Read The Stone of Cuore Page 17


  “A parlay!” Tancred declared. Standing on the roof of the keep behind the battlements the wizard held out his Staff. A great light was conjured and driven by a gust of conjured wind, the bright glow lifted into the air. Rising to a height, the entire castle was illuminated in a pale blue glow. Long shadows fell across the courtyard.

  A tense moment followed as Scorch circled and came in for a landing on the gatehouse tower. Agdar was furiously fuming with fire from his perch on the castle tower. Hissing sounds that only dragons could understand followed as a temporary truce was declared. Nevertheless, Tancred’s dragon remained cautiously posed.

  Platov conjured his council of spiders and set them out on the battlements in a neat row. Tate cringed and avoided Scorch’s hypnotic lavender eyes.

  Scorch rose up and sputtering with smoke and fire, he spoke, putting forth his point-of-view with a courteous formality not often seen among dragons.

  “The stone has been my protection from Wraith. Taken from me by Platov in deceitful trickery, now I have no power of the wicked wizard,” Scorch stated.

  Platov listened and did not deny that he had taken the stone by trickery. Kaspar scoffed over the dragon’s pathetic claims, citing that Scorch had no doubt obtained the Stone of Cuore by trickery of his own. Tancred maintained neutrality as he intended to allow both sides to speak.

  “Wraith has captured a moonstone,” Scorch continued after a long pause during which time he was watching Platov closely. “Stolen from the protection of Sabian, Wraith has a great power that he will wield against all of us. Already the dwarfs cower to his demands. Wraith is whom you need fear!”

  Platov consulted his council. The six spiders all spoke among themselves in whispers and then one stepped forward. “The rightful choice is to return the Store of Cuore to Scorch.”

  Platov shook his head.

  “Then you will have to give Scorch your moonstone,” the spider spoke again. With a bow it stepped back and took its place with the rest of the council.

  “We have two moonstones,” Tate said. “I will give mine to Scorch.”

  Tancred stroked his long white beard as he considered the matter.

  “The moonstone has to come from Platov,” Sage spoke. “But consider this. By giving Scorch your moonstone, you will gain the alliance of Scorch. He will no longer be your enemy as you have given Scorch something of great value.”

  “The Sage speaks the truth,” the spider said as it stepped forward.

  “The moonstone given must be Platov’s for Scorch will know the difference,” Tancred confirmed.

  “Then I will give my moonstone to Platov,” Tate said. “It is of no value to me.”

  “On the contrary,” Tancred said. “The value of the moonstone is vast. You will forfeit a fortune!”

  Tate shook his head as he valued his friendship with Platov far more.

  “A great misfortune for you Platov if you accept the moonstone from your friend,” the spider stated. “One that both of you will one day regret.”

  Platov thanked Tate for his offer and refused the moonstone.

  “The moonstones may have been from one large meteorite that fell from the sky,” Sage advised. “If it broke apart as it crashed to the earth, then the three moonstones are really one. They will not battle each other, instead they will ally themselves. If the moonstones are virtuous then Wraith being wickedness may unwittingly bring about his own defeat. The moonstones will conspire against him. Platov, give your moonstone to Scorch. Tate, you will keep yours as someday you may need it. Then we will wage a campaign to capture the moonstone from Wraith. A fellowship between men, wizards, and dragons!”

  “What if the moonstones disposition is to depravity?” Tancred inquired.

  “A delicate balance as one moonstone will be held neutral by Scorch,” Sage replied. “One held by Tate and one held by Wraith. If kept apart then their wickedness will never be realized.”

  “I see,” Tancred stroked his beard considering the possibilities.

  “I shall give my moonstone to Scorch,” Platov said after consulting his council.

  Tancred looked thoughtfully over the courtyard avoiding making eye contact with Scorch. Then having resolved whatever concerns he held, he stepped forward to address the dragon.

  “Scorch! Platov will make restitution for his trickery by the bestowment of a moonstone unto you. Do we have an agreement?” Tancred’s voice bellowed across the courtyard.

  “By what means does Platov hold a moonstone? Has he taken this too by deceit?” Scorch rose up and asked with a snort of fire and smoke.

  “No!” Platov howled. “I found it, fair and square. Tate is my witness. Two moonstones found together in the forest, belonging to nobody!”

  “Two moonstones?” Scorch looked baffled. Then standing up he snorted. “Then I accept the offer of restitution.”

  “The moonstone will be brought to you,” Tancred declared. “A truce declared and an alliance formed between Platov and Scorch!”

  “An alliance,” Scorch bowed in agreement.

  “A fellowship between dragons, wizards, and men for a common cause,” Tancred stated loudly.

  “A fellowship, together we will defeat Wraith for the final time,” Scorch hissed. “To his will he has bended me, long has he been my enemy.”

  Platov bowed in acceptance while his council of spiders witnessed the declaration.

  “Have you given any thought as to how you will deliver the moonstone to the dragon?” Kaspar asked with a curious chuckle.

  Platov scratched his head as he had not considered how to bring the moonstone to the dragon that previously wanted only to devour him in revenge.

  Tancred stepped forward to make arrangements. Agreeable, Scorch flew off the gatehouse tower and circled out over the forest. Platov and Tate gathered up the moonstone and then took it to the tower. Placing it on the roof, they scattered off and waiting while Scorch returned and scrutinized the offering. Picking up the moonstone, Scorch dropped it from a height to see if it would crumble into dust. Satisfied, Scorch bowed again, promised to be nearby, and then flew off.

