Read The Spy Page 24


  Be not your tongue thy own shame's orator, Look sweet, speak fair, become disloyalty, Apparel vice like virtue's harbinger. --_Comedy of Errors._

  The situation of the party in Mr. Wharton's dwelling was sufficientlyawkward, during the hour of Caesar's absence; for such was theastonishing rapidity displayed by his courser, that the four miles ofroad was gone over, and the events we have recorded had occurred,somewhat within that period of time. Of course, the gentlemen strove tomake the irksome moments fly as swiftly as possible; but premeditatedhappiness is certainly of the least joyous kind. The bride andbridegroom are immemorially privileged to be dull, and but few of theirfriends seemed disposed, on the present occasion, to dishonor theirexample. The English colonel exhibited a proper portion of uneasiness atthis unexpected interruption of his felicity, and he sat with a varyingcountenance by the side of Sarah, who seemed to be profiting by thedelay to gather fortitude for the solemn ceremony. In the midst of thisembarrassing silence, Doctor Sitgreaves addressed himself to MissPeyton, by whose side he had contrived to procure a chair. "Marriage,madam, is pronounced to be honorable in the sight of God and man; and itmay be said to be reduced, in the present age, to the laws of nature andreason. The ancients, in sanctioning polygamy, lost sight of theprovisions of nature, and condemned thousands to misery; but with theincrease of science have grown the wise ordinances of society, whichordain that man should be the husband of but one woman."

  Wellmere glanced a fierce expression of disgust at the surgeon, thatindicated his sense of the tediousness of the other's remarks; whileMiss Peyton, with a slight hesitation, as if fearful of touching onforbidden subjects, replied,--

  "I had thought, sir, that we were indebted to the Christian religionfor our morals on this subject."

  "True, madam, it is somewhere provided in the prescriptions of theapostles, that the sexes should henceforth be on an equality in thisparticular. But in what degree could polygamy affect holiness of life?It was probably a wise arrangement of Paul, who was much of a scholar,and probably had frequent conferences, on this important subject, withLuke, whom we all know to have been bred to the practice of medicine--"

  There is no telling how far the discursive fancy of Sitgreaves mighthave led him, on this subject, had he not been interrupted. But Lawton,who had been a close though silent observer of all that passed, profitedby the hint to ask abruptly,--

  "Pray, Colonel Wellmere, in what manner is bigamy punished in England?"

  The bridegroom started, and his lip blanched. Recovering himself,however, on the instant, he answered with a suavity that became sohappy a man,--

  "Death!--as such an offense merits," he said.

  "Death and dissection," continued the operator. "It is seldom that lawloses sight of eventual utility in a malefactor. Bigamy, in a man, is aheinous offense!"

  "More so than celibacy?" asked Lawton.

  "More so," returned the surgeon, with undisturbed simplicity. "One whoremains in a single state may devote his life to science and theextension of knowledge, if not of his species; but the wretch whoprofits by the constitutional tendency of the female sex to credulityand tenderness, incurs the wickedness of a positive sin, heightened bythe baseness of deception."

  "Really, sir, the ladies are infinitely obliged to you, for attributingfolly to them as part of their nature."

  "Captain Lawton, in man the animal is more nobly formed than in woman.The nerves are endowed with less sensi bility; the whole frame is lesspliable and yielding; is it therefore surprising, that a tendency torely on the faith of her partner is more natural to woman than to theother sex?"

  Wellmere, as if unable to listen with any degree of patience to soill-timed a dialogue, sprang from his seat and paced the floor indisorder. Pitying his situation, the reverend gentleman, who waspatiently awaiting the return of Caesar, changed the discourse, and afew minutes brought the black himself. The billet was handed to Dr.Sitgreaves; for Miss Peyton had expressly enjoined Caesar not toimplicate her, in any manner, in the errand on which he was dispatched.The note contained a summary statement of the several subjects of thesurgeon's directions, and referred him to the black for the ring. Thelatter was instantly demanded, and promptly delivered. A transient lookof melancholy clouded the brow of the surgeon, as he stood a moment, andgazed silently on the bauble; nor did he remember the place, or theoccasion, while he mournfully soliloquized as follows:--

  "Poor Anna! gay as innocence and youth could make thee was thy heart,when this cincture was formed to grace thy nuptials; but ere the hourhad come, God had taken thee to Himself. Years have passed, my sister,but never have I forgotten the companion of my infancy!" He advanced toSarah, and, unconscious of observation, placing the ring on her finger,continued, "She for whom it was intended has long been in her grave, andthe youth who bestowed the gift soon followed her sainted spirit; takeit, madam, and God grant that it may be an instrument in making you ashappy as you deserve!"

