Read The Stolen Years Page 9

  As the sun came out, things grew quiet as bit by bit, the girls left for the commencement ceremony. Aima stepped into the now empty hall. She paused by the wall of fame, tracing her hand over the massive slate. It had been washed clean in preparation for a fresh school year, but the names of a few of the girls were permanently engraved at the top. Bibi’s name was among them. A tear slid down Aima’s cheek, as she recalled her first day in Adenizen, when they had marked the board together. Her own thumb print was nowhere to be found.

  Feeling dejected, she sucked in a deep breath and made her way to The Hack. As the Villa came into view, she stopped in surprise. The place looked unkempt and quite different from how she had known it. It was unlike Madam Ofilia to allow her property to go neglected like this.

  Inside The Hack, the twin sisters were having their tete-a- tete. Madam Ofilia and Mrs. Briggs had just finished a quiet lunch as they continued their attempt to bond with each other. For the past few weeks, Mrs. Briggs had been in a serious emotional strait. The hotline was a huge success and she had all the information she needed to bring Madam Ofilia down at her finger tips. But she kept it all tucked away somewhere in the church office. This, after all, was her twin sister and the only blood relative she had. Instead of opening up a can of worms, she was trying to convince Madam Ofilia to, of her own accord, give up her vile ways at The Hack, without exposing herself to public scandal.

  As they rounded up their lunch, a loud knock interrupted their conversation. Madam picked up her glass of wine and sauntered towards the door. She smirked when she saw who was standing outside.

  ‘I’ve been expecting you,’ she said, as her visitor stepped in. ‘I heard about your unfortunate exit from Injayra.’

  Aima swung round ‘Heard about it? You caused it!’ she accused, her voice rising.

  ‘We had an agreement,’ Madam Ofilia fired back. ‘You made a deal with me and then forgot about it.’

  The deal! Aima’s mind went to the little sheet of paper she signed the day her travel documents arrived. Had Madam Ofilia really expected her to rally girls in Injayra to be used as pawns in her dirty game?

  ‘So you took your revenge?’ she asked. ‘You ruined my life.’

  Madam Ofilia smirked. ‘My dear, what happened to you isn’t my fault.’ She took a sip from her wine glass and laid it down on the center table. ‘Did you really think Sunny wanted to marry you? For goodness sake, you were playing the whore when he met you. Why would he settle for you as a wife? Oh no, he only took you to Injayra to continue what you started here at Adenizen.’

  In spite of her anger, Aima’s face fell ‘He didn’t need to do that, there are enough women in Injayra.’

  Madam Ofilia laughed. ‘Yes, but there’s nothing like having a clueless, foreign housekeeper to maintain and keep his getaway clean and tidy while he’s away and then satisfy his needs when he comes into town on business.’

  Aima’s face hardened. She eyed Madam, and looked around the living room. ‘I understand nemesis has finally caught up with you,’ she said, with an edge of triumph. ‘Your girls are turning against you and exposing you for who you really are. I should let you know that I was the first caller on the hotline. Bibi had mailed me about how no one was calling because the girls were either having too much fun or were too scared of what you would do to them. So I called her from Injayra and told her everything I knew. Of course, I chose to remain anonymous so she didn’t know it was me. After that, I pulled together the names of all the girls I remember held a grudge against you. I called each one of them to let them know I had placed the first call and encouraged them to spill out as much information as they could because it could be their last opportunity to do so.’

  Madam Ofilia narrowed her eyes and stepped in front of her. ‘Good job, my dear. But listen; The Hack might be under attack, but its legacy will never be destroyed. There’s still a piece of it in most of the girls who have lived here. You, for one, took some of it with you to Injayra when you left some years ago.’ She smiled slyly. ‘Bonfree told me about your escapades together while Sunny was away. Old habits die hard huh?’

  Aima frowned. It was true that she and Bonfree had grown extremely close in Sunny’s absence, but he had promised to keep their little affair a secret. Even in front of Madam, who had taught her everything she knew, she felt awash with shame.

