Read The Tale Of The Vampire Bride Page 53

Page 53


  “It would be an absolute pleasure,” I answered.

  I am not an idiot. Sir Stephen was nervous at the mere mention of Dracula. That only fueled my suspicions about my sister’s new husband.

  As I sat in that grand office, staring at the slender nervous man, I knew that I had been drawn into a web more sinister than I could have imagined. Count Dracula has drawn me here for a purpose. Perhaps the only reason he married Glynis was to ensure that he had an established contact in England that could help him move into English society with ease. And now I am ensnared, as is my sister, and I can only hope I am clever enough to outwit him.

  The Journal of Lady Glynis Wright

  13th of March, 1820

  Buda, Hungary

  I admit that I was ecstatic, yet nervous, to have my brother visit my home.

  I sensed his presence earlier in the house as I slept with Vlad in our hiding place. At first I had been frightened, fearing that a vampire hunter had entered the house. When I had felt the surge of power beside me, I had known that Vlad feared the same. It had been several incredibly tense moments before I had recognized my brother’s presence. Only then had Vlad released Andrew from his power.

  When we emerged from our hiding place early this evening, Magda informed us that Andrew would be visiting us soon. I immediately instructed the servants to prepare a fine feast for my brother. I desperately wanted for my brother to feel comfortable in my new home. Vlad’s threat had been seared into my heart and I was desperate to dispel any reservations Andrew had about my new life. If Vlad forces me to kill Andrew, I know I will fall into a madness from which I cannot return.

  When Andrew finally arrived at the house, I made sure I was waiting for him on the front steps. Without a word, I embraced him tightly and kissed him through my veil. Immediately, I had sensed his unease and it disturbed me deeply. Vlad then came out to greet Andrew and invite him into our home.

  Even though Vlad was cordial and pleasant, Andrew seemed too quiet. His gaze was searching and penetrating. Conversation was stilted throughout dinner. I did most of the talking, making up lie after lie about my new life. Andrew listened thoughtfully and watched my veiled countenance with great interest.

  Vlad spent the entire dinner watching my brother. It made me very nervous, so I became a little too excited. Beyond that it was very awkward to sit at a table laden with wonderful food and not being able to eat a bite. Vlad declined to eat on the pretext that he had eaten dinner with me earlier in the evening. My brother had looked a little suspicious, but had accepted the explanation that I was forced to eat in private due to my condition.

  We retired to the grand parlor that is Vlad's pride. It is lovely with its imported furniture in deep purples and reds. Andrew sat next to Vlad smoking a cigar while Vlad lit up his pipe. I took my place with trembling hands in my lap. I drew them under my veil in an attempt to hide them from my brother’s gaze.

  “I visited Sir Stephen this afternoon,” Andrew said abruptly after Vlad had finished with a short lecture on the history of Buda.

  “And how was your visit,” Vlad responded coolly.

  “He had a rather slow business day and we spoke for several hours. In the midst of our conversation, he told me that you are seriously considering moving to England. ”

  I could not be sure, but it seemed as if there was a sly edge to my brother’s voice.

  “I actually have decided to move to England. It is the birthplace of my beloved wife and I feel that we would be very happy there,” Vlad answered smoothly as he bestowed Andrew with a very charming smile.

  “Would you not miss your own country?” Andrew asked him.

  “I would, but Glynis’ happiness is much more important to me,” Vlad said with great earnestness.


  Vlad cast a sharp glance in my direction. “She is the most important woman in my life. Our futures are intertwined. ”

  The double meaning was obvious to me, and I bit my lip to prevent myself from retorting flippantly.

  Andrew looked toward me and even though he could not see my face, I forced a bright smile. “I want to go home, Andrew, and Vlad has promised to take me back to England. ”

  Andrew dragged on his cigar thoughtfully, then exhaled slowly. The smoke curled about his head like a lazy snake then drifted up into the shadows. “Well, then I promise to help you in your move across the Continent. I have many connections and I would be pleased to help you in anyway possible.

  I knew that was exactly what Vlad wanted to hear. I could actually see Vlad’s delight come alive in his green eyes.

  “Thank you, Andrew. That would be quite excellent. I do most of my business within the confines of those countries under the control of the Hapsburg Monarchy. I must admit I have absolutely no connections in England whatsoever. I am in desperate need of a solicitor to handle my affairs. My dear friend, Sir Stephen, does not have the influence in England he would like to believe he has. He has been unable to secure the proper law firm to suit my needs to assist me in my plans to move to your wonderful country,” Vlad said in such a courteous, friendly tone it gave me the chills.

  “Well, I have knowledge of several solicitors in London that may be interested in handling the affairs of your estate,” Andrew assured him.

  I felt sick to my stomach. Vlad was obviously delighted in Andrew’s willingness to help him and that meant Andrew was safe. But that also meant that Vlad was moving closer to having control over Andrew. I saw how Stephen cowered like a lowly servant before Vlad. I hated the mere thought of Andrew ever submitting in such a cowardly manner to my Master. Even if it would spare him Vlad’s wrath.

  Vlad and Andrew continued to chat with some enthusiasm. My brother fell into describing everything English to Vlad in his very charming way. He went into some detail about the glories of London and the beauty of the countryside. He is a great storyteller and Vlad sat absolutely enraptured. I could see the bright fires burning in his eyes as he listened. I could see his desire to leave his homeland clearly on his features.

