Read The Stolen Star Page 1



  Neonila and Halyna Franko

  Copyright 2013 by Neonila and Halyna Franko

  Translated by Simon Geoghegan

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner


  Table of Contents

  Part 1

  The Dark Powers and Their Plan

  The Family



  Part 2

  Michael and Ben's Adventures

  Journey into the Past

  The Princess's Ring

  Michael and Ben's Souls are Strengthened

  The City of the Robots

  The City of the Angels

  Part 3

  The Sisters

  The Visit to the Secret Island

  The Sisters Adventures on Board the Ship

  The Island of the Blessed

  The Dark Powers are Unmasked

  Part 1

  The Dark Powers and Their Plan

  Demons were scurrying to and fro like an agitated flock of black crows croaking:

  “She is returning to Earth! She is going to have to return to the Earth!”

  But then everything went calm. Mountains were stretched out as far as the eye could see. A high tech lift had been sunk into one of the highest peaks. Judging by their appearance some very important personages were descending in it right down into the bowels of the earth. One of them kept repeating the demons' refrain:

  “This time she won’t succeed in getting away from us. We have devised a plan to keep her soul under our control.”

  "Do you have the plan with you?” asked the other passenger.

  “Oh yes..." the former replied eagerly.

  “Okay, we’ll see in the council chamber, but the most important thing is conspiracy, confidentiality and caution.”

  The lift came to a stop deep under the ground. They passed along a wide brightly lit corridor furnished on both sides with beautiful and exotic plants. Two guards stood sentinel at the council chamber entrance. They were pressing various buttons and all was quiet. Suddenly, the walls reacted to the visitors' life force and a security all clear rang out. The important looking personages went into the council chamber. The chamber was furnished with the most amazing antique furniture. Next to the walls sat elegant and comfortable reclining ottomans and the centre of the room was dominated by a large table. Soft chairs with ornately worked back rests had been placed around it with a magnificent throne at its head. The chairs placed closest to the throne were intricately decorated with complex coats of arms in the finest precious stones; those nearer the exit were more modest in style.

  The personages sat themselves down next to the throne, which for the time being was unoccupied.

  “Give me your plan,” ordered the first more senior demon. “Here it is, if you please, each page has been mounted in a special frame and you can see it all here."

  The document’s author obsequiously laid the file in front of his senior.

  The big wig nonchalantly thumbed through the opening pages, stopped abruptly and in an irritated voice asked:

  “I don’t understand! Where is the Princess? What sort of team have you got together here? What do we need this for?” The junior demon literally crumpled:

  “We…" He stuttered. "…We have put the whole family under surveillance because many of her close relations have rushed to voluntarily join her on the earth:“Volunteers?!” the big wig asked in surprise. “I have never heard of such a thing. This is something new. So they are going back to Earth of their own free will and not under orders… Well, we’re going to have to deal with this you know."

  "We will most certainly sort this out; we will sniff everything out and report it back to you. But judging by what we already have, we have covered absolutely everything. The whole family is being researched... They have any number of obstacles facing them. However, there is one little snag that might put a spanner in the works. As you know, the Higher being has given a special and wonderful gift to each family. Well, the thing is… they have…” the junior demon began to hesitate and lose his thread of thought under the icy stare of his boss.

  “And what is this thing?” The boss asked angrily.

  “Yes, yes, I’ll explain. As you know their family line has a star that shines on them and through them. Well, that wouldn't be a problem if that is all it did. Unfortunately, the thing is… this star has magical qualities. It protects the whole family and supports them, even those who aren’t exactly perfect and have the potential of letting their guard down and going slightly astray. And this is where the problem lies.”

  "Well, just take the star out then! Do I have to explain everything to you!” barked the boss.

  “Yes, yes, a most perspicacious comment sir. All eventualities in this case have been foreseen and accounted for. And we have come up with a contingent plan. We need to get this star, their star, to work for us. But as you see that is all covered on pages three and four of the report." The boss seemed satisfied.

  “Excellent! Well done! Splendid!”

  This was high praise indeed.

  The lick spittle was so relieved that he had found favour that he prostrated himself on the floor and began to polish the boss’s shoes. At that moment there was a ring and the boss rushed to answer the highest of the highest, his most majestic of majesties.

  “Yes your magnificence, very good your magnificence, everything will be done as you require your magnificence. No, no need to worry, we will deal with it. I wouldn’t dare venture to waste any more of your time…"

  He put the receiver down and in a totally different tone said:

  “Let us continue. So, what’s the latest in the world of cosmic research?" said the boss turning to his next underling.

  “When will we find a way into the fifth dimensional universe? I understand the UFO is in full order."

  “Yes, but we have already tested everything and it’s simply not realistic and then of course, everyone who tries to break into this dimension will have to be reborn,” the underling began to explain.

  “What do you mean – born again? What sort of nonsense is this?!" shouted the boss angrily smashing his fist on the table.

  “Well, this is where you were once in one state and then found yourself... in another," the boffin babbled.

  "You see, when we die, we have paid everything off. That is, we become different on our journey."

  “Aha, so that’s how it is. Just remember that you and all those like you were people once upon a time and became demons during the "journey” from one plane to another. However, I have always been a demon and have never been reborn. Does that mean that I have a chance of becoming someone different? Can I be born again in order to break into this other dimension? Do you understand?”

  The boss burst into a loud peal of laughter.

  “Give it the tweaking it needs.”

  The underling shrank back completely, sneaked up to the boss and quietly whispered:

  “We have some super-secret material. We came into contact with their UFO. As you ordered us, we are sending them signals that we are from the earth and that we seek contact.”

  “And what are they?" even the boss was surprised.

  “For the time being they haven't come up close but have always flown past us, making some sort of loop and then disappearing. And we suspect, and indeed our instruments confirm that they are not far and have made themselves invisible!"

  “Splendid, carry on as you are, but make sure that you behave like typical earthlings. Like kind, smiling and important scientists and…, of course madly interested in the universe and space. Also continue to keep communicating through every possible channel. Well done!” the boss rubbed his hands with anticipation at this possible contact.

  For the rest of the meeting, the boss was on great form. He laughed and told jokes and, most importantly, didn’t shout at anyone. Indeed he was most amiable with everyone. As far as all the other questions were concerned such as organising terrorist cells and various religious sects, the most important task was to get things rolling, to undermine people’s faith and use every possible sort of bribery.

  "We still have a lot of gaps in the arts, I so want them to paint pictures and make films about our people… and their music – it’s all about their love. We need to show that everything can be overcome by money and in the process turn their values upside down. But there is to be no love under any circumstances!”

  The meeting was drawing to a close when the ceiling suddenly opened and a flock of enormous black birds flew in. They