Read The Star of All Valleys Page 25

  Chapter 25

  Willy still hadn't heard from Max three days later. She woke up with his name on her tongue as she had every morning since their phone conversation. He had said he would let her know his plans, though, and she knew he had a lot to do to catch up from his vacation. She would try to be patient a few more days.

  Her mother called just after breakfast and wanted to know what she was doing. She asked an unusual number of odd questions. She wanted to know if Willy was going anywhere this afternoon and whose turn it was to pick up the kids from school. Willy patiently answered all her queries, but wondered what it was all about.

  "Why all these questions, Mom?" she asked. "You seem kind of nervous. Is there something wrong?"

  Her mother's adamant denial that anything was wrong made Willy suspicious. "Mother," she said firmly, "What is going on?"

  "Nothing, Willa, nothing at all. We're just fine here. Your father just got home. Do you want to talk to him? Dear! Willa wants to talk to you!"

  "Hi, Dad. What's wrong with Mom? She's acting funny today," Willy asked her father.

  "She seemed normal when I left this morning. There's nothing wrong that I know of. At least anything new. She's always had her unusual moods, you know." His voice was soothing and droll. Willy could hear her mother in the background scolding him.

  She hung up the phone after an amusing conversation with her father. She wondered about her mother's questions, but there didn't seem to be anything to worry about. She went on with her normal activities.

  It was her day to drive the carpool so she bundled Jeffy into his warm coat and strapped him in his car seat. They picked up the group of children from school and delivered each one to their homes. When she drove into her own driveway, Willy noticed a very large box sitting on her front porch. "Look at that box," she told the kids. "I wonder what it is. It’s so big. I haven't ordered anything from anywhere."

  She pulled into the garage and they got out of the car to look the box over. It was a refrigerator carton. Willy thought maybe it had been delivered in error until she noticed her name and address printed in large letters on one side. The return address cleared up the mystery. It was from Max. This must be the free gift he had promised to send her.

  Laughing, she explained to the kids what it was. "We'll have to get it in the house somehow," she said. "How will it fit through the door?"

  "Mama, here is some more writing," Allison pointed out. "What does it say?"

  "DO NOT MOVE BOX. REMOVE CONTENTS IMMEDIATELY," Willy read. "Well, then, let’s go get something to cut the tape with."

  They went inside and found a box cutter. Carefully, Willy cut the packaging tape that sealed the top. She opened the lid and exposed some wadded up newspapers. She reached in to pull them out when suddenly the contents of the box moved! Yelling, she jumped back.

  "Ta Da!" Max himself burst out of the box. Allison and Jeffy had been startled by their mother's fright and now they all screamed at the top of their voices. Max's laughing face changed to dismay when he saw the reaction he had caused. They were looking at him with wide eyes and open mouths.

  "Well, isn't anybody glad to see me?" he asked.

  Recovering quickly, as children are apt to do, Allison and Jeffy began jumping up and down, their voices changing from frightened screaming to squeals of joy, "It's Mr. Bell!"

  Willy couldn't say anything in her astonishment. Finally she managed to stammer, "What are you doing here?"

  Max lifted the box up over his head. It had no bottom and he had been crouching uncomfortably inside waiting for them. "Boy, am I glad to get out of there!" he told them. "I thought you'd never get home."

  Willy looked up and down the street at a few of her neighbors who were outside and had heard the squealing. They were very interested and watched curiously. She waved at them to show that everything was all right then said, "We'd better go inside."

  Max collapsed the box and put it in the garage, then they all trooped indoors. He stooped and held out his arms and Allison and Jeffy ran into them. After he had hugged them and made much of how big they had grown, he turned his attention to their mother. He looked at her to try to gauge her feelings. He hadn’t realized how his sudden entrance could be frightening and felt bad that she had been shaken. He didn't want to do anything that would be uncomfortable or distasteful to her. She solved his dilemma by simply opening her arms to him. She was as surprised by her action as he was.

  He stood for a second, unable to believe his good fortune. Then with a laugh and sudden tears clouding his vision, he wrapped his big arms around her in a bear hug. He doubted that a passionate kiss would be appropriate in front of the kids so instead he lifted her off the floor and swung her around and around. Dizzy, they both collapsed on the sofa and the kids piled on top.

