Read The Spy Who Came For Christmas Page 8

  Grayson kept his gaze locked with Chuck’s even as he said, “Give me the gun, Jemma.”


  “Trust me.” He couldn’t soften his voice. The fury and fear inside of him were still too strong. “Give me the gun.”

  She crept toward him. Put the gun in his left hand.

  His right still held the shard of glass.

  Left hand, right hand. I’m just as good with both—and Chuck knows that.

  “Get your phone now,” Grayson told her. “I’ll give you a number to call.” A classified number that was only supposed to be used in the case of an extreme emergency. But this situation was an emergency, and to contain Chuck, he had to call in his ex-boss at the CIA. Grayson rattled off the number. “When someone answers, say that Gray needs containment backup, immediately, because a ghost just rose from the grave. Give your address and then hang up.”

  Her footsteps hurried away and he knew she was going to make that call.

  He lifted the gun and put it to Chuck’s forehead. Grayson dropped the glass. He didn’t need it, not anymore. “You know they’ll be here soon.” They’d fly in to retrieve this asshole. A ghost. Yeah, his boss would get the message, all right.

  “They’ll be here.” Chuck had blood covering the lower half of his face, courtesy of his broken nose. “And they’ll lock me up…but what will you do when I get away? When I break loose? When I come for her again?”

  His finger wanted to pull that trigger. One quick squeeze. “You won’t get away from them. The CIA will throw you in a hole so deep, you’ll never see daylight again. You killed American agents. What the hell do you think will happen to you?” And he finally smiled at his former friend. “Death is too easy for you. Enjoy the hell that you have coming.”

  Jemma ran back into the room. “They’re coming.”

  He kept that gun trained on Chuck, not about to give the guy a chance to attack. They’re coming, you’re going to hell and I’m…

  Jemma put her hand on Grayson’s back. “It’s going to be all right, isn’t it?”

  I’m going to stay in heaven with my angel.

  Chapter Ten

  When the door to her chocolate shop opened and the bell jingled happily, Jemma glanced up, a smile on her face.

  Her smile just stretched when she saw who her latest customer was.

  Her sexy spy.

  Grayson stood in her doorway—okay, he filled her doorway—and he had flowers in his hands. He had…

  “Forget-Me-Nots,” Grayson murmured as he strode toward the counter. “I stopped by Silver Bells and got lucky. They had these in, and I knew I had to bring them to you.”

  Because he remembered me saying they were my favorites. Though she didn’t buy for a moment that the florist had just happened to have those flowers in stock. Silver Bells was amazing, but it wasn’t standard for them to keep these flowers, not right before Christmas. So how many strings did you pull in order to get these for me, Gray? She leaned forward, kissed him, and took those precious flowers into her hands. “Thank you.”

  It was the day before Christmas Eve. The whole town was in a frenzy, and she’d been seeing customers one after the other all day. She’d brought in extra help to deal with the rush, but everyone was gone for the day then.

  She was all alone with Grayson.

  “Have I mentioned…” Grayson asked her as he tilted his head to the side and grinned at her. “That this place smells like heaven?”

  “Only a time or two.”

  He kept staring at her and his smile slowly faded.

  Jemma tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “Gray? Is something wrong?”

  He glanced toward the door, then back at her. “Will you walk with me?”

  “Of course.” Didn’t the guy get it? She’d pretty much do anything with him, even face down a crazed spy. She put her flowers in water, hung up her apron, and secured the shop in record time. Then they were outside, strolling down Main Street, seeing the lights sparkle, hearing the laughter in the air…

  “I was supposed to leave the day after Christmas,” Grayson said. His glove-covered fingers had twined with hers.

  Gray leaving? Her heart did a quick stutter, but Jemma shook her head. No way was he taking her on a walk to break up with her. Couldn’t happen. Wouldn’t happen.

  I know what I have with Gray is real.

  He turned to the right, and they walked in silence. Snow had fallen again. Light. A dusting of white that made Holly seem even more beautiful.

