Read The Storm Before The Calm Page 6

  Chapter 6

  As Meredith battled her way back to the Channel 7 building the wind seemed to drive the rain directly into her face. The umbrella had turned outside in so many times that the spokes were now broken beyond repair. She’d given up on it, depositing it in a bin on her way. Even when she turned corners and expected the wind to hit her side on, it seemed to turn with her. By the time she reached her car, yanked open the door and scrambled inside, she was soaked to the skin. Slamming the door shut quickly, she started the engine, put the heater on full and sat with her head back against the headrest for a few minutes trying to catch her breath. She felt as though she’d just run a marathon.

  Once she felt a little more composed she reached behind and pulled the car rug from the back seat, using it to dry her hair as best she could. When most of the water had stopped running down her face, she pulled the rear view mirror towards her and was once again confronted with what she perceived to be a ghastly sight. Her hair was tangled beyond recognition and she’d just had a hurricane force make-over. Bird’s nests and Alice Cooper rolled into one sprang to mind. She pulled out her hair brush again. Brushing a little more gently than last time, she pushed the wet hair from her face.

  When she’d managed to pull her hair into some sort of shape, she took the baby wipes from the glove compartment and removed as much make-up as she could. She gave herself a five minute make-over before checking the time once more. “Ten minutes left to get home,” she said aloud. Knowing it was impossible, she pulled her mobile from her bag and caalled Chloe again. Thankfully Chloe was fine about staying another ten minutes. Meredith finally relaxed a little when she ended the call. Putting the car into gear, she was relieved to begin the journey home.

  The traffic was reasonable despite the hellish weather. Everyone seemed to be driving according to the conditions of the road so Meredith ended up being only five minutes late. As she turned into the driveway of her two storey detached new build, she could see the tree at the side of the house swaying. She wondered if the winds were likely to send it crashing into the side bedroom window but then dismissed the thought, telling herself that the winds were not strong enough for that. She should know; it was her job after all.

  As she stepped out of the car, a gust of wind caught the car door and threw it open. She scrabbled to catch it, fighting with it for a few seconds before finally managing to close it with a firm thud. Realising that she’d left her bag on the passenger seat, she ended up having the same fight with the passenger side door, all the while being buffeted around and soaked through once more. Her new hair-do was not standing up well to the elements.

  Finally, having retrieved all her belongings and locking the car, she headed for the front door, trying to hold on to her skirt, hair and bag for fear of losing any one of them. She made it inside and stood breathing heavily in the hallway for a second before calling out to Chloe to let her know she was home.

  “Hi, Meredith, I was just making… Oh.” Chloe stopped mid-sentence as she popped her head round the lounge door.

  Meredith’s hair was a sight with bits sticking out everywhere. The freshly applied mascara on her eyes had run, as had all the foundation on her face giving her a beige, striped, zebra effect. Even her nose had a smudge of mascara on it just to complete the look. Meredith was so busy fussing with bags that she failed to notice Chloe’s expression as she walked toward the lounge door.

  “Where’s Jenny?” Meredith asked.

  “Uuhmm, right here.” Chloe had Jenny balanced on her left hip and turned herself so that Jenny was no longer hidden behind the door frame.

  Meredith looked up and broke into a wide grin.

  “Where’s my best girl?” she said, reaching both hands out to take Jenny from Chloe.

  Jenny’s bottom lip started to quiver. She buried her head in Chloe’s neck.

  “Hey, what’s wrong, princess?” Meredith reached out, tickling under Jenny’s chin, but the baby buried her head deeper in Chloe’s shoulder and clung even tighter.

  “What’s up with her?” Meredith asked Chloe

  “There wasn’t anything wrong with her a minute ago. I think maybe it’s your new hair style,” Chloe said, trying to be diplomatic. “I’m not sure she recognises you.”

  “It’s not so different really.” Meredith patted her hair as she spoke. “It is a bit windy out there mind you.”

