Read The Stolen Star Page 40

are not exposed to a very serious dose.”

  “Do you really mean to tell me that the general has gone soft? That he’s developed a humane side. But you are a very clever girl to have done what you have done."

  The boss had not expected such resourcefulness and success.

  “Now run to your sister, here are the keys to my cabin and hide there immediately for the evening and wait for me.”

  Sophia asked carefully:

  “Are you planning to warn someone about this?"

  "Well everyone is playing such dangerous games. There had been a signal given earlier that they were planning to take the ship hostage." The boss laughed carefully trying to choose his words.

  So Sophia chose them for him:


  “Well these people are always trying to justify their foul actions with some slogan or other, but in the end they're nothing more than common thugs and criminals. All they think about is money and there is never enough of it for them, which is why they will serve any idea that will justify their thievery."

  He handed Sophia his key and they both quickly ran their separate ways, each rushing to carry out their vital mission. Sophia once again changed her appearance, turning into a blonde searching for her friend, thus when they did catch up with each other Natalie barely recognised her sister.

  "Let’s get out of here quick, I will explain everything on the way." And taking her sister by the arm Sophia led her to the exit.

  "But this isn’t the way to our cabin."

  “We are going to the boss’s cabin he gave me his key." And Sophia explained to her sister the whole situation.

  "I understand, but let’s pop into our cabin for a second," Natalie asked.

  "Well, all right then but let’s go there in invisible mode." said Sophia.

  “Don’t you think it's time that we wore the glasses normally so we can see people’s true natures" Natalie proposed.

  "Now is definitely not the time, we may see that which is invisible to the eye but that will leave us only too visible to everyone else," Sophia objected and Natalie nodded her head in agreement.

  They had just turned the corner of the corridor on which their cabin was located when they stopped stock still. Opposite their cabin three men stood in a triangle. The sisters quickly stepped back behind the corner.

  "We simply have to put the glasses on and really see what they are like or we will never find out what they are planning,” said Natalie decisively changing the setting on her glasses and Sophia followed suit.

  ”Now we’ll discover the real truth. But only for a second and then switch back to invisible mode.”

  Thus the sisters quickly peered through their glasses at the three men and saw that a malevolent looking stream of black mist was flowing out of the three men through which a sinister ray of light could be seen. All three rays of light were encased by streams of black smoke and they all joined into one source located opposite the sisters’ cabin.

  “Let’s change into invisible mode and see what these scoundrels are planning to do next," Sophia said quickly.

  And a second later both sisters had vanished into thin air. The sisters changed so quickly from one mode to the other that the men had no time to even sense their presence.

  While in both states, despite the danger threatening them, they both felt a pleasant sensation. Of course - it was the Angel! Always ready to help! It was simply remarkable! The sisters soon found their way to the boss’s room. There was nobody to be seen in their dear friend’s luxurious apartment. It had turned out that he really was a very good person. They now had time to discuss everything that had happened and decide what to do next. Unfortunately, they were not able to tell anyone about their magical glasses but how else were they to explain the surprise that their enemies had in store for them. At that moment the boss appeared and was overjoyed to see the sisters in his room.

  “There are three low ranking members of the ship's crew waiting for you outside your cabin. They were only employed the very day that the ship set sail.”

  “We saw them and they seemed suspicious to us, which is why we turned round and immediately came to your room," Sophia reported.

  "In what way are they dangerous?” Natalie wanted to hear what their friend knew.

  “Each of them has been issued with a very dangerous apparatus, which can shoot a ray of light and cause various degrees of injury. It all depends on the dose and the amount of time that you are exposed to the ray. It’s not clear what dose they were planning to hit you with. But the fact that there are three of them and that they were planning to direct their rays at one target suggests that they were planning to hit their victims very hard.”

  "Do you mean… They wanted to kill us?” said Natalie with a shudder in her voice.

  “This sort of ray attack can cause extreme pain, heart attacks and spasms in any part of the body. It all depends on where the rays are aimed. This could result in a person being taken out for a very long period, but if the dose wasn't too heavy it might just be used to frighten somebody. I hope that we’ll be able to smoke them out and find out. At least you aren’t their main target. They seem to have even bigger plans. You seem to be a secondary target for them but you seem to be disturbing their plans nevertheless."

  "Let us help you with your investigations, we can't just sit here and let you take all the risks," said Sophia looking at the boss defiantly, for he had already somehow become their boss as well.

  The boss’s face melted into an admiring but nevertheless condescending smile. “Oh my dear girls, if only you knew what powers are at work here…”

  “Nevertheless we might come in handy…" And Sophia squeezed her sister’s hand as a sign that they shouldn't say too much. “We will sit tight here and if we do go outside then it will only be for a short time and we'll be very, very careful."

  “You’re being very sensible, but I need to go now. I need to warn someone else about what is going on."

  And with that the boss flew out of the door. The sisters sat for a while in the room and also tried to fathom out to what extent they and the ship were in danger. The first thing they decided to do was to get into their cabin with the help of their magic glasses. This time there was no-one standing in front of their room. What's more the light coloured arrows were pointing them in the direction of their cabin. Having switched to invisible mode they stole into their room. There was nobody there. They put their glasses on to see what the real situation was. From several points on the wall they could see black wisps of smoke forming a spiral. Looked closer at them they understood that these were bugs. In the bathroom on the shelf under the mirror their cosmetics bag was wreathed in an evil looking black mist. Likewise all the drinks in the fridge had all turned a very unappetising dark grey colour. But the most unpleasant thing was that the electronic screen appeared to be silent. It was then that the sisters realised that it was obviously under surveillance by a hidden camera. And they soon found the guilty object on the opposite side of the room. The sisters began to muck about and throw various things at each other with the result that eventually the second camera, pointed at the screen accidentally got covered by a head scarf. And immediately the screen came to life manically scribbling one text after another.

  “You have understood well that there are so many bugs in here that even the slightest whisper will be overheard. Don’t use anything be it your make up or any of the drinks in the fridge. You had better not sleep in here at all right until you disembark. Be very careful, even if they try to execute a group of hostages. You must move around the ship in disguise so that no-one can recognise you. Both now and in the future do not give in to fear.”

  The sisters read all these messages from the ship and were buoyed by the fact that they were not on their own fighting their ruthless enemies. They were being supported by loftier powers! And that meant that they were in the righ
t. But it was obvious that yet more trials would be in store for them. Natalie and Sophia made out that they were getting ready to go to bed, turned out the light, put on their glasses and went out of the cabin unnoticed. Outside all was calm. The sisters followed their normal route from the dining hall through the casino and into the conservatory. They couldn’t see anyone that they recognised anywhere. So they decided to go up on deck. There they found all the main suspects gathered! Thank goodness that none of them had seen them. They noticed the general and next to him a large group from the lower ranks of the ship’s crew as well as a few others. And there also was the bodyguard. He was hovering around the general and was constantly running from one group to another. They gave the impression that they were getting ready for something very important. There wasn’t much to be gleaned from their conversation because they were talking totally incomprehensible nonsense in the main. Then quite unexpectedly the ship’s Deputy Security Officer appeared with a formidable group of guards. They went up to the general and greeted him.

  “Are you enjoying the fresh air? The Captain is holding a meeting in an hour. You remain our most respected guest but the crew will have to go below deck. However, let us put more of the deck’s lights on while you relax and our waiters will bring you some refreshments on deck.”

  At that