  They were away from the crowds now. Away from everyone else.

  Grayson stopped walking. He turned toward her. “I was supposed to leave, but I want to stay.”

  Yes! But she didn’t let her smile spread, not yet.

  “I want to stay with you, Jemma.” He exhaled and a small cloud formed near his lips. “I never expected to find you when I came here. I thought I’d get a refuge, but then I walked into that chocolate shop, and I saw you.”

  Every muscle in her body was tense. She was so nervous. She wanted to throw her arms around Gray and hold him tight.

  She also wanted the man to keep talking. After all, there were some things that a woman needed to hear.

  “I started falling for you the minute I looked into your eyes,” Grayson confessed. “I know it’s been fast, but Jemma…I love you. I want to stay here in Holly with you. I want to build a life…with you. Because when I think about my future, you’re all I see.”

  She couldn’t hold back any longer. Jemma launched her body at Gray. She wrapped her arms around him and held tight. Their lips met and that kiss…It was the sweetest kiss she’d ever known.

  And that kiss was the start of their new life—together.


  She hadn’t said she loved him.

  Grayson paced in front of Jemma’s Christmas tree. They’d gone back to her place—she’d carefully put her flowers right in the middle of her dining room table and—

  She hadn’t said she loved him.

  Because maybe she doesn’t. Things had gone at hyper speed with them. And he’d nearly gotten her killed. Not exactly the best aphrodisiac ever.

  His hands were fisted at his sides.

  He could fix this, though. There was plenty of time. Endless time. He’d woo Jemma. Treat her like the freaking angel she was. Give her anything, everything that she wanted.

  I can get her to love me. As long as I have time. I can convince—

  “Merry Christmas, Gray.”

  He whirled around. Jemma was there. Jemma…wearing the sexiest red negligee he’d ever seen. And it took him about two minutes to pick his jaw up from the floor.

  She smiled and walked forward. Oh, dear God…she had on spiky red heels.

  His eyes narrowed on her. “Tell me you didn’t just have this lying around…” Because he would kick the ass of any man who’d—

  She laughed. “No. There’s this great little shop in Holly. Been wanting to go there for years, but finally had a good reason to try out some things.”

  She could try out anything she wanted.

  Her steps were slow and seductive as she closed the distance between them. Jemma put her hands on Grayson’s chest and looked up at him.

  His cock was about to burst right out of his jeans.

  “I love you, Gray.”

  He shook his head.

  But she nodded. “I love you.”

  And something in him—it just broke in that moment. His control, that was what broke. Because the sexiest woman he’d ever met—the strongest, the fucking kindest—she was standing before him saying that she loved him.

  They didn’t make it to her bedroom. That would have been a serious miracle. They just pretty much tumbled to the floor. Good thing she had a plush rug in front of her fireplace. He kissed her like the desperate, ravenous guy he was. His hands flew all over her, and Jemma’s moans just urged him on.

  He slid down the straps of her negligee. Took her breast into his mouth. Licked and sucked
and when her fingers sank into his hair, urging him on…he went even wilder.

  Jemma. Jemma loves me. Jemma. Loves. Me.

  He was truly the luckiest bastard on earth.

  He kissed his way to her other breast. Teased the tight, pink nipple. Loved it when she arched up toward him.

  His fingers slid between her legs. She needed to be ready for him because he was so hard for her. He eased his finger around that scrap of lace—oh, hell, he didn’t ease anything. He was too rough and the lace tore, but Jemma just laughed.

  Laughed and opened her legs a little more for him.

  Got to taste. Better than chocolate. Got to have all of her.

  He kissed her stomach. Kissed every freaking inch of her that he could.

  And then he was between her legs. Licking and tasting and loving her so much that his whole body shuddered.

  “Gray!” His name was a sharp demand from her. “I want you in me when I come!”

  Inside of her. The only place he wanted to be right then. He licked her again, a fast swipe of his tongue because he knew she liked that. He pulled back, but only long enough to take care of the protection.

