Read The Thetas Page 25

  I look over at Marcy and Abby as I spring up from touching my toes. I think we’re all stretched out. Time we headed down for the gym.

  “You guys ready?” I ask.

  “Ready as we’ll ever be.” Abby replies enthusiastically.

  I lead my team out of the suite downstairs. My heart races as I hear the clop of our heels echo on the parquet floors of the hall as we turn and make our way down the back stairs. This is my first time leading people doing anything, so I hope I’m up for the challenge.

  I open the door of the gym and Grand Mother Flowers greets us with a smile. She’s dressed in a referee’s black and white striped shirt and black track pants. Across the room I spot the Dean Mothers wearing white Theta T–shirts, pink shorts and White high heels shooting basketballs as they warm up.

  “Colleen. I love that you’ve got everyone dressed in the same colors.” Grand Mother Flowers greets. “It shows how together you all are.”

  I hope we mesh well as a team. “Thanks. What kind of Theta Challenge is this?”

  “Challenge?” You’re the one who proposed a game between the Dean Mothers and the junior sisters.”

  I did. I hope my game isn’t too rusty. It’s been two years since I shot a hoop. “So it’s just a game for fun?”

  “I thought we could all use a break from the monotony of the usual workouts.” Grand Mother Flowers continues. “Besides you could work on your dexterity in heels.”

  She’s got a point. I’ve got good control, but I could improve my agility and speed. I just hope I don’t bust an ankle. “There’s always a Theta swerve.”

  “Swerve? We do things with style. We’ll start the game whenever you’re ready.”

  Grand Mother Flowers heads out to the center of the court and blows her whistle. On its tweet, the Dean Mothers stop shooting hoops and huddle. I take a moment to assess my team’s strengths and weaknesses.

  “This is a fun mess you’ve gotten us into.” Abby chuckles swatting me on the arm.

  Seems like Abby’s up for having some fun. I’m not going to take it seriously either.“I haven’t shot a round ball in two years. How about you guys?”

  “I played volleyball in high school.” Marcy answers.


  “I didn’t want to chip a nail.”

  I can’t fault her. I chipped many a nail the basketball court myself. I just hope my bubble gum pink manicure can survive this morning.

  “I was a point guard at my high school.” Abby replies. “Third string.”

  Okay something I can work with. “How many games did you play?”


  Ouch. Looking at their team, they’re pretty nimble in a pair of heels and good at shooting in the paint. But I think my team can take them. They just need a little encouragement. “I still think we have a chance.”

  “How? We all suck.” Marcy says.

  “They may have age and wisdom, but we have youth and speed on our side.”

  I lead my team out to the center of the basketball court. Grand Mother Flowers lets us know the rules of the game. “Okay ladies, it’s three–on–three. Each basket is two points. The first team to get sixteen points wins the game.”

  With the rules set up, Grand Mother Flowers tosses up the ball. I get the first possession of the ball…

  * * * *

  My heart races as Grand Mother Flowers blows the whistle signaling the end of the game. It was a hard fought battle. In between struggling with my rust, missing shots, and totally screwing up, I had a lot of fun leading my squad to victory. Marcy’s jump shot put us over the Dean Mothers 16–14.

  With the game over I shake hands with the Dean Mothers. Then I turn my attention to my teammates. “Good game guys.” I tell Marcy and Abby as I pat them on the back.

  “Thanks Col. Marcy pants.”

  “Thanks.” Abby grunts.

  Sweat pours down my back as Rosa comes onto the gym floor and hands out bottles of ice cold water. I head over to a spot on the wall and have a seat on the floor. As I’m cooling off, Grand Mother Flowers and Dr Reed approach me. Colleen, let me see your feet.” Dr. Reed requests.

  I point my toes in the air as Dr. Reed squats down. Dr. Reed slips off my heels and examines my feet. “It looks like there’s no swelling of your ankles.” Dr Reed tells Grand Mother Flowers.

  “You think she’ll be okay for this afternoon Angela?” Grand Mother Flowers asks.

