Read The Sword and The Seven Stones: Diamond Page 4

  Chapter 4

  It was getting dark and Gavin still wasn’t close to finding them. They followed the river till it came to a huge water fall. It was magnificent. Looking at the beauty that laid before them. The vegetation around them was lush and full. It was like walking into another world all together. Gavin led the men down a path that would take them to the base of the falls. He hoped that Alman and Harry were on this same path. It would be getting dark soon from the position the sun was in. This would be the second day that Alman was out here. He could only hope that the two of them didn’t encounter the same beast that they did at the river. He knew the horses and the men were getting tired. He would find somewhere to camp at the base soon.

  Alman and Harry made it down to the base of the falls just before the dinner hour. They took off their clothes and jumped in. The water was so cool. The day had grown hot and the sweat stuck to them both. When they came upon the falls, Alman had never seen anything so vast in beauty. Harry found a path and they decided to take it down to the base. It didn’t take them long to jump in. Harry came up and whipped his hair out of his face as he broke the surface. Alman swam to the other side. “Hey Alman, I don’t think it would be a good idea to stay in here long. Remember the river?” Alman swam back over to where Harry was and scrambled out of the water as soon as he could. Putting his clothes back on, he went to check out the surrounding area. Harry got out and dressed to. He went to find firewood and while doing that he would find some supper. By the time he got back, Alman had a stack of wood there too. At least tonight they would get some sleep. After falling through the cave last night, they were exhausted. Harry fished while Alman tended to the fire. They hadn’t eaten since that morning and both were feeling the gnawing at their stomachs. They had packed previsions that should have lasted them at least a week but they were left in the part of the cave that didn’t collapse. Both had always had the luxury of having food whenever they wanted. They weren’t trained for this type of adventure. Harry threw his line in one more time and snagged a very big fish. It would do the two of them for supper. As he brought the fish over to Alman and the fire, Harry thought back to what happened earlier that day. He still wanted to turn back but there was no way he could leave his friend. Alman had the fire going pretty good by the time he made his way over there and Harry threw the fish on the coals. He sat down and kept turning them to make sure they didn’t burn. “Alman, why such the need? It is just a sword? You can have any sword you want. You are going to be the next King of Maramar.” Alman knew his friend spoke the truth but it was the moment that he touch the hilt that a surge went through his body. When the old man spoke to him, he had already committed to the quest. The old man said he would need to save others. Who did he need to save other than Harry, twice now? The questions kept going through mind. “The old man said that I would save the lives of others. You see Harry, I can’t quit now. There are lives that could be in peril.” Harry put the fish on the rock that sat between them. As they picked at it, they discussed the best way to get there. Harry wouldn’t let his friend go alone.

  Gavin saw the fire from the path. Finally he hoped he had caught up to him. If Alman was his son, he would ring his neck for doing something so stupid. Especially because he was the future King. When they got to the camp where Harry and Alman were, they found the fire going and the two of them asleep. He shook his head as he got down from his horse. The horse made its way to the water and drank from it. Gavin walked over to Alman and kicked him with his foot. He stirred in his sleep and then turned over. Gavin couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He walked over to his horse and took out a bag and filled it with water. Walking back to them, he took the water and poured it overtop the both of them. They woke up sputtering and cursing. “What the hell did you do that for, Gavin?” He looked up at the man who had been like an uncle to him since he was born. “You little fool. You are very lucky that it was us and not someone who would have killed you for your boots.” Alman pushed his wet hair out of his eyes. “Sorry. You’re right,” he said as he stood and looked at the men that stood behind him. He knew then that his dad had sent them to take him back home. “I’m not going back so if that is why you came here then you can turn around and go back.” Gavin looked at the future king and thought that maybe this would be a good thing for him after all. If he was to be King one day then he would have to learn how to take care of his people. His father waited too long for him to learn the things he needed. Gavin sat down and stoked the fire. Nelvil had already gone to get some food. “Okay, if you are determined to make this trip then we will go with you to make sure you stay alive.” Alman looked over at Gavin. Why did he give in so easily? He watched as the men set up camp. As they sat around the fire, Nelvil came back with a wild pig. Churil took the pig and had it on a spit within a half hour. As they waited for it to cook, Alman told them what had happen to them so far. “You didn’t see our horses did you? They got spooked just before we fell into the cave.” Gavin looked at the young prince. “We found them but they didn’t make it. He told them what happened at the river and Alman told him about the same creature that almost took them. “We will get some sleep tonight and then in the morning we will take you on our steeds with us. Get some sleep now. My men and I will take turns watching out. Alman knew that it was up to him to get this done but he welcomed Gavin and his men for protection. Twice in one day, getting attacked by strange creatures was enough for him. Reed was going to take the first watch. After Harry and Alman fell asleep, Gavin sat with the others and made out a plan to get the prince out to the west forest, get the sapling and then bring them back.