  I want Jemma. I want kids. I want everything—with her. But only when Jemma is ready for that. Only then…

  She lifted her arms toward him.

  He put his cock at the entrance to her body. Started to plunge deep and hard—

  His gaze caught hers. “I love you.” The words were torn from him.

  And then he thrust into her. Fucking perfect. Tight and wet and his. His Jemma. His angel. His everything.

  Her legs wrapped around him. Her nails bit into his back. Her hips rose against him, driving to match him in a perfect rhythm. Faster and hotter…he was lost.

  Lost to her.

  Lost in her.

  She came, crying out his name and holding him even tighter, and Grayson let go. He kissed her when he came, slamming deep into her sex and feeling the climax blast straight to his soul.

  His heartbeat thundered in his ears. Slowly, so damn slowly, that thunder eased.

  He pushed up to stare down at Jemma. The lights from the tree cast a soft glow on her face. She was smiling as she stared up at him.

  He really wished she’d say…

  “I love you, Gray.”

  That woman owned his heart.


  “I didn’t know what to get you for Christmas,” Jemma murmured later, as she lay curled in Grayson’s arms. “So I thought the red outfit came close enough to a bow that it might work.”

  He laughed and pulled her closer. She would never get tired of Gray’s laugh.

  “Technically, though,” Jemma pointed out, worrying a bit now. “It isn’t Christmas yet. And I do have other things for you, so don’t think that I’m skimping on a gift.” She had some surprises coming his way, including a very special chocolate truffle that she’d made after being inspired by him. “I just—”

  He kissed her. “You gave me exactly what I wanted.”

  “Hot sex?” Jemma teased. It had been rather hot. She was still tingling in places.

  His expression was oddly tender. “You.”

  “Me?” Me what?

  “You’re what I want. Today. Always.”

  She didn’t even try to conceal her smile. She knew Gray meant those words. Good. Because he was exactly what she wanted, too. “Merry Christmas,” she whispered.

  “Merry Christmas, sweetheart.”

  Jemma was pretty sure this might just go down as her best Christmas ever…even with the whole murder attempt.

  She’d have to remember to thank Santa, later.

  After all, he’d been the one to send Gray to her…a quick holiday stop at her chocolate shop.



  A Note From the Author

  I love the holidays. December is my favorite month of the whole year—and I tend to go a little wild with Christmas merriment. For me, it just seems like a happier, more magical time. So I deck my halls, I sing carols non-stop, and watch National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation again and again.

  I hope that you have a wonderful holiday season—one filled with as much wonder and joy as possible.

  If you’d like to stay updated on my releases and sales, please join my newsletter list You can also check out my Facebook page I love to post giveaways over at Facebook!

  Again, thank you for reading THE SPY WHO CAME FOR CHRISTMAS.

  Happy Holidays!

  Cynthia Eden

  About The Author

  Award-winning author Cynthia Eden writes dark tales of paranormal romance and romantic suspense. She is a New York Times, USA Today, Digital Book World, and IndieReader best-seller. Cynthia is also a three-time finalist for the RITA® award. Since she began writing full-time in 2005, Cynthia has written over fifty novels and novellas.

  Cynthia is a southern girl who loves horror movies, chocolate, and happy endings. More information about Cynthia and her books may be found at: or on her Facebook page at: Cynthia is also on Twitter at

  Her Works

  Romantic Suspense

  Killer Instinct

  After The Dark (Killer Instinct, Book 1) - Available 03/28/2017

  LOST Series

  Broken (LOST, Book 1)

  Twisted (LOST, Book 2)

  Shattered (LOST, Book 3)

  Torn (LOST, Book 4)

  Taken (LOST, Book 5) - Available 11/29/2016

  Dark Obsession Series

  Watch Me (Dark Obsession, Book 1)

  Want Me (Dark Obsession, Book 2)

  Need Me (Dark Obsession, Book 3)

  Beware Of Me (Dark Obsession, Book 4)

  Only For Me (Dark Obsession, Books 1 to 4)