  After a while, the frenzy finally contained, Max answered all their questions. "I got Aggie’s number from Kelly then called and asked her if she could find out when you would be home for sure today," he told Willy. She said your mother was going to call and she’d have her find out for me.”

  "I thought she was unusually nosy," Willy laughed.

  "My car is parked down the street. People thought I was crazy carrying a refrigerator box and newspapers. I waited until everyone was out of sight before I put it over my head.”

  "How did you get the newspapers on your head?" Jeffy asked.

  "It wasn't easy," Max laughed. "I got inside the box all bent over and then I crumpled up the papers and stuffed them around me. I was afraid that I wouldn't be covered and you would see who it was when you opened the box. I wanted to jump out and surprise you."

  "Well, you certainly did that," Willy said. "I nearly had a heart attack when the papers started moving."

  "I really didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry about that."

  "How long did you have to wait until we came?" Allison wanted to know.

  "It was only a few minutes," he told her.

  Willy shook her head. "I almost decided to go grocery shopping after school. You're lucky I remembered that Allison has a Daisy meeting in a few minutes so we came right home."

  "Mama, can I miss it today?" Allison begged. "I want to stay here with Mr. Bell."

  "I think that would be all right," her mother agreed.

  Suddenly the logistics of this event loomed up in Willy’s mind. Was he expecting to stay here in the house? What was in his mind? How was she going to cope with this added problem? She felt her back stiffening and her heart start to pound. Luckily, the kids were occupying Max’s attention right now and it would give her some time to think.

  “Excuse me,” Willy said, standing. “I’m going to go thaw out something for dinner. I’ll be right back.” She made her escape to the kitchen and opened the freezer. What on earth could she fix? It would have to be something pretty simple. She pulled out some hamburger and a package of tortillas. Enchiladas were always easy and quick.

  I’ll just have to insist that he go to a motel, Willy thought. It wouldn’t look right to have him stay here. And besides, there weren’t any beds in the house big enough for him, for one thing. He must be well over six feet tall. She knew there was a Super 8 fairly close and since he had his own car, he could drive himself back and forth. Let’s see, what was on the calendar? How long was he going to stay? What would she do to entertain him? Especially when the kids were in school. Oh, it made her head ache!

  She had looked forward to his visit when he told her he was coming and had made a few plans, but she had expected him to call and give her some notice. She had waited to shop for food until she knew his schedule but now she would have to do some quick planning.

  She pulled out a box of brownie mix to have for dessert. What goes with enchiladas? She rummaged through the cabinets for a can of refried beans. Was there any sour cream left? Or diced green chilis? She was so engrossed in searching she didn’t hear him come up behind her and she jumped when he spoke.

  “Sorry t
o startle you, again” he laughed. “My, but you are jumpy. Is it all right if I take the kids with me to pick up my car? It’s just around the corner.”

  “Sure,” she answered. That would give her a few extra minutes to get herself together and think.

  She saw them off out the door then stood for a moment in thought. The bathroom! She ran to check and see if it was presentable. Then she made a quick run through the house picking up things and checking for dust. As usual, there was plenty of that! Oh well, too late to do anything right now. She threw the meat in the microwave on defrost then started emptying the dishwasher. It was 4 o’clock so she only had an hour until dinnertime. She’d better get going on this meal. What if he wanted to stay? How could she tell him no? Oh, why worry? He was sensitive enough that he wouldn’t want to do anything she didn’t want him to. He wouldn’t be offended by being asked to go to a motel.

  By the time the meat and onions were browned, she heard the door open and they were back. Willy’s stomach clenched again. How could she love someone so much and still be so nervous and afraid? It was just so unexpected. She hoped she could act somewhat normally and not be a klutz for a few hours at least.

  Max came in and in his usual efficient manner got the kids organized setting the table and helping with the meal. Willy could tell by the look in his eyes that he would like to take her in his arms again. Those eyes! She pried her mind off her own desires and soon the meal was done and on the table.

  After the dishes and cleaning up were done, they went back into the living room. Willy suggested that Allison show them what she had brought home from school. Jeffy also had some pictures from his classes to brag about and the evening passed quietly in talking and catching up.

  “I already checked in at the Super 8 down the road on my way here,” Max announced. “I knew you wouldn’t want me disrupting your routines so I’ll take off now,” he said. He stood up and heard two very unhappy children voice their objections.

  “You can’t go yet!” Allison stated flatly. “I haven’t shown you my room or the back yard or anything!”

