Read The Storm Before The Calm Page 10

  Chapter 10

  Sam and Meredith chatted about their work as they prepared the meals. Meredith finally told Sam what had happened with the petty comments from some viewers. Sam was sympathetic but still couldn’t understand why Meredith had reacted the way she did. When they were all finally seated with Jenny playing happily in her high chair, Sam asked Meredith why she’d taken it all so much to heart. He knew she was used to stupid things being written about her in the press as well as snide comments from the public.

  “I think it’s just all been a bit much,” Meredith began to explain. “Something Alice said today made me realise that this having a family thing is not so easy. I’ve felt that you’re leaving me with most of the responsibility.”

  “What…” Sam began but Meredith waved a hand at him before asking him to hear her out.

  “Last night when you decided to walk out and go to the pub. Why did you not come home in time to give Jenny her bath and put her to bed?”

  “You were not the best of company last night,” Sam retorted, angry that he seemed to be getting the blame.

  “I know that, but neither were you in my opinion. I didn’t decide to up sticks, go to the pub and leave everything to you, though. You are responsible for Jenny’s bath time, not me. I’ve been really tired all day yesterday and today because I had to stay up late. After the day I had yesterday I could have done without it. But that’s not really the point. Why did you think you could just walk out and abandon Jenny like that? It’s very worrying, you know. It makes me wonder if she would ever see you much should anything happen between me and you. She’s yours too. I felt really trapped last night, a feeling that’s been meandering around somewhere inside me since Jenny was born.” Meredith paused to think about what she wanted to say next.

  “It’s not just your attitude,” she continued. “I expect every mother feels that way when they realise the enormity of the responsibility they have for their baby. Just having to sort Jenny out before I can go anywhere takes a bit of getting used to so I’m not saying this is all down to you, but you walking out like that just wasn’t right. I am sorry for taking your innocent remarks last night so badly, really I am. I know you weren’t criticising me. It was just the way I was feeling, but part of that is because there seems to be this unwritten rule between us that I am Jenny’s primary carer and that’s not how I want it to be. We need to share the responsibility equally. If you have a job to do concerning Jenny, then you shouldn’t just walk out and leave me to do it. That’s like saying you’re only doing these things because you’ve chosen to and you can choose not to whenever you please because it’s really my job, not yours. The fact is, you’re her father and it’s your job just as much as it is mine. It’s as though you think you’re somehow being generous by looking after her whereas anything I do with her is just my job and you’re entitled to expect it of me. Well, I’m entitled to expect it of you also.”

  Sam was quiet for a few moments. Meredith knew to let him take time to think. Sam always took his time when he wanted to think about things. The deliberate way he considered things, weighing up the pros and cons first, was one of the things she’d first loved about him.

  “I hadn’t really looked at it like that, but you’re right,” Sam finally said, breaking the silence. “I do somehow seem to think that Jenny is mostly your responsibility. I could make excuses, like you’re so capable, but it’s not that. I don’t know why I’ve just assumed these things. I’m sorry too,” he said as he reached across the table and covered her hand with his. “I’ll need to try a little brain shift; remember that I’m a dad now, and believe me I couldn’t be happier. Can we call a truce? I promise I’ll make it up to you. I certainly don’t want you feeling trapped, although I admit I’ve had the same kind of feelings myself. This parenthood thing isn’t easy.” Sam gave a little laugh and looked at Meredith.

  Meredith put her arms round his neck and gave him a peck on the cheek. “Thanks, Sam, for being so understanding. I hate fighting with you.”

  “Me too,” said Sam as he hugged her back. “How about I make us a cuppa and we can play with Jenny in the lounge until her bath time?”

  “Good idea, but if you can manage to settle her down a little earlier and you fancy coming to bed early yourself we could seal our deal,” Meredith said with a grin.

  “I think I’ll go run her bath now,” Sam grinned back.

  “She might object,” Meredith said as they both turned to Jenny who chose that moment to start giggling for no apparent reason.