  “I think she’ll be fine.” Dr. Reed replies.

  “This afternoon?” I inquire?

  “Now that you’re warmed up, you’ll be ready for the Theta Challenge after lunch.”

  Chapter 67

  I smile on hearing the announcement of the Theta Challenge. At least I have a clue as to what I’ll be doing this afternoon. Something physical. Something dangerous. And probably something so crazy that there may be a possible chance for serious injury. I’m ready for it.

  Grand Mother Flowers’ serious look lets us know we’re back to business. “Okay ladies, shower, change, and do your hair. We’ll meet up in the dining room for breakfast at nine thirty. And do not wear the heels you played basketball in to breakfast.”

  The ladies head upstairs. I take a moment to ask about the odd time. We usually sit down for breakfast at eight thirty.

  “Nine thirty?” I ask

  “We just got through playing a basketball game.” Grand Mother Flowers replies. “No one’s eating until they get their kitchen cleaned up.”

  She has a point. Peas and beans don’t go with oatmeal and designer suits.

  Chapter 68

  Dean Mother Carver catches my eyes after I polish off my lunch. I think she’s ready to get back to Theta business. “Are you finished with lunch Pledge?

  “Yes Dean Mother Carver.”

  “Before we get to business, “Sister Marcia, Sister Abigail, I’m giving you an extra day off.” Grand Mother Flowers says. “You’ve done such exceptional work with Colleen you deserve a break.”

  “I think we’ll go do some shopping.” Marcy says.

  I give Marcy a look “Didn’t you guys buy some shoes yesterday?”

  “And now we need clothes to go with the shoes.” Abby jokes.

  I can’t blame them. If I didn’t have to participate in a Theta Challenge I’d be shopping with them. I saw a cute blouse in the window of the boutique next to Zapatas.

  After Marcy and Abby head out of the dining room, I wait for my instructions from the senior Theta women.

  “As for you Colleen, you’ll find your gear for the next Theta Challenge upstairs in the Suite.” Dean Mother Carver replies. “We’ll meet you in the driveway in ten minutes.”

  Gear. I wonder what they’re having me put on. I rush upstairs to the suite. On my bed I find a bike helmet, elbow pads and knee pads. Well, at least they are looking out for my safety.

  I slip on the gear and head over to the mirror. I snicker at the sight of myself in the lime green pads and helmet and my steel blue suit. I don’t think they go with my outfit.

  The clock reads 2:55 as I head downstairs. I rush through the vestibule, through the front door. As I approach the driveway, I see all the Dean Mothers and Grand Mother Flowers gathered at the top of the hill. They smile at me as they transition back into their roles as Theta officers.

  “Pledge, A Theta Woman has to be able to trust her Sisters.” Dean Mother Carver starts. “They have to be able to have faith in them enough to do whatever they ask of her without question. We have faith in you. But the question that has to be answered is: Do you have faith in us?”

  I’m about to testify to my loyalty when I’m interrupted. “Don’t be so eager to speak Pledge.” Dean Mother Dr. Reed says. “Actions do speak louder than words.”

  She has a point. It would be easy to answer that question with a yes or a no. But when the pressure is on, what would I really do? I have shown dedication and commitment to overcoming the Theta Challenges. And while I understand why I
need to keep their secrets I haven’t shown them how loyal I am to the sisterhood.

  Dean Mother Morgan places a skateboard in front of me. It’s lime green just like the pads I’m wearing. “How’s your Balance Pledge?” She asks.

  “I think it’s good.” I say stepping on the board.

  “All you have to do is make it across the street.” Dr. Reed says.

  “You know if you jump off the board at any time before you make it across the street your Pledgeship ends.” Grand Mother Flowers says.

  “What if I fall off by accident?”

  “You’ll still be packing suitcases.”

  All or nothing. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I peer down the driveway at the bottom of the hill. On the other side of the street is a stone wall. There aren’t any cars coming in either direction yet. So I think I can make it.

  I step on the board. With the high heels I’m wearing it’s kind of awkward keeping my balance. But when I shift the weight to the sides of my feet I get some control.

