Read The Sword of Light: Book One of the Veredor Chronicles Page 10

  ‘Kill them! Kill them all!’ screamed Zarceler in the distance.

  Moments later Red and Eben rode westward out of the town, leaving the Skatheans and Zarceler staring after them. They met with King Ignis and the others about three hundred yards from the eastern edge of Lantern Hill. The whole company had acquired horses and swords. Eben jumped down off Red’s horse and mounted his own.

  ‘Are you all right, Eben?’ asked Stella.

  ‘I’m fine,’ said Eben.

  ‘We have to go before they come after us,’ said Red.

  King Ignis turned his horse. They galloped away west toward the edge of the forest.


  They rode west along the highway for several minutes before King Ignis led them off the road into the forest to the north. They kept moving through the woods for quite some time and eventually stopped beside a small stream.

  ‘I can’t believe you tried to fight them. They were Skatheans!’ said Cassiel.

  ‘He saved our lives,’ said Stella, clearly annoyed that Cassiel was questioning Eben’s choice.

  ‘You were very brave, Eben. Thanks for saving us,’ said Cassiel.

  ‘We have to keep moving,’ said King Ignis. ‘They will surely follow us.’

  They rode west through the forest for the remainder of the afternoon, and the day grew darker as thick clouds crossed the sky and gentle misty rain started falling. At the end of the day they set up camp beside in a wide clearing and made a small fire. They sat around the fire and tried to keep warm as the frosty evening progressed into an icy cold night.

  ‘We have swords and horses now and enough food for the journey to Galdir,’ said King Ignis. ‘The Skatheans will follow our tracks through the forest, so we will have to ride constantly tomorrow to put as much distance between us and Lantern Hill.’

  Baftel looked to the sky above. ‘A big storm will arrive tomorrow and will slow us down.’

  ‘We must persevere,’ said King Ignis sternly.

  That night few of them slept. The rain grew heavier and the horses stirred and were anxious. The morning was cold, and the rain was torrential. A little after sunrise they rode west from the clearing. By midday they arrived at a wide and slow flowing river. A thin track followed the bank.

  ‘This is the Merus River; it flows all the way from the Endora Mountains to Ancora,’ said King Ignis.

  ‘There’s a town along the river further west called Riverside. I recommend that we take my advice this time and avoid it,’ said Red.

  ‘Red is right; we must not go there,’ said Baftel. ‘Riverside is shrouded by a shadow that is as dark as night.’

  ‘We will follow the river west and go around Riverside,’ said King Ignis. ‘I believe there may be several places where the river is shallow enough to cross. We are probably safer on the northern bank.’

  They moved on and followed the river. The rain grew heavier with each passing hour. They could hear thunder booming in the east. Eben could see the dark clouds were moving in their direction. Before long the rain became torrential, and the thunder was directly above them. The track beside the river was growing muddy and difficult for the horses. They were making slow progress. They came to a shallow area of rapids; King Ignis led them across the river to the north bank. The track that followed the river on the north side was little more than a muddy goat track.

  ‘We should find shelter from this storm,’ said Red.

  ‘No, Red, we must persist,’ said King Ignis.

  ‘This rain will wash away our tracks,’ said Red. ‘The Skatheans and Zarceler won’t be able to follow us through this. There’s no point trying to push forward.’

  The thunder boomed above and flashes of lighting lit up the sky illuminating the gloom around them.

  ‘There is an abandoned farmhouse further along the river,’ said Baftel. ‘It is about an hour from here.’

  ‘Good. If it is safe we will stop there,’ said King Ignis.

  They continued through the heavy rain and mud. After an hour they arrived at a cleared area of forest. A farmhouse was near the riverbank. It looked to be long abandoned and mostly in disrepair. King Ignis led them over to the farmhouse and dismounted. He walked in through the front door which was hanging by one rusted hinge. Eben and the others did the same. Inside was a large living area that made up most of the lower level of the house. To the left there was an open fireplace. A few broken chairs and a half rotting table were the only other contents of the room. Cobwebs covered the interior. King Ignis cleared away the cobwebs with his sword, and Cassiel picked up the scattered chairs.

  They felt relieved to be out of the rain and took off their coats and cloaks. Before long Red was busy trying to build a fire in the fireplace.

