Read The Temptress Page 11

shouldn't be sorry if we were going to-morrow,"remarked the younger man morosely. "I'm sick of the whole business."

  "Oh, are you?" exclaimed Berard fiercely. "What in the name of thedevil is the matter with you, you impudent coward? We entered upon thisaffair together; our course is quite plain, and now, just when we arewithin an ace of success, you want to back out of it. You're mad!"

  "Perhaps I am," replied Pierre warmly. "But you are too enthusiastic,and I have a presentiment that the whole affair will end in disaster."

  "Disaster! You talk like a woman," Berard exclaimed. "How is it thatother delicate matters you and I have negotiated have not ended in a_contretemps_, eh?"

  "_Nom d'un chien_! And what have we gained by them? Why, simplynothing. You have been clever, it's true; but in this, if we don't waituntil a more favourable opportunity occurs, we shall bungle. And if wedo, you know the consequences."

  "But while we are waiting we must have money from somewhere."

  "We must wait," declared Pierre. "We ought to out of this wretchedrabbit-warren, and dress a bit more respectably. Do you think we'relikely to [unreadable]. _Je n'ai pas un rond_," he added in the argotof the criminal circles of Montmartre.

  Berard shrugged his shoulders, and pulled a wry face.

  "We can but try," he observed, selecting a fresh cigarette and lightingit.

  At that moment the stairs outside creaked, and a light footstep washeard upon them.

  "Hark!" exclaimed the younger man. "She has arrived! She promised shewould come to-night."

  The words were scarcely uttered before the door was flung openunceremoniously, and Valerie Dedieu entered.

  Her most intimate friends would scarcely have recognised her had theymet her in the street in broad daylight. A common and shabby tweedulster enveloped her figure, and upon her head was a wide-brimmed,dark-blue hat, battered and faded.

  Her disguise was complete.

  "Well, you see I'm here as requested," she exclaimed, as she burst intothe room, and, taking off her hat, flung it carelessly upon the raggedold leather sofa.

  "Ah, _ma petite lapin_, we're glad you've come," Berard replied, with asmile. "If Mahomet can't go to the mountain because he has no decentclothes, then the mountain must come to Mahomet."

  "That's so," she observed, with a light laugh, seating herself on achair at the table. "I look nice in this get-up, don't I? Pierre, giveme a cigarette. You've apparently forgotten your manners towards alady," she added reproachfully.

  The trio laughed. The younger man did as he was commanded, andgallantly struck the match, igniting the cigarette for her.

  "Now, how have you been getting on?" she inquired.

  "Deuced badly," Berard replied. "We're hard up and must have money."

  "Money! _C'est du rechauffe_! Valerie cried in dismay. _Mon Dieu_!I've none. I'm almost penniless, and must have some from you."

  "What?" cried Rouillier. "You can't give us any?"

  "No, not a sou," she replied. "An appearance such as I'm bound to keepup requires a small fortune, and I tell you just now my expenses aresomething enormous."

  "Then how do you expect we can live?" asked Berard, with an injuredexpression and violent gesticulation.

  "I'm sure I cannot tell you, my dear Victor. You know better how toobtain funds than I. Live as you've lived for the past five years. Youboth have enjoyed luxury during that time, and I suppose you willcontinue to do so somehow or other."

  "This handsome _salon_ looks like luxury, doesn't it?" remarked Pierre,smiling contemptuously, as he cast his eyes around.

  "Well, certainly there's nothing gorgeous about it," she admitted,laughing, although she shuddered as she realised its discomforts.

  Berard shook his head impatiently. He did not care to be reminded ofdays of past splendour, and he hardly knew whether to be pleased or notat her visit.

  "Look here," he said, gazing up at her suddenly. "It's no usechattering like an insane magpie. What's to be done?"

  "I don't know, and I care very little," she replied candidly. "I wantmoney, and if I don't get it the whole affair will collapse."

  And she blew a cloud of smoke from between her dainty lips with apparentunconcern.

  "But how are we to get it? No one will lend it to us."

  "Don't talk absurdly. I have no desire to be acquainted with the meansby which you obtain it. I want a thousand pounds. And," she addedcoolly, "I tell you I _must_ have it."

  The two men were silent. They knew Valerie of old, and were fullyconvinced that argument was useless.

  Leaning her elbows upon the table, she puffed at her rank cigarette withall the gusto of an inveterate smoker, and watched their puzzled,thoughtful faces.

  "Would that sum suffice until--?" Berard asked mysteriously, giving hera keen glance, and not completing the sentence.

  Although her face was naturally pallid, it was easy to discern that theagitation of the last few moments had rendered it even more pale thanusual, and her hand was twitching impatiently.

  "Yes," she answered abruptly.

  "Couldn't you make shift with five hundred?" he suggested hesitatingly.

  "No," she said decisively; "it would be absolutely useless. I must havea thousand to settle my present debts; then I can go on for six, perhapstwelve months, longer."

  "And after that?" inquired Pierre.

  She arched her eyebrows, and, giving her shoulders a tiny shrug,replied--

  "Well--I suppose I shall have the misfortune to marry some day oranother."

  All three smiled grimly.

  "How are matters progressing in that direction?" Victor asked, with acurious expression.

  "As favourably as can be expected," replied Valerie in an indifferenttone. "If a woman is _chic_ and decorous at the same time, and managesto get in with a good set, she need not go far for suitors."

  "Have you seen the Sky Pilot?" inquired Victor, with a thoughtful frown.

  "Yes, I met Hubert Holt a few days ago at Eastbourne. He asked afteryou."

  "Shall I find him at the usual place?"

  "Yes; but it would not be safe to go there."

  "Then I'll write. I must see him to-morrow."


  "You want _le pognon_?" he asked snappishly.

  "I do."

  "Then, if we are to get it, he must give us his aid," he said ominously.

  "Ah!" she exclaimed, evidently comprehending his meaning. "But you arenot very hospitable," she added. "Have you got anything to drink?"

  "Not a drop."

  "_Malheureux_! you've fallen on evil times, my dears," she said,laughing uneasily.

  Taking out her small, silver-mounted purse, she emptied its contentsupon the table. This consisted of two sovereigns and some silver. Theformer she handed to Victor, saying,--

  "That's all I can give you just now."

  He put them into his pocket without a word of thanks, while she sat backin her chair whistling a few bars of a popular _chansonetteeccentrique_.

  "Pierre," Berard said sullenly, at the same time vigorouslyapostrophising the "_diable_," "we're in a difficulty, and the only waywe can obtain the money is by another--er--disappearance."

  "What, again?" cried Valerie. "Why, poor Pierre is vanishing fastenough already. He's almost a skeleton now," and she pointed at hislean figure derisively.

  "I don't get enough to eat nowadays," declared he, pulling a wry face.

  "Do stop your chatter, Valerie," Victor said angrily, "I'm talkingbusiness."

  "Oh, pardon, m'sieur?" and she pouted like a spoiled child.

  "It's generally a safe trick. How much would it bring in?" asked theyounger man of his companion.

  "Two thousand sterling."

  "Just the sum," interrupted mademoiselle, striking the table in herenthusiasm. "We'll divide it. When can I have my half?"

  "As soon as possible, but don't be impatient, as hurried action meanscertain failure."

  "All right," she replied
boldly, removing the cigarette from her lips,and contemplating it. "You can keep your fatherly advice for somebodyelse," she added, grinning across the table at Rouillier.

  Tossing the cigarette into the grate, she rose.

  "What, are you going so soon?" asked the younger _homme de faciende_.

  "Yes, it's late; and, besides, I can't go straight home in