Read The Three Perils of Man; or, War, Women, and Witchcraft, Vol. 1 (of 3) Page 6


  Some write of preclair conquerouris, And some of vallyeant emperouris, And some of nobill mychtie kingis, That royally did reull the ringis; And some of squyris douchty deidis, That wonderis wrocht in weirly weidis; Sa I intand the best I can Descryve the deidis and the man.


  Wald God I war now in Pitcary! Becass I haif bene se ill deidy. Adew! I dar na langer tairy, I dreid I waif intill ane widdy.


  In the same grotesque guise as formerly described, Charlie at lengthcame with his two prisoners to the outposts of the Scottish army. Therest of the train had passed by before him, and warned their friends whowas coming, and in what stile; for no one thought it worth his while totarry with Charlie and his overloaden horse. When he came near thesoldiers they hurra'd, and waved their bonnets, and gathering aboutCharlie in crowds, they would not let him onward. Besides, some fell aloosing the prisoner behind him, and others holding up their arms torelease him of the one he carried before; and, seeing how impatient hewas, and how determined to keep his hold, they grew still moreimportunate in frolic. But it had nearly cost some of them dear; forCharlie, growing wroth, squeezed the Lady Jane so strait with the leftarm, that she was forced to cry out; and putting his right over hisshoulder, he drew out his tremendous two-hand sword, "Now stand back,devils," cried Charlie, "or, gude faith, I'll gar Corby ride ower thetaps o' the best o' ye. I hae had ower sair a trial for heart o' fleshalready; but when I stood that, it sanna be the arm o' flesh that takesthem frae me now, till I gie them into the Douglas's ain hands. Standback, ye devils; a Scott never gies up his trust as lang as his arm candimple at the elbow."

  The soldiers flew away from around him like a flight of geese, and withthe same kind of noise too,--every one being giggling and laughing,--andup rode Charlie to the door of the Douglas' pavilion, where he shoutedaloud for the captain. Douglas, impatient to see his illustriousprisoner, left the others abruptly, and hasted out at Charlie's call.

  "Gude faith, my lord," said Charlie, "I beg your pardon for garring youcome running out that gate; but here's a bit English lord for ye, an'his henchman,--sic master, sic man, as the saying is. There war terriblecharges gi'en about them, sae I thought I wad secure them, an' gie theminto your ain hands."

  "I am much beholden to you, gallant Yardbire," said Douglas: "The careand pains you have taken shall not be forgotten."

  This encouraging Charlie, he spoke to the earl with great freedom, whowas mightily diverted with his manner, as well as with his mode ofsecuring the prisoners.

  "There's his lordship for ye," said Charlie, holding him out like asmall bale of goods: "Mind ye hae gotten him safe off my hand; an'here's another chap I hae fastened to my back. An a' the English nobleswar like thir twa, I hae been thinking, my lord, that they might tak'our lasses frae us, but we wadna be ill pinched to tak their kye fraethem; an' it wad be nae hard bargain for us neither." So saying, he cuthis belts and thongs of raw hide, and let the attendant lady, in page'sclothes, free of his body. "He's a little, fine, soft, cozey callanthis," added Charlie, "he has made my hinderlands as warm as they hadbeen in an oon."

  Douglas took Lady Jane off from before the gallant yeoman in his arms.He observed with what a look she regarded him; and he was sure, from thefirst view he got of her features, that the page Colin must have beenright with regard to the sex of the prisoner. He likewise noted theholes in her ears, from which it was apparent that pendent jewelshad lately been taken; and he hoped the other part of the page'sinformation might likewise be correct, though how to account for such anextraordinary piece of good fortune he was wholly at a loss. He led herinto the inner pavilion, and there, in presence of his secretary andtwo of his kinsmen, examined her papers and passports. They were foundall correct, and signed by the public functionaries of both nations, infavour of Jasper Tudor, son to the Earl of Pembroke.

  "These are quite sufficient, my young lord," said Douglas; "I see nocause for detaining you further. You shall have a sufficient guard tillyou are out of the range of my army, and safe furtherance to theScottish court."

  The prisoner's countenance lighted up, and she thanked Douglas in themost grateful terms, blessing herself that she had fallen into the handsof so courteous a knight, and urged the necessity of their suddendeparture. Douglas assured her they should be detained no longer thanthe necessity of the times required; but that it was absolutelyrequisite, for his own safety, the safety of the realm, and the successof the enterprise in which he was engaged, and so deeply concerned, thatthey should submit to a personal search from head to foot, lest sometraitorous correspondence might be secretly conveyed by them.

  The countenance of the prisoner again altered at this information. Itbecame at first pale as a lily, and immediately after blushed as deeplyas the damask rose, while the tears started to her eyes. It was nowonder, considering the predicament in which she now stood; her delicatelady form to be searched by the hands of rude warriors, her sexdiscovered, and her mission to the Scottish court found out to be a wildintrigue. She fell instantly on her knees before Douglas, and besoughthim in moving accents to dispense with the useless formality ofsearching her and her young kinsman and companion, assuring him at thesame time that neither of them had a single scrap of writing that he hadnot seen, and adjuring him on his honour and generosity as a knight tohearken to this request.