  Sarah felt a chill at her heart, as this burst of feeling escaped thesurgeon; but Wellmere offering his hand, she was led before the divine,and the ceremony began. The first words of this imposing office produceda dead stillness in the apartment; and the minister of God proceeded tothe solemn exhortation, and witnessed the plighted troth of theparties, when the investiture was to follow. The ring had been left,from inadvertency and the agitation of the moment, on the finger whereSitgreaves had placed it; the slight interruption occasioned by thecircumstance was over, and the clergyman was about to proceed, when afigure gliding into the midst of the party, at once put a stop to theceremony. It was the peddler. His look was bitter and ironical, while afinger, raised towards the divine, seemed to forbid the ceremony to goany further.

  "Can Colonel Wellmere waste the precious moments here, when his wife hascrossed the ocean to meet him? The nights are long, and the moon bright;a few hours will take him to the city."

  Aghast at the suddenness of this extraordinary address, Wellmere for amoment lost the command of his faculties. To Sarah, the countenance ofBirch, expressive as it was, produced no terror; but the instant sherecovered from the surprise of his interruption, she turned her anxiousgaze on the features of the man to whom she had just pledged her troth.They afforded the most terrible confirmation of all that the peddleraffirmed; the room whirled round, and she fell lifeless into the arms ofher aunt. There is an instinctive delicacy in woman, that seems toconquer all other emotions; and the insensible bride was immediatelyconveyed from sight, leaving the room to the sole possession of theother sex.

  The confusion enabled the peddler to retreat with a rapidity that wouldhave baffled pursuit, had any been attempted, and Wellmere stood withevery eye fixed on him, in ominous silence.

  "'Tis false--'tis false as hell!" he cried, striking his forehead. "Ihave ever denied her claim; nor will the laws of my country compel me toacknowledge it."

  "But what will conscience and the laws of God do?" asked Lawton.

  "'Tis well, sir," said Wellmere, haughtily, and retreating towards thedoor, "my situation protects you now; but a time may come--"

  He had reached the entry, when a slight tap on his shoulder caused himto turn his head; it was Captain Lawton, who, with a smile of peculiarmeaning, beckoned him to follow. The state of Wellmere's mind was such,that he would gladly have gone anywhere to avoid the gaze of horror anddetestation that glared from every eye he met. They reached the stablesbefore the trooper spoke, when he cried aloud,--

  "Bring out Roanoke!"

  His man appeared with the steed caparisoned for its master. Lawton,coolly throwing the bridle on the neck of the animal, took his pistolsfrom the holsters, and continued, "Here are weapons that have seen goodservice before to-day--aye, and in honorable hands, sir. These were thepistols of my father, Colonel Wellmere; he used them with credit in thewars with France, and gave them to me to fight the battles of my countrywith. In what better way can I serve her than in exterminating a wr
etchwho would have blasted one of her fairest daughters?"

  "This injurious treatment shall meet with its reward," cried the other,seizing the offered weapon. "The blood lie on the head of him whosought it!"

  "Amen! but hold a moment, sir. You are now free, and the passports ofWashington are in your pocket; I give you the fire; if I fall, there isa steed that will outstrip pursuit; and I would advise you to reteatwithout much delay, for even Archibald Sitgreaves would fight in such acause--nor will the guard above be very apt to give quarter."

  "Are you ready?" asked Wellmere, gnashing his teeth with rage.

  "Stand forward, Tom, with the lights; fire!"

  Wellmere fired, and the bullion flew from the epaulet of the trooper.

  "Now the turn is mine," said Lawton, deliberately leveling his pistol.

