Read The Stolen Star Page 37

the billiard room which was immediately behind the lounge, then the casino with roulette and card tables and flashing one-armed bandits at the end of the hall. Everyone was so wrapped up in their gambling that they barely lifted their heads. These were the most passionate gamblers who were almost duty bound to lose all their money. Later they would be joined by the more occasional and blasé gamblers whose aim was not so much winning but to feel the thrill of the game.

  Beyond the casino was the conservatory, which was packed full of exotic and wild flowers and trees. And amongst all this beauty a special quiet corner for relaxation, quiet conversation and various drinks on offer at the tables and benches dotted in and around the winding creepers and leaves of the plants. The sisters loved the huge pool filled with the most wonderful translucent turquoise sea water. They couldn’t resist the temptation of going for a swim there and then. With great foresight they had brought their swimming costumes along with them. Like the conservatory, the swimming pool was equipped with recliners and tables laden with drinks.

  Late that evening once they had got back to their cabin Natalie said:

  “What bad could there possibly be here? What a beautiful place!”

  But as soon as they entered their cabin they were greeted by a disturbing message on the screen above the porthole, which flashed at them several times:

  “Intruders have been in here. Follow the arrows and on the right you will see a bugging device and on the left behind the picture a hidden camera. Don’t give the impression that you know about this, continue as if you are as merry and carefree as before.”

  For a few moments Natalie and Sophia just stood in silence frozen to the spot. What a “pleasant” surprise!

  It was Sophia who was the first to find her tongue:

  “Listen Natalie, we forgot our swimming costumes at the pool.”

  “Oh yes,” said Natalie, who was still in complete shock, “but that’s not important.” Then after pausing a moment she said: “If we hurry we might get back there before it closes.”

  “Well, never mind!” said Sophia trying to stop her sister but Natalie had already left the cabin and she had no choice but to follow Natalie’s proposal.

  They had barely got outside before Natalie said:

  “We will have to agree beforehand what we are going to say in the cabin. Therefore let’s get away from here and discuss what we need to do.”

  Sophia was lost in thought.

  “I don’t even know if I want to give them any information at all. It's evident that these people are interested in everything. The surroundings around here might be incredibly beautiful but we definitely can’t be so sure about the people.”

  “There are certain situations where it’s simply vital to tell or warn someone about something,” said Natalie already beginning to get irritated.

  “Well then let’s be like the heroes in the films we used to watch when we were children. So when I say: let’s go to the lounge, it means there’s a suspicious looking man, when I say: casino that means there’s a card-sharp and when I say: let’s go and find Auntie it mean let’s go to the dining hall, and when I say: let’s go to the swimming pool – that means there’s some good news and then everything will just sort itself out as we go along.” suggested Sophia.

  “Well, let’s go and find Auntie,” said Natalie and both sisters burst out laughing.

  But no sooner had their laughter subsided than their supper time acquaintances arrived on the scene alerted by their loud laughter.

  “Tell us, what’s happened that’s so funny?”

  “Oh we are just so amazed by the ship,” said Natalie smiling sweetly.

  “So there’s a chance that you are having a good time,” the bodyguard blurted out.

  “Yes the surveillance system here works so well that a fly couldn’t make it on board unnoticed,” said Sophia nearly spilling the beans about the new additions to their cabin facilities.

  “Funny you should mention that because we have come across some very strange things in that respect. A very good friend of mine, who has worked as an expert for various special services, came to our cabin and…" and then he began to hesitate because his bodyguard had grabbed him by the arm.

  “Did you want something?” the boss asked innocently.

  The bodyguard shook his head.

  “Then don’t interrupt me then. Where was I…? Oh yes, well we discovered a number of bugs and hidden cameras and maybe something even worse in our cabin – but we’ve checked everything out. Some sort of holiday this is.” The boss spat out angrily.

  Natalie nearly jumped out of her skin and was just about to open her mouth to let them know what they had discovered in their cabin, when Sophia was pretended to have a coughing fit.