  Sam and Meredith joined in the laughter. They were still chuckling as they walked through to the lounge. Meredith sat Jenny on the floor in front of the sofa before flopping down herself. The three of them spent the next hour throwing things around, although Sam and Meredith spent most of the time picking up the things Jenny had thrown out of her reach. Jenny gurgled and giggled happily, enjoying all the attention.

  Sam decided to take Jenny for her bath at seven-thirty, a half hour earlier than usual. Meredith smiled at him. She’d chosen to stay up a bit later tonight, even though she was very tired but she needed some closeness with Sam. It will be as good a tonic as sleep, she thought. She knew the usual half hour of laughter coming from the bathroom would be cut short, and sure enough, Sam was back with Jenny freshly bathed within fifteen minutes.

  Surprisingly, Jenny took her last bottle without any fuss, falling asleep just as she finished it. Meredith had thought she wouldn’t be hungry yet but then realised it had been a stressful few days for Jenny as well.

  Sam carried Jenny carefully to her bedroom, closely followed by Meredith. Once Jenny was tucked in Sam and Meredith stood over the cot for a few minutes gazing at her, whispering about how lucky they felt to have such a beautiful, healthy and happy baby before heading to their own bedroom. Their sex life hadn’t been so great since Jenny was born so this was a welcome treat.

  Meredith woke to the shrill beeping of her alarm feeling remarkably refreshed given her lack of sleep over the last three nights. Rolling out of bed and stepping over her discarded pyjamas that lay on the floor, she took her robe from behind the door. She smiled to herself as she ran through their love making last night, enjoying the experience over again in her mind.

  Creeping downstairs she began her normal routine, coffee first before anything else. As she sat in the kitchen watching the sunrise, she was delighted to see that it was a beautiful morning, just as she’d told her viewers it would be. She decided to wear her favourite blue, pastel coloured skirt and top to work that day. Stuff it if the viewers don’t like it; I do and that’s what matters.

  Taking herself back upstairs, she showered and dressed, deciding to put her hair up again and keep it that way until the layers grew out. Then she would make an appointment with Mairi to have it evened up. Thankfully, she liked her hair up anyway. It showed of her lovely, wide, blue eyes. She picked up her make up bag and then thought better of it. Anna was just going to have to do her make-up from scratch today. Heading out the door to her car for, she began the journey to work.

  Arriving at work with even more time to spare than normal, Meredith headed straight for the canteen but to her disappointment Alice didn’t put in an appearance. She’d wanted to thank her for the advice yesterday. Hoping she would catch up with her later in the day, she headed for her dressing room.

  Meredith was so engrossed in preparing her forecast that Anna, the stylist, was in the room and standing beside her before she noticed. They chatted about what the weather would be like for the next few days and Anna was pleased to hear the sun would be shining, whilst also remarking that Meredith seemed much less stressed this morning.

  “That’s you, good to go,” Anna said after about fifteen minutes.

  “Thanks, Anna,” Meredith smiled and headed for the door without even bothering to check her appearance in the full length mirror first. She made her way along the corridor
and into position, waiting patiently for Joanna to introduce her. The light on the camera in front of her finally turned green and she began to speak.

  “Good morning everyone. I hope you’re all enjoying the lovely morning. There’s more of the same to come over the next few days. The storm has been pushed further south by the jet stream. As you can see it’s now missing the south coast altogether. This has allowed an area of high pressure to settle right above us and it will remain there at least until Sunday. If you were planning a barbeque, this weekend would be a good time. Temperatures should reach the around twenty-eight and in some places may even reach thirty so hot, hot, hot, with plenty of sunshine everywhere. I for one will be out enjoying the garden this afternoon. That’s all from me for now. Hope you have a good day whatever you’re doing. Back to you Joanna.”

  “Thanks Meredith. The thought of a few days of sunshine has certainly cheered me up and you’re looking very summery in that lovely outfit. See you later.”


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