Read The Survivalistas: Book 2- Lyric Page 5

  “We should just go, we don't have enough ammo to take them all out.” Marcus hissed.

  Ignoring him, Lyric and Indie slid off there horses and tethered them to the fence of the tennis court before heading into the treeline. Moving quietly they came to the area a crossed from the church. Fanning out slightly they each began taking shots. Lyric felt a sense of elation as the numbers dwindled, until she realized that the door to the church had shattered and the undead were slowly entering. Scream were overwhelmed by the renewed sound of gun fire. The last few zombies either filed into the church or fell. Lyric reloaded, before rushed forward to see what sort of massacre the church held. The gun shots from inside had ceased and Lyric had to wonder if they had taken out the undead, run out of bullets or were just plain dead.

  Cautiously she entered the church and had to fight to keep from throwing up. Bodies lay every where, a few of the undead stumbled between the pews. Carefully aiming so as to not waste any more ammunition she shot two and the others fell from the bangs behind her. The muted sound of crying could be heard from somewhere in the back of the church. Indie pointed for Lyric to go down a hall on one side, while Marcus and Ryan moved to the back of the building following the sound. Lyric walked down the short hall on high alert and found a single door. Her heart sped up and she had to wipe her palms on her jeans before she pushed the door open.

  Surprise rocked her back a step as she found The Rev standing staring into an empty fireplace. He glanced at her over his should then went back to staring at the blacken stones. “It should've been great. Return America to the super power it had been. Everything was perfect, what went wrong?” His hands tightened into fists at his sides.

  Confused and suspecting The Rev had gone off his rocker she asked. “What the hell are you taking about?”

  He laughed, a harsh sound with no humor. “We did this.” He raised his arms to encompass the room, then dropped them back to his sides. “Only the strong would survive. Just like Darwin said...” He muttered, glancing at her again. “It would get rid of the leeches and parasites living off handout. Those with more money than sense. Just like God purged the world with a flood we purged it with the dead.”

  Keeping her gun leveled on the man, her curiosity got the better of her and she asked, “Who's we? The Taliban, government... ”

  He scoffed, interrupting her. “Do you really think either of them was smart enough for something like this?” Lyric shrugged. How the hell should she know, until a few months ago her biggest problem was coordinating her closet. “No, my dear.” He snarled and turned toward her fully so she could see the crazy glint in his eyes. “It was the greatest race in the world, the Nazis.”

  Several thoughts filtered though Lyric's brain at that moment. Did Nazis even exist anymore? Did the Nazis count as a race or a government structure? Finally what the hell did Nazis have to do with Zombies? Clearly the man had lost his very last marble.

  His lips turned up in something that kind of looked like a grin. “I can tell by that look on your face that you are confused. It's really very simple. We waited biding our time, the world reached a point where we could go on with our plan unnoticed. With the current international unrest, there were many scapegoats. Many Nazis scientists fled to the US after the war, so it was easy to build a new base of operations right here. All we had to do was survive the outbreak and the infected would decompose. Gather the survivors and rebuild it as it should be.”

  “Jesus!” Marcus stepped through the door. “You're nutter than squirrel shit.”

  The Rev's face twisted in fury, and for a moment Lyric thought he'd been infected. With a roar The Rev flew at Marcus and without thinking Lyric pulled the trigger. The Rev staggered back, hand going to the hole in his chest where blood leaked out. Wide eyes turned to her, before he dropped to the floor. Marcus looked at her swallowed, then lead her out of the room shutting the door behind them. Taking her arm he lead her back to the main room, and outside. Down near the tennis courts a group of people milled about. In the moonlight she could make out an older woman hugging Ryan and Indie.

  “We found Ryan's mom and several other folks in the choir loft, with all the little ones.” Marcus told her tucking her under his arm and walking toward the group of people. The three looked toward them and Marcus shook his head. Letting Indie and Ryan go the older woman walked off to talk with a man standing near the group of children.

  Everything sort of swirled around Lyric as she tried to process everything she had learned. Rearranging pieces in her head to the jigsaw puzzle that was their new life. She ignored Indie and Ryan, just savoring the warmth and comfort she felt under Marcus's arm.


  Lyric sat at the radio in the basement. She was so tired, but every time she tried to sleep she saw goosestepping zombies hailing The Rev. Ryan's mom had come home with them, but was spending a lot of time at Big Moose helping with the clean up and the new leaders. Most the men had been killed during the attack, which left the womenfolk to pick up the pieces.

  The radio came to life startling her. “Hey Lyric this is Piper you on?”

  Keying the mic she answer. “Yeah I'm here.”

  “You sound like shit. Those other guys giving you a hard time still?”

  “No we took care of them, well a zombie wave took care of them.”

  “Sucks to be them.” Lyric shook her head, then relayed what she had learned to Piper. When she was done the radio was quiet so long she thought the other woman had gone. Finally Piper muttered. “That's some fucked up shit.”

  “You have no idea.”

  “Hey Lyric, I'll be right back one of my roomies wants me to see something.”


  A few minutes passed and the radio crackled back to life. Panic swirled in Piper's voice. “Lyric how close are you to Lake Ontario?”

  “Not close.”

  “Good because the power plant just blew.”

  Lyric searched her brain. “What power plant?”

  “The nuclear one.”

  Stay tuned for The Survivalistas Book 3- Piper

  Other Books in The Survivalists Series

  Book 3: Piper- (work in progress)

  About the Author- Shandy lives in Upstate New York with her husband, two kids, four cats, and dog. By day is a not so mild mannered sewing machine operator. At night, and on weekends, she is Super Mom. Chasing kids, cleaning house, wrangling animals and whatever else might come up. She also runs several blogs.

  You can find out more about The Survivalists series on it's blog

  My other blogs-

  The Mad Mind of Shandy Jo - Personal Blog

  Mama Knows Books - A Book Blog

  From String Bean to Lean Machine - Hiking, Fitness, and My Journey to run a 5K (and not barf at the end) Blog

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