Read The Tale Of The Vampire Bride Page 44

Page 44


  Groaning miserably, she clawed at the ground. The hunters had now closed within two feet of her and she darted at the weakest point of their line. A shriek of pain was torn from her throat and she fell back, her hands and arms scarred with blisters from the where the hunters had pressed their crosses against her skin.

  “Bastards,” my companion muttered under his breath.

  A vampire hunter moved forward and threw Holy Water into the vampire’s face. She cried out agony as her face began to melt away.

  I grabbed hold of the male vampire’s arm with a trembling hand. His long smooth hand closed over mine. “Can we not help her?”

  He looked down at me, shaking his head. “She is mad and we must not expose ourselves further. We must think of our own safety. ”

  Below, the vampire fell to the ground, quivering with pain and fear. We lost view of her as the hunters closed in tightly around her. I watched as the Gaelic hunter named Gilchrist moved closer to where the vampire huddled on the ground. Franco disappeared as he knelt down and my fingers dug into the fine silk of my companion’s coat.

  Gilchrist lifted up his long arm and the mallet fell downward. A piercing, agonizing scream broke forth. Gilchrist lifted the mallet and brought it down one more time. There was no scream, just a soft whimper.

  Svend, his pale face flushed with excitement, moved forward and I saw the blade streak downward.

  “It is finished,” the male vampire whispered.

  Svend raised the decapitated head of the vampire over his head in triumph, his fingers gripping her long matted tresses. The fresh blood drizzled from her severed head onto his pale blond hair, but he seemed to take no notice.

  The hunters broke into cheers.

  Chapter 22

  The Journal of Lady Glynis Wright-Continued

  I was so overcome, I could not even move. Tears flowed freely and my lips trembled with emotion. The vampire gently took hold of my arm and pulled me away from the ghastly view. His hands were smooth and comforting against my face as he wiped my tears away.

  “There, there, do not cry,” he said soothingly.

  His words only made me sob all the more. His gentleness reminded me of my own poor dead father.

  “Was she your sister?”

  I shook my head. “No, no. I had never seen her before tonight. I have only arrived in Buda. I saw her just before those…those…beastly men…they…how could they? How could they do that to her? How?” I fell against him, burying my face in his shoulder. I felt his arms go around me and he held me tightly against him.

  “Do not be afraid. They cannot reach us here. We just need to be wise in our endeavors. They know about us now and will be searching for us,” he said softly against my hair.

  I nodded dismally. It had been horrifying to see another vampire destroyed. It was as if I had witnessed my own death.

  The gentleman vampire smoothed back my curls from my face, rocking me gently in his arms. “It shall be well once more,” he promised me.

  The trembling of my body stilled as I felt an unexpected peaceful calm settling over me. Something wondrous began to happen. I felt a pleasant warmth spreading through me. It seemed to seep out of the very depths of my soul and flow through my veins. The fear and pain of the death I had witnessed fell away from my mind as all I could feel was the tender embrace of the vampire. The strong arms around me were so comforting, so wonderfully comforting.

  Slowly, I became aware of the hard, lean muscles of the vampire’s body beneath his clothing as it pressed against me. Desire, bright and delicious began to blossom within me. His long silky hair fell over my brow and into my eyes. His warm breath caressed my face as gentle as any kiss. I luxuriated in his powerful embrace and wished it to never end.

  “Who is your Master? I shall take you to your Master, if you wish it,” the man said, his voice breaking through my repose.

  I started, nearly drawing away. I could not tell this vampire of Vlad or our home! Vlad would beat me without mercy if a male vampire returned to me to the safety of the mansion. I knew he would be venomously jealous. I just knew it with every fiber of my being. There was absolutely no way I could allow this vampire to endanger us both by returning me to Vlad.

  “Your Master should know you might be in danger. You did a very foolish thing rushing after that girl in front of the hunters,” the vampire chided me.

  My pride rose and, indignantly, I pulled away. Haughtily, I raised my chin. “I was protecting one of our own. You did nothing to save her, may I remind you. ”

  The vampire laughed. “You are a very arrogant young woman, are you not?” He was clearly amused by my outburst.

  “You are a patronizing bastard,” I retorted.

  “From weeping child to petulant child…interesting. ”

  I frowned at him. “I am never a weeping child. Perhaps petulant. But I was trying to help her! I was just not quite certain how to accomplish my task. And you did nothing to help me, so therefore, do not condescend to me and say that I am a rash woman, for I can assure you, I am not. ” I stomped my foot for emphasis and his smile broadened.

  “Very well, madam, I stand corrected,” he said with a small bow.

  “And I am not a madam. I am a lady. And a master of my own fate. ”

  “Are you? For I fear if you are the Master of your own fate, you shall not last long rushing headlong into the presence of hunters,” he observed.

  I scoffed at him, turning my nose up at him. “They are merely mortal men. ”

  “Who know how to wield weapons against us that render us helpless before them if we are not careful,” he answered me calmly.

  I frowned, then slightly nodded, realizing the truth of his words. I felt my defenses slip for a moment. I was drawn to the vampire. As I stood near him, I could feel his presence wrapping around me and it made me feel foolish and weak. When I gazed upon him, all I could think of was my desire to once more feel the strength of his embrace.