  Jeffy just grabbed Max’s leg with both arms and held on. There would be no escape with that little ball and chain holding on.

  Max looked a question at Willy. “I’m willing to stay a while, but you’ll have to tell me what bedtime is. I’m not going to make a nuisance of myself!”

  “Why don’t you stay until the kids are asleep? Then we can talk for a while before you go,” Willy decided. There were many things she needed answers for, such as what his plans were and what was in his mind. She had been so relieved to hear that he had already made arrangements at the motel. That was just like him. He really was a thoughtful guy. It took a great load off her mind.

  With Allison conducting the tour, they made the rounds of all the rooms in the house. Max expressed suitable approval for the décor, toys, pictures, and beds. He was given the history of each little thing until Willy was sure he was bored out of his mind. He didn’t show any reluctance, however, and happily let himself be lead around by two very enthusiastic children. Since it was dark and quite cold outside, they just looked through the windows at the back yard. The swing set and patio furniture looked chilly and forlorn. Max offered to push them on the swing tomorrow when it was light.

  By then it was bedtime and no amount of pleading would make Willy extend the time. She needed them to go to sleep so she could face this big man herself and talk. So much needed to be said and decided and evaluated. It was really scary but Willy knew her own heart and couldn’t wait to discuss her feelings.

  Max seemed to know her thoughts and made it all easier by promising the kids that if they would go to bed and to sleep without a struggle he would take them all out to dinner at a real restaurant tomorrow. They were happy to settle down then. Willy tucked them in with a kiss and shut their doors. She breathed a sigh and returned to Max who was sitting in the living room.

  When she walked in, he jumped up and spread his arms again. “At last,” he smiled. “I love your kids, but it’s you I want in my arms now!”

  Resisting the urge to be practical and get all the talking out of the way first, Willy wrapped her arms around him and snuggled in close. How could just being held tightly erase all the burdens and worry she felt? She held on tighter and felt tears come at the relief and complete joy that enveloped her.

  They stood in their close embrace for several minutes, just reveling in the feelings that washed over them until finally Max lifted her chin and gave her the kiss that had been postponed all evening. It was warm and gentle and everything and more that she remembered from last summer. Then he pulled her down to sit with him on the sofa. “There is so much to say,” he said.

  “First things, first, though,” Willy said. Then taking her courage in her hands, she asked, “Max, will you marry me? I’m a widow with two kids and nothing to offer but I love you so much!”

  The look of shock on his face surprised her. Maybe she had misjudged his intentions. Maybe it wasn’t marriage he wanted. Her eyes grew worried and her face turned red.

  “I’m so sorry,” she said. “I don’t know where that came from. Don’t listen to me!”

  “Are you kidding? Those are the most beautiful words I’ve ever heard! I’m just flabbergasted that this is going to be so easy! I wasn’t sure what you were feeling and was going to ask the same thing as soon as I found out,” he laughed in wonder.

  They were up until the wee hours discussing some of the many things that needed to be said. It would take many more days and planning sessions to work out all the details before things were in order, but the bulk of the big questions were answered already. Their quiet talking was interspersed by much hugging and kissing, which would have been very offensive if not downright disgusting to the kids. It was good they were in dreamland and oblivious.

  When Max finally pulled himself away and left to make his way to the motel, Willy floated to her own room and dreamily prepared for bed. He would be here again tomorrow! He said he could stay for several days! They would have time to talk more! And she would feel those arms around her again! And those lips! Willy shivered in delight and anticipation as she snuggled in bed. Her pillows got the hugging of their lives that night.

  They spent most of next the day together. Jeffy was in heaven playing with his big friend and didn’t even want to go to his school. He was afraid he would miss something. Willy dropped him off anyway so she and Max could shop for groceries and have some time together. After Allison came home, they decided together where they wanted to go out to eat.

  “Mr. Bell, can I have anything I want to eat?” Allison asked. This was such a treat that she couldn’t believe her good fortune.

  "Of course you can, Allison, and so can Jeff,” Max agreed. “And besides, I don't think it's fair that I get to call you by your first names and you have to call me 'Mr. Bell'. Why don't you call me Max from now on?"

  Allison’s eyes got big and she turned to her mother. “Is that all right to do that, Mama?” she asked.

  "Why don't they get used to calling you 'Dad'?" Willy said, her voice quiet and her eyes filled with love.