  Mine Series

  Mine To Take (Mine, Book 1)

  Mine To Keep (Mine, Book 2)

  Mine To Hold (Mine, Book 3)

  Mine To Crave (Mine, Book 4)

  Mine To Have (Mine, Book 5)

  Mine To Protect (Mine, Book 6)

  Montlake - For Me Series

  Die For Me (For Me, Book 1)

  Fear For Me (For Me, Book 2)

  Scream For Me (For Me, Book 3)

  Harlequin Intrigue - The Battling McGuire Boys

  Confessions (Battling McGuire Boys…Book 1)

  Secrets (Battling McGuire Boys…Book 2)

  Suspicions (Battling McGuire Boys…Book 3)

  Reckonings (Battling McGuire Boys…Book 4)

  Deceptions (Battling McGuire Boys…Book 5)

  Allegiances (Battling McGuire Boys…Book 6)

  Harlequin Intrigue - Shadow Agents Series

  Alpha One (Shadow Agents, Book 1)

  Guardian Ranger (Shadow Agents, Book 2)

  Sharpshooter (Shadow Agents, Book 3)

  Glitter And Gunfire (Shadow Agents, Book 4)

  Undercover Captor (Shadow Agents, Book 5)

  The Girl Next Door (Shadow Agents, Book 6)

  Evidence of Passion (Shadow Agents, Book 7)

  Way of the Shadows (Shadow Agents, Book 8)

  Deadly Series

  Deadly Fear (Book One of the Deadly Series)

  Deadly Heat (Book Two of the Deadly Series)

  Deadly Lies (Book Three of the Deadly Series)

  Contemporary Anthologies

  Wicked Firsts

  Sinful Seconds

  First Taste of Darkness

  Sinful Secrets

  Other Romantic Suspense

  Until Death

  Femme Fatale

  Paranormal Romance

  Bad Things

  The Devil In Disguise (Bad Things, Book 1)

  On The Prowl (Bad Things, Book 2)

  Broken Angel (Bad Things, Book 3) - Available 12/13/2016

  Blood and Moonlight Series

  Bite The Du
st (Blood and Moonlight, Book 1)

  Better Off Undead (Blood and Moonlight, Book 2)

  Bitter Blood (Blood and Moonlight, Book 3)

  Purgatory Series

  The Wolf Within (Purgatory, Book 1)

  Marked By The Vampire (Purgatory, Book 2)

  Charming The Beast (Purgatory, Book 3)

  Deal with the Devil (Purgatory, Book 4)

  The Beasts Inside (Purgatory, Books 1-4)

  Bound (Vampires/Werewolves) Series

  Bound By Blood (Bound Book 1)

  Bound In Darkness (Bound Book 2)

  Bound In Sin (Bound Book 3)

  Bound By The Night (Bound Book 4)

  Forever Bound (Bound Books 1-4)

  Bound in Death (Bound Book 5)

  Night Watch Series

  Eternal Hunter (Night Watch Book 1)

  I’ll Be Slaying You (Night Watch Book 2)

  Eternal Flame (Night Watch Book 3)

  Phoenix Fire Series

  Burn For Me (Phoenix Fire, Book 1)

  Once Bitten, Twice Burned (Phoenix Fire, Book 2)

  Playing With Fire (Phoenix Fire, Book 3)

  The Fallen Series

  Angel of Darkness (The Fallen Book 1)

  Angel Betrayed (The Fallen Book 2)

  Angel In Chains (The Fallen Book 3)

  Avenging Angel (The Fallen Book 4)

  Midnight Trilogy

  Hotter After Midnight (Book One in the Midnight Trilogy)

  Midnight Sins (Book Two in the Midnight Trilogy)

  Midnight’s Master (Book Three in the Midnight Trilogy)

  Paranormal Anthologies

  A Vampire’s Christmas Carol

  Loved By Gods Series

  Bleed For Me


  The Vampire’s Kiss

  The Wizard’s Spell

  Other Paranormal

  Immortal Danger

  Never Cry Wolf