  ‘We should stay here until the storm passes,’ said King Ignis. ‘Red is right, Zarceler won’t ride through this wild weather. They won’t be able to follow our tracks after this heavy rain.’

  ‘We are safe here,’ said Baftel. ‘I can’t see the Skatheans following us. There are no enemies close by.’

  ‘Good, we must rest well whilst we can,’ said King Ignis.

  Red managed to get the fire started and gathered some wood from around the farmhouse. The day faded into the evening. The company huddled around the warmth of the fire. Stella and Red prepared a meal of bread and potatoes. They all ate well and felt revived after a proper meal.

  It was agreed that they should take turns to keep watch through the night. Eben lay down in a corner of the room and rested. He drifted off to sleep.



  Eben awoke to the sound of voices. He sat up and looked over to see Cassiel, Baftel, and King Ignis standing by the front door.

  ‘Wolves,’ said Baftel. ‘There are packs of wolves and other forest creatures across the river.’

  Eben could hear the howl of wolves in the distance. He stood up and walked over to the others.

  ‘Is everything all right?’ asked Eben.

  ‘No, there is something else,’ said Baftel. He was in a trancelike state.

  ‘What?’ asked Cassiel, staring out the doorway into the darkness.

  The heavy storm had passed and the rain had mostly stopped, only a light drizzle remained.

  ‘A wizard,’ said Baftel as he stared blankly out at the darkness. King Ignis drew his sword.

  ‘There,’ said Baftel, pointing out the doorway across the river. There was a blue glow on the far bank that was gradually growing brighter. ‘I can’t see any ill will. The wizard may not be against us.’

  Cassiel boldly stepped out of the house and walked toward the river. King Ignis, Eben, and Baftel followed him down to the bank as the blue light across the river grew even brighter. The light flew down and struck the water. The surface of the water started to freeze as the light glided across the river creating a bridge of ice. A silhouette mounted on a large horse appeared on the far bank. The rider moved out onto the ice bridge toward them.

  ‘Look,’ said King Ignis. A large wolf and a fox followed the approaching rider. They waited nervously as the wizard drew near.

  ‘Who are you?’ shouted Cassiel.

  ‘Cassiel,’ said a woman’s voice.

  ‘Meara. I can’t believe you found us,’ said Cassiel happily.

  ‘Meara!’ said the King gladly.

  ‘Torela,’ said Eben.

  ‘King Ignis. I am very glad to see you again,’ said Meara as she arrived at the bank. The icy bridge dissolved behind her. ‘I have been following you for several days now.’ She dismounted and stepped over to them.

  ‘These are my friends, Kiarn and Gasta,’ she said, indicating to the large wolf beside her and the smaller red fox. The mighty black wolf stared at them with fierce golden eyes, and the fox stayed some distance back.

  They walked with Meara back to the farmhouse. She took a seat at the table as Kiarn the wolf sat beside the fire directly next to Red who was still sleeping. Gasta, the fox, refused to enter the house and wai
ted outside the door.

  ‘I bring many tidings,’ said Meara.

  ‘Are you hungry? We have food,’ said Cassiel.

  ‘No, thank you, I’m fine. Kiarn, Gasta, and the other creatures of Altus Forest have been bringing me food.’

  ‘What news can you tell us, Meara?’ asked King Ignis.

  ‘I will tell you what I know. I escaped my first confrontation with Zarceler in Ancora, and soon after I learned that Cassiel and Eben had left for Zyran to attempt to free you. I was very worried because I didn’t expect the mission to succeed. By the time I discovered the plan it was too late for me to follow. The Zyranians would have detected my presence if I had followed you to the island. I waited in Ancora for news. Eventually the news of your escape came to me. I was astounded to hear that Azagord saved you and sacrificed his life.’

  ‘I knew that you would not come to Ancora or Sevadir. I soon learned that the Zyranians had sent five Enforcers to find and capture all of you. I also became aware that the Zyranians have been working with the Skatheans. Soon after I discovered you had landed south of Ancora. I believe a secret power has been protecting your company. The power has prevented anyone from following you,’ she said, looking to Eben for a moment. ‘I met Kiarn and the wolves of Altus Forest. Kiarn showed me the plight of the forest creatures. Muckrons and other monsters have been roaming the forests and killing everything. The wolves, jackals, bears, and foxes have fought against them for two years. Only recently the wolves learned that an army of muckrons has been brought to Ortaria by the Skatheans.’

