Read The Temptress Page 18

therefore I haven't much time tolose. By Jove!" he added admiringly, "you look absolutely bewitching,my little _houri_. If Hugh could only see you now, 'pon my honour he'dgo down on his knees and propose straight away."

  "You think so, do you?" she asked artlessly, laughing and glancing downat her gauzy dress, a fair, bright-eyed odalisque. Then she grewserious, and examined the picture. "You've certainly made very goodprogress this afternoon with everything except the hand. The high lightis scarcely perfect," she added, fixing her gaze upon the canvas, andmoving across the studio to study the effect from the oppositedirection.

  "I must finish that to-morrow," the artist said, as he carefully wiped asmall brush, and placed it aside. "The light has not been good for thelast hour or more."

  "The fingers, too, want retouching. They look just a trifle too stiff,"she continued, with the air of a critic.

  "Yes, I have noticed that. But I must now go and make myselfpresentable, for I haven't a moment to lose. Run and dress yourself,there's a good girl."

  Already she was plaiting her hair, and coiling it deftly upon her head.

  "Very well," she said, and tripped lightly away; but, losing a slipperin her walk, she was compelled to stop and recover it.

  Then she disappeared into the small room adjacent, sacred to her use forpurposes of dressing, and sometimes of resting after the fatigue ofposing for prolonged periods.

  Egerton, who laughed over the refractory slipper, and chaffed hergood-humouredly, declaring that she let it slip off in order to attracthis attention to the smallness of her foot, cleaned his palette, knockedthe ashes from his pipe, and also left the studio.

  When alone in her room, Dolly drew from her pocket a letter in a firm,masculine hand, which she had received at her home before leaving thatmorning.

  "An evening at the Empire will perhaps brighten me up. At all events,it will be a change," she thought, after she had glanced over the note."Besides, what harm is there? I don't care two pins for the fellow,but--nobody cares for me," she added, with a little disconsolate sigh.

  Replacing the note in its envelope, she quickly divested herself of hertransparent garments, and assumed a more unromantic and conventionalattire. Having finished, she went to Mrs. O'Shea's room to have herusual chat before returning home.

  To-night, however, she did not remain long, for almost as soon as JackEgerton had left the house she also followed.

  The clocks were striking half-past seven as she entered VictoriaStation, and was joined by a tall, dark man in evening dress, who raisedhis hat, smiled, and grasped her hand warmly. She had met him for thefirst time a fortnight before. While travelling in a train betweenClapham and Waterloo he had spoken to her, and she being nothing loth toa mild flirtation, an acquaintance soon sprang up between them. Alreadythey had spent several evenings together, and she had found him a verypleasant companion. Dolly Vivian was essentially a _fin de siecle_girl. Although admitting in her own mind that to dine and visit musichalls with a man about whom she knew almost nothing was scarcely proper,yet the cause of her sudden longing for pleasure was not far to seek.

  Since Hugh's departure for Brussels she had been gloomy and despondent,for it had been proved to her beyond doubt that he cared nothing forher, but was madly in love with the voluble foreign woman, who seemed toexercise a power over him that was incomprehensible. She had biddenfarewell to the man she loved with every fibre of her being, and was nowgrowing world-weary and careless. Her sister had died a year before,and she now found life in a mean, gloomy lodging, with her aged mother,very lonely and dull. In this spirit she met Henry Mansell, her newacquaintance, and discovered that the pleasures of varietyentertainments drove away her sad thoughts. Her Bohemian nature longedto penetrate into phases of society hitherto forbidden to her, and shelooked upon this as an opportunity for gratifying it. Egerton, whoadmired both her beauty and her many sterling qualities, frequently tookher to concerts and theatres, but as their friendship was purelyplatonic, and, as during the years of their acquaintance he had neverhinted at affection, his companionship at places of entertainment hadbecome monotonous. Mansell, who flattered her, indulged her whims, andpaid her those delicate attentions that women love, was more to hertaste in her present state of mind. He spent his money freely upon her,and appeared infatuated with her beauty, while she, neitherinexperienced nor _gauche_, was content that he should entertain her.Briefly, she was but a London girl of to-day, a single example ofthousands of others who have a _penchant_ for fast life, and who gratifyit without overstepping the bounds--who rub shoulders with the_demi-monde_, but who are not of it. True they copy the "creature" inher clothes, her appearance, and even her manners, but the imitation isdue to the fact that to be considered a trifle "fast" is alas! nowadaysconsidered good form.

