Read The Stygian's Eye (Shadow Stalkers 1) Page 8


  JENNIFER WAS ONE of those girls in high school that people didn't really pay all that much attention to. She wasn't the prettiest or the wealthiest girl, but she wasn't an outcast, either. No one ever bullied her or picked on her while growing up. Of course, no one ever spoke to her, either. She was the type of girl that people would look right through, like she wasn't there-and that was almost as bad as being picked on daily.

  She had made it through high school without incident and went on to college, where she found out that she could have friends and could be the center of attention if that was what she wanted. The guys in college were constantly trying to get her to go out on dates with them, and she actually lost her virginity in her dorm room while her roommate was throwing a party.

  Jennifer drove into the hospital parking lot and pulled her car into its normal parking spot. She turned the engine off and stared out the window as she remembered that party and everything that had happened that night. Even though all of her friends had been drinking pretty heavily, Jennifer was not that fond of the taste of alcohol. She got teased for that, but she found she could have just as much fun as everyone else without all of the drinking.

  She recalled seeing a very handsome guy leaning against the wall by the TV and remembered not being able to take her eyes off him. There was something about him that she couldn't quite comprehend as she watched him talking and laughing with the others in the room. Something that made both her nipples stand out and a burning heat start in her thighs. She didn't understand what was happening to her, but she knew where it was going to lead if she kept looking at this guy across the room.

  "Hey, chick, you having any fun yet?"

  Christy, her roommate and purveyor of all things fun and alcoholic for the night, stood next to her, following her line of sight to the guy leaning against the wall.

  Christy was the type of college roommate that her mother had warned her not to get involved with and stay far away from. She would go on a week-long binge of caffeine and alcohol right before midterms but, somehow, managed to ace every test put in front of her. For Christy, it was all a big party, no matter what might be happening at school the next day.

  "Ah, I see you have met Mark then, huh?" Christy pushed her shoulder into Jennifer's arm and winked at her.

  "I bet you could get you some of that if you wanted to."

  "Christy!" Jennifer averted her gaze from Mark and looked at Christy, blushing and trying not to giggle any louder than she already was. "I would never do anything like that. You know I am saving myself for the perfect man." Jennifer exaggerated the amount of morality her statement was portraying with a flourish of her left hand and pointing to her ring finger.

  "Sure you are, chick. You make sure he puts a ring on that finger, but before any of that, you have to introduce yourself and make sure to use a condom." Christy immediately slapped Jennifer on the rear. "That nice tight ass of yours really needs to loosen up a bit and see some action tonight, sweetheart." She kissed Jennifer on the cheek and half-walked, half-stumbled across the room to where Mark was standing.

  Jennifer suddenly realized what Christy was doing when she saw her laughing and pointing over to her with a very sly look in her eyes. Mark glanced up at her and smiled, waving her over to say hello.

  Jennifer wanted to run into her room and lock the door. But there was that other part of her, the part that was causing her nipples to become erect and her panties to become wet, that really wanted to go over and talk to Mark. Wet panties and hard nipples won out.

  Mark was a football player for the college. He was also rather intelligent and was studying molecular biology as his major. He stood well over six feet tall and Jennifer could only guess at how much he weighed. He was well-built to say the least and, as she walked up to him, all she could think about was what he would look like without any clothes on.

  She had flashes of movie stars running through her mind as she looked at him. She finally settled on Jason Momoa as being the one he would look like the most.

  They spoke for a few minutes about nothing really important, just basic topics that two people meeting for the first time would discuss. She figured that he probably wouldn't be interested in her since she wasn't all that pretty, at least she didn't think so.

  She was around five foot five and weighed 125 pounds. Her hair was a light golden blond and fell down her back between her shoulder blades. She had light green eyes that would turn colors depending on her mood. Nothing too drastic, but people that knew her well could read what mood she was in by the color of her eyes.

  They stood in silence for a bit, neither of them really knowing what to say next when Christy came wandering up to them and handed them a condom.

  "I figure the two of you might need this by the end of the night, unless of course you just want to stand here like the lumps you are currently portraying"

  She smacked Jennifer on the ass again and winked at her before stumbling away screaming something about needing more beer.

  "Not very subtle, is she?" Mark smiled down at Jennifer. She smiled back up at him and shook her head no. He saw her eyes change from a light green to a light blue almost instantly and was about to comment on them when she took his hand and rushed him into her bedroom.

  She slammed the door closed and locked it so that they wouldn't be disturbed. He stopped her at arm's length and looked into her eyes again.

  "You know we don't have to do this. I'm not like all those other guys out there, just trying to get a piece of ass or something."

  Jennifer smiled at him, "I know you aren't like those other guys, but right now a piece of ass is exactly what I want-and I've picked you for the task."

  Jennifer pushed into his body and felt the heat coming off of him. She had to get on her toes and he had to bend over before their lips could touch, but once they did, she felt an excitement rush through her that she had never felt. Then he picked her up, her feet dangling in midair, and she knew that this was going to be a very interesting night.

  Jennifer was still sitting in her car, reminiscing about her first time with Mark, when there was a knocking on her window. Startled, she glance up to see who it was and saw Dr. Sheppard standing there smiling at her.

  "I'm glad you're here, Dr. Harris. I think you need to have a chat with Mr. Lane today. He came out of his coma yesterday and hasn't been taking things too well from what I can tell. Jackie said he has been having some pretty strange dreams and the Detective from his shooting is going to be here soon. I think it would be a good idea for you to be there with him."

  Jennifer opened the car door and stood up. "I will be there in just a few minutes. I have to finalize some paperwork in my office and I will head down to talk to Mr. Lane as soon as I can."

  Dr. Sheppard smiled and looked at Jennifer. "I wasn't disturbing you or anything, was I? Your eyes have gone hazel on me and I know that is not a good color to be seeing from you."

  "I'm fine. I was just stuck in a memory for a bit, but I'm back to reality." She smiled at Sheppard, letting him know everything was back to normal and wishing that she could have gotten another couple of minutes with her memory of Mark.

  "Okay, then. I will speak with you later." Sheppard walked back towards the hospital and didn't hear Jennifer as she cussed and cursed him under her breath. She was so horny now that she was going to have to go cool down in her office before visiting any patients. The last thing she needed was to start talking to someone about their problems and have them notice that her nipples were erect.

  "Why do you always do that to me, anyway?" She stared down at her chest as she spoke. "Do you think it's useful to always be erect at the most inopportune time?"

  She walked towards the hospital and hoped that no one needed to talk to her about anything until after she was able to cool down in her office.?