  Jordon walked the perimeter around the camp. Everyone was asleep around the fire. He heard a rustle to his left and looked in that direction. His sword already out and waiting. Alman woke from a sound sleep to completely being wide awake. He stood up and looked around and then he heard the same noise Jordon heard. “Get up!” Jordon shouted to his others. All of them had their weapons in their hands before Harry could even get to his feet. Alman drew his sword and the diamond shone fierce in the night.

  Standing in a circle formation, they had the fire at their backs. The huge cats strode toward them. Gavin looked at the black cats and noticed their eyes. Reflective mirrors that seemed to reach into your soul. As Churil moved an inch towards Reed, light from the fire streaked through and the cat that stood before them backed up. Gavin saw the reaction the cat took to the light. “They can’t look at light. Grab a piece of wood and use it as a shield. All of them reached down and picked up a branch. The cats let out a roar so deafening that caused Harry to cover his ears. In doing so, he dropped the branch that he was holding on to and the cat sprung. Nelvil reached for his arrow and it flew through the air, impaling the cat before it could reach him. The cat that had Nelvil in his sights took this as his chance and jumped through the air towards his target. Harry sliced through the neck of the cat with his sword but didn’t even do damage to the animal. The cat fell to the ground but got back up. He looked between the two of them and jumped at Harry this time. Alman sliced his sword through the air, cutting the head right off. The cat fell with a hard thump to the ground. The last one looked at them and then turned. Gavin ran to his horse and started to chase it. Alman ran after him until Jordon grabbed his arm. “What are you doing?” Alman looked at Jordon holding his arm. “We have to go help him.” Jordon knew what Gavin was doing. “Sir, I’m sorry to hold you but Gavin had gone to make sure that one does not get away alive. That cat would bring back more if he doesn’t kill it. We can’t let that happen.” The men heard the piercing scream of the cat and hoped they would be long gone before anymore could come. As they cleaned up the camp, Gavin came back with the head. He threw it on the ground with the rest of them. “Let’s move. The sun will be up shortly and that will give us some time to get as far enough away from them as possible. Alman climbed up behind Gavin and Harry got up behind Nelvil. As they left the camp behind, the sun came up over th
e horizon.

  It had been two days since Alman and Gavin left. Nicholis hadn’t been able to sleep since he had left that night. Why didn’t he just give him the men? Gavin had told him that he coddled the boy but he had just lost his wife. Now he knew that he should have been stronger on the boy. Looking out the window, Nicholis hoped that Gavin had his son safe. The storm hadn’t passed but the rain had stopped for a brief time. The lightening still lit up the sky and the thunder still shook the wall of the palace. Some of the villagers’ houses had been washed away from the storm so the men he sent out to help them brought them back to the palace. With this lull in the rain, he could see others patching up their roofs in case it started again. He could see in the distance, the sun was coming up in the horizon. Maybe the storm would move on. He walked over to the chair that sat before the fire and coughed into a cloth he held in his hand. Spots of blood sprinkled onto it. He knew what this meant. He had an uncle with the same condition. The poor man didn’t last more than six months once it started. Nicholis knew that it had been four so far since the first day he noticed it. His breathing had become harder too since then. He knew he was dying. Gavin needed to bring Alman back soon. He needed to tell his son everything before he died. Alman had to know what happened years ago. He laid his head back against the chair and closed his eyes.