  ‘An army of muckrons!’ cried King Ignis, shocked by the revelation.

  ‘Yes, an entire army. The forest creatures are not fond of men, yet they know that only with the help of men can they free the lands of muckrons and other monsters. Kiarn is a king among wolves. I asked for his help to find your company. The wolves helped me to follow you all the way to Lantern Hill; I almost met you there. I was in Lantern Hill when Eben fought the five Skatheans, and I helped him in the battle. You rode away without knowing of my presence. We then followed you to this farmhouse. Without the help of Kiarn and the other forest creatures I would have never found you. They had to communicate with other creatures that had seen you passing by. That is how we followed you.’

  ‘You created the blue flash of light that saved me from the Skatheans,’ said Eben. ‘You saved my life.’ Meara smiled warmly across at Eben.

  ‘I’m glad that I did,’ she said. ‘You fought valiantly against those Skatheans’.

  ‘Thank you,’ said Eben. Meara nodded and then looked back to King Ignis.

  ‘I told Kiarn that you, King Ignis, would help the forest creatures free the land of muckrons.’

  ‘I will,’ said King Ignis resolutely. ‘Tell Kiarn that I will help.’

  ‘You both want to free the land of this evil shadow that is destroying Ortaria. An alliance will be formed.’

  King Ignis nodded and Meara looked across at Kiarn. The black wolf stared at her with his large golden eyes.

  ‘He welcomes your offer of help,’ said Meara, looking back to King Ignis.

  ‘Good. This army of muckrons will not live long in Ortaria,’ said King Ignis decisively.

  ‘We are heading for Galdir. Once we arrive I will lead my army back to Ancora and destroy our enemies,’ said King Ignis firmly.

  ‘I have some bad news. The Imposter who sits on your throne has ordered your army to invade Scaldonia,’ said Meara. The King was deeply concerned at hearing the news. ‘The Imposter and the Skatheans know you are heading for Galdir and that you hope to lead your army back to Ancora. The Skatheans rule most of Scaldonia; only one resistance army remains at the town of Orelin. The Scaldonian army in Orelin is led by Duke Egil. Your army has been ordered to attack Orelin, which will destroy any remaining resistance in Scaldonia. The battle will also likely weaken the Ortarian army. Our enemies plan to destroy both the resistance in Scaldonia and to cripple the Ortarian army.’

  Stella woke and walked over to join the group at the table.

  ‘Is there time to intercept my army?’ asked King Ignis, his face showing his strain and grave concern.

  ‘If we ride quickly we may be able to catch them,’ said Meara.

  ‘Then we will have to ride like the wind to the Iron Gate Pass,’ said King Ignis. He stood up and took his coat from the back of his chair. He was ready to go at once.

  ‘It won’t help,’ said Baftel.


  ‘Skatheans and Zyranian Enforcers are riding out to the Iron Gate Pass. They will wait there and attempt to prevent us from following the army into the pass.’

  ‘You have shown the strength of your perception,’ said Meara. She was intrigued by Baftel’s skill with magic.

  ‘There are many Skatheans, perhaps twenty, and there are five Zyranian Enforcers,’ said Baftel. Meara cast her eyes downward and shook her head.

  ‘We can’t possibly defeat so many Skatheans and Zyranian Enforcers,’ said Meara.

  ‘Perhaps we can ride back to the sea and sail around the Endora Mountains. We could come to Orelin across Southern Scaldonia,’ suggested Cassiel.

  ‘No, by the time we arrived the battle would be over,’ said King Ignis, shaking his head in frustration.

  ‘Is there no other way?’ asked Cassiel.

  ‘There is one way,’ said Baftel softly, as if what he was about to suggest would not be received well.

  ‘What way?’ asked King Ignis with eagerness.

  ‘The Northern Pass,’ said Baftel solemnly.

  The King shook his head again and was clearly against the idea. ‘No man has passed that way for hundreds of years. A powerful draug lives there.’

  ‘The power of Eben’s sword may protect us from the draug,’ said Meara.