  "And mine!" shouted a voice, as the weapon was struck from his hand."By all the devils in hell, 'tis the mad Virginian!--fall on, my boys,and take him; this is a prize not hoped for!"

  Unarmed, and surprised as he was, Lawton's presence of mind did notdesert him; he felt that he was in the hands of those from whom he wasto expect no mercy; and, as four of the Skinners fell upon him at once,he used his gigantic strength to the utmost. Three of the band graspedhim by the neck and arms, with an intent to clog his efforts, and pinionhim with ropes. The first of these he threw from him, with a violencethat sent him against the building, where he lay stunned with the blow.But the fourth seized his legs; and, unable to contend with such odds,the trooper came to the earth, bringing with him all of his assailants.The struggle on the ground was short but terrific; curses and the mostdreadful imprecations were uttered by the Skinners, who in vain calledon more of their band, who were gazing on the combat in nervelesshorror, to assist. A difficulty of breathing, from one of thecombatants, was heard, accompanied by the stifled moanings of astrangled man; and directly one of the group arose on his feet, shakinghimself free from the wild grasp of the others. Both Wellmere and theservant of Lawton had fled: the former to the stables, and the latter togive the alarm, leaving all in darkness. The figure that stood erectsprang into the saddle of the unheeded charger; sparks of fire, issuingfrom the armed feet of the horse, gave a momentary light by which thecaptain was seen dashing like the wind towards the highway.

  "By hell, he's off!" cried the leader, hoarse with rage and exhaustion."Fire!--bring him down--fire, or you'll be too late."

  The order was obeyed, and one moment of suspense followed, in the vainhope of hearing the huge frame of Lawton tumbling from his steed.

  "He would not fall if you had killed him," muttered one. "I've knownthese Virginians sit their horses with two or three balls through them;aye, even after they were dead."

  A freshening of the wind wafted the tread of a horse down the valley,which, by its speed, gave assurance of a rider governing its motion.

  "These trained horses always stop when the rider falls," observed one ofthe gang.

  "Then," cried the leader, striking his musket on the ground in a rage,"the fellow is safe!--to your business at once. A short half hour willbring down that canting sergeant and the guard upon us. 'Twill be luckyif the guns don't turn them out. Quick, to your posts, and fire thehouse in the chambers; smoking ruins are good to cover evil deeds."

  "What is to be done with this lump of earth?" cried another, pushing thebody that yet lay insensible, where it had been hurled by the arm ofLawton; "a little rubbing would bring him to."

  "Let him lie," said the leader, fiercely. "Had he been half a man, thatdragooning rascal would have been in my power; enter the house, I say,and fire the chambers. We can't go amiss here; there is plate and moneyenough to make you all gentlemen--and revenge too."

  The idea of silver in any way was not to be resisted; and, leaving theircompanion, who began to show faint signs of life, they rushedtumultuously towards the dwelling. Wellmere availed himself of theopportunity, and, stealing from the stable with his own charger, he wasable to gain the highway unnoticed. For an instant he hesitated, whetherto ride towards the point where he knew the guard was stationed, andendeavor to rescue the family, or, profiting by his liberty and theexchange that had been effected by the divine, to seek the royal army.Shame, and a consciousness of guilt, determined him to take the lattercourse, and he rode towards New York, stung with the reflection of hisown baseness, and harassed with the apprehension of meeting with anenraged woman, that he had married during his late visit to England,but whose claims, as soon as his passion was sated, he had resolvednever willingly to admit. In the tumult and agitation of the moment, theretreat of Lawton and Wellmere was but little noticed; the condition ofMr. Wharton demanding the care and consolation of both the surgeon andthe divine. The report of the firearms at first roused the family to thesense of a new danger, and but a moment elapsed before the leader, andone more of the gang, entered the room.

  "Surrender! you servants of King George," shouted the leader, presentinghis musket to the breast of Sitgreaves, "or I will let a little toryblood from your veins."

  "Gently--gently, my friend," said the surgeon. "You are doubtless moreexpert in inflicting wounds than in healing them; the weapon that youhold so indiscreetly is extremely dangerous to animal life."

  "Yield, or take its contents."

