and the tenderness ofan angel."

  The surgeon, having satisfied himself that everything was as he had leftit, very deliberately resumed his seat and replaced his wig, as heinquired, with a brevity that would have honored Lieutenant Mason,--

  "Had it petticoats, George?"

  "I saw nothing but its heavenly eyes--its bloom--its majestic step--itsgrace," replied the young man, with rather more ardor than his surgeonthought consistent with his debilitated condition; and he laid his handon his mouth to stop him, saying himself,--

  "It must have been Miss Jeanette Peyton--a lady of fine accomplishments,with--hem--with something of the kind of step you speak of--a verycomplacent eye; and as to the bloom, I dare say offices of charity cansummon as fine a color to her cheeks, as glows in the faces of her moreyouthful nieces."

  "Nieces? Has she nieces, then? The angel I saw may be a daughter, asister, or a niece,--but never an aunt."

  "Hush, George, hush; your talking has brought your pulse up again. Youmust observe quiet, and prepare for a meeting with your own sister, whowill be here within an hour."

  "What, Isabella! And who sent for her?"

  "The major."

  "Considerate Dunwoodie!" murmured the exhausted youth, sinking again onhis pillow, where the commands of his attendant compelled him toremain silent.

  Even Captain Lawton had been received with many and courteous inquiriesafter the state of his health, from all the members of the family, whenhe made his morning entrance; but an invisible spirit presided over thecomforts of the English colonel. Sarah had shrunk with consciousnessfrom entering the room; yet she knew the position of every glass, andhad, with her own hands, supplied the contents of every bowl, that stoodon his table.

  At the time of our tale, we were a divided people, and Sarah thought itwas no more than her duty to cherish the institutions of that country towhich she yet clung as the land of her forefathers; but there were otherand more cogent reasons for the silent preference she was giving to theEnglishman. His image had first filled the void in her youthful fancy,and it was an image that was distinguished by many of those attractionsthat can enchain a female heart. It is true, he wanted the personalexcellence of Peyton Dunwoodie, but his pretensions were far fromcontemptible. Sarah had moved about the house during the morning,casting frequent and longing glances at the door of Wellmere'sapartment, anxious to learn the condition of his wounds, and yet ashamedto inquire; conscious interest kept her tongue tied, until her sister,with the frankness of innocence, had put the desired question to Dr.Sitgreaves.

  "Colonel Wellmere," said the operator, gravely, "is in what I call astate of free will, madam. He is ill, or he is well, as he pleases. Hiscase, young lady, exceeds my art to heal; and I take it Sir HenryClinton is the best adviser he can apply to; though Major Dunwoodie hasmade the communication with his leech rather difficult."

  Frances smiled, but averted her face, while Sarah moved, with the graceof an offended Juno, from the apartment. Her own room, however, affordedher but little relief, and in passing through the long gallery thatcommunicated with each of the chambers of the building, she noticed thedoor of Singleton's room to be open. The wounded youth seemed sleeping,and was alone. She had ventured lightly into the apartment, and busiedherself for a few minutes in arranging the tables, and the nourishmentprovided for the patient, hardly conscious of what she was doing, andpossibly dreaming that these little feminine offices were performed foranother. Her natural bloom was heightened by the insinuation of thesurgeon, nor was the luster of her eye in any degree diminished. Thesound of the approaching footsteps of Sitgreaves hastened her retreatdown a private stairway, to the side of her sister. The sisters thensought the fresh air on the piazza; and as they pursued their walk, armin arm, the following dialogue took place:--

  "There is something disagreeable about this surgeon of Dunwoodie," saidSarah, "that causes me to wish him away most heartily."

  Frances fixed her laughing eyes on her sister; but forbearing to speak,the other readily construed their expression, and hastily added, "But Iforget he is one of your renowned corps of Virginians, and must bespoken of rever

  "As respectfully as you please, my dear sister; there is but littledanger of exceeding the truth."

  "Not in your opinion," said the elder, with a little warmth. "But Ithink Mr. Dunwoodie has taken a liberty that exceeds the rights ofconsanguinity; he has made our father's house a hospital."

  "We ought to be grateful that none of the patients it contains aredearer to us."

  "Your brother is one."

  "True, true," interrupted Frances, blushing to the eyes; "but he leaveshis room, and thinks his wound lightly purchased by the pleasure ofbeing with his friends. If," she added, with a tremulous lip, "thisdreadful suspicion that is affixed to his visit were removed, I couldconsider his wound of little moment."

  "You now have the fruits of rebellion brought home to you; a brotherwounded and a prisoner, and perhaps a victim; your father distressed,his privacy interrupted, and not improbably his estates torn from him,on account of his loyalty to his king."