  "The thing is impossible, my lord," said Douglas;" and, moreover, theanxiety you manifest about such a trifle argues a consciousness ofguilt. You must submit to be searched on the instant. Chuse of us whomyou will to the office."

  "I will never submit to it," said she passionately, "there is not aknight in England would have refused such a request to you."

  "I would never have asked it, my lord," said he; "and it is your utterinexperience in the customs of war that makes you once think ofobjecting to it. I am sorry we must use force. Bring in two of theguards."

  "Hold, hold, my lord," said Lady Jane, "since I must submit to such adegradation, I will submit to yourself. I will be searched by your ownhands, and yours alone."

  They were already in the inner tent. Douglas desired his friends to goout, which they complied with, and he himself began to search the personof Lady Jane, with the most careful minuteness, as he pretended, wellaware what was to be the issue of the search. He examined all hercourtly coat, pockets, lining, and sleeves,--he came to her gaudydoublet, stiff with gold embroidery, and began to unloose it, but shelaid both her hands upon her breast, and looked in his face with eyes sospeaking, and so beseeching, that it was impossible for man to mistakethe import. Douglas did not mistake it, but was bent upon having proofpositive.

  "What?" said he, "do you still resist? What is here you would conceal?"

  "Oh my Lord," said she, "do you not see?"

  "I see nothing," said he; and while she feebly struggled he loosed thevest, when the fair heaving bosom discovered the sex of his prisoner,and at the same time, with the struggle, the beautiful light locks hadescaped from their confinement, and hung over her breast in wavingringlets. The maid stood revealed; and, with the disclosure, all thetender emotions and restrained feelings of the female heart burst forthlike a river that has been dammed up from running in its naturalchannel, and has just got vent anew. She wept and sobbed till her fairbreast was like to rend. She even seized on Douglas' hand, and wet itwith her tears. He, on his part, feigned great amazement.

  "How is this?" said he, "A maid!"

  "Yes indeed, my lord, you see before you, and in your power, a haplessmaid of noble blood, who set out on a crazy expedition of love, but,from inexperience, has fallen into your hands."

  "Then the whole pretended mission to our Scottish court is, it appears,a fraud, a deep laid imposition of some most dangerous intent, as theinterest that has been used to accomplish it fully demonstrates. Youhave subjected yourself and all your followers to military execution;and the only method by which you c
an procure a respite, either foryourself or them, is to make a full confession of the whole plot."

  "Alas, my lord, I have no plot to confess. Mine was merely a romanticexpedition of youthful love, and, as you are a knight, and a loveryourself, I beg your clemency, that you will pardon my followers and me.They are innocent; and, save my page, who is likewise a lady, and my ownkinswoman, all the rest are as ignorant who I am, and what I am, as thechild that is unborn."

  "If you would entertain any hopes of a reprieve, I say, madam, eitherfor yourself or them, declare here to me instantly your name, lineage,and the whole of your business in Scotland, and by whose powerfulinterest you got this safe conduct made out, for one who, it seems,knows nothing of it, or who, perhaps, does not exist."

  "Surely you will not be so ungallant as to insist upon a lady exposingherself and all her relations? No, my lord, whatever become of me, youmust never attain to the knowledge of my name, rank, or titles. Ientrust myself to your mercy: you can have nothing to fear from themachinations of a love-lorn damsel."

  "I am placed in peculiarly hard circumstances, madam; I have enemiesabroad and at home, and have nothing but my own energies to rely on tosave my house and name from utter oblivion, and my dearest hopes fromextinguishment. This expedition of yours, folded as it is in deceit andforgery, has an ominous and daring appearance. The house of Douglas mustnot fall for the tears of a deceitful maiden, the daughter of my enemy.Without a full disclosure of all that I request, every one of you shallsuffer death in the sight of both armies before the going down of thesun. I will begin with the meanest of your followers, in hopes, for thesake of your youth and your sex, that you will relent and make a fulldisclosure of your name, and all your motives for such an extraordinaryadventure."

  Lady Jane continued positive and peremptory, as did also her attendant,who had been thoroughly schooled before-hand, in case of their sex beingdiscovered, never, on any account, to acknowledge who she was, lest itshould put Musgrave wholly in Douglas' power. The latter, therefore, tokeep up the same system of terror and retribution first practised by hisopponent, caused sound the death knell, and hung out the flag of blood,to apprise those within the fortress that some of their friends wereshortly to be led to execution.