  "Why and wherefore should I yield?--I am a noncombatant. The articles ofcapitulation must be arranged with Captain John Lawton; though yielding,I believe, is not a subject on which you will find him particularlycomplying."

  The fellow had by this time taken such a survey of the group, asconvinced him that little danger was to be apprehended from resistance,and, eager to seize his share of the plunder, he dropped his musket, andwas soon busy with the assistance of his men, in arranging diversarticles of plate in bags. The cottage now presented a singularspectacle. The ladies were gathered around Sarah, who yet continuedinsensible, in one of the rooms that had escaped the notice of themarauders. Mr. Wharton sat in a state of perfect imbecility, listeningto, but not profiting by, the meaning words of comfort that fell fromthe lips of the clergyman. Singleton was lying on a sofa, shaking withdebility, and inattentive to surrounding objects; while the surgeon wasadministering restoratives, and looking at the dressings, with acoolness that mocked the tumult. Caesar and the attendant of CaptainSingleton, had retreated to the wood in the rear of the cottage, andKaty Haynes was flying about the building, busily employed in forming abundle of valuables, from which, with the most scrupulous honesty, sherejected every article that was not really and truly her own.

  But to return to the party at the Four Corners. When the veteran had gothis men mounted and under arms, a restless desire to participate in theglory and dangers of the expedition came over the washerwoman. Whethershe was impelled to the undertaking by a dread of remaining alone, or awish to hasten in person to the relief of her favorite, we will notventure to assert but, as Hollister was giving the orders to wheel andmarch, the voice of Betty was heard, exclaiming,--

  "Stop a bit, sargeant dear, till two of the boys get out the cart, andI'll jist ride wid ye; 'tis like there'll be wounded, and it will bemighty convanient to bring them home in."

  Although inwardly much pleased with any cause of delay to a service thathe so little relished, Hollister affected some displeasure at thedetention.

  "Nothing but a cannon ball can take one of my lads from his charger," hesaid; "and it's not very likely that we shall have as fair fighting ascannon and musketry, in a business of the evil one's inventing; so,Elizabeth, you may go if you will, but the cart will not be wanting."

  "Now, sargeant dear, you lie, anyway," said Betty, who was somewhatunduly governed by her potations. "And wasn't Captain Singleton shot offhis horse but tin days gone by? Aye, and Captain Jack himself too; anddidn't he lie on the ground, face uppermost and back downwards, lookinggrim? And didn't the boys t'ink him dead, and turn and l'ave therig'lars the day?"

  "You lie back again," cried the sergeant, fiercely; "and so does anyonewho says that we didn't gain the

  "For a bit or so--only I mane for a bit or so," said the washerwoman;"but Major Dunwoodie turned you, and so you licked the rig'lars. But thecaptain it was that fell, and I'm thinking that there's no better ridergoing; so, sargeant, it's the cart will be convanient. Here, two of you,jist hitch the mare to the tills, and it's no whisky that ye'll bewanting the morrow; and put the piece of Jenny's hide under the pad; thebaste is never the better for the rough ways of the county Westchester."The consent of the sergeant being obtained, the equipage of Mrs.Flanagan was soon in readiness to receive its burden.

  "As it is quite uncertain whether we shall be attacked in front, or inrear," said Hollister, "five of you shall march in advance, and theremainder shall cover our retreat towards the barrack, should we bepressed. 'Tis an awful moment to a man of little learning, Elizabeth, tocommand in such a service; for my part, I wish devoutly that one of theofficers were here; but my trust is in the Lord."

  "Pooh! man, away wid ye," said the washerwoman, who had got herselfcomfortably seated. "The divil a bit of an inimy is there near. Marchon, hurry-skurry, and let the mare trot, or it's but little that CaptainJack will thank ye for the help."

  "Although unlearned in matters of communicating with spirits, or layingthe dead, Mrs. Flanagan," said the veteran, "I have not served throughthe old war, and five years in this, not to know how to guard thebaggage. Doesn't Washington always cover the baggage? I am not to betold my duty by a camp follower. Fall in as you are ordered, anddress, men."

  "Well, march, anyway," cried the impatient washerwoman. "The black isthere already, and it's tardy the captain will think ye."

