Read The Three Secret Solvers : Secret Murder Page 3

Chapter 6

  Blood in the Alley

  Adeeb and I got in the shop while Shabab stayed out. Thanks to our luck that there was no pedestrians in the road. It was a polite are. No people, I believe the two people have really les income, for which he butcher might have murdered Mamun uncle and took the ownership of the shop to earn double. That middle aged man might be any relative of the butcher.

  The area would have been much politer if the Channel I’s office was not there. In the opposite of the two shops there was a big building of Channel I.

  The shopkeeper was exactly the same Shabab described. He was a fanatic of songs. He has the earphone attached in his ear.

  “Hello! Is there any chips?” asked Adeeb.

  “Yes!” an abrupt answer came from the middle aged man.

  “What kind of chips are there?” I asked.

  “Potato and Meridian” replied the man.

  “No other type?” asked Adeeb.

  “No” the abrupt answers made me a lot angry. I was just waiting Shabab to finish his job.

  “Is there any type of chocolates?” asked Adeeb.


  “What type?”

  “Only Milky bar”

  “Okay, please give three Milky bars.” Adeeb said.

  “Do you have any cold drinks?” I asked.

  “Yes there is, but they are not cold. The fridge is in a state of decay.”


  “Abirul, do you have the money, I don’t have any money.” Adeeb said to me.

  “Yeah, I have. I am giving it.” I was taking time to take out the money; I was waiting for Shabab to complete his work.

  “Hey! All the onions from your sack had come out. Have a look at it.” Shabab jumped over the shop and shouted.

  “What?” shouted back the shopkeeper, and I also took out the money at the same time.

  The shopkeeper ran out and started to pick up the onions. Shabab had done clever thing to scatter the onions all over which will make the shopkeeper stay busy for more time.

  Adeeb was sent to the butcher’s shop. Once again the luck helped us. The butcher did not recognize us. Shabab and I headed for the alley. I did not forget to take out the magnifying glass from my pocket.

  “Man, this place is good.” Shabab said.

  “Stay quiet. Look for clues.” I insisted. I did want Shabab to start taking the view of the graffiti. This guy was a big fanatic of graffiti.

  We kept on looking for clues but we don’t find any.

  “Hey! I have an idea. Let’s get in the house. They might have taken him in and murdered him there.” Shabab said.

  “Yeah, they could have.” I agreed with him. We ran toward the house, but this time our luck did not help us. The house was locked from outside. We can’t open it.

  “Hey! What do we do now?” asked Shabab.

  “We have to keep on searching.” I said.

  For another ten minutes we kept on searching but it came as a failure.

  “Hey, it is too long, we should exchange.”

  “Okay!” said Shabab.

  We went out of the alley. The shopkeeper was still busy picking up the onions. Adeeb was still going good. Shabab and I walked in front of the butcher’s shop to make Adeeb notice us, and he did notice us. Adeeb quickly came out of the shop.

  “Any clue?” asked Adeeb.

  “No, we did not find any clue yet.” I said. “It is the time to exchange. You come with me; Shabab will keep the butcher busy.”

  “Okay!” Adeeb said.

  Shabab went to the shop and Adeeb was now with me.

  “Hey! What are those red spots?” Adeeb pointed at some small red spots in the ground. I took a closer view of it. It was blood. Our second clue!!!

  “Good job Adeeb! We have got our second clue. It is blood, blood in the alley.” I was going crazy about it.

  “That’s great but what if the butcher comes again and rubs of the clue.” Adeeb said.

  I thought for a while and then I noticed a big card board in that place so I took that in my hand and kept it above the blood spots. The butcher tried to remove them but there were some spots left.

  “Okay, that’s great, we should inform about this to Shabab.” I said.

  We did the same thing in Shabab’s turn as we did in the turn of Adeeb.

  “Got any clue?” Shabab asked the same question Adeeb asked when he came out of the butcher’s shop.

  “Blood in the Alley” I said.

  “What?” Shabab was astounded. “Are you sure?”

  “100%” I replied.

  “Okay! Let’s go to house. We will discuss there.”

  I accepted Shabab’s request and we went to his house. It did not take much time to reach his house.

  “Man! Now we are sure that someone is murdered and that victim could only be Mamun uncle as he is missing.” I said.

  “That’s great, but how do we prove that they are the person who killed Mamun uncle?” asked Adeeb.

  “Oh! I did not even think about it. I was so much excited that I just forgot about it.”

  “I know how we will prove it.” Shabab shouted out.

  “How?” I asked.

  “Did you see the Channel I building in the opposite of the shops; it has a CCTV camera at the roof of the building. I used to always think that, why did they give a camera in that place, it is fool’s work to do, but now it came to my own work.”