  From the dining table, Mrs. Briggs listened silently to the discussion. She didn’t fully grasp the root of their argument, but it was obvious the lady came seeking answers for a wrong done to her. She saw the animosity in the lady’s eyes, her dislike for Madam Ofilia evident. It was the same animosity she saw in Tosan, her daughter, whenever she mentioned Madam Ofilia’s name.

  She shook her head as she listened to Madam and Aima taunting each other. Her sister had become so hardened by her childhood ordeal that their reunion hadn’t done much to wipe out the scars. Neither Madam Ofilia nor Aima noticed when she exited the room and placed a call.

  ‘Hello Ma.’ The voice on the other end of the line answered.

  ‘Bibi, it’s me. I need one more favor from you before you leave Adenizen.’ Bibi was in the middle of her graduation party. Mrs. Briggs could hear the sound of celebration in the background. She increased her tone. ‘Could you get me the contacts of the girls who lived at The Hack?’

  Bibi thought for a while. ‘Sure ma,’ she replied, with enthusiasm. ‘Anything for you, I’ll call my old friend Joyce. Between her and Tosan, we should be able to get their details.’

  ‘Good, please look into it and let me have the information before you head off home. I think it’s time we put an end to this foolishness once and for all.’


  Mrs. Briggs sat with the mothers who had gathered together at her request. They all had their eyes fixed on her, but none of them could see the battle that raged within her and how deeply eaten up she was inside at having to do what needed to be done.

  She cleared her throat and addressed her audience. ‘Adenizen is a school that prides itself in molding impetuous youths into stately young men and women. It is admired throughout the land for this noble mission. As concerned parents of this university, we would like to see our children living up to the moral and ethical standards which the school upholds. But when our daughters begin to give what is precious to dogs, and throw their pearls before swine, where is the dignity in that?’ She paused for her words to sink in. The women sighed and nodded in agreement and she knew she had their attention.

  ‘It has therefore become imperative, that the school authorities compel Madam Ofilia to relinquish her ownership of The Hack. I’m filing a petition to that effect and I would like to request that each of you append your signature as an indication of your support. It’s time to set up a standard in this land.’

  The women talked amongst themselves and mulled over the document for a while, then turn by turn, each of them endorsed the petition before finally handing it back to Mrs. Briggs.


  Aima’s visit brought back Madam Ofilia’s concerns. Madam wondered how many girls Aima had instigated against her and what exactly they were saying via the hotline. Her only consolation was that it was Mrs. Briggs holding unto the information that had leaked. Her sister would never betray her. Or would she? There was no doubt that Akasi was vehemently opposed to the operations of The Hack. Madam Ofilia sighed. She could sense the brewing crisis. It was best to play it safe. She wouldn’t wait around to find out what her sister would do. Rather, she would lie low for a while; take a trip somewhere far away from Adenizen, returning only after things had simmered down.

  In a few days, she had concluded her travel plans. She put Steve in charge and made arrangements to ensure the smooth running of The Hack. One large suitcase was all she needed and before long, she was packed and ready to go. Steve would drop her off at the airport. He loaded her suitcase in the car and they left the premises unceremoniously. Like someone running from a lion right into the jaws of a bear, she a
bsconded; unaware that both she and Steve were leaving The Hack for the last time.

  The two men in dark glasses arrived just as the green Benz pulled out of sight. One of the other boys, who worked for Madam Ofilia, received them at the entrance where they bluntly stated their mission.

  ‘The school authorities have requested to see the landlady of the Villa,’ they informed him. ‘They want to ask her few questions about this place. We have instructions to deliver the summons personally.’

  Madam’s boy eyed them suspiciously. ‘She went out briefly,’ he said. ‘She didn’t say where exactly, but we expect her back soon. Why don’t you check back in two hours? She should be back by then.’

  He was trying to buy time. In two hours, Madam Ofilia would be safely out of Adenizen. Ignorant of his wile, the men consented. ‘We’ll come back at 6p.m. Please, tell her to expect us.’


  Steve whistled quietly to himself as he cruised off to the airport. He was making plans of his own. After dropping Madam off at the airport, he would pick up two friends and take a spree around the city in her prized Mercedes Benz, barhopping till the early hours of the next morning. While the cat was away, the mice would play.

  At the back seat of the car, Madam Ofilia glanced at her watch. She had an hour before boarding. ‘Step on it Steve,’ she instructed. ‘I have a flight to catch.’

