Read The Stygian's Eye (Shadow Stalkers 1) Page 10


  "WELL, THAT WAS interesting."

  Jennifer walked in and introduced herself.

  "Hi, Mr. Lane. My name is Jennifer and I am going to be your physical therapist. We have a good bit of work to get done but, if you are willing to put the effort into it, I think you should be able to start walking again within a few months. How's that sound?"

  Jennifer was all smiles and Darian could tell that she was indeed sincere, but the sickly sweet attitude she was throwing at him didn't sit all that well. It reminded him of going out on Halloween when he was younger and eating all the candy in one night.

  "Yeah, I guess. Look, I'm not really in the mood for any of this right now. Can you come back later?"

  "Well, I could do that, but I find that putting things like this off will only make it more difficult for both of us later. Why don't we start with getting the circulation going in your legs for now, and maybe tomorrow I can take you down to the therapy room and get you on the machines?"

  She asked the question, but it wasn't a question. More like a polite way of telling him exactly what was going to happen whether he liked it or not. Before he could protest anymore, Jennifer pulled the blanket off his legs and started looking them over.

  "So far there isn't any muscle atrophy that I can see, so that is a good thing. I will start with a deep tissue massage to get the circulation going, and then we might do some muscle exercises to see what kind of response we can get."

  She stepped over to the counter and took out some lotion and started rubbing it on her hands. Darian looked over at her and noticed that she was actually quite attractive, if not a little annoying with her happy demeanor.

  He didn't necessarily have any issues with her being happy all the time, but if she knew what he was going through and how he hadn't slept all night, then she might tone her personality down just a bit. He also noticed that she had a remarkably nice ass and was still staring at it as she turned around.

  "Now, now Mr. Lane. We need to focus on the task at hand instead of my rear end." She smiled. She had seen that look from guys quite often. Darian instantly flashed his eyes up to her face and wanted to apologize, but only the stammering of a fool seemed to part his lips.

  "It's okay, honey. I get stared at quite a lot from both male and female patients at times. Let's just focus on getting you back to walking again for right now."

  Darian felt like a complete fool for getting caught staring at her, but he couldn't help himself. As she moved down towards his feet to remove the surgical socks from his legs, he noticed that the front half of her didn't look all that bad, either.

  In fact, there was something about this woman that truly spoke to Darian and not just on a sexual level. It was as if he had known her his entire life, but he knew they had never met. He started to wonder if this was what love at first sight was all about as she started rubbing his feet.

  "Now then, I am going to start with your feet here and work my way up your legs. It might be a bit uncomfortable for you to watch at times so feel free to close your eyes or watch TV. I find that most of my patients tend to fall asleep a lot and that is perfectly fine with me. Just try to keep your snoring to a minimum."

  She laughed a little to let him know that she was joking, but all Darian could notice was the way her hands ran over his feet and the fact that he couldn't feel it at all. It was the strangest thing he had ever witnessed in his life and not something that he was enjoying. It did seem to make him feel uncomfortable watching her do this. Like she was rubbing someone else's feet instead of his.

  After about ten minutes, she moved up from his feet to his calves and picked each leg up, resting his foot against her stomach. He so desperately wanted to feel her stomach moving with every breath that she took, the warmth coming through her shirt, but there was nothing. There was nothing there until she passed over his knees and had to lean over a bit to get to his thighs. That was when he was able to get a peek down her shirt and see just about everything he could ever have wanted to see.

  As it turned out, Jennifer was running a bit late that morning and never did put on her bra. She figured that no one would actually notice anything since most of her patients were paying more attention to the therapy they needed to do. She wasn't aware that the top of her blouse was opened enough that, when she leaned over, Darian could look right down to her chest. She also wasn't aware that the episode in the car when she got to work was still hanging around in her subconscious and her nipples were still erect.

  Darian kept getting a glimpse of her nipples with every time she leaned forward and he realized that they were getting harder and harder by the second. He tried to not look, but there was no way that he could avert his eyes. He started to think that his morning was going to be getting a whole lot better when the unthinkable happened.

  Darian looked down noticed the small rise coming from the bed gown he was wearing. He wanted to throw his hands over it to keep her from seeing it, but he knew that making a move like that would alert her. He had to be sneaky about it all and figure out how he was going to hide his burgeoning erection without letting her know what he was doing. Just as he came up with a valid idea, she glanced up and saw what was happening.