  “A great guilt has been lifted,” Platov sighed with relief.

  “Have you learned your lesson?” Klara scolded. “Trickery and deceit go hand in hand with wickedness.”

  “Yes Ma’am,” Platov gulped.

  “A curious twist of fortunes,” Kaspar chuckled. “And a great one carried away.”

  “We had better prepare for Wraith will soon reveal his intentions,” Tancred said.


  Some days later, a snarl outside the gatehouse awakened Platov in the middle of the night. The wolves had been seen in the forest but their numbers were dwindling. The occasional snarl and howling call of the wild was commonplace. Without Wraith’s influence the forest was part of the wolves’ natural range. But this snarl was far fiercer. Platov knew the wolf was looking for him the second time he heard the growl.

  He crawled out of bed and climbed up on the stool to look out the narrow window. Oorts were flittering around in the upper branches of the trees while down below the forest was covered in a dense midnight fog. Just beyond the moat, the red eyes of the wolf glared up at Platov. Snarling, the wolf demanded that Platov speak with him.

  Platov picked up his stone and the Sage, donned his shoes and pulled a heavy leather tunic over his head. Tate’s moonstone sat on the table and for a moment, Platov’s fingers reached out for it. A spark zapped him painfully and he withdrew his finger. Sliding back the heavy oak beam, Platov crept out into the stairwell. Reaching the roof, Platov stayed behind the battlements and looked down at the burning eyes of the Wolf King.

  “To the dragon, Scorch you hast bestowed a moonstone,” Vladislav, the Wolf King snarled and glared at Platov. “An injustice for as you give my enemy such power, you hast not offered the same unto me.”

  “I have no others,” Platov replied.

  “Surely, you deceive me with such denying words,” the wolf g
rowled. “You have another. I demand it!”

  “It is not my moonstone,” Platov said.

  “The moonstone does not belong in the hands of a mere mortal,” Vladislav curtly replied. Its red eyes flashed and Platov cringed as he sensed the wolf’s rage.

  “You are a foul creature,” Platov said. “If I give you a moonstone that is not mine to give, then you will become the foulest of creatures!”

  The wolf snarled. “The foulest of all creatures is the dragon. When hast ye witnessed a wolf burn the forest!”

  “I will not give you a moonstone even if I could find another,” Platov said. “Ye be allied with Wraith, my enemy.”

  “Ye have allied with Scorch!” The wolf’s eyes grew bright with rage. “By your refusal, you have earned an enemy!”

  “So be it then,” Platov said.

  The wolf snarled and bore into Platov with its wicked eyes. “I shall devour Tate!” He promised. “Then you will regret this day more than all others.”

  “You shall not devour Tate! For if you do then I will raise the Stone of Cuore against you!” Platov threatened.

  “Then it be that all the wolves will be turned against you,” the wolf snarled.

  Wolves hidden until now came out from behind the trees and gathered behind their King. Howling and snarling, the wolves declared themselves Platov’s enemy.

  “Consider you choices carefully,” the Wolf King threatened.

  “You cannot threaten me,” Platov retorted and then holding out the Stone of Cuore he let the King witness the gathering power. “I shall smote you! Your subjects will flee with fear in their eyes.” The Stone of Cuore suddenly lit up the sky. A bolt of lightning crashed down just before the Wolf King. But the wicked red-eyed wolf remained unscathed. With a piercing snarl, the wolf’s eyes flashed and Platov realized that defeating the Vladislav would not be easily accomplished.

  “I will return!” Vladislav threatened. “You will surrender the moonstone to me or I shall devour Tate!” Then amid a great snarling and howling of wolves, the King bounded off into the forest.

  “Now I have two enemies again,” Platov sighed as he watched the last of the nasty wolves retreat into the trees.

  “The Wolf King has no power over Scorch,” Sage said. “He is afraid that Scorch will defeat him with the moonstone.”

  “I do not have another,” Platov was angry now. “Canst Tate defeat the Wolf King with his moonstone?”

  “Perhaps,” Sage replied. “But then another Wolf King will rise up and become your enemy just the same.”

  With shaken confidence, Platov stumbled back to his chamber and painstakingly barred the door.


  Other books by Stephen I. Carmer

  Read more about the Third Age of Timare

  The series

  Young Adult Action Fiction

  The series begins in

  Episode 1: The Four Towers of Alacantar

  Follow the adventures of Deki and Hanta.

  Swept away into a world neither could have ever imagined, the journey begins at sea.

  Discover an old world of magic, wizards, and a wicked dragon seeking to devour the Prince!

  Going to a new school is tough for anyone, but what if your school was taught by ghosts?


  Episode 2: The Drums of Hadzi

  The adventures of Deki and Hanta continue

  Just as the dragons are sweeping down as one Prince escapes Alacantar Castle! The other Prince has vanished! The perilous journey begins!

  Not to mention, the Empresses --Tara and Astanshia are about to conquer the Dragon Empire, much to Toldare’s chagrin.


  Episode 3: The Siege of the Raven Dragon

  The legendary Wolf King and the Raven Dragon are out for revenge!

  The adventures continue with a startling new development.



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