Read The Story of Him and Her Page 1

The Story of Him and Her

  Jarrett Yap

  Copyright 2015 Jarrett Yap

  This is a story about him and her, how they met, how they fell in love, and what happened after. This may be your ordinary love story, this may be a story you’ve heard before, but is still a story nonetheless. This is a story about love. This is a story about life.

  It was a Friday night. He was in a bar, however, not the trashy type of bar, for those are not the type of bar he is comfortable with. The bar has tables outside, with chairs in the open air, underneath the clear night sky, decorated with several stars and probably dozens more if the city lights were not that bright. The air was cool. The atmosphere was joyous. Soft jazz was playing as a single songstress entertained the patrons, belting soulful melodies both the oldies as well as some current music as well as a couple of originals. He was sitting alone at the table, his friend, off to another table to find a companion for the night. Beer in hand, necktie halfway dangling against his Durban shirt, he listened as he scoped the room, analyzing the behavior of the people and wondering to himself what they must be thinking. He wondered to himself if he were the only one who felt the way he did, in a crowded place yet all alone. Growing bored, he listened but the noise seemed to buzz about him and he wondered if he could leave and call it a night. He wondered if he could retreat to his fortress of solitude where he would not need to put up a front or pretend to like something just to accommodate the ones he is with. He let out a sigh, looked around and wondered if his friend was still around.

  The clock indicated that it was already 11. Some may say the night was still young, while others would rather be in bed already. He is one of those who would choose the latter yet that night, chose to join his friend as he did not have to be in the office the next day. As he scanned the room for his friend, he saw her, sitting in a booth, nervous and lacking comfort in her posture. Her companions were busy chatting and having fun, but she seemed to be out of place. Draped in her pink cardigan, white top and plaid mini skirt, she sat quietly, observing those around her as she sipped on what seems to him a cup of coke. Her hair was in a side braid and her doll-like eyes moved from side to side and sometimes her eyelids fall as to shy away from direct eye contact. He wondered to himself if she had been sitting there all this while. He began to study her, a new subject to distract himself for the night amidst the crowd. For a whole 10 minutes, he stared at her, gazing and thinking to himself, pondering on the reasons a plain Jane could be captivating his current state of mind. It wasn’t long till their eyes met and she caught him staring. Realizing the creepiness he may be exuding, he quickly turned his gaze away as she averted him. He stared down at his watch and realized how time flew as midnight drew near. He called for his tab and swiftly left the bar, careful not to bump into any of the other patrons whom he was not sure himself were entirely sober, but not before taking a quick glance to see if she was still around. In his mind, he wondered if he could ever see her again, hoping that she felt the same.

  He did not have to wonder long as on Sunday itself, he met her again. It was at a second-hand book store, where one may be able to find a book that is no longer in publication, or a sentimental piece that is looking for a new owner. Located right in the middle, in a row of shops that bear big names, the store looked out of place. It also differed in the number of people going in, where if one is to enter, one would be able to count the amount of people with one’s own two hands, a stark contrast against the bustling crowds in the other shops. One may wonder if the shop should have been closed down instead. Inside the shop, is a different world. Shelves after shelves, carefully labelled and books after books organized accordingly. The scent of old paper mixed with a whiff of vanilla greets each customer who walks into the shop, accompanied by slow jazz, soothing to the ear and calming to the soul.

  It was a lovely Sunday afternoon, where the sun was not too scorching and a gentle breeze swept through the air. He walked in into the second-hand bookshop. His mind was clear as he darted towards the shelves labelled ‘Classics’. He scanned through the rows of books neatly placed on the tiers on the shelves, a ritual he did almost every week, church in the morning, bookshop after, looking for a very specific book by a very specific author. Quickly browsing, his gaze stopped at the very book which title caught his attention. As he reached out to grab the book, another hand brushed against his, aiming for the very same book. He turned to look at the owner of the hand who dared to take away the very book he has been hunting down for months and to his surprise, he saw her, the very same plain Jane who caught his attention at the bar. He recognized her, but did not say a word.

  She told him that she needed the book to complete her assignment. She told him that the book that her professor wanted her course mates and herself to read is no longer published but to look for an electronic copy instead. However, she prefers to read the hardcopy and had been looking for the same book for weeks now. He told her that he needed the book to complete his collection for a very specific author that he enjoys reading. Both of them needed the book very much. Looking at the book, he reluctantly offered it to her, saying that she needed it more than him. She told him that she only needed the book for an assignment and would gladly give it to him after she was done with it. He agreed so and offered to pay for the book. She thanked him and asked if he were free after. He affirmed and she invited him for coffee at a small indie café just down the street. He took up to offer and the two of them walked towards the café.

  The café was a small little indie café, located in a secluded part of town. One could say that it’s a town secret and not many know about it. Tucked away along the back alleys, situated at the back, above the local pawn shop, if one looked hard enough, one would see a black door, the entrance to the exclusive, secret café. Although being a secret, the customers were not few. Almost every other table was occupied either by college students doing their assignments, or groups of friends chatting away. Occasionally, once could spot other groups of patrons but they’re always around the same age. Relaxing indie music, produced by local bands, played through the airwaves, filling the atmosphere with a sense of familiarity and pride. The furniture used gave a rustic impression, and none of them are alike, giving a certain uniqueness to the place as opposed to the commercialized café where every chair and table seems to come from Ikea. The arrangement of the furniture filled the place with a certain hominess, a pleasant coziness and yet not too close to each other that one would feel like one is intruding into others’ personal space. The mosaic floor, if looked hard and long enough would inspire creative minds to come out with interesting stories to tell and interpret. The barista, a young chap with a well-groomed beard and hair tied neatly, giving one a certain assurance of unexpected cleanliness. The menu, written in chalk, with a simple list of selection that was not too confusing.