  "Well then, I guess not everything is paralyzed down here, huh?" She smiled at him and it almost made his heart melt right on the spot. He didn't want to seem like "one of those guys" that got an erection all the time, but knew he didn't have any control over it.

  "I swear I'm not doing this on purpose. I have more respect than to do something like this."

  Darian looked away from Jennifer in shame, knowing that any hope of getting to know her better was probably out the door by now. He would know her as the woman he fell for in the hospital and she would know him as the pervert that got an erection while she was massaging the circulation back into his legs.

  "No worries. Do you think you are the first guy to ever get an erection while I was doing something like this? I have had a lot of paralyzed men get erections while doing my job and once you have seen one, you have seen them all."

  After she said that, she realized that she could have been a bit gentler with his feelings. Guys like to think that their parts are better than anyone else's.

  "I didn't mean it to sound like that. I guess what I am saying is that it's not that big of a deal or anything. You shouldn't be embarrassed about getting an erection. In fact, you should know that I am flattered that what I am doing is arousing you to the point of being able to get an erection. It just means that the blood is flowing towards the right places."

  "Well, not wearing a bra to work did help the blood flow, Ma'am." Darian smiled and winked at her. She looked down and saw that he had a clear view of her nipples and realized just how hard they were.

  She stood up suddenly and looked around the room. "Oh, my God, I am so sorry about that! If you think you were embarrassed, you have nothing on how I feel right now. This is so totally unprofessional of me. I knew I should have taken the extra few seconds to at least put my bra on this morning."

  "No worries, Doc. I kind of enjoyed the view and it made it a lot more comfortable for me right before I got the erection. There has to be some way that we can get around both of us feeling embarrassed for what is completely natural, right?" Darian asked. He knew that if he played his cards right, there might be the chance to hooking up with her after his therapy was done.

  "Well, the only thing I can think of is that you have to show me what you are hiding and I will have to show you what I am hiding." Her smile was one that told Darian she was definitely into him after all, and all he had to do was lift up his gown to show her what he brought to the party. He just hoped that it was all there and hadn't been shot off by some inept cop at the gas station.

  He reached down and took the edge of his gown in his hands. He looked up at her and watched as she grabbed the bottom of her shirt.

  "Okay. On the count of three, we both lift and show off what we have." Darian was half exp
ecting her to say she was just joking or that she couldn't possibly do anything like that when he had suggested both showing at the same time.

  To his surprise, he was caught a bit off-guard when she smiled and lifted her shirt before he could even start counting. Standing before him was a rather beautiful woman holding her shirt up and off to the side so that he could get a look at her perfect double C cup breasts with exceptionally hard nipples sticking out.

  "Okay. I showed you mine. Now you have to show me yours." She smiled, knowing that she had beaten him at his own game. She stood there looking at him as he mumbled something about how nice her breasts looked and fumbled with his gown.

  Darian lay there staring at the most perfect set of tits he had ever seen in his entire life. His hands began grabbing at the bottom of his gown wondering if he had the self-control to actually lift it up and show her how hard his erection was. He took a deep breath and pulled his gown up. He looked into her eyes to see if there was any sign as to what she was thinking. But the only thing he got was a look of shock and humor as she let her shirt down and covered her mouth with one hand while trying not to openly laugh.

  "Okay, I know it's not the best looking one in the world, but there is no reason to laugh at a cripple showing you his manhood." Darian was a little upset at her reaction and that feeling of being embarrassed crept in yet again. He was ready to tell her she needed to leave and to not come back when she pointed towards his crotch and informed him that his catheter was coming out because of his erection.

  Darian wasn't even aware that he had a catheter to begin with, but it suddenly made sense to him since he had been in a coma for two weeks and was paralyzed from the waist down. He looked over his hands and saw that the catheter was, in fact, starting to come out and he had no idea what he should do about something like that.

  "Should I push it back in or something?" He looked from her to his catheter and back again with confusion in his eyes.

  "Let me take care of this. I will put it back in for you as you might not be able to feel where it needs to be and you might hurt yourself somehow."

  Jennifer gently reached her hand out and took hold of his throbbing erection. She tried her best to keep a professional look on her face while she was doing this but found it rather difficult. In her mind, she was impressed with just how big Darian was. Noticing that she could barely wrap her hand around his erection, even though she didn't really have dainty hands, was not something she had been accustomed to in her past experiences.

  She also estimated him to be closer to seven inches and had the urge to feel him inside her. She gently took hold of the catheter in her other hand and thought about simply pushing it back down like she should, but something stopped her. She pulled the catheter completely out and look up at Darian.