  "Are you sure that it was really a black man that brought the order?"said the sergeant, dropping in between the platoons, where he couldconverse with Betty, and be at hand, to lead on an emergency, either onan advance or on a retreat.

  "Nay--and I'm sure of nothing, dear. But why don't the boys prick theirhorses and jog a trot? The mare is mighty un'asy, and it's no warm inthis cursed valley, riding as much like a funeral party as old rags isto continental." [Footnote: The paper money issued by congress wasfamiliarly called continental money. This term "continental" was appliedto the army, the congress, the ships of war, and in short, to almosteverything of interest which belonged to the new government. It wouldseem to have been invented as the opposite of the insular position ofthe mother country.] "Fairly and softly, aye, and prudently, Mrs.Flanagan; it's not rashness that makes the good officer. If we have toencounter a spirit, it's more than likely he'll make his attack bysurprise; horses are not very powerful in the dark, and I have acharacter to lose, good woman."

  "Caractur! and isn't it caractur and life too that Captain Jack has tolose!"

  "Halt!" cried the sergeant. "What is that lurking near the foot of therock, on the left?"

  "Sure, it's nothing, unless it be a matter of Captain Jack's sowl that'scome to haunt ye, for not being brisker on the march."

  "Betty, your levity makes you an unfit comrade for such an expedition.Advance, one of you, and reconnoiter the spot; draw swords!--rear rank,close to the front!"

  "Pshaw!" shouted Betty, "is it a big fool or a big coward that ye are?Jist wheel from the road, boys, and I'll shove the mare down upon it inthe twinkling of an eye--and it's no ghost that I fear."

  By this time one of the men had returned, and declared there was nothingto prevent their advancing, and the party continued their march, butwith great deliberation and caution.

  "Courage and prudence are the jewels of a soldier, Mrs. Flanagan," saidthe sergeant; "without the one, the other may be said to be goodfor nothing."

  "Prudence without courage: is it _that_ you mane?--and it's so that I'mthinking myself, sargeant. This baste pulls tight on the reins,any way."

  "Be patient, good woman; hark! what is that?" said Hollister, prickingup his ears at the report of Wellmere's pistol. "I'll swear that was ahuman pistol, and one from our regiment. Rear rank, close to thefront!--Mrs. Flanagan, I must leave you." So saying, having recoveredall his faculties, by hearing a sound that he understood, he placedhimself at the head of his men with an air of military pride, that thedarkness prevented the washerwoman from beholding. A volley of musketrynow rattled in the night wind, and the sergeant exclaimed,--

  "March!--quick time!"

  The next instant the trampling of a horse was heard coming up the road,at a rate that announced a matter of life or death; and Hollister againhalted his party, riding a short distance in front himself, to meetthe rider.

  "Stand!--who goes there?" shouted Hollister.

  "Ha! Hollister, is it you?" cried Lawton, "ever ready and at your post;but where is the guard?"

  "At hand, sir, and ready to follow you through thick and thin," said theveteran, relieved at once from responsibility, and as eager as a boy tobe led against his enemy.

  "'Tis well!" said the trooper, riding up to his men; then, speaking afew words of encouragement, he led them down the valley at a rate butlittle less rapid than his approach. The miserable horse of the sutlerwas soon distanced, and Betty, thus thrown out in the chase, turned tothe side of the road, and observed,--

  "There--it's no difficult to tell that Captain Jack is wid 'em, anyway;and away they go like so many nagur boys to a husking-frolic; well, I'lljist hitch the mare to this bit of a fence, and walk down and see thesport afoot--it's no r'asonable to expose the baste to be hurted."

  Led on by Lawton, the men followed, destitute alike of fear andreflection. Whether it was a party of the refugees, or a detachment fromthe royal army, that they were to assail, they were profoundly ignorant;but they knew that the officer in advance was distinguished for courageand personal prowess; and these are virtues that are sure to captivatethe thoughtless soldiery. On arriving near the gates of the Locusts, thetrooper halted his party, and made his arrangements for the assault.Dismounting, he ordered eight of his men to follow his example, andturning to Hollister, said,--

  "Stand you here, and guard the horses; if anything attempt to pass, stopit, or cut it down, and--"

  The flames at this moment burst through the dormer windows and cedarroof of the cottage, and a bright light glared on the darkness of thenight. "On!" shouted the trooper "on!--give quarter when you havedone justice!"