  “Are you ready Pledge?” Dean Mother Morgan asks.

  “Ready as I’ll ever be.” I say.

  Dean Mother Morgan gives me a push. My heart races as the board begins rolling down the hill. As I rush down the asphalt towards the wrought iron gates at the bottom of the hill I see several cars driving by. I ponder how I can make it across safely.

  My heart pounds like a jackhammer when I see more cars coming. I peer down and see a gap between the concrete sidewalk and the asphalt driveway. At the speed I’m going I’m going to hit that bump and crash into the sidewalk. At the least I’ll wind up with some broken bones. That puts me in a jam. If I get off the board, I’m going home. But if I go splat I’ll probably wind up spending the rest of my pledgship in a hospital bed. I need to make a decision whether or not I stay on this board.

  I press the full weight of my feet into the board and grit my teeth. My sisters haven’t let me down. If they put me in a situation, they always have a way out of it. I just have to figure it out.

  The gap between the asphalt and the sidewalk comes up fast. Maybe I can make it past the gap. Maybe I can make it past the sedans and SUVs I see racing down the street. I let out a gasp anticipating the abrupt stop of the skateboard and severe injuries–

  But just as the board comes close to the end of the driveway, I’m surprised when Marcy and Abby jump out of the bushes near the wrought iron gates and grab me before the board hits the gap. The board comes to an abrupt stop and flips over the gap and tumbles onto the edge of the sidewalk. As they ease my feet onto the asphalt, I take a moment to catch my breath.

  “You okay Col?” Marcy asks.

  “I’m fine.” I say. “I just need to get my heart out of my throat.”

  Abby picks up the skateboard and we head back up the hill. I’ve got a lot of questions about today’s Theta challenge. Why would they send me to do something that they knew I couldn’t accomplish?

  Chapter 69

  As we make our way up to the top of the hill I’m greeted with a round of applause. I don’t know why they’re so happy. I didn’t make it to the other side.

  Grand Mother Flowers notices my befuddled look. “What’s wrong Colleen?”

  “I don’t know why everyone is celebrating. I didn’t make it across.” I mutter.

  Dr. Reed smiles at me. “You weren’t supposed to make it across.”

  Here’s a surprise. “I thought I had to figure out a way to get across the street.”

  “You weren’t supposed to figure it out.” She continues.

  “So what was the point of the whole challenge? Seeing if I could take failure?”

  “No, seeing if you had faith to stay on the course we put you on.” Dean Mother Carver says.”

  “I don’t see how it’s a test of loyalty–”

  “Ladies, let me have a moment alone with Colleen.” Grand Mother Flowers requests.”

  The ladies head back into the house. Grand Mother Flowers leads me off the driveway towards the lawn. We slip off our heels before we step on the grass. As my feet sink into the plush green blades tension eases out my body.

  “You’re probably shaken up by your little trip downhill.” She says.

  “I know you guys play rough.” I reply. “I’m just rattled by not being able to figure things out on this one.”

  “Sometimes there isn’t an answer for you to figure out. Sometimes you just have to trust that you’re going in the right direction.”

  “I’m just used to getting answers for everything I do.”

  “Well, sometimes there isn’t an answer.” Grand Mother Flowers continues. “Sometimes God sends us out on a path and we have to have faith in Him and stay our course no matter how treacherous it is.”

  “Like the skateboard?”

  “Yes. Even though you can’t find your way you have to trust that God is taking you in the right direction.”

  “I still don’t see what it has to do with my loyalty to The Thetas.”

  “Some people profess loyalty to us with their mouths, but as Dr. Reed said earlier, their actions speak louder than their words. But when the pressure is truly on, them they betray their commitment to us.”

  “They get off the board.”

  “Yes. These are the kinds of people who quit when things get hard. They betray confidences and even betray friendships. They’re not worthy of our Sisterhood.”

  “I’d never do that to any of the sisters or the organization. That oath means a lot to me–”

  “I know. Even though we rattled you, you didn’t quit. You stayed on course. And you have to keep staying on this course no matter how shaken or upset you get.”