  ‘The draug that lives in the Northern Pass is particularly formidable. I don’t think the Sword of Light will help us. A draug usually won’t attack directly; it will be more likely to set a trap,’ said King Ignis.

  ‘True, King Ignis is right, the draug won’t attack us directly, but we have no chance against the Skatheans and Enforcers; we may have a chance at defeating a draug,’ said Baftel.

  ‘Wolf! There’s a wolf!’ cried Red, waking up to find the massive black wolf by his side. He bounded across the room, stumbling away from Kiarn. Kiarn leapt up and growled at him fiercely.

  ‘Red, he’s a friend!’ cried Eben, but Red fumbled for his sword as Kiarn snarled. Eben crossed the room and held out his hand to Kiarn. ‘Calm down, Red!’

  Red stared, bewildered at the sight of Eben standing beside the wolf. He put his sword back in its scabbard and shook his head in disbelief.

  ‘We have no choice. We will attempt the Northern Pass,’ said King Ignis.


  They left the farmhouse early the following morning and rode north away from the river. The forest slowly gave way to grassy hills. As they progressed northward the land about gradually became rockier. Kiarn and several other forest creatures followed the company, including two other wolves, Gasta the fox, and two jackals. A number of large birds also followed the company.

  ‘How do you communicate with these animals?’ asked Cassiel.

  ‘The creatures share images with me,’ replied Meara.

  ‘What a wonderful gift you possess,’ said Baftel.

  ‘This is a secret mystery understood by all the wizards of the Irilian Order,’ said Meara.

  ‘No Zyranian can do what you do,’ said Baftel.

  ‘The Zyranian Order saw little worth in befriending the lesser creatures of Veredor. The Irilians have always included this skill as an essential part of our training, and as you can see, Zyranian, the ability has proved useful,’ said Meara.

  ‘It is very clear to me how useful such a skill is,’ said Baftel. ‘You should know, Irilian, that I was banished from the Zyranian Order for trying to fight against the evil that is growing in Zyran. I was once the leader of the Seers of Zyran; now I am a lone
wizard and an outcast. I no longer belong to any order of wizards. You should also know the Zyranians have long known that the Irilians are stronger; however, they deny it to themselves.’

  Meara looked across at Baftel. She stared at him for a few moments. Her expression softened.

  ‘I would like to invite you to come to Dravania with me to join the Irilian Order, Baftel,’ said Meara.

  Baftel’s jaw dropped at the suggestion, and he stared at Meara with wide eyes full of wonder. A wizard had never been known to change from one order to another in all of history.

  ‘Are you saying that you want me to become an Irilian?’ asked Baftel. ‘I...I...would be honoured,’ he stammered.

  ‘It’s a long journey to Dravania; I am sure the Irilian Order will welcome you,’ said Meara warmly, smiling across at Baftel. Baftel was glowing with happiness.

  ‘For a long time I have been out in the cold, banished and alone. Thank you, Meara. I accept your gracious offer.’

  Meara simply nodded as they rode onward.


  The landscape became continuously more craggy and rocky the further they journeyed north. Kiarn led the way. Gasta, the fox, often ran ahead and would frequently disappear, only to reappear soon after. In the distance Eben could see a line of tall mountains stretching across the horizon from east to west.

  ‘The Endora Mountains,’ said King Ignis. ‘The Northern Pass isn’t far from us. It is above the source of the Merus River. We should be there by tomorrow afternoon.’

  They rode on through the rugged landscape. The day was cold, and dark clouds hung over the mountains ahead. They found that the land was gradually becoming hillier and more barren. The afternoon progressed toward the end of the day, and the company together decided to set up camp in a sheltered flat area between two small hills. Red made a campfire, and Stella gathered firewood with King Ignis and Baftel. Cassiel was talking with Meara. Eben sat by the edge of the clearing and looked down at his sword, which glinted in the soft light of the setting sun.

  He pondered the grave responsibility the possession of the sword had bestowed on him. He wondered why his mother didn’t use it to fight the evil in the lands. Why had she left the sword with him as an infant? Surely such a great sword would have helped her to free Eben’s father from his captors. He knew he would have to travel west to search for the answers. He also knew that he would have to find a Fiorian Knight, if any remained in Veredor.