  "I need to make sure there isn't a defect in the catheter itself that caused it to come out." She lied. She knew full well that it wasn't the catheter that made it come out, but she studied it nonetheless.

  She never took her other hand off Darian and actually started to slowly push down on him. She could feel his erection in her hand start bobbing with excitement as she slid her hand down him. She started to curse herself for having that flashback of Mark earlier and getting herself this horny. Then, she did the unthinkable.

  Darian looked at Jennifer as she sat on the side of the bed with his cock in her hand. She was studying the catheter with all the attention of a brain surgeon, looking for some kind of flaw in it. He was quite sure that there wouldn't be one but, since he had never even seen a catheter in real life, he couldn't be sure.

  He saw her hand slowly pressing down on his cock, although he couldn't feel anything. Just watching it made him want to cum, but he knew that wouldn't be such a good idea. Instead, he closed his eyes and tried thinking of something that wouldn't turn him on anymore.

  Jennifer glanced up from the catheter and noticed that Darian had closed his eyes. Maybe, she thought to herself, if he fell asleep or something she could have a little fun with him and he wouldn't even know it.

  She thought about what it would look like to have a nurse or the doctor walk in with him inside her mouth and how she would be fired on the spot, but she didn't care anymore. There was something about this man that she wanted to know more of and that was when she found herself running her tongue against the head of his throbbing member.

  She could feel the warmth of his body against her lips as she slowly pushed him into her mouth. It was the most exciting thing she had ever done in her life and she was going to enjoy as much of it as she possibly could.

  Darian opened his eyes to see if the catheter had been replaced yet and saw Jennifer's head start to slowly bob up and down. He couldn't feel anything that was going on, but knew that he was getting the blow job of a lifetime right now. He lay there and watched as she tried to take his massive erection all the way into her mouth, but couldn't quite manage it. He did have to give her an A for effort, though, as she had gotten it a lot further than anyone else he had ever been with.

  Oh, my God, what am I doing? Jennifer thought to herself. This is going way beyond being wrong right now. I am so gonna get fired for this.

  She couldn't stop though and felt that she could probably get away with stripping her pants off and climbing on top of him. She could already feel how wet her panties were getting and she knew that it would be over fairly quickly, for her at least.

  She glanced up at Darian to make sure that he still had his eyes closed and noticed that he was watching her intently, with a smile on his face. She jerked her head up and started to get up from the bed as he reached out and took her hand. It wasn't the forceful grab that she was expecting, but more of a gentle touch that lit something inside her on fire.

  "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be watching you. I will close my eyes again if it will make you feel more comfortable." Darian looked into her eyes letting her know that he felt the exact same way about her that she was feeling about him at that moment.

  "This isn't something that I would ever do with a patient," Jennifer confessed. "This is not me at all, in fact."

  "Well, if it makes you feel any better, I couldn't actually feel anything, though I am sure that if I could have, I would have enjoyed the hell out of it." Darian smiled that playful smile he used on women when he was flirting with them. "I understand that this isn't something you would normally do. I would hate for it to ruin our professional relationship and any possible future relationship we might be able to have."

  Darian pulled the gown back down over his cock and smiled at her again.

  "Wait, I still need to put the catheter back in for you." Jennifer looked at him with a wickedly erotic smile on her lips.

  She reached down and pulled his gown up with her right hand while using her left hand to unzip her pants. She turned and went to the door to lock it to make sure that no one would barge in on them. "I know you can't feel anything, but I have a feeling that I will be feeling enough for the both of us right now."

  She climbed onto the bed and straddled him. Darian looked into her eyes and felt an emotional attachment that he had never felt with anyone. He had dated a lot in his short life, but this woman was completely different from any others that he had ever been with.

  Jennifer reached down and took his erection in her hands, gently rubbing it against her clit as she closed her eyes and tilted her head back. She could feel him throbbing against her clit as she slowly pushed it back, feeling her wetness covering him as she gently sat down on top of him. She felt his hands on her thighs as she started to rock back and forth against him. She gasped with every movement she made as he pushed deep inside her.

  Darian watched as Jennifer started moving her hips back and forth against his cock. Not being able to even feel her weight on his legs as she moved, he wondered what she was feeling at that moment. He grabbed her thighs and started pushing and pulling in rhythm to her movements. She had her eyes closed and her head back, but he could tell that
she loved every second of it.

