Read The Temptress Page 20

meeting had beenprearranged, and it was for a more important and beneficial purpose thanexploring the beauties of the neighbourhood that Mademoiselle Dedieu hadjourneyed so far.

  Like everything else in the little town, the arrangements of the hotelwere of Walloon simplicity, and scarcely suited to patrician taste,although there was a decided touch of novelty in dining at midday withonly the "beer of the country" as beverage, and suppers at sevenconsisting of fresh eggs, the fare throughout being of a genuinelyhomely character.

  They were sitting on the veranda on the second morning after herarrival. Having finished their liqueurs, Pierre suggested that, as hedesired to talk confidentially, they should take a stroll in order toavoid the possibility of eavesdroppers. To this Valerie readilyacquiesced, and, having obtained her sunshade, the pair started off up aby-path for a ramble up the steep hillside.

  "You know your way about this place very well, I suppose?" she remarked,as they walked together.

  "Yes, considering I have buried myself here for several months, and haveno other occupation beyond strolling about or killing time in deserted_estaminets_. The winter here was most abominably dull; in fact, wereit not for your sake--"

  "You mean for the sake of your own neck," interrupted mademoiselle,smiling.

  "Well, I admit it is not for your sake alone that I'm in hiding, butpersonating a dead man has its drawbacks. Within twenty-four hours ofleaving London I arrived at this sleepy hole, and my name has since beenAdolphe Chavoix, gentleman, living on his means. From the time I firstset foot in the place I've never been five miles from it, and I expect Ishall be compelled to remain here for months, perhaps for a yearlonger," he said dismally.

  "Is it a safe retreat?"

  "Safe! I should think it is! Why, I'm as well-known as the _doyen_himself. The rustics fancy I'm a decent sort of fellow, and I'm onvisiting terms with almost everybody, from the imbecile old Burgomasterdownwards. Why, the police commissary of the district is one of myclosest friends. Bless you, I'm as safe here as if I lay in my coffin.But, tell me, what progress are you making?"

  "As much as can be expected," she replied, taking his arm and leaningupon him in the stiff ascent. "I explained to you yesterday the plan wepropose; but, of course, it is highly dangerous."

  "For boldness and impudence I've never heard its equal," declared Pierrecandidly.

  "_Bien_, then you recognise how imperative it is that our arrangementsshould be elaborated before the _coup_ is made. There were manyobstacles in our path, but one by one these are being removed. When thecourse is quite open we shall act."

  "He still loves you?"

  "Yes," she replied with a grim smile.

  "It will prove an expensive pastime for him," exclaimed her companion,laughing.

  "But profitable to us. Think what it will mean if we succeed."

  "We must succeed, sooner or later."

  "Never draw hasty conclusions," remarked mademoiselle. "One awkwardincident and the whole scheme might collapse. Even now I'm almost at astandstill for want of funds."

  "Have you spent all the last?"

  "Yes; and moreover, the man who furnished my place in Brussels two yearsago threatens to take possession because I can't pay him, while I haveheaps of other unpaid bills."

  "Can't you sell your jewels?" suggested Pierre.

  "They went long ago. All that I have now are only paste," she replieddisconsolately.

  "Wouldn't Trethowen lend you some if you told him some pitiful tale?"

  "How could I ask him? You forget that he believes me to be rich, withthe fabulously wealthy Comte Chaulin-Serviniere as my cousin."

  "Rather a new character for Victor," laughed the smart young man at herside.

  "Oh, but he has assumed the part well, I assure you," she declared. "Helooks after my welfare to just the right extent in the circumstances,and his bearing and appearance give him the stamp of the aristocrat,which is, of course, only due in some degree to the new suit he had forthe occasion."

  Pierre laughed heartily. He had never seen Hugh Trethowen, yet with theinstinct of the adventurer who wages war against those possessed ofmoney, it was a source of satisfaction to him to know that the victimwas falling an easy prey.

