Read The Tales Of The Heptameron, Vol. I. (of V.) Page 3


  _The Regency of Louise of Savoy--Margaret and the royal children--The defeat of Pavia and the death of the Duke of Alencon--The Royal Trinity--"All is lost save honour"-- Margaret's journey to Spain and her negotiations with Charles V.--Her departure from Madrid--The scheme to arrest her, and her flight on horseback--Liberation of Francis I.-- Clever escape of Henry of Navarre from prison--Margaret's secret fancy for him--Her personal appearance at this period--Marriage of Henry and Margaret at St. Germain._

  The most memorable events of Margaret's public life date from thisperiod. Francis, who was determined to reconquer the Milanese, atonce made preparations for a new campaign. Louise of Savoy was againappointed Regent of the kingdom, and as Francis's wife, Claude, wasdying of consumption, the royal children were confided to the care ofMargaret, whose husband accompanied the army. Louise of Savoy at firstrepaired to Lyons with her children, in order to be nearer to Italy,but she and Margaret soon returned to Blois, where the Queen wasdying. Before the royal army had reached Milan Claude expired, and soonafterwards Louise was incapacitated by a violent attack of gout, whilethe children of Francis also fell ill. The little ones, of whom Margarethad charge, consisted of three boys and three girls, the former beingFrancis, the Dauphin, who died in 1536, Charles, Duke of Orleans, whodied in 1545, and Henry, Count of Angouleme, who succeeded his father onthe throne. The girls comprised Madeleine, afterwards the wife ofJames V. of Scotland, Margaret, subsequently Duchess of Savoy, and thePrincess Charlotte. The latter was particularly beloved by her auntMargaret, who subsequently dedicated to her memory her poem _Le Miroirde l'Ame Pecheresse_. While the other children recovered from theirillness, little Charlotte, as Margaret records in her letters to BishopBriconnet, was seized "with so grievous a malady of fever and flux,"that after a month's suffering she expired, to the deep grief of heraunt, who throughout her illness had scarcely left her side.

  This affliction was but the beginning of Margaret's troubles. Soonafterwards the Constable de Bourbon, in conjunction with Pescaraand Lannoy, avenged his grievances under the walls of Pavia. On thisoccasion, as at Marignano, the Duke of Alencon commanded the Frenchreserves, and had charge of the fortified camp from which Francis,listening to Bonnivet, sallied forth, despite the advice of his bestofficers. The King bore himself bravely, but he was badly wounded andforced to surrender, after La Palisse, Lescun, Bonnivet, La Tremoille,and Bussy d'Amboise had been slain before his eyes. Charles of Alenconwas then unable to resist the advice given him to retreat, and thus savethe few Frenchmen who had escaped the arms of the Imperialists. Withfour hundred lances he abandoned the camp, crossed the Ticino, andreaching France by way of Piedmont, proceeded to Lyons, where he foundLouise of Savoy and Margaret.

  It has been alleged that they received him with harsh reproaches, andthat, unable to bear the shame he felt for his conduct, he died only afew days after the battle. (1)

  1 See Garnier's _Histoire de France_, vol. xxiv.; Gaillard's _Histoire de France, &c_. Odolant Desnos, usually well informed, falls into the same error, and asserts that when the Duke, upon his arrival, asked Margaret to kiss him, she replied, "Fly, coward! you have feared death. You might find it in my arms, as I do not answer for myself."--_Memoires historiques_, vol. ii. p. 253.

  There are several errors in these assertions, which a contemporarydocument enables us to rectify. The battle of Pavia was fought onFebruary 14th, 1525, and Charles of Alencon did not die till April 11th,more than a month after his arrival at Lyons. He was carried off in fivedays by pleurisy, and some hours before his death was still able to riseand partake of the communion. Margaret bestowed the most tender careupon him, and the Regent herself came to visit him, the Duke findingstrength enough to say to her, "Madam, I beg of you to let the King knowthat since the day he was made a prisoner I have been expecting nothingbut death, since I was not sufficiently favoured by Heaven to share hislot or to be slain in serving him who is my king, father, brother, andgood master." After kissing the Regent's hand he added, "I commend toyou her who has been my wife for fifteen years, and who has been as goodas she is virtuous towards me." Then, as Louise of Savoy wished to takeMargaret away, Charles turned towards the latter and said to her, "Donot leave me."

  The Duchess refused to follow her mother, and embracing her dyinghusband, showed him the crucifix placed before his eyes. The Duke,having summoned one of his gentlemen, M. de Chan-deniers, instructed himto bid farewell on his part to all his servants, and to thank them fortheir services, telling them that he had no longer strength to see them.He asked God aloud to forgive his sins, received the extreme unctionfrom the Bishop of Lisieux, and raising his eyes to heaven, said"Jesus," and expired. (1)

  Whilst tending her dying husband, Margaret was also deeply concernedas to the fate of her captive brother, for whom she always evinced thewarmest affection. Indeed, so close were the ties uniting Louiseof Savoy and her two children that they were habitually called the"Trinity," as Clement Marot and Margaret have recorded in their poems.(2)

  1 From a MS. poem in the Bibliotheque Nationale entitled _Les Prisons_, probably written by William Philander or Filandrier, a canon of Rodez.