  Jennifer was starting to move a little faster now and could feel him brushing against her g-spot with each thrust of her hips. She reached up and took her shirt off to give him something to look at while she enjoyed the building of the orgasm inside her. She knew it wasn't going to be very long before she exploded, but she knew he would appreciate the thought of her removing her shirt for him.

  Darian stared at Jennifer's tits as they bounced with every movement. He knew it was mostly for him and wished that he could feel what it was like to be inside her. He also had a brief thought of the fact that he had a catheter and had no control over his bladder. But that wasn't something he wanted to continue to think about anymore, especially with this beautiful woman on top of him.

  Suddenly, he could feel a twinge run down his right leg. It was almost like he had an involuntary muscle spasm or something.

  Jennifer felt him deep inside her and could sense the start of his orgasm coming. She knew that he wasn't going to be aware of it, but she could feel the muscles in his legs reacting naturally as they should. She felt him starting to throb inside her with a fury as he was getting ready to cum. She was so enthralled with what was happening that she didn't even consider pulling him out before he exploded inside her.

  The two of them were in the midst of the most exotic dance ever known to mankind. Jennifer was feeling more than her fair share of what was happening and Darian was watching her with an intensity that few men get to experience. Their bodies were twisted together to form one single being. Their souls entwined beyond comprehension as Darian realized that the sensation he was feeling was of him cumming inside her.

  Jennifer felt the first intense release from Darian and almost screamed out in pleasure. She took him as deep as she possibly could and felt him shoot his load like a shotgun of love. It was the most intense orgasm she had ever felt in her life and she didn't want it to stop, but she simply couldn't physically continue.

  Jennifer fell on top of Darian as she spent every last bit of energy relishing the orgasm she had just experienced. She felt his arms wrap around her and his lips press against the top of her head when he kissed her. Then she heard a small moan and smiled to herself that she made him feel something at least.

  "I guess you can feel something after all down there, huh?"

  "I hate to upset you, but your elbow is sticking into one of my gunshot wounds." Darian clenched his teeth and tried not to throw her off of him.

  "Oh, God! I am so sorry, babe. I didn't think about any of that."

  She jumped off of him as he reached his hand over and pressed against the wound. He looked like he was in a lot of pain and she knew that a nurse would be in very soon. She threw her clothes on as fast as she could and checked his bandage to make sure she didn't tear anything open.

  "I am truly sorry about that. I honestly didn't want you to feel something like that." She was almost in tears at the amount of pain he seemed to be in.

  "No worries. I would definitely have to say that it was well worth the pain." He attempted a romantic smile for her, but just couldn't hold it. "I think I should hit my Demerol button a couple of times, though."

  Jennifer handed him the button and watched as he pressed it, hoping that he would feel a little bit of relief.

  "Uh, I think you still need to put the catheter back in." Darian pointed down to his cock, which had gone flaccid again. He was smiling now as the warmth of the Demerol started flowing though the IV and into his arm. He could feel the pain subside and everything in the room got a rosy glow to it.

  He watched as Jennifer slid the catheter back in with ease and pulled the blankets back up over his legs. She looked into his eyes and saw that he was starting to drift off into dreamland. She leaned in and kissed him gently on the lips, thinking that she might just be falling for this stranger she had just met. As she started to pull away, Darian wrapped his arm around her and pulled her back in for another kiss.

  She was slipping out the door when Darian noticed someone standing in the corner of the room. His eyelids were heavy and he briefly heard Jennifer say something about seeing him later as he tried to see who was standing there watching him. Just before he lost consciousness, he noticed the person move closer as the door shut behind Jennifer.

  He didn't recognize the person and couldn't see any features whatsoever. With a momentary recognition of horror, he saw the shadowy figure step forward to the side of his bed and lean over.

  Just before the blackness took him, he saw the eyes of the man from the gas station staring back down at him.

  Jennifer stood outside the door for a few seconds to collect her thoughts and wondered what it was about this man that made her want him so desperately. She had never met anyone like him before and probably wouldn't ever again. She felt sick to her stomach with just the thought of leaving him in his room for the rest of the day and not being there by his side, but she had work to do. Hopefully, no one would notice the glow of passion that had filled her cheeks and she could come back after her shift to spend more time with him.

  Just as she started to walk away from the door, she thought she heard a muffled noise coming from his room. She gently opened the door again to make sure that he was alright and saw him resting peacefully in his bed.

  "Sleep well, my Prince, and may the dreams of Fairies guide you to peace. Wow. That was extremely corny to say."

  She laughed and went about her day.