  Frances continued her walk in silence. While facing the northernentrance to the vale, her eyes were uniformly fastened on the pointwhere the road was suddenly lost by the intervention of a hill; and ateach turn, as she lost sight of the spot, she lingered until animpatient movement of her sister quickened her pace to an even motionwith that of her own. At length, a single horse chaise was seen makingits way carefully among the stones which lay scattered over the countryroad that wound through the valley, and approached the cottage. Thecolor of Frances changed as the vehicle gradually drew nearer; and whenshe was enabled to see a female form in it by the side of a black inlivery, her limbs shook with an agitation that compelled her to lean onSarah for support. In a few minutes the travelers approached the gate.It was thrown open by a dragoon who followed the carriage, and who hadbeen the messenger dispatched by Dunwoodie to the father of CaptainSingleton. Miss Peyton advanced to receive their guest, and the sistersunited in giving her the kindest welcome; still Frances could withdifficulty withdraw her truant eyes from the countenance of theirvisitor. She was young, and of a light and fragile form, but ofexquisite proportions. Her eyes were large, full, black, piercing, andat times a little wild. Her hair was luxuriant, and as it was withoutthe powder it was then the fashion to wear, it fell in raven blackness.A few of its locks had fallen on her cheek, giving its chillingwhiteness by the contrast a more deadly character. Dr. Sitgreavessupported her from the chaise; and when she gained the floor of thepiazza, she turned an expressive look on the face of the practitioner.

  "Your brother is out of danger and wishes to see you, Miss Singleton,"said the surgeon.

  The lady burst into a flood of tears. Frances had stood contemplatingthe action and face of Isabella with a kind of uneasy admiration, butshe now sprang to her side with the ardor of a sister, and kindlydrawing her arm within her own, led the way to a retired room. Themovement was so ingenuous, so considerate, and so delicate, that evenMiss Peyton withheld her interference, following the youthful pair withonly her eyes and a smile of complacency. The feeling was communicatedto all the spectators, and they dispersed in pursuit of their usualavocations. Isabella yielded to the gentle influence of Frances withoutresistance; and, having gained the room where the latter conducted her,wept in silence on the shoulder of the observant and soothing girl,until Frances thought her tears exceeded the emotion natural to theoccasion. The sobs of Miss Singleton for a time were violent anduncontrollable, until, with an evident exertion, she yielded to a kindobservation of her companion, and succeeded in suppressing her tears.Raising her face to the eyes of Frances, she rose, while a smile ofbeautiful radiance passed over her features; and making a hasty apologyfor the excess of her emotion, she desired to be conducted to the roomof the invalid.

  The meeting between the brother and sister was warm, but, by an efforton the part of the lady, more composed than her previous agitation hadgiven reason to expect. Isabella found her brother looking better, andin less danger than her sensitive imagination had led her to suppose.Her spirits rose in proportion; from despondency, she passed tosomething like gayety; her beautiful eyes sparkled with renovatedbrilliancy; and her face was lighted with smiles so fascinating, thatFrances, who, in compliance with her earnest entreaties, had accompaniedher to the sick chamber, sat gazing on a countenance that possessed sowonderful variability, impelled by a charm that was beyond her control.The youth had thrown an earnest look at Frances, as soon as his sisterraised herself from his arms, and perhaps it was the first glance at thelovely lineaments of our heroine, when the gazer turned his eyes fromthe view in disappointment. He seemed bewildered, rubbed his foreheadlike a man awaking from a dream, and mused.

  "Where is Dunwoodie, Isabella?" he said. "The excellent fellow is neverweary of kind actions. After a day of such service as that of yesterday,he has spent the night in bringing me a nurse, whose presence alone isable to raise me from my couch."

  The expression of the lady's countenance changed; her eye roved aroundthe apartment with a character of wildness in it that repelled theanxious Frances, who studied her movements with unabated interest.

  "Dunwoodie! Is he then not here? I thought to have met him by the sideof my brother's bed."

  "He has duties that require his presence elsewhere; the English are saidto be out by the way of the Hudson, and they give us light troops butlittle rest. Surely nothing else could have kept him so long from awounded friend. But, Isabella, the meeting has been too much for you;you tremble."

  Isabella made no reply; she stretched her hand towards the table whichheld the nourishment of the captain, and the attentive Francescomprehended her wishes in a moment. A glass of water in some measurerevived the sister, who was enabled to say,--

  "Doubtless it is his duty. 'Twas said above, a royal party was moving onthe river; though I passed the troops but two miles from this spot." Thelatter part of the sentence was hardly audible, and it was spoken morein the manner of a soliloquy, than as if for the ears of her companions.

  "On the march, Isabella?" eagerly inquired her brother.

  "No, dismounted, and seemingly at rest," was the reply.

  The wondering dragoon turned his gaze on the countenance of his sister,who sat with her eye bent on the carpet in unconscious absence, butfound no explanation. His look was changed to the face of Frances, who,startled by the earnestness of his expression, arose, and hastilyinquired if he would have any assistance.

  "If you can pardon the rudeness," said the wounded officer, making afeeble effort to raise his body, "I would request to have CaptainLawton's company for a moment."

  Frances hastened instantly to communicate his wish to that gentleman,and impelled by an interest she could not control, she returned again toher seat by the side of Miss Singleton.

  "Lawton," said the youth, impatiently, as the trooper entered, "hear youfrom the major?"

  The eye of the sister was now bent on the face of the trooper, who madehis salutations to the lady with ease, blended with the frankness ofa soldier.