  2 See _OEuvres de Clement Marot_, 1731, vol. v. p. 274; and A. Champoilion-Figeac's _Poesies de Francois Ier, &c_., Paris, 1847, p. 80.

  In this Trinity Francis occupied the highest place; his mother calledhim "her Caesar and triumphant hero," while his sister absolutelyreverenced him, and was ever ready to do his bidding. Thus theintelligence that he was wounded and a prisoner threw them intoconsternation, and they were yet undecided how to act when they receivedthat famous epistle in which Francis wrote--not the legendary words,"All is lost save honour," but--"Of all things there have remained to mebut honour and life, which is safe." After begging his mother and sisterto face the extremity by employing their customary prudence, the Kingcommended his children to their care, and expressed the hope that Godwould not abandon him. (1) This missive revived the courage of theRegent and Margaret, for shortly afterwards we find the latter writingto Francis: "Your letter has had such effect upon the health of Madame[Louise], and of all those who love you, that it has been to us as aHoly Ghost after the agony of the Passion.... Madame has felt so greata renewal of strength, that whilst day and evening last not a moment islost over your business, so that you need have no grief or care aboutyour kingdom and children." (2)

  1 See extract from the Registers of the Parliament of Paris (Nov. 10, 1525) in Dulaure's _Histoire de Paris_, Paris, 1837, vol. iii. p. 209; and Lalanne's _Journal d'un Bourgeois de Paris_, Paris, 1854, p. 234. The original of the letter no longer exists, but the authenticity of the text cannot be disputed, as all the more essential portions are quoted in the collective reply of Margaret and Louise of Savoy, which is still extant. See Champollion-Figeac's Captivite de Francois Ier, pp. 129, 130.

  2 Genin's _Nouvelles Lettres de la Peine de Navarre_, Paris, 1842, p. 27.

  Louise of Savoy was indeed now displaying courage and ability. Newsshortly arrived that the King had been transferred to Madrid, andthat Charles demanded most onerous conditions for the release of hisprisoner. At this juncture Francis wrote to his mother that he was veryill, and begged of her to come to him. Louise, however, felt that sheought not to accede to this request, for it would be jeopardisingthe monarchy to place the Regent as well as the King of France inthe Emperor's hands; accordingly she resolved that Margaret should goinstead of herself.

  The Baron of St. Blancard, general of the King's galleys, who hadpreviously offered to rescue Francis while the latter was on his way toSpain, received orders to make the necessary preparations for Margaret'svoyage, of which she defrayed the expense, as is shown by a letter shewrote to John Brinon, Chancellor of Alencon. In this missive she statesthat the Baron of St. Blancard has made numerous disbursements onaccount of her journey which are to be refunded to him, "so that h
e mayknow that I am not ungrateful for the good service he has done me, forhe hath acquitted himself thereof in such a way that I have occasion tobe gratified." (1)

  1 Genin's _Lettres de Marguerite, &c_., p. 193.--Genin's Notice, _ibid_., p. 19.

  Despite adverse winds, Margaret embarked on August 27th, 1525, atAigues-Mortes, with the President de Selves, the Archbishop of Embrun,the Bishop of Tarbes, and a fairly numerous suite of ladies. The Emperorhad granted her a safe-conduct for six months, and upon landing in Spainshe hurried to Madrid, where she found her brother very sick both inmind and body. She eagerly caressed and tended him, and with a goodresult, as she knew his nature and constitution much better than thedoctors. To raise his depressed spirits she had recourse to religiousceremonies, giving orders for an altar to be erected in the room wherehe was lying. She then requested the Archbishop of Embrun to celebratemass, and received the communion in company of all the French retainersabout the prisoner. It is stated that the King, who for some hours hadgiven no sign of life, opened his eyes at the moment of the consecrationof the elements, and asked for the communion, saying, "God will cure me,soul and body." From this time forward he began to recover his health,though he remained fretful on account of his captivity.

  It was a difficult task to obtain his release. The Court and the Emperorwere extremely polite, but Margaret soon recognised the emptiness oftheir protestations of good-will. "They all tell me that they love theKing," she wrote, "but I have little proof of it. If I had to do withhonest folks, who understand what honour is, I should not care, but itis the contrary." (1)

  1 _Lettres de Marguerite, &c._, p. 21.