  “Natalie can you pat me on the back.”

  And as Natalie bent down to help her, Sophia managed to whisper:

  “Don’t even think about telling them anything,” and then her cough immediately subsided.

  The sisters made a helpless gesture of commiseration and quickly headed off in the direction of the ship’s lounge. As soon as they were out of earshot, Sophia quietly whispered:

  “We mustn't tell anyone about what has happened because we still don't know who is who."

  However Natalie didn’t agree:

  “We still need to tell someone, what sort of holiday is this?”

  “Have you already forgotten that this is far from a holiday for us, and what's more we've had more than one warning from the ship itself to be on our guard?"

  “Yeah, yeah, I understand but it’s seems such a pity. I was so looking forward to a bit of undisturbed peace. And that businessman’s assistant seemed such a nice man."

  “Oh, Natalie, I’ve got a feeling that our trusting natures are going to be very bad travel companions on this voyage. The people who are spying on us already know how high the stakes are.”

  “I understand, but in order to give the impression that we are on holiday we will need to genuinely relax.”

  “Oh don’t tempt me, I am all for it. Let’s try and combine business and pleasure.”

  Natalie began grinning from ear to ear:

  “It’s great being understood.”

  The girls quickly passed through the lounge but as they approached the dance floor they slowed their pace and were joined by two young men: one was pleasant and the other... very pleasant.

  “Just like in the Gogol play,” Natalie thought to herself repeating it out loud to Sophia and causing her to smile.

  They both recalled the writer’s famous phrase, although admittedly he had been talking about women.

  “Would you like to dance?”

  And with that the two young men made a bow like eighteenth century courtiers. The sisters were silent for a second and then nodded their heads in agreement. However, they had barely reached the dance floor before they were greeted with a loud bang and sparks that showered them like a firework display. Several yards away from them two couples fell to the ground. Everyone rushed to help including Natalie and Sophia. The two couples were lying on the floor - they had evidently been deafened by the blast. The men eventually got to their feet but the girls continued to lie on the floor. Soon a doctor was on the scene. And he quickly administered first aid.

  “What’s the matter with them?” everyone asked.

  “Everything’s fine, in a couple of days they’ll be right as rain. It was just an ordinary short circuit that caused the explosion,” the doctor replied.

  Natalie and Sophia got out of the hall as quickly as they could. And literally ran through the casino hall.

  “Let’s go and get our breath back,” Natalie proposed, “did you notice those black arrows on the floor, when we stopped dancing?”

  And Sophia craned her head in order to better see where the arrows were showing now. And there they were: light thin arrows that were barely visible.

  “There, there they are, can you see them Sophia? Haven’t we been careless.” said Natalie with a bitter wave of her hand.

  “Relax, you said! There’s your relaxation with clogs on!" said Sophia testily.

  “All right, but you weren’t exactly against the idea yourself. Let’s sit down here and just observe what’s going on around us as we were told."

  Natalie and Sophia sat themselves down behind one of the vacant tables. Nobody came up to them. So they had the opportunity to unhurriedly and safely talk everything over. But being unable to come to any agreement they both decided to remain silent. Having calmed down a little, they began to scrutinise the other passengers. A group of professional gamblers had gathered around the roulette table and their chips were piling up like leaves around an autumn tree. The players would carelessly shove huge sums of money from one to the other depending on whose luck was in or out. Everyone here was just interested in gambling and money – and that was all that gave them any satisfaction. Behind the players stood their “supporters” who were simply watching the proceedings and… a few “financial” supporters who were evidently funding the whole spectacle for their own unknown ends. Among these “big wigs” one particularly important looking man stood out who clearly had a very large fortune and occupied a particularly elevated place in society. Almost involuntarily the sisters began to observe his every move. He was closely following the game, would occasionally nod his head at one of the players, sometimes approvingly and sometimes