  Nodding in assent, Steve increased the pressure on the accelerator and rounded a bend. As he turned into the adjoining road, the deafening horn of an oncoming truck jarred his nerves. He did not see the massive vehicle until it was too late.

  ‘Watch out, you numbskull!’ Madam Ofilia cried.

  Steve stepped on the brakes and veered off the road as the truck bore down on them. The car skidded and hit an electric pole. Madam Ofilia was overwhelmed by intense pain searing through her whole body as pieces of shattered glass flew all around her. Loud shrieks erupted from outside the car. She turned her head in time to see the truck derailing into the bush, before a thick blackness enveloped her.


  The intensive care unit of Starlight Teaching Hospital was thrown into a buzz of activity when Madam Ofilia was brought in on a stretcher, her life hanging in a balance. Word reached Mrs. Briggs at the maternity ward, about her sister’s critical condition. Throwing everything else aside, she hastened over to the emergency room but was stopped at the entrance. The doctors wouldn’t let her into the theater, where the battle to save Madam Ofilia’s life was under way. They were afraid that her emotions would get in the way of her better judgment. She paced up and down the corridor of the ICU, waiting nervously for some news.

  ‘Have mercy on her, Lord,’ she prayed fervently. ‘Don’t let her die.’

  It would be a long evening. No one could provide her any immediate answers. All she could do was to wait and pray.


  The surrounding darkness gradually gave way to a dim light as Madam Ofilia slowly regained consciousness. She could make out the sound of hushed voices in the distance.

  ‘Ma, I think she’s coming to,’ a nurse called out from above her bed.

  Mrs. Briggs hurried to her sister’s side. ‘Ofilia,’ she whispered.

  Her vision blurred, Madam Ofilia gazed weakly into the eyes that stared intently at her. She tried to adjust her posture, but her legs felt heavy and a spasm of pain racked through her body.

  ‘Just lie still,’ Mrs. Briggs advised.

  ‘Where am I?’

  ‘Starlight Hospital. There was an accident. You were brought in two days ago.’

  Images of the car ramming into the pole shot through Madam’s mind. ‘Steve?’ she whispered.

  Mrs. Briggs shook her head. ‘I’m sorry. He was killed instantly.’

  The room was silent. Madam Ofilia winced and swore under her breath. Not Steve, her loyal aide.

  ‘Who is taking care of my villa?’ she demanded.

  ‘Shhh. We can only be thankful that you are alive.’ Mrs. Briggs replied. ‘Now, you must rest.’

  It was the start of a new school year at Adenizen. While Mrs. Briggs concentrated on ensuring her sister’s speedy recovery, news about the accident spread around the campus like wildfire. With Madam Ofilia away, The Hack became like a city with broken down walls, as all manner of men began filing in, bringing the lowlife with them. Like flies on a corpse, they hovered around the Villa, hoping for a piece of the action which hitherto had been reserved for only the elite. Their ominous presence infiltrated Adenizen, sending a sense of foreboding through the campus, such that the female students began to fear for their safety; and with good reason.

  Tessy was an old-timer at The Hack, having lived there for three years. She was familiar with the major routes and bush paths that led in and out of the Villa. Returning one night after a late study hour, she was a few steps from the gate, when she heard the catcalls behind her. She paused, but didn’t have time to turn round before a pair of hands grabbed her roughly and dragged her away.

  She entered The Hack an hour later, her clothes torn and her body bruised. In shame, she tried to slip into her room unnoticed, but it was in vain. The first set of girls to spot her knew immediately what had happened and raised the alarm, spreading panic and confusion through the villa. It was a typical case of ‘Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter.’

  But it wasn’t only the girls at the villa that feared for their safety. All the female students in Adenizen were shaken, and called for the immediate removal of the intruders. The school authorities stepped in, but could not locate the culprits. When they struck again a week later, a group of girls; mainly non-residents of the Hack, went on a protest. Some of the male students, consumed with zeal for the integrity of their school, joined them. The protesters blamed the school authorities for turning a blind eye to the operations at the Hack, which had now caused their plight. The whole of Adenizen was thrown into a state of upheaval, forcing its temporary closure. All the students were ordered to evacuate the campus immediately and the university premises were sealed up, making Adenizen look like a ghost town.