  She was not the woman to turn back at the first obstacle, however;she began by endeavouring to gain over several high personages, and onperceiving that the men avoided speaking with her on serious business,she addressed herself to their mothers, wives, or daughters. In a letterto Marshal de Montmorency, then with the King, she thus refers to theDuke del Infantado, who had received her at his castle of Guadalaxara."You will tell the King that the Duke has been warned from the Courtthat if he wishes to please the Emperor neither he nor his son is tospeak to me; but the ladies are not forbidden me, and to them I willspeak twofold." (1)

  Throughout the negotiations for her brother's release Margaret alwaysmaintained the dignity and reserve fitting to her sex and situation.Writing to Francis on this subject she says: "The Viceroy (Lannoy) hassent me word that he is of opinion I should go and see the Emperor, butI have told him through M. de Senlis that I have not yet stirred from mylodging without being asked, and that whenever it pleases the Emperor tosee me I shall be found there." (2)

  1 _Lettres de Marguerite, &c_., p. 197.

  2 _Captivite de Francois Ier_, p. 358.

  Margaret was repeatedly admitted to the Imperial council to discussthe conditions of her brother's ransom. She showed as much ability asloftiness of mind on these occasions, and several times won Charles V.himself and the sternest of his Ministers to her opinion. (1)

  1 Brantome states that the Emperor was greatly impressed and astonished by her plain speaking. She reproached him for treating Francis so harshly, declaring that this course would not enable him to attain his ends. "For although he (the King) might die from the effects of this rigorous treatment, his death would not remain unpunished, as he had children who would some day become men and wreak signal vengeance." "These words," adds Brantome, "spoken so bravely and in such hot anger, gave the Emperor occasion for thought, insomuch that he moderated himself and visited the King and made him many fine promises, which he did not keep, however." With the Ministers Margaret was even more outspoken; but we are told that she turned her oratorical powers "to such good purpose that she rendered herself agreeable rather than odious or unpleasant; the more readily as she was also good-looking, a widow, and in the flower of her age."--_OEuvres de Brantome_, 8vo, vol. v. (_Les Dames illustres_).

  She highly favoured the proposed marriage between Francis and hisrival's sister, Eleanor of Austria, detecting in this alliance the mostcertain means of a speedy release. Eleanor, born at Louvain in 1498,had in 1519 married Emanuel, King of Portugal, who died two yearsafterwards. Since then she had been promised to the Constable deBourbon, but the Emperor did not hesitate to sacrifice the latter to hisown interests.

  He himself, being fascinated by Margaret's grace and wit, thought ofmarrying her, and had a letter sent to Louise of Savoy, plainly settingforth the proposal. In this missive, referring to the Constable deBourbon, Charles remarked that "there were good matches in France inplenty for him; for instance, Madame Renee, (1) with whom he might verywell content himself." (2) These words have led to the belief that therehad been some question of a marriage between Margaret and the Constable;however, there is no mention of any such alliance in the diplomaticdocuments exchanged between France and Spain on the subject of theKing's release. These documents comprise an undertaking to restore theConstable his estates, and even to arrange a match for him in France,(3) but Margaret is never mentioned. She herself, in the numerousletters handed down to us, does not once refer to the famous exile, andthe intrigue described by certain historians and romancers evidentlyrests upon no solid foundation. (4)

  1 Renee, the younger daughter of Louis XII. and Anne of Brittany, subsequently celebrated as Renee of Ferrara.

  2 This letter is preserved at the Bibliotheque Nationale, Bethune MSS., No. 8496, fol. xiii.

  3 _Captivite de Francois Ier, &c_., pp. 167-207.

  4 Varillas is the principal historian who has mentioned this supposed intrigue, which also furnished the subject of a romance entitled _Histoire de Marguerite, Reine de Navarre, &c._, 1696.

  After three months of negotiations, continually broken off and renewed,Margaret and her brother, feeling convinced of Charles V.'s evilintentions, resolved to take steps to ensure the independence of France.By the King's orders Robertet, his secretary, drew up letters-patent,dated November 1525 by which it was decreed that the young Dauphinshould be crowned at once, and that the regency should continue in thehands of Louise of Savoy, but that in the event of her death the samepower should be exercised by Francis's "very dear and well-beloved onlysister, Margaret of France, Duchess of Alencon and Berry." (1) However,all these provisions were to be deemed null and void in the event ofFrancis obtaining his release.

  It has been erroneously alleged that Margaret on leaving Spain tookthis deed of abdication with her, and that the Emperor, informed ofthe circumstance, gave orders for her to be arrested as soon asher safe-conduct should expire. (2) However, it was the Marshal deMontmorency who carried the deed to France, and Charles V. in orderingthe arrest of Margaret had no other aim than that of securing anadditional hostage in case his treaty with Francis should not befulfilled.

  1 _Captivite de Francois 1er, &c._, p. 85.