  “So it’s going to get worse?”

  Grand Mother Flowers smiles at me. “You should know by now how it is around here.”

  “Thanks for the heads up.”

  “When you go out into the world, you’re going to run into situations that are going to test your faith. You have to have the resolve to stick to your convictions.”

  “Stay on the skateboard no matter what.”

  “Even if it costs you everything.”

  “Is that what God would want me to do?”

  “Yes. Having faith in Him means believing in Him even when things appear to be their worst. If He’s putting you through something you have to believe it’s all going to work out for the best.”

  It looks like this little Theta Challenge worked out for the best. I approach the swing with a smile on my face. “May I?”

  “Sure. You could use a little more playtime.”

  Chapter 70

  All the stress of the morning eases out of me as I point my toes in the air and let my body soar in the air. As I rock back to build more momentum I notice Dean Mother Dr. Reed strolling across the grass. There’s something she wants to talk about.

  “What’s going on Dr. Reed?” I ask stopping my momentum.

  “We’re having a little get together tonight in the lounge tonight. We wanted to know if you’d be available to join us.”

  “Are we hosting a special guest?”

  “No, it’s just us.” Grand Mother Flowers says.

  “Is this official Theta Business?”

  “It’s part of our secret tradition.” Dr. Reed continues. “Now that we know that we can trust you, we can let you in on one of our most sacred rituals.”

  This sounds interesting. Looks like I’m working some overtime. “I can make it.”

  “Great. Meet us all in the lounge at nine.”

  Chapter 71

  8:59 P.M.

  That secret meeting is about to start. I better get down there. I wouldn’t want to disrupt the sacred ritual. They may make me wash dishes for the entire month if I’m late.

  I hurry out of the suite down the back stairs. As I march down the hall and approach the lounge, I hear lots of laughter. More than I’ve ever heard around here. Seems like they’re having a lot of fun practicing the secret ritual. I can’t wait to be a
part of it the fun–

  Or not.

  My smile twists into a grimace as I step into the doorway of the lounge. My heart stops as I watch women who I regarded as friends and even family participating in a drug party. The laughter ceases as the ladies peer up from the mirror on the coffee table with cocaine on their noses.

  “Hey Pledge, grab yourself a straw. This is some top notch stuff.” Dr. Reed calls to me.

  I become sick to my stomach on the request. “This is the sacred ritual?”

  “Yeah, it’s a sacred tradition every Sister has participated in Since 1934.” Marcy says.

  “But what about our Christian principles?”

  “What about them?” Dean Mother Morgan dismisses. “There ain’t no thou shalt not do blow in the Ten Commandments.”

  “Look girl, this stuff comes from the Earth.” A high Dean Mother Carver says. “And God said anything that comes from the Earth is good.”

  “And this stuff is good.” Dean Mother Morgan laughs. “Man, we shoulda given those Columbians extra for bringing this stuff in off the boat!”

  A concerned Grand Mother Flowers notices how devastated I am. She rushes over and puts her arm around my shoulder and walks me into the room. “Come on ladies, she’s probably scared. “You’ve never done drugs before have you Colleen?”

  “N–No.” I mutter.

  “Well, I have a proposal for you Pledge.” Grand Mother Flowers says. “You do one line with us and I guarantee you’ll get your pin.”

  I peer down at mirror and stare at my reflection in between the lines of cocaine. If I snort that line, I’ll be crossing several others. Making a compromise I’ll have to live with for the rest of my life. I don’t think a Theta pin is worth sacrificing my integrity.

  “And if I don’t?”

  “Then we’ll have to hold court in the Circle of Shame.”

  “If you don’t want us to paddle that ass you better get you some of this blow!” Dean Mother Carver barks.

  I wince on the threat of paddling but maintain my position. “I’m sorry I can’t do that.”

  Grand Mother Flowers isn’t fazed by my resolve. She still tries to sell me. “Come on Colleen, just one line. It’s just like asprin–”