  There was a startling fierceness in the voice of the trooper thatreached to the heart, even amid the horrors of the cottage. The leaderof the Skinners dropped his plunder, and, for a moment, he stood innerveless dread; then rushing to a window, he threw up the sash; at thisinstant Lawton entered, saber in hand, into the apartment.

  "Die, miscreant!" cried the trooper, cleaving a marauder to the jaw; butthe leader sprang into the lawn, and escaped his vengeance. The shrieksof the females restored Lawton to his presence of mind, and the earnestentreaty of the divine induced him to attend to the safety of thefamily. One more of the gang fell in with the dragoons, and met hisdeath; but the remainder had taken the alarm in season. Occupied withSarah, neither Miss Singleton, nor the ladies of the house, haddiscovered the entrance of the Skinners, though the flames were ragingaround them with a fury that threatened the building with rapiddestruction. The shrieks of Katy and the terrified consort of Caesar,together with the noise and uproar in the adjacent apartment, firstroused Miss Peyton and Isabella to a sense of their danger.

  "Merciful Providence!" exclaimed the alarmed aunt; "there is a dreadfulconfusion in the house, and there will be blood shed in consequence ofthis affair."

  "There are none to fight," returned Isabella, with a face paler thanthat of the other. "Dr. Sitgreaves is very peaceable in his disposition,and surely Captain Lawton would not forget himself so far."

  "The Southern temper is quick and fiery," continued Miss Peyton; "andyour brother, feeble and weak as he is, has looked the whole afternoonflushed and angry."

  "Good heaven!" cried Isabella, with difficulty supporting herself on thecouch of Sarah; "he is gentle as the lamb by nature, though the lion isnot his equal when roused."

  "We must int
erfere: our presence will quell the tumult, and possiblysave the life of a fellow creature."

  Miss Peyton, excited to attempt what she conceived a duty worthy of hersex and nature, advanced with the dignity of injured female feeling, tothe door, followed by Isabella. The apartment to which Sarah had beenconveyed was in one of the wings of the building, and it communicatedwith the principal hall of the cottage by a long and dark passage. Thiswas now light, and across its termination several figures were seenrushing with an impetuosity that prevented an examination of theiremployment.

  "Let us advance," said Miss Peyton, with a firmness her face belied;"they must respect our sex."

  "They shall," cried Isabella, taking the lead in the enterprise. Franceswas left alone with her sister. A few minutes were passed in silence,when a loud crash, in the upper apartments, was succeeded by a brightlight that glared through the open door, and made objects as distinct tothe eye as if they were placed under a noonday sun. Sarah raised herselfon her bed, and staring wildly around, pressed both her hands on herforehead, endeavoring to recollect herself.

  "This, then, is heaven--and you are one of its bright spirits. Oh! howglorious is its radiance! I had thought the happiness I have latelyexperienced was too much for earth. But we shall meet again;yes--yes--we shall meet again."

  "Sarah! Sarah!" cried Frances, in terror; "my sister--my onlysister--Oh! do not smile so horridly; know me, or you will breakmy heart."

  "Hush," said Sarah raising her hand for silence; "you may disturb hisrest--surely, he will follow me to the grave. Think you there can be twowives in the grave? No--no--no; one--one--one--only one."

  Frances dropped her head into the lap of her sister, and wept in agony.

  "Do you shed tears, sweet angel?" continued Sarah, soothingly. "Thenheaven is not exempt from grief. But where is Henry? He was executed,and he must be here too; perhaps they will come together. Oh! how joyfulwill be the meeting!"

  Frances sprang on her feet, and paced the apartment. The eye of Sarahfollowed her in childish admiration of her beauty.

  "You look like my sister; but all good and lovely spirits are alike.Tell me, were you ever married? Did you ever let a stranger steal youraffections from father, and brother, and sister? If not, poor wretch, Ipity you, although you may be in heaven."

  "Sarah--peace, peace--I implore you to be silent," shrieked Frances,rushing to her bed, "or you will kill me at your feet."