  "His man has been here twice," he said, "to inquire how we fared in thelazaretto."

  "And why not himself?"

  "That is a question the major can answer best; but you know the redcoatsare abroad, and Dunwoodie commands in the county; these English must belooked to."

  "True," said Singleton, slowly, as if struck with the other's reasons."But how is it that you are idle, when there is work to do?"

  "My sword arm is not in the best condition, and Roanoke has but ashambling gait this morning; besides, there is another reason I couldmention, if it were not that Miss Wharton would never forgive me."

  "Speak, I beg, without dread of my displeasure," said Frances, returningthe good-humored smile of the trooper, with the archness natural to herown sweet face.

  "The odors of your kitchen, then," cried Lawton bluntly, "forbid myquitting the domains, until I qualify myself to speak with morecertainty concerning the fatness of the land."

  "Oh! Aunt Jeanette is exerting herself to do credit to my father'shospitality," said the lau
ghing girl, "and I am a truant from herlabors, as I shall be a stranger to her favor, unless I proffer myassistance."

  Frances withdrew to seek her aunt, musing deeply on the character andextreme sensibility of the new acquaintance chance had brought tothe cottage.

  The wounded officer followed her with his eyes, as she moved, withinfantile grace, through the door of his apartment, and as she vanishedfrom his view, he observed,--

  "Such an aunt and niece are seldom to be met with, Jack; this seems afairy, but the aunt is angelic."

  "You are doing well, I see; your enthusiasm for the sex holds its own."

  "I should be ungrateful as well as insensible, did I not bear testimonyto the loveliness of Miss Peyton."

  "A good motherly lady, but as to love, that is a matter of taste. A fewyears younger, with deference to her prudence and experience, wouldaccord better with my fancy."

  "She must be under twenty," said the other, quickly.

  "It depends on the way you count. If you begin at the heel of life,well; but if you reckon downward, as is most common, I think she isnearer forty."

  "You have mistaken an elder sister for the aunt," said Isabella, layingher fair hand on the mouth of the invalid. "You must be silent! Yourfeelings are beginning to affect your frame."

  The entrance of Dr. Sitgreaves, who, in some alarm, noticed the increaseof feverish symptoms in his patient, enforced this mandate; and thetrooper withdrew to pay a visit of condolence to Roanoke, who had beenan equal sufferer with himself in their last night's somersault. To hisgreat joy, his man pronounced the steed to be equally convalescent withthe master; and Lawton found that by dint of rubbing the animal's limbsseveral hours without ceasing, he was enabled to place his feet in whathe called systematic motion. Orders were accordingly given to be inreadiness to rejoin the troop at the Four Corners, as soon as his masterhad shared in the bounty of the approaching banquet.

  In the meantime, Henry Wharton entered the apartment of Wellmere, and byhis sympathy succeeded in restoring the colonel to his own good graces.The latter was consequently enabled to rise, and prepared to meet arival of whom he had spoken so lightly, and, as the result had proved,with so little reason. Wharton knew that their misfortune, as they bothtermed their defeat, was owing to the other's rashness; but he forboreto speak of anything except the unfortunate accident which had deprivedthe English of their leader, and to which he good-naturedly ascribedtheir subsequent discomfiture.

  "In short, Wharton," said the colonel, putting one leg out of bed, "itmay be called a combination of untoward events; your own ungovernablehorse prevented my orders from being carried to the major, in season toflank the rebels."

  "Very true," replied the captain, kicking a slipper towards the bed."Had we succeeded in getting a few good fires upon them in flank, weshould have sent these brave Virginians to the right about."

  "Aye, and that in double-quick time," cried the colonel, making theother leg follow its companion. "Then it was necessary to rout theguides, you know, and the movement gave them the best possibleopportunity to charge."

  "Yes," said the other, sending the second slipper after the first, "andthis Major Dunwoodie never overlooks an advantage."

  "I think if we had the thing to do over again," continued the colonel,raising himself on his feet, "we might alter the case very materially,though the chief thing the rebels have now to boast of is my capture;they were repulsed, you saw, in their attempt to drive us fromthe wood."

  "At least they would have been, had they made an attack," said thecaptain, throwing the rest of his clothes within reach of the colonel.

  "Why, that is the same thing," returned Wellmere, beginning to dresshimself. "To assume such an attitude as to intimidate your enemy, is thechief art of war."

  "Doubtless, then, you may remember in one of their charges they werecompletely routed."

  "True--true," cried the colonel, with animation. "Had I been there tohave improved that advantage, we might have turned the table on theYankees"; saying which he displayed still greater animation incompleting his toilet; and he was soon prepared to make his appearance,fully restored to his own good opinion, and fairly persuaded that hiscapture was owing to casualties absolutely beyond the control of man.

  The knowledge that Colonel Wellmere was to be a guest at the table in nodegree diminished the preparations which were already making for thebanquet; and Sarah, after receiving the compliments of the gentleman,and making many kind inquiries after the state of his wounds, proceededin person to lend her counsel and taste to one of those laboredentertainments, which, at that day, were so frequent in country life,and which are not entirely banished from our domestic economy at thepresent moment.