  Vlad has not mentioned again the other vampires that evidently rule these lands, but I am beginning to believe that perhaps Vlad wants to escape from them just as I desire to escape from him.

  As I sit here and write about tonight’s events, I know this much is certain. Ever since I departed from the castle, the boundaries of my existence have expanded significantly. I now know that there is an entire vampire world hidden in the shadows of the mortal world. This fact gives me hope. If I am clever enough, I know I can escape Vlad and perhaps find my own way through this strange new world.

  Back to tonight’s events…

  It was nearly midnight when Andrew finally managed to delicately excuse himself from the long conversation he had found himself involved in and invited me for a midnight stroll.

  “I hope you do not mind, but I would very much like to talk with my sister alone,” Andrew said with his usual boyish smile.

  Again, I sensed something peculiar in Andrew’s expression but I could not quite decipher it.

  Vlad glanced toward me, nodding. “Of course, of course. The moon is almost full tonight and the gardens are beautiful by moonlight. ”

  Andrew offered his arm to me and I happily let him help me to my feet. As we moved to leave the room, arm in arm, Vlad stood up and took hold of my other arm. He leaned forward and kissed my cheek affectionately and whispered so lightly no mortal could hear, “Remember. ”

  I lowered my head slightly, acknowledging his threat. Andrew either took no notice of the exchange or pretended not to have seen it. Smiling warmly down at me, he guided me out of the house and down into the serenity of the gardens.

  Vlad was right. The garden was lovely by night. The moon was a brilliant orb in the indigo sky. I could not help but find comfort in its soft luminescent light.

  “We have hardly had a chance to really speak tonight,” An
drew said after several minutes of peaceful silence. We strolled slowly down a pathway winding our way through the slumbering flower beds. “Your husband rather likes to talk. ”

  “He is a very intelligent man,” I conceded carefully. I could still sense that there was something peculiar about my brother’s state of mind.

  “He seems to be very intent on moving to England,” Andrew decided in a very odd tone.

  I cast a wary glance at my brother as I carefully considered my answer. “My husband is fascinated by our homeland. ”

  Andrew suddenly whirled about and took me roughly by the shoulders. “What has happened to you? Where are your flippant remarks? Your sharp tongue? You answer me as though you are frightened to answer incorrectly. I do not know what is happening here, but something is deeply wrong. Wrong with you, with Vlad, with everything. Nothing is as it seems and I know it! You cannot hide the truth from me. He is not here with us now, Glynis. You must tell me the truth now. If you do not, I will refuse to help Vlad and I will find a way to free you from this marriage and take you home!” Andrew said all this fiercely, his grip tightening on my arms. His face was full of desperate anger and frustration.

  Fear gripped me so tightly I could scarcely think straight. I had to calm his fears and protect him at all costs. “Andrew, please do not be upset. ”

  “How must I feel, Glynis? My family died in a strange accident! My only living sister has her face hidden behind a thick veil so I cannot even look upon it! I am being forced to help a man I cannot even bear move to England. What happened, Glynis? What happened on that damned mountain? What happened to everything that was dear to us?” Andrew demanded fiercely. His eyes glittered with tears. “Please, Glynis, tell me the truth. ”

  I took a wavering breath, pressing my hands against his flushed face. My touch seemed to soothe him, and he fell against me.

  “Please, Glynis, please, tell me. ”

  “Andrew, we have always been close. Always. We were always in trouble together and I always trusted you with my deepest secrets. Remember when I could have blundered into the most horrible trouble after I managed to meet Lord Byron. But I did not because you never told Mother and Father. Andrew, dear Andrew, I must speak to you frankly. Please, please, listen to all I say and take all to heart,” I said breathlessly, my mind racing. I had to make him believe me and to do that, I had to tell the truth or a close version to it.

  My brother stared down at me fearfully, his gaze searching for the glimmer of my eyes beneath my heavy veil. “Tell me, Glynis. Tell me the truth. Please, I beg you. ”

  I drew in a wavering breath then began to speak in a soft, passionate voice. “Andrew, our family died tragically in the Carpathian Mountains. Nothing can change that fact. I tried to save them, but I was helpless against those forces that took them from us. I was devastated when our family died, Andrew. Quite honestly, I went through a period of madness. I could not accept that Father, Mother, and May were dead. I was desperately lonely without them, and I could not deal with what I had become. I hated my very existence and prayed for death. I had no peace, no comfort. I was very much alone in my own personal hell. After awhile, I took comfort in knowing that our family is safe in the arms of God and that in England you were safe with Angeline. But still there were times I felt I might go mad forever. You have noticed how peculiar my relationship is with my husband. It is very difficult to explain our situation. He is my husband, my protector, and in some ways, my captor with his need for me. I cannot leave him, Andrew. I am bound to him because of all that has happened. He has my devotion, my loyalty. He demands it and I give it to him. Because of him, I am here today with you. I need you to accept these things. I know it is difficult for you to see me this way and accept that I am married to a mysterious foreign count, but this is the reality of my life now. Vlad wishes to go to England. So do I. I want to go home, Andrew. I want to see England. I want to leave this country and all the horrors that I have suffered here and find peace in England. Please, help us, please,” I finished emotionally. I collapsed into his embrace.