  Another dreadful crash shook the building to its center. It was thefalling of the roof, and the flames threw their light abroad, so as tomake objects visible around the cottage, through the windows of theroom. Frances flew to one of them, and saw the confused group that wascollected on the lawn. Among them were her aunt and Isabella, pointingwith distraction to the fiery edifice, and apparently urging thedragoons to enter it. For the first time she comprehended their danger;and uttering a wild shriek, she flew through the passage withoutconsideration, or object.

  A dense and suffocating column of smoke opposed her progress. She pausedto breathe, when a man caught her in his arms, and bore her, in a stateof insensibility, through the falling embers and darkness, to the openair. The instant that Frances recovered her recollection, she perceivedthat she owed her life Lo Lawton, and throwing herself on her knees,she cried,--

  "Sarah! Sarah! Sarah! save my sister, and may the blessing of God awaityou!"

  Her strength failed, and she sank on the grass, in insensibility. Thetrooper pointed to her figure, motioned to Katy for assistance, andadvanced once more to the building. The fire had already communicated tothe woodwork of the piazzas and windows, and the whole exterior of thecottage was covered with smoke. The only entrance was through thesedangers, and even the hardy and impetuous Lawton paused to consider. Itwas for a moment only, when he dashed into the heat and darkness, where,missing the entrance, he wandered for a minute, and precipitated himselfback, again, upon the lawn. Drawing a single breath of pure air, herenewed the effort, and was again unsuccessful. On a third trial, he meta man staggering under the load of a human body. It was neither theplace, nor was there time, to question, or to make distinctions; seizingboth in his arms, with gigantic strength, he bore them through thesmoke. He soon perceived, to his astonishment, that it was the surgeon,and the body of one of the Skinners, that he had saved.

  "Archibald!" he exclaimed, "why, in the name of justice, did you bringthis miscreant to light again? His deeds are rank to heaven!"

  The surgeon, who had been in imminent peril, was too much bewildered toreply instantly, but wiping the moisture from his forehead, and clearinghis lungs from the vapor he had inhaled, he said piteously,--

  "Ah! it is all over! Had I been in time to have stopped the effusionfrom the jugular, he might have been saved; but the heat was conduciveto hemorrhage; life is extinct indeed. Well, are there anymore wounded?"

  His question was put to the air, for Frances had been removed to theopposite side of the building, where her friends were collected, andLawton had once more disappeared in the smoke.

  By this time the flames had dispersed much of the suffocating vapor, sothat the trooper was able to find the door, and in its very entrance hewas met by a man supporting the insensible Sarah. There was but barelytime to reach the lawn again, before the fire broke through the windows,and wrapped the whole building in a sheet of flame.

  "God be praised!" ejaculated the preserver of Sarah. "It would have beena dreadful death to die."

  The trooper turned from gazing at the edifice, to the speaker, and tohis astonishment, instead of one of his own men, he beheld the peddler.

  "Ha! the spy," he exclaimed; "by heavens, you cross me like a specter."

  "Captain Lawton," said Birch, leaning in momentary exhaustion againstthe fence, to which they had retired from the heat, "I am again in yourpower, for I can neither flee, nor resist."

  "The cause of America is dear to me as life," said the trooper, "but shecannot require her children to forget gratitude and honor. Fly, unhappyman, while yet you are unseen, or it will exceed my power to save you."

  "May God prosper you, and make you victorious over your enemies," saidBirch, grasping the hand of the dragoon with an iron strength that hismeager figure did not indicate.

  "Hold!" said Lawton. "But a word--are you what you seem?--can you--areyou--"

  "A royal spy," interrupted Birch, averting his face, and endeavoring torelease his hand.

  "Then go, miserable wretch," said the trooper, relinquishing his grasp."Either avarice or delusion has led a noble heart astray!"

  The bright light from the flames reached a great distance around theruins, but the words were hardly past the lips of Lawton, before thegaunt form of the peddler had glided over the visible space, and plungedinto the darkness beyond.

  The eye of Lawton rested for a moment on the spot where he had last seenthis inexplicable man, and then turning to the yet insensible Sarah, helifted her in his arms, and bore her, like a sleeping infant, to thecare of her friends.