Read The Temptress Page 45

your lips; I know you were powerless to prevent me fallinginto her cunningly-baited trap. The discovery of her infamy andexposure of her real character is, indeed, a cruel shock to me.Nevertheless, why should our friendship be any the less sincere? Come,let's shake hands."

  "No, Hugh," he replied despondently, shaking his head. "I'm unworthy tograsp the hand of any honest man."

  "Why not?"

  "I'm a murderer."

  "M'sieur Jack does not speak the truth," interrupted a shrill, musicalvoice in French.

  Both men started and turned in astonishment. Standing in the deepshadow at the opposite end of the studio was a tall female form, whichhad apparently been concealed behind a large canvas fixed upon an easel.She had been admitted by Mrs. O'Shea, and her presence had remainedunnoticed by the men, so engrossed had they been in their conversation.

  They glanced at one another apprehensively, and as she advanced theartist sprang to his feet in indignation and alarm.

  A moment later, when the lamplight revealed her features, he drew backin amazement.

  "You--Gabrielle?" he cried.

  "_Oui_, I am that unfortunate personage," she replied, with an air ofnonchalance. "And, moreover, I have been an unintentionaleavesdropper."

  "You heard my confession?" he asked hoarsely.

  "Well--yes. It was an interesting story, yet scarcely novel--at least,to one who is better acquainted with the real facts than yourself."

  "Then you knew of my crime?"

  "Yes. A combination of circumstances revealed to me who it was whocommitted the murder."

  "Ah! It was I--I who killed him," he cried wildly, glaring with haggardeyes.

  Hugh stood staring at the strange visitor. Amazed at her suddenappearance, he was speechless. About twenty-eight, tall, dark, withfeatures that were decidedly foreign, she was well-dressed, wearing asmart little sealskin cape, the collar of which was turned up around herneck, while upon her head was perched a coquettish little bonnet.

  Jack Egerton recovered himself quickly, and, apologising for neglectingto introduce them, presented her to his friend as Mademoiselle GabrielleDebriege. Then offering her his chair, he stood before her, andcommenced a series of inquiries as to her movements since they last met,and what had induced her to seek him.

  "This world is a very little place," she replied in broken English, andwith a winning smile. "An artist is one of the easiest men to find.Let's see, I believe it's five years ago since we last saw one another.On the Pont de la Concorde, if I remember aright, and on the morning youleft Paris so suddenly without bidding us farewell, you--"

  "How is Glanville?" interrupted the artist. "Have you met him since heforsook the Quartier Latin?"

  "Forsook! Bah!" exclaimed the voluble Frenchwoman, shrugging hershoulders deprecatingly. Without answering the question, she continued:"At the time your departure caused some surprise among us, but we littledreamed that you had any connection with the affair of the BoulevardHaussmann. It was only afterwards that the reason of your flight wasdiscovered--"

  "By whom?" he asked anxiously.

  "By me alone. Never fear, I shall act with circumspection," she added,noticing his look of anxiety and alarm. "My life has been asadventurous as yours, and since that occurrence I have learnt wisdom. Ihave sought you for two reasons."

  "What are they?"

  "Firstly, your friend here, M'sieur Trethowen, and yourself have bothbeen the victims of Valerie Duvauchel. You drank of her love philtre,and succumbed to her beauty. You desire revenge--eh?"

  Hugh bent his head in acquiescence.

  "I, too, have been cruelly wronged by her. I have waited long in orderto repay the debt I owe, and the hour of her retribution is now athand."

  "What has she done to you?" asked Hugh anxiously.

  "I will explain everything when in your presence, I meet her face toface. Till then I keep my own secret, fully confident that after therevelations I shall make she will not dare to trouble you again with herpresence."

  "But you must not--you shall not--do this!" cried Egerton excitedly."She will wreak her vengeance upon me."

  "Entertain no such gloomy apprehensions," urged Gabrielle, with a smileof assurance. "Before I have done with `La Belle Hirondelle' she willimplore for mercy upon her knees. But will I extend any to her? No._Grand Dieu_! She shall suffer for her crime, as I have done."