  “Maybe once you’ve given it a brush or something,” Chloe suggested.

  “Yeah, but not before I’ve had a cuddle from my favourite person in the whole world.” Meredith reached out again, catching hold of Jenny under the arms and pulling her away from Chloe.

  Jenny began to cry, little whimpers at first until Meredith turned her around to look at her face. Jenny closed her eyes, squirming and wriggling before letting out an almighty wail and turning to Chloe with outstretched arms, begging Chloe to take her back to safety.

  Meredith was upset by Jenny’s reaction. She’d read about this sort of thing in some of the parenting magazines she’d bought; how children bonded more with their carer than their parent. She tried to talk to Jenny quietly, cajoling her, cuddling her and stroking her cheek, but Jenny’s reaction was to wail even louder. The wailing intermittently stopped as Jenny tried to catch her breath through heartbroken sobs that almost had Meredith in tears as well.

  “Why don’t you go put your shopping away and get out of your wet clothes. I can wait another ten minutes or so. I was just making Jenny an afternoon snack anyway. I think she’s hungry,” Chloe said, reaching out for Jenny as she spoke.

  Meredith reluctantly handed Jenny over, where upon the child immediately buried her head in Chloe’s shoulder again, sobbing quietly. Chloe retreated with Jenny, muttering gently to her. Meredith headed for the stairs feeling totally rejected. This had turned out to be a terrible day. Even Jenny doesn’t want to know me, she thought miserably as she trudged upstairs to her bedroom.

  Walking into the room, Meredith caught sight of herself in the mirrored doors. “Oh for heaven’s sake,” she exclaimed to the image that confronted her. “No wonder Jenny was wailing. I feel like wailing too. Maybe I should have listened to Mairi. The beautifully styled hair was gone, as was most of the make-up she’d hastily applied in the car. She was unrecognisable, even to herself. Her face was red, blotchy and covered in bits of mascara, eye-liner and old foundation. The mascara had run onto her nose and cheeks, all around her eyes and there was even a black slash at one corner of her mouth. She dropped her bags on the floor with a thud and headed for the bathroom.

  Meredith twisted on the hot tap, splashed some the warm water on her face and rubbed vigorously. Another quick look in the mirror revealed that the mascara was now even more smudged. Pulling her eye make-up remover pads from the bathroom cabinet, she rubbed furiously at the errant mascara until all traces were gone then decided a quick five-minute shower and hair wash was in order. She stripped off hurriedly and stepped under the warm spray, wishing she had time to enjoy it but she couldn’t expect Chloe to stay any longer.

  Five-minutes later, Meredith walked into the bedroom wrapped in a big fluffy towel with another around her wet hair. She put on a pair of comfortable jeans and a bright pink T-shirt before brushing her hair. Deciding to leave it wet as it looked much thinner that way, she checked her image in the mirror one last time. Satisfied with her vastly improved look, she headed down stairs.

  Jenny was in the kitchen, sitting in her high chair eating some pureed apples when Meredith walked in. The baby immediately reached her arms out and grinned from ear to ear, clearly pleased to see her mum.

  “Well hey, you’ve changed your tune,” Meredith said as she walked over and lifted her up. “What was up with you earlier? Did mummy frighten you?”

  Chloe looked at Meredith from where she was seated at the kitchen table but didn’t say anything. Meredith caught Chloe’s look and laughed.

’s okay Chloe. I gave myself a fright when I looked in the mirror, never mind anyone else.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t want to say anything. What happened to you?”

  “The weather, a new hair-do that the hairdresser advised me not to have done but I didn’t listen, and a horrible day at work.” Meredith laughed half-heartedly. It really had been a crap day.

  “Oh well,” Chloe replied, “we all get days like that. I’ll be off now if that’s okay.”

  “Of course, and thanks for everything Chloe. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  “It’s what you pay me for. See you later Meredith,” Chloe smiled as she put on her coat and headed for the door.