Read The Survivalistas: Book 2.5- Mica Page 2


  Mica wrapped her blanket around her tighter and curled deeper into the couch. Helen and Kelly weren't home yet and judging from the news they might not be home for awhile. The news was like something out of a horror movie.

  A haggard looking anchor appeared on the screen. “There have been new developments in the recent biological attack. People who were previously considered dead have come back to life in an animated, catatonic state. If approached these people become extremely violent, attacking unprovoked. At this time doctors theorize that the virus slows heart and respiratory function, mimicking death. In this state oxygen is unable to be transported, causing damage to parts of the brain. At this time, researchers are still looking into what this virus is and why it causes this to happen. We will continue to bring you up to the minute coverage as we know more.”

  The screen flashed to a local reporter looking just as unkempt. “This is coverage of what is happening all over the of the city of Watertown. Please be warned it's of a graphic nature.” The screen changed again. Mica closed her eyes she'd seen the coverage before, yet couldn't block out the horrified screams. Her mind filled in the obstructed view people running, being chased and attacked. The attackers looking so much like Frank when he'd come at her. The reporters voice came back on and Mica looked at the TV again. “Officials are asking you to remain in your homes, or where ever you are currently located. No travel is advise. If you are trapped in your vehicle, try to stay put as military, police, and emergency personnel will find and help you.”

  The sound of yelling coming from the front yard caught Mica's attention. Grabbing her hockey stick she cautiously walked to the front door and peered out the window. Two guys she knew from school were racing down the street, with one of the crazies on their tail. Without really thinking Mica threw open the door, stepping onto the pouch she waved to the guys. They veered heading for the house raced past her inside. As Mica turned to follow the crazy guy lunged forward grabbing her ankle. She fell coming down on her side but still holding the stick. She twisted landing a hard blow on the guys head. His teeth gnash together as he tried to bite her and she could see where someone had taken a chunk out of his cheek. Mica slammed her free foot against his shoulder pushing back with all her might and brought the stick down on his head. Again she heard that sickening crack and the body went still, she pulled away crab walking toward the door. It lay on the steps not moving, and that's when she noticed the bullet-holes.

  “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” Mica's whispered under her breath, climbing to her feet and walking inside. She shut and locked the door. Stalking past the two guys she grabbed up her cell for the end table and texted Piper three words. Dad was right.

  Dropping the phone back on the end table, she turned her attention to the guys. The lanky dark haired one stared past her looking at the news on the TV. The other a tall athletic looking blond looked at her blue eyes wide in shock. “What were you doing out there? Haven't you seen the news?” Mica asked, placing the hand not holding a blood soaked field hockey stick on her hip.

  The blond blinked, “You killed him.”

  Mica shook her head. “Didn't you see the bullet-holes? That guy was already dead.”

  The dark haired guy jerked toward her. “You mean he was a zombie?”

  Mica shrugged, “I guess so.”

  Behind her the anchor came back on the TV. “We've had some new developments, and must urge citizens to avoid all contact with contaminated people. The virus is spread via bodily fluid and, to an extent, scratches. The disease initially incapacitates victims, but later returns them to a mobile state. This allows them to infect others. If you are attacked, run or use whatever weapon you can to defend yourselves. Destroying the brain is the only way to effectively kill an infected person. At this time, the Center for Disease Control has not identified the virus that is reanimating victims but has tracked it back to several meat processing centers around the country, determining that this was caused by a bio-terrorist attack. The organization responsible is still unknown at this time. The Center for Disease Control is setting up camps in various areas for survivors, a list is scrolling across the bottom of your screen. All hospitals, schools, colleges, and government offices are closed. If you are in need of emergency services find a CDC camp in your area and go there. The continental United States are in quarantine. No travel in or out of the county.”

  Mica turned back to her guests. “Well there you go. Now I need to go wash zombie brains off me.” Leaving them staring at the TV, she went into the bathroom stripped and showered. When she returned to the living room freshly showered and changed, both guys were sitting on the couch intently watching the TV. While in her room she had packed her bag with fresh clothes, her laptop, some other odds and ends as well as a survival kit her dad had made for her. Walking over she dropped the bag near the door, then went into the living room and sank down in a chair.

  “So guys, I'm Mica...”

  “We know. I've seen you play...” The blond interrupted, pointing to her stick. “I'm Jacob and this is Camden.”

  Mica nodded. “Are you guys ok? Not hurt or bit or anything?”

  “We're ok, just trying to absorb all this.” Camden pointed to the TV, which was showing clips of footage from different cities. People were rioting, looting, and attacking each other.

  Jacob sighed and leaned his head against the back of the couch. “My parents are probably flipping out right now. They went to Canada for a shopping trip this weekend and now the border's closed. They won't be able to get back in.”

  “Mine where downtown at the festival. Judging from the stuff we've seen that's the wrong place to be.”

  Flopping back in the chair, Mica rubbed her eyes. “My foster mom was there too, with her daughter. Frank is...” she swallowed then looked at them. “He changed.”

  They exchanged a scared glance before looking back at her. “You...” Jacob mimicked slamming something against the floor. Mica nodded, then looked away so they wouldn't see how freaked out she was.

  “Jesus you're like freakin Jill Valentine.” Camden muttered.

  Mica shook her head. “I'm not that good with a gun.”

  The guys gave her a wry grin, then went back to the TV. Mica absently picked up her phone and found Piper had texted her back a short message saying to pack her things, she was coming to get her. Mica glanced over at her backpack next to the door, then back to the TV. The same story from earlier was being replayed, along the bottom ran a scrolling list of CDC camps. Suddenly her phone beeped signaling another text, out front coming to the door don't brain me.

  With half a smile Mica got to her feet and walked to the front door, reaching it just as Piper knocked. Unlocking the door, Mica pulled it open and took in her older sister. Piper looked like hell, blood splattered jeans and leather jacket, she held a crowbar in one hand.

  “You do that?” Piper asked nodding to the corpse on the steps.

  “Just the brain bashing. The Altman's don't believe in guns.” Stepping back inside Mica grabbed her coat, backpack, and field hockey stick. She looked at the two guys who had moved to the entry way. “You coming or going to hang out here?”

  They exchanged a glance then followed her out of the house.

  “Their gonna have to ride in the back, we're full up.” Piper said, seeing the young men and pointing to the Bronco idling in the driveway.

  “That's fine, I'm not comfortable staying here by ourselves.”

  Mica and Piper shrugged at the same time and headed down the steps toward the waiting vehicle.

  Mica and Piper's story continues in The Survivalistas Book 3- Piper

  Other Books in The Survivalists Series

  Book 3: Piper- (work in progress)

  About the Author- Shandy lives in Upstate New York with her husband, two kids, four cats, and dog. By day is a not so mild mannered sewing machine operator. At night, and
on weekends, she is Super Mom. Chasing kids, cleaning house, wrangling animals and whatever else might come up. She also runs several blogs.

  You can find out more about The Survivalists series on it's blog

  My other blogs-

  The Mad Mind of Shandy Jo - Personal Blog

  Mama Knows Books - A Book Blog

  From String Bean to Lean Machine - Hiking, Fitness, and My Journey to run a 5K (and not barf at the end) Blog

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