  She spoke determinedly, her dark eyes emitting a fierce gleam of hatred.

  "How do you propose to do that?" inquired Hugh breathlessly.

  "Ask no questions at present, m'sieur. Your wife and her lover haveobtained your fortune and are spending it recklessly. At present this--what you call leader of the _demi-rnonde_--is entertaining a party atyour chateau. My proposal is that we three go down there to-morrow andin the midst of the festivities, we will produce an interesting tableau.Do you agree?"

  "You spoke of my wife's lover," gasped Hugh. "Tell me, who is he?"

  "Pierre Rouillier--the man you know as Adolphe Chavoix."


  "Yes. Accompany me to-morrow, and you shall see."

  There was a brief silence, followed by some protests from Egerton, butafter considerable argument it was eventually agreed that mademoiselle'ssuggestion should be carried out.

  The artist produced some wine and glasses, and they drank together.Soon afterwards Gabrielle, urging her old friend to be of good cheer,took her departure. As she opened the door to take her leave, sheexclaimed, with an exultant laugh--

  "La Belle little dreams how near is Nemesis. You do not anticipate howcomplete my revenge will be. Her future is in my hands. _Mon Dieu_!We shall triumph and crush her. Nevertheless she richly deserves herpunishment, and she shall receive it, never fear."



  The fine old banqueting hall at Coombe, with its dark oak panelling andpolished floor, transformed for the nonce into a ballroom presented ananimated and pleasing spectacle.

  In the decorations, flags and palms had been used, and the ferns andevergreens ornamenting the walls contrasted well with the bright dressesof the dancers. The myriad lights in the magnificent chandeliers refleeting in the mirrors multiplied and increased in effect; the air washeavy with the perfume of exotics; and the strains of tripping musicfrom the band, now loud and fast, and again soft and low, resoundedthrough the mansion. At the farther end of the hall a large squarewindow stood open and gave exit to the garden, every bush and tree ofwhich was illuminated by fairy lamps, notwithstanding that the night wasfrosty and moonlit.

  Valerie's outward and visible signs of lamentation had been of briefduration. Within a year of her husband's reported demise she threw offthe trammels of widowhood, cast aside her weeds, and at once set herselfto lead the unconventional set into which she had entered during herformer residence in London. With a Parisienne's love of admiration, herambition for several years had been to outvie the other women whocomprised her circle; and now, with wealth at her command and anestablishment as fine as any in the county, she was enabled to indulgeevery whim and entertain her guests in a lavish manner which caused themenvy.

  For the most part her acquaintances were women who were shunned by thedisciples of Mother Grundy; some cigarette-smoking Bohemians whose onlyoffence against society's unwritten laws was that they exhibited theirun-conventionalities openly; others pure adventuresses almost as fairand fascinating as herself. During the year she lived in Englandimmediately before meeting Hugh, she had come into contact with thesepeople, and after her sudden acquisition of fortune she had lost no timein renewing their acquaintance.

  It is astonishing what a large number of friends a wealthy women cancommand, even though she be placed beyond the pale of society and hasnever bowed before her august Sovereign. If she be handsome andfashionable, she can easily conquer the prejudices of the hypercriticalfollowers of Dame Straightlace. Thus, although the magnates of NorthCornwall and their wives and daughters were som
ewhat shocked andscandalised by her brief period of mourning, and the apparent levitywith which she regarded her bereavement, nevertheless many retained avisiting intimacy with the widow of the once popular young owner ofCoombe.

  Assessing the value of her personal charms correctly, her attempt toshine as the leader of a smart set had not failed. Aware that shouldher connection with Pierre become known it would be to her detriment,she had arranged with him to keep apart from her as much as possible;therefore the direction of her affections was suspected only by one ortwo of her oldest friends. Her fetes were characterised by theirextravagance and profuse display, for she spared no effort to ensure theenjoyment of those who accepted her hospitality; nevertheless, on