Read The Tangled Skein Page 15



  Five minutes later His Eminence's brilliantly clad figure once morereappeared round the angle of the Palace. The breviary was no longer inhis hands.

  A few moments later he had joined Don Miguel, and together the two menwatched the Queen and Wessex, as they drew nearer to the terrace steps.

  A smile was on His Eminence's lips, suave, slightly sarcastic, and atthe same time triumphant, yet at this very instant when he seemed sopleased with himself, or with events in general, Mary Tudor was lookingwith loving anxiety in His Grace of Wessex' eyes.

  "I seem unable to cheer you to-day, my dear lord," she said. "What hasbecome of your usual gay spirits?"

  "Gone eavesdropping on my lord Cardinal," replied the Duke with a smile,as he spied the crimson robes on the top of the steps, "to find out howsoon a King of Spain will rule over England and capture the heart of ourQueen."

  Mary paused and suddenly laid an eager hand on his wrist.

  "Methought you cared nothing for the affairs of state," she said withsome sadness, "and still less as to who shall rule over the heart ofyour Queen."

  "Shall I dismiss the Spanish ambassador?" she added in an excitedwhisper, "and His Eminence?--and M. de Noailles? . . . all of them?. . . I have not yet given my answer. Will you dictate it, my lord?"

  He looked up and saw the Cardinal's piercing eyes fixed steadily uponhim. For one moment he hesitated. His Eminence looked so sure ofhimself, so proud of his ascendency over this impulsive woman, that justfor the space of five seconds the thought crossed his mind that he wouldyield to the entreaties of his friends, and wrest the crown of Englandfrom the grasping hands of these foreigners, all eagerly waiting tosnatch it for themselves.

  As the Cardinal himself had said, but a short while ago, "the destiniesof empires oft hang on more slender threads than these." No doubt noneknew better than the shrewd Spaniard himself, how nigh he was at thatmoment to losing the great game which he played.

  Who knows?--if at this instant the sudden commotion on the terrace hadnot stopped the words on Wessex' lips, how different might have been thedestinies of England! But just as His Grace would have spoken, themajor-domo's voice rang out:--

  "The envoy of His Holiness the Pope awaits Her Majesty in the audiencechamber."

  "The envoy of His Holiness," said His Eminence with his usual suavity,as he stepped forward to meet the Queen, "and I am to have the honour ofintroducing him to your Majesty."

  The major-domo, who had announced the news, was standing at some littledistance with the pages who had accompanied him. The rest of the Courthad dispersed when Mary strolled off with the Duke; only two or threeladies, in immediate attendance on the Queen, were laughing andchattering close by.

  The Palace itself seemed astir with new movement and life, horses werestamping in the flagged courts, men were heard running and shouting,whilst the rhythmic sound of a brass trumpet at intervals announced theimportant arrival.

  But through all this noise and bustle, the sweet, sad ditty sung by afresh young voice still seemed to fill the air.

  Mary was visibly chafing under this sudden restraint put upon her byrigid ceremonial. His Holiness' envoy could not be kept waiting, thoughshe, poor woman, was burning with desire to prolong the happy_tete-a-tete_ with the man she loved.

  She felt His Eminence's eyes watching her every movement. She threw hima defiant look, then peremptorily ordered the major-domo and the pagesto precede her.

  His Grace of Wessex, on the other hand, seemed obviously relieved. Hehad turned his head in the direction whence came that girlish song, andappeared to be listening intently.

  "Will you accompany us, my lord?" said the Queen in a tone of obviouscommand. "I must not keep the envoy of His Holiness waiting, and haveneed of your presence."

  She placed her hand on his arm. Respect and chivalry compelled him toobey, yet he seemed loath to go.

  "The Lady Ursula's song seems to fascinate His Grace of Wessex,"whispered Don Miguel in His Eminence's ear.

  "Hush! the small opportunity, my lord Marquis," whispered the Cardinalin reply.

  "Have I the honour of following Your Majesty?" he added respectfully,bowing to the Queen.

  "Nay, on our left, Your Eminence," rejoined Mary coldly.

  Her right hand was still on Wessex' arm, and slowly, as if reluctantly,she began to move in the direction of the Palace. Don Miguel, at analmost imperceptible sign from his chief, had quickly disappeared downthe terrace steps.

  "Ah! my breviary!" suddenly exclaimed His Eminence in greatperturbation. "I forgot it on the terrace!--the Nuncio will desire aprayer, and I am helpless without my Latin text! . . . If Your Majestywill deign to forgive one moment. . . ."

  He made a movement as if he would turn back.

  From the further end of the terrace the young singer was continuing hersong.

  "Will Your Eminence allow me?" said the Duke of Wessex with alacrity.

  "With pleasure, my dear lord," responded the Cardinal urbanely. "Ah! hadI your years and you mine, 'twere my pleasure to serve you. . . . AndHer Majesty will excuse . . ." he added pointedly, for His Grace wasquite ready to withdraw, whilst Mary was equally prepared to stop himwith a look. "Will Your Majesty deign to place your hand on my arm? Theenvoy of His Holiness the Pope awaits your Most Catholic Majesty."

  He was standing before her, outwardly respectful and full of deference.The pages and ladies had already disappeared within the Palace, whilstthe Duke of Wessex, taking the Queen's silence for consent, had turnedback towards the distant part of the terrace.

  Mary, with all her weaknesses where her affections were concerned, wastoo proud to let this Spaniard see that she felt baffled and not alittle humiliated. She guessed that this had been a ruse, a trap intowhich she had fallen. How it had all been done she knew not, but shecould easily guess why.

  She smothered the angry words which had risen to her lips, and withoutlooking either to the right or left of her, she walked quickly towardsthe Palace.