  2 Genin's Notice in the _Lettres de Marguerite, &c._, p. 25.

  Margaret, pressed by her brother, at last asked for authorisation toleave Spain. By the manner in which the permission was granted sheperceived that the Emperor wished to delay rather than hasten herjourney. During November she wrote Francis a letter in which thisconviction was plainly expressed, and about the 19th of the month sheleft Madrid upon her journey overland to France.

  At first she travelled very leisurely, but eventually she receiveda message from her brother, advising her to hasten her speed, as theEmperor, hoping that she would still be in Spain in January, when hersafe-conduct would expire, had given orders for her arrest. Accordingly,on reaching Medina-Celi she quitted her litter and mounted on horseback,accomplishing the remainder of her journey in the saddle. Nine or tendays before the safe-conduct expired she passed Perpignan and reachedSalces, where some French nobles were awaiting her.

  Soon after her return to France she again took charge of the royalchildren, who once more fell ill, this time with the meas
les, asMargaret related in the following characteristic letter addressed to herbrother, still a prisoner in Spain:--

  "My Lord,--The fear that I have gone through about your children,without saying anything of it to Madame (Louise of Savoy), who was alsovery ill, obliges me to tell you in detail the pleasure I feel at theirrecovery. M. d'Angouleme caught the measles, with a long and severefever; afterwards the Duke of Orleans took them with a little fever; andthen Madame Madeleine without fever or pain; and by way of company theDauphin without suffering or fever. And now they all are quite cured andvery well; and the Dauphin does marvels in the way of studying, minglingwith his schooling a hundred thousand other occupations. And there is nomore question of passions, but rather of all the virtues; M. d'Orleansis nailed to his book, and says that he wants to be good; but M.d'Angouleme does more than the others, and says things that are to beesteemed rather as prophecies than childish utterances, which you, mylord, would be amazed to hear. Little Margot resembles myself; she willnot be ill; but I am assured here that she has very graceful ways, andis getting prettier than ever Mademoiselle d'Angouleme (1) was."

  1 Genin's _Lettres de Marguerite, &c_, p. 70. The Mademoiselle d'Angouleme alluded to at the end of the letter is Margaret herself.

  Francis having consented to the onerous conditions imposed by CharlesV., was at last liberated. On March 17th, 1526, he was exchanged for histwo elder sons, who were to serve as hostages for his good faith, andset foot upon the territory of Beam. He owed Margaret a deep debt ofgratitude for her efforts to hasten his release, and one of his firstcares upon leaving Spain was to wed her again in a fitting manner. Heappears to have opened matrimonial negotiations with Henry VIII. ofEngland, (1) but, fortunately for Margaret, without result. She, itseems, had already made her choice. There was then at the French Courta young King, without a kingdom, it is true, but endowed with numerouspersonal qualities. This was Henry d'Albret, Count of Beam, andlegitimate sovereign of Navarre, then held by Charles V. in defiance oftreaty rights. Henry had been taken prisoner with Francis at Pavia andconfined in the fortress there, from which, however, he had managed toescape in the following manner.

  Having procured a rope ladder in view of descending from the castle, heordered Francis de Rochefort, his page, to get into his bed and feignsleep. Then he descended by the rope, the Baron of Arros and a valetfollowing him. In the morning, when the captain on duty came to seeHenry, as was his usual custom, he was asked by a page to let the Kingsleep on, as he had been very ill during the night. Thus the trick wasonly discovered when the greater part of the day had gone by, and thefugitives were already beyond pursuit. (2)

  1 _Lettres de Marguerite, &c_, p. 31.

  2 Olhagaray's _Histoire de Faix, Beam, Navarre, &c_, Paris, 1609. p. 487.

  As the young King of Navarre had spent a part of his youth at the FrenchCourt, he was well known to Margaret, who apparently had a secret fancyfor him. He was in his twenty-fourth year, prepossessing, and extremelybrave. (1) There was certainly a great disproportion of age betweenhim and Margaret, but this must have served to increase rather thanattenuate her passion. She herself was already thirty-five, andjudging by a portrait executed about this period, (2) in which sheis represented in mourning for the Duke of Alencon, with a longveil falling from her cap, her personal appearance was scarcelyprepossessing.

  The proposed alliance met with the approval of Francis, who behavedgenerously to his sister. He granted her for life the enjoyment ofthe duchies of Alencon and Berry, with the counties of Armagnac and LePerche and several other lordships. Finally, the marriage was celebratedon January 24th, 1527, at St. Germain-en-Laye, where, as Sauvai records,"there were jousts, tourneying, and great triumph for the space of eightdays or thereabouts." (3)

  1 He was born at Sanguesa, April 1503, and became King of Navarre in 1517.

  2 This portrait is at the Bibliotheque Nationale in the _Recueil de Portraits au crayon_ by Clouet, Dumonstier, &c. (fol. 88).

  3 _Antiquites de Paris_, vol. ii. p. 688.