  Dolly's movements that evening were scarcely those of the modestretiring girl she really was, and would have caused the artist muchsurprise had he been watching her.

  From Victoria they drove to a cafe in Regent Street, where they dinedtogether, walking thence along Coventry Street to the Empire Theatre.After half an hour in the stalls they went upstairs to the circlepromenade, that recognised resort of the _jeunesse doree_, and strolledup and down among the gay crowd. The brilliant light, the dreamy musicof the ballet, and the ever-shifting figures around, combined, perhaps,with the wine she had taken, exhilarated her.

  Among the crowd of men who passed up and down, there was one who watchedthem closely, but unobserved. A dozen times he sauntered past, cigar inmouth and hands in pocket, as if merely killing time like the others.Yet, had Dolly glanced up at the opportune moment, she would have seenmeaning glances exchanged between her companion and the man who waskeeping observation upon them so mysteriously.

  But the pretty model was unsuspecting, and the man, after shadowing themfor nearly an hour, went to the bar, and stood drinking, but in aposition whereby he could observe their movements through the glasspartition.

  Presently Dolly and her companion returned to their seats, and sat forsome time watching the performance.

  "I must really be going now," Dolly said to her companion, as, an hourafterwards, they sat opposite each other in a private room at aneighbouring restaurant finishing their meal. "I've enjoyed myself verymuch indeed; I'm sure it's awfully kind of you to be so good to me."

  "Not at all. I'm pleased you haven't been bored," he replied gallantly."And I hope you'll honour me with your company on another occasion.Shall we arrange for one night early next week?"

  "As you like," she answered, smiling.

  "Very well; I'll write making an appointment, and we'll spend an hour ortwo at some other hall--the Alhambra, or the Palace."

  "I left my cape outside in the passage. I'll fetch it, and commence toget ready," she said, and rising suddenly, left the room in search ofher outdoor attire.

  The moment he was alone her admirer reached over the table quickly, andtook up her emptied wineglass. From his vest pocket he produced a tinyphial, the contents of which he poured into the glass, then, taking upthe champagne, filled both his own glass and hers, replacing the latterin the position where it had originally been. It was accomplished in afew seconds, for scarcely had he put down the bottle before shereappeared.

  When she had assumed her cape, and tied her veil by the aid of the dingymirror over the mantelshelf, she noticed her glass had been refilled.

  "I really don't think I ought to drink any more," she exclaimed. "I'mnot used to so much, and it might affect me."

  "Oh, I assure you it won't," declared Mansell, laughing. "It's a goodbrand, and I can recommend it. Besides the night is chilly."

  He was watching her face narrowly, but he assumed a well-feigned air ofunconcern. His argument, however, convinced her that another glasswould do her no harm, thereupon she raised it to her lips and drank it.Being in a hurry to return home, she noticed no peculiar taste about it,and the man smiled faintly with self-satisfaction.

  "I have to go to King's Cross, s
o I'll drive you home if you'll allowme," he suggested, as they descended to the street, and to this proposalshe gladly acquiesced.

  Outside they entered a brougham that was apparently awaiting them--andwhich Mansell incidentally remarked was his own--and were quickly drivenalong Shaftesbury Avenue, on their way to King's Cross.

  Scarcely had they been in the carriage five minutes when she was seizedwith a sudden giddiness and faintness. At first she struggled againstit, trying to rouse herself, for she attributed it to the wine she hadconsumed, combined with the heated atmosphere. Recognising the disgracewhich would fall upon her should she return to her mother intoxicated,she determined that her companion should notice no difference in hermanner. In the