  She told him that it’s a college secret and that the café was run by a college student. They made their orders, 2 cappuccinos, and had a seat in a secluded corner. She asked questions, he answered. He asked questions, she answered. He joked, she laughed. She told him things, he listened attentively. They were in a world of their own. Two people, strangers the day before, connected like they’ve known each other for years. The hours passed and both of them did not notice the time and soon enough, it was already evening. He enjoyed her company, he did not want it to end. But time was not on their side. He asked if he could take her to dinner to which again she told him of a place where they could get amazing food at affordable prices. They walked over to the food trucks, a few minutes’ walk away.

  Within the few minutes, they continued their conversation, laughing along the way. The food trucks were filled with selection and the lines were buil
ding. The aroma of grease and smoke filled the air. She told him that the kebabs are to die for and they had that. He walked her home, all the way back to her dorm. They exchanged numbers and promised to keep in touch. She promised to give him the book when she was done with it and he told her to take her time with it. He wished her all the best, she wished him a safe journey back.

  Months passed and both of them were waiting for the other to text first, but none of them did until it was time she had enough. She texted him, telling him she had finished her assignments and would like to return the book to him. They started to plan the meet up and from there, they began to speak to each other again after a few months. She told him about her assignment and he told her the latest project that he had been working on. They chatted throughout the night, secretly excited to be speaking to the other and waiting impatiently to meet again.

  The day came when they met again after a few months. It was at the same café that they met in the very first day they met. Both of them ordered the same thing again and from there, they hit it off again like old friends meeting after a long time. They chatted for hours, exchanging stories and jokes. She told him what she learnt, he listened and gave his input. He told her what he was working on, she gave him words of encouragement. When the time came for them to go their separate ways, he knew that this could be the last time that he would see her and it killed him a little inside. Gathering his courage, he asked her if they could meet again. Surprised but expectant, she agreed and that brought him much joy. Since then, they’ve met a couple more times, sometimes in the café sometimes around the city.

  It was their fifth meeting. They’ve had their usual coffee and walked around the city, enjoying the setting sun and the gentle breeze that brushed their faces. The weather was getting cold when they decided to walk around the city, admiring its view and the architecture. They arrived at a viewing deck, overseeing a giant man-made lake. Looking at the lake, they continued talking, discussing about life as they watch the fishes and the ducks swimming without a care in the world. They spoke about regret. She shared with him her greatest regrets. He told her that his greatest regret was not to have known her sooner. Gathering every ounce of courage he had in him, he asked if they could be more than just friends. She hugged him right there and then and the kiss she planted on his lips gave him the very answer he desired. He held her closer and in that moment, it felt like time stood still and they were the only ones in the world.

  It was their first date as a couple. He told her he would bring her somewhere. She pestered him to tell her, but he kept quiet as he drove towards the beach. She looked out the window, amazed at the amazing lights that filled the atmosphere. The Ferris wheel stood gloriously in the middle of the designated beach with other rides surrounding it. She looked at him as he exited the car in amazement and he smiled at her. She had told him that she had never been to a fair. The bright lights filled the air as loud music blared through the airwaves. The smell of popcorn and cotton candy filled the air, mixed with a hint of the salty breeze from the ocean. They walked around, cotton candy in hand. They played games, they went on rides, and they took pictures. They laughed, they smiled, and they had the time of their lives. She told him she enjoyed the merry go round, he told her he enjoyed eating cotton candy. They went on the Ferris wheel and when they stopped right on top, they saw the whole fair. She was excited and seeing her, he smiled. The night ended with her bringing a giant unicorn stuffed animal home and another cotton candy in her other hand. They said their goodnights and parted ways again for the night.

  Months later, a couple of months before their first anniversary, he decided that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He told himself that he should not wait too long and that she’s the one for him. Elaborately, he devised a plan. He spoke to her parents and obtained their blessing. He told her family and he told his but not her. He wanted to keep it under wraps. His mother gave him her engagement ring, a ring that was passed down for generations before him. His plan was coming into fruition. Everything seemed to be coming into place. Everything, until he received a phone call one day, weeks before his intended proposal.

  She had gotten into an accident. She was driving along the freeway as a drunk driver rammed into her car from behind. She was knocked unconscious and was sent to the hospital. The tragic accident did not take her life but left her in a coma. Every day, he would visit her, hoping she would be awake by the time he arrives after work, but every time he came, she was still there, lying down, unresponsive. He cried day and night, begging her to open her eyes. He knocked on heaven’s door, asking God ‘Why?’

  That was the story about you and me, how we met, how we fell in love, and what happened after. It may be an ordinary love story, it may be a story people had experienced, but is still our story nonetheless. That was a story about our love. That was a story about our lives. I’m still waiting here for you, with this ring in hand. I’m still waiting for you to open your eyes. I’m still waiting for a miracle. I’m still waiting for you to be my wife. I’m still waiting, and I still love you. Happy Anniversary.