  “You were foolish,” he said firmly, but with his bemused smile. “You had best think before rushing into a situation like that again. ”

  I turned sharply on my heel toward him and pointed a finger at him. “You, sir, do not know a thing about me. I am very strong and clever. I was about to escape their clutches when you interfered. ”

  I am not truly certain I would have escaped had he not come to my rescue, but I was not about to admit to such a thing. I do have my pride, as misplaced as it can be at times, and I was loathe to admit weakness.

  “I am sure you are correct, my lady. It was my error to think otherwise,” he said in such a way I was not sure if he was mocking me or not. “Now, who is your Master?”

  “I am certainly not telling you. It is none of your business. Besides, maybe I have no Master. Maybe the vampire hunters killed him. ” I sniffed, adjusting my cloak. “Maybe I am my own Master. ”

  He shook his head. “Very well, I shall not pursue this question further. ” He glanced skywards, then back toward me. “The sun shall rise in a few hours. I suggest you feed and return to your haven. ” He hesitated, then said with charming sarcasm. “You can, of course, return home without alerting every hunter in the city of your presence?”

  I gave him a sharp look and stomped my foot. “I can assure you that I am quite capable in protecting myself and returning home safely. ”

  He tucked his hands behind his back and regarded me somberly. “You do realize the seriousness of the hunters knowing of your existence. ”

  “Of course, I do. I am, despite my feminine nature, a creature of some intelligence. ”

  To my surprise, he reached out and lay one hand gently against my flushed cheek. His fine fingers slid over my flesh, tantalizing and cool. I felt mesmerized by his touch and raised my chin to gaze into his eyes.

  “I am sure you are quite cunning and used to using your feminine wiles to fine effect, but you must b
e safe. I can see by your nature, that you are not a creature of caution. ”

  Gazing up at him through my lashes, I smiled slightly. “No, perhaps not, but I can assure you, I shall never burn in the sun or meet an untimely death at the hands of a hunter. ” I was doing my best to be beguiling and defiant. I was very attracted to this vampire and being so near to him made me want touch him.

  To my surprise, his gaze darkened at my words and he said quite softly, “One so young should never promise something so foolish. ” His hand caressed my cheek gently and the sadness that I had awakened in his eyes drew me in and made me shiver.

  Drawing his hand from my cheek, I held it against my breast and looked upon him with a chastised and sorrowful expression. “Forgive me, sir. I did not mean to upset you. ”

  And that is when he kissed me.

  The world beyond us ceased to exist. In that intense passionate instant, I felt overcome with a power so great I could scarcely stand. It was as if the sun had exploded, engulfing us in liquid fire, and fusing us together.

  He drew back and looked down at me with an expression I dare not attempt to describe. Turning his back on me, he said, “You will get home safely?”

  “Well, yes,” I answered, feeling very confused. “Yes, of course. ”

  “Very well,” the vampire said. He began to walk away over the tall peaks of the rooftops; his long coat fluttering around him as his hair flowed on the wind.

  “Wait, wait!” I stumbled after him. “My name is Lady Glynis Wright. Who are you?”

  He turned back to gaze upon me. I could feel his desire to return to me, but he fought it, a bitter sweetness tingeing his features.

  “Lady Glynis, it does not matter,” he answered, then the night seemed to enfold him and he was gone.

  “No, you cannot merely leave and not let me know your name. You kissed me, sir! I deserve to know your name. ”

  But there was no response.

  He was gone.

  Needless to say, I was quite upset. Never had I been kissed in such a fashion that I forgot the entire world around me save the man holding me close. Never had I felt such intense passion. Had he not felt the intense emotional surge that had encompassed us when he had kissed me? Did he not know that in those few short moments he had made me love him?

  Oh, how I yearned to see him again! To touch him again! To feel his kiss once more!

  My girlish infatuation with Lord Byron dimmed in comparison to what I now felt.

  And I did not even know his name.

  Hungry, weary, and furious, I stomped across the peaked roof, feeling quite put out. How could he kiss me then leave?

  Tugging my hood over my head, I stormed across the rooftops of the houses of Pesth. Finally, I dropped into the street and walked toward the caleche. It was just where it was supposed to be. The driver appeared to be asleep, fallen over in his seat.

  “Let us go now,” I said.

  He did not stir.

  Frustrated, I shook him and he fell over. His eyes were wide and staring. His throat was slit from ear to ear.

  I felt my skin began to prickle. I whirled about, sensing the swirl of power nearby. This was no ordinary murder. No criminal had taken the driver’s life to steal his money.

  My teeth slid downward as I felt my eyes burn as my gaze sharpened. Someone or something was nearby and it was watching me.

  I sank back from the carriage, pushing up the shadows around me, drawing my powers up around me as protection. Instinctively, I knew that whatever was watching me, was now aware that I knew it was there.

  Before me, the shadows gave birth to a tall, wiry man. His countenance was very, very pale, albino apparently, with white hair and eyes as pale as frozen water. Dressed all in black, he was an imposing figure. His gaunt face seemed to hover in the darkness around him. He felt like great power, but not quite vampire, not quite mortal.

  He bowed deeply. “Good evening, madam. Let me introduce myself. I am Gregor. I am a dhamphir and it is my greatest pleasure to bring your Satanic existence to an end tonight. ”

  I raised my chin, my eyes widening as I gazed at him. “I do not know what you are, but I can assure you I am not Satanic. ”