  The first that was brought out was a thick-set swarthy yeoman, who saidhis name was Edmund Heaton, and that he had been a servant to Belsay,whom he had followed in the border wars. When told that he was about tobe hanged for a spy and a traitor, he got very angry, even into such arage that they could not know what he said, for he had a deep rough burrin his throat, and spoke a coarse English dialect. "Hang'd? I hang'd?and fogh whot? Domn your abswoghdity! Hang ane mon fogh deying whot hismeastegh beeds him?"--He was told that he had not two minutes to live,unless he could discover something of the plot in which his employerswere engaged; that it was found he had been accompanying two ladies indisguise, on some traitorous mission which they would not reveal; and itwas the law of war that he should suffer for the vile crime in which hewas an accomplice.

  "Nobbit, I tell you that won't dey at all;--n-n-nor it sha'n't deyneithegh. Do you think you aghe to hang eveghy mon that follows anewoeman? Domn them, I nevegh knew them lead to oughts but eel! If I hadknown they had been woemen--Domn them!"--He was hauled up to thescaffold, for he refused to walk a foot.--"Wh-wh-why, nobbit speak younow," cried he in utter desperation; "why n-n-nobbit you aghe notserious, aghe you?" He was told he should soon find to his experiencethat they were quite serious.--"Why, cworse the whole geneghation ofyou, the thing is nwot to be bwoghn. I wont swoffegh it--that I wollnot. It is dwonright mworder. Oh, ho, ho!" and he wept, crying as loudas he could, "Oh-oh! ho: mworder! mworder! Domn eveghy Scwot ofyou!"--In this mood, kicking, crying, and swearing, was he turned off,and hanged in sight of both hosts.

  The walls of Roxburgh were crowded with spectators. They could notdivine who it was that was suffering; for all kind of communication wasforbid by Musgrave, and it was now become exceedingly difficult. Greatwas their wonder and anxiety when they beheld one trooper after anotherof their countrymen brought out and hanged like dogs. But it was evidentto every beholder, from the unsettled and perturbed motions of those onthe wall, that something within the fortress was distressing thebesieged. Some hurried to and fro; others stood or moved about inlistless languor; and there were a few that gazed without moving, ortaking their eyes from the spot where they were fixed. Not one flight ofarrows came to disturb the execution, as usual; and it was suspectedthat their whole stock of arrows was exhausted. This would have beengood tidings for the Scots, could they have been sure of it, as theymight then have brought their files closer to the walls, and moreeffectually ensured a strict blockade.

  Lady Jane's followers were all executed, and herself and companion sorethreatened in vain. Douglas, however, meant to reserve them for anotherpurpose than execution,--to ensure to himself the surrender of thefortress, namely; but of her squires he was glad to be rid, for fear ofa discovery being made to the English that the lady was in his hands,which might have brought the whole puissance of the realm upon him;whereas the generality of the nation viewed the siege merely as anaffair of Border chivalry, in which they were little interested, anddeemed Musgrave free from any danger.

  It was on St Leonard's day that these five Englishmen were executed; andas a retaliation in part, a Scots fisherman was hanged by the Englishfrom the wall of the castle; one who indeed had been the mean of doingthem a great deal of mischief. And thus stood matters at that period ofthe siege; namely, the Earl of Douglas and Mar lay before Roxburgh witheight thousand hardy veterans, all his own vassals. The Redhough kept aflying army on the borders of Northumberland, chiefly about themountains of Cheviot and Cocket-dale, interrupting all supplies andcommunications from that quarter, and doing excellent service to himselfand followers, and more to the Douglas than the latter seemed to admitof. Whenever he found the English gathering to any head, he did not goand attack them, but, leaving a flying party of horse to watch theirmotions, he instantly made a diversion somewhere else, which drew themoff with all expedition. A numerous army, hastily raised, enteredScotland on the west border, on purpose to draw off the warden; but theywere surprised and defeated by the Laird of Johnston, who raised theAnnandale people, and attacked the English by night. He followed theminto Cumberland, and fought two sharp battles with them there, in bothof which he had the advantage, and he then fell a spoiling the country.This brought the Northumberland and Durham men into these parts, whomustered under Sir William Fetherstone to the amount of fifteen thousandmen. Johnston retired, and the Earl of Galloway, to back him, raisedtwenty thousand in the west, and came towards the Sarke: So that thesiege of Roxburgh was viewed but as an item in the general convulsion,though high was the stake for those that played, and ruthless the gamewhile it lasted. Douglas now looked upon the die as turned in hisfavour, as he held pledges that would render the keeping of it of noavail to his opponent. The lady was in his power at whose fiat Musgravehad taken and defended the perilous castle so bravely,--but of this noman knew save the Douglas himself. Sir Richard Musgrave was likewise inhis hand, the captain's youngest, most beloved, and only survivingbrother; and Douglas had threatened, against a certain day, if the keysof the castle were not surrendered to him, to hang the young heropublicly, in the view of both hosts; and in all his threats he had neveronce broke his word. We must now take a peep within the walls ofRoxburgh, and see how matters are going on there.