  In the morning, before beginning her ward rounds, the head nurse of Starlight Teaching hospital stopped by the female ward as she had been doing everyday for the past two weeks. Madam Ofilia was lying in bed, with a pair of headphones over her ears. She smiled when Mrs. Briggs entered.

  ‘Good morning sis,’ she greeted.

  Akasi was the only person who came to see her. Madam never really had any close friends; only business associates. The girls at the villa and her other boys had not stepped anywhere close to the hospital since she was brought in.

  Mrs. Briggs laid the basket she was carrying on the table. ‘I made you some fresh fish pepper soup.’

  A sparkle crept into Madam’s eyes. ‘Bring it over,’ she said. ‘It’s never too early for a good meal.’

  She watched as Mrs. Briggs carried the basket in one hand and held her cane in the other. ‘Am I going to need one of those?’ she asked, pointing at the cane. ‘I mean, I’m not going to end up...’

  ‘Crippled like me?’ Mrs. Briggs finished for her. She shrugged. ‘Not permanently, but I’ll let you borrow mine for a while. You’ll need it when your cast is removed and I can get on quite well without it.’

  ‘Well, it’s a good thing I live on the ground floor. Climbing up those stairs at the villa with that cane would be a tremendous feat.’

  Mrs. Briggs sat down on the edge of her bed and took the cooler out of the basket. ‘The Hack has been shut down,’ she said, in a matter of fact tone.

  Madam exhaled heavily and the muscles in her face tightened as Mrs. Briggs related the events that had transpired at Adenizen.

  ‘There’s nothing hidden that will not be disclosed,’ Mrs. Briggs concluded. ‘We know everything that went on at the Hack. It’s all in the hotline records.’

  The aroma of the delicacy suddenly became repulsive. Pushing aside the untouched bowl
of steaming hot fish pepper soup, her face grew stony as she envisioned everything she had worked for crashing before her.

  ‘So you won,’ she said finally. ‘You ran me out of Adenizen like you vowed to.’

  Mrs. Briggs shook her head. ‘Ofilia, this isn’t a game. You’ve taken things too far. I won’t stand by and let you continue to hurt these girls, the way you did Tosan.’ She paused and looked out through the window. ‘The university tribunal will decide what actions to take against you. They want to give you a fair hearing. I said it would be best to wait till you get out of here.’

  ‘I can talk to them now,’ Madam spat out. Why postpone her date with doom?


  Madam Ofilia put up a strong defense before the tribunal, insisting that everyone who came to live at the Hack did so of their own volition and those who chose to leave were not held back. When she heard about the hearing, Aima rallied some of the former villa residents. Emboldened by the news of Madam’s incapacitation, they came forward in person to speak of their experiences. Madam did not force them to work for her; no, not physically, but her subtle mockery was equally damaging. She tore at their self esteem, making them believe they were nothing without her. Following these testimonies and those from the hotline, the tribunal had heard enough. The charges against Madam Ofilia ranged from pimping; running a prostitution ring in Adenizen and living off the earnings of the girls, to substance abuse and endangering the lives of her wards with hard drugs.

  Madam Ofilia’s lawyer made a plea for leniency, stating that Madam was the victim of a tormented past. Her actions were the ripple effect of a battered childhood and thus, she should be looked upon with empathy rather than dealt a harsh judgment. The panel expressed regret for what she had had to go through but insisted that Madam’s years of childhood abuse could not excuse the harm that she had done to so many other girls, who in turn could be expected to unleash their hidden pains on the younger generation coming after them. The cycle had to be broken or the decadence would go on forever.

  Before the hearing was over, Mrs. Briggs stood before the five-member panel and made a final appeal for her sister. After hours of deliberation, the tribunal reached a decision. On recovery, Madam Ofilia would not leave the hospital premises. She was to remain in a secure residential unit of Starlight Teaching hospital, where she would be confined over the next ten years. During this period, she would, under close supervision, engage in community service at the hospital. Madam Ofilia remained stony eyed while the verdict was read, her blank stare not betraying any kind of emotion.