  By this time they had ascended the Chemin des Morts, and were pausing atthe summit gazing upon the charming landscape outspread like a panoramaat their feet. The spot itself was interesting, inasmuch as a quaintlegend is connected with it. As they rested there he related it to her.It is alleged that once on a time a Seigneur of Harze, who had diedleaving behind him an unenviable reputation, was being carried to hislast resting-place in the parish churchyard, when one of the bearersslipped, and the body fell over the cliff, and then from rock to rock,till it reached the river. The affrighted mourners saw in this terribleaccident an unmistakable judgment of heaven, and did not dare tointerfere.

  When he had narrated the circumstance they continued their walk, passingthrough a small fir plantation until they came to a time-worn rusticcross. Near it, and overshadowed by some large bushes, was an old seat,upon which they sat continuing the discussion of Berard's merits.

  The shade was welcome after toiling up the hill, and Valerie, taking offher hat, allowed the soft breeze to fan her temples, while he lit acigarette, handing her one also.

  "I'm puzzled to know how we are to bring matters to a crisis withoutmore money than we have at present," she said reflectively, after theyhad been talking some time.

  "That's really a difficult problem," her companion replied quickly."Don't you know anybody who would advance you a little?"

  "No. Besides, it would be unsafe. We must now be exceedingly carefulhow to act."

  "There is only one thing that I can suggest," said Pierre thoughtfullywatching the smoke curling upward.

  "How?" she inquired expectantly.

  "Rook him at cards."

  "_Ma foi_! An excellent suggestion!" she ejaculated enthusiastically.

  "You could work it easily enough. Victor and he will be here to-morrow,therefore I should suggest that I start to-night for Spa. You three canfollow after a day or two. There you can meet me, introduce me as afriend, and then I can proceed to pluck him of a few hundreds. I'mquicker with the paste-boards than Victor."

  "He's a good player, I believe."

  "That doesn't matter. If you can persuade him to play, I'll soon havesome money."

  "My dear Pierre," Valerie said, laughing, "he will do anything for me.I'm sure he would lose ten thousand francs without a murmur, if hethought he was pleasing me by tempting fortune. He does think such alot of me that--that I sometimes feel inclined to love him genuinely.I'm almost sick of the base part I am playing."

  Her face assumed a serious look, and she sighed. Pierre regarded her inastonishment.

  "What? Giving way to sentiment, now we have gone so far!" he exclaimed."It's all nonsense. To think of throwing up the game now would besheer folly. Such a chance as the present does not always fall to ourlot; therefore, it is only right, in our own interests, that we shouldtake advantage of it. If you really love him--well, it will, perhaps,add to the realism of the incident, and won't do much harm to either ofyou. But then, you've loved others before--in fact, you loved me once--yet now I'm nothing in your eyes beyond a willing assistant in yourvarious little affairs. No," he continued bitterly, "you have no realaffection for any one. I am able to speak from personal experience.Yet you would bar our way and wreck our chance of making our fortunes,because you fancy you've fallen in love with this ass of an Englishman?You must be mad to think of such a thing."

  "You misunderstand me," she said, her beauty heightened by the flush ofanger that suffused her face. "Although I have neither intention nordesire to depart from the plan already laid down, I regret that it willbe necessary to resort to the extreme measure in order to accomplish ourpurpose. That is all. As for your suggestion, it shall be carried out.You will go to Spa to-night, if you think there is no danger in thevisit."

sp; "Don't trouble yourself. I shall run no risk. You get him to play,then leave the rest to me. Within a week the money shall be yours.What do you think of the suggestion of making him defray the cost of hisown misfortune, eh?" he asked, laughing.

  "Decidedly ingenious, but it won't work!" shouted a voice in English,causing them to start.

  There was a rustling among the thick bushes behind them, and next secondJack Egerton emerged into the path.

  "Why are you here, spying upon us?" demanded Pierre, springing to hisfeet, and assuming a threatening attitude.

  "Merely for my own