  “Do you think they will let us get in?” asked Adeeb.

  “I hope they will.” Shabab replied.

  “Why did you not remember about this when we were present there, we could have gone at that moment.” I ranted at Shabab.

  “At that moment this topic was not raised.” Shabab replied.

  “Whatever, let us not waste the time, let’s go right now.”

  We ran toward the office. I hoped they will let us meet the manager and they will have the thing we want.

  Chapter 7

  Final Clue

  As soon as we reached the place the guard stopped us. He was an old man. He had white hair and beard.

  “Where are you going? Only official people are allowed.” The old guard said.

  “Please uncle, can we meet the manger?” I requested.

  “Okay, let me ask.” The guard said it and went inside. I wished the guard came with the answer ‘yes’. And we did get that answer.

  “Yeah, you may go in.” said the guard.

  “Thanks a lot.” I appreciated for the kindness.

  We went in and saw a well dressed middle aged man standing. He was wearing a black suit and black pants with black shoe.

  “Why do you want to meet me?” said the gentle man with a gentle voice.

  “Sir, are we right that you have a CCTV camera on the roof?” once again I took the lead.

  “Yes, you are right. So, what do you want?” asked the manager.

  “Sir, could we see the record of the last Sunday. Our friend Shabab says he saw a murder taken in this place.” I said pointing at Shabab.

  “What? Are you serious? This is a matter of police; you should inform it to them.”

  “Sir, we will do it. We have find out some clues. If we just have the record, so that we have a strong complain, enough to force the police to take direct action.”

  “May I know what clues have you find.”

  “We found blood in the alley, where we suspected the murder to be taken place and also the sack which we also suspected that Mamun uncle was carried inside it. We did also find blood inside the sack.”

  “You kids are great! Let me see if I have the record.”

  He took us inside a room which was full of screens. And in one corner it was full of CDs. He searched for a minute and then took out a CD. He plugged it in the DVD player.

  The video was the same thing Shabab described us. All four of us were aghast by what w
e were seeing.

  “I told you, now do you believe.” Shabab said.

  “We did believe it before.” I retorted.

  “So, you can have the CD. Take it to the police and make this criminals get caught. We should make our country criminal less.” The manager insisted.

  “Thank you, sir.” I replied.

  “Do not forget to call our camera man, when you are making those criminals get caught so that when we can publish it publicly and prove that today’s generation is the smartest.”

  “Okay, sir.” I replied politely “Thanks again.”

  We thanked the manager again for the CD and came out of the building and headed for Shabab’s house.

  “Hey, what should we do next?” asked Adeeb.

  “What else, go to the police, isn’t it?” I said. The Three Secret Solvers were really excited.

  “So, when do you have the next meeting?” asked Adeeb.

  “No more meeting.” I said. “There is nothing else to find, we just need to give the clues to the police so that they take the action.”

  “Yeah, when do we do it?”

  “Thursday” I replied.

  “Okay! Then let’s meet on Thursday.” Shabab declared.

  “Okay then, bye for today.” I said.

  “Hey, are you forgetting something.” Shabab retorted.

  “What?” I asked.

  “You said, you will have the food before leaving.”

  “Oh! Yeah” Adeeb said. We sat for the food and as soon as we finished eating we headed for our own home.

  Chapter 8

  We need Support

  It was Thursday. As soon as I came from the school, I wasted no time. I left for Mohammadpur. Today was the day for me. The crime is solved by The Three Secret Solvers.

  At exactly 3.00 I reached Shabab’s housing. Yes, Today Adeeb was late, it was not me. As if it was a success to me. This was going to be the last day of the secret murder in Mohammadpur. I name this crime “Secret Murder”

  “I am really excited. Why isn’t that Adeeb coming yet? I can’t wait to go to the police to make the criminals get caught.” I said.

  “Yeah, me too.” Shabab replied. “I am just afraid that what if the police do not believe us.

  “They have to believe us. You know the old saying that ‘a camera never lies’. So, they have to accept it.” I retorted.

  “Yeah, you are right. We can’t be Sherlock Holmes.”

  “There comes Adeeb.” Shabab said as he heard the doorbell rang.

  “Hey! Adeeb why are you late?” I asked Adeeb.

  “There was traffic while I came from the school.”

  “Okay, no problem. Let’s leave now.”

  “Okay!” replied Adeeb.

  “No, not now, we kids can’t go and tell the police we need someone big to come with us. I shared all the things with my brother. He said he will help us. Believe me, he will not spoil it.” Shabab retorted.

  “Okay! Your brother’s no problem. So, call him.” I said.

  “He is out now. I called him, he will be coming is some minutes.”

  “Then what will we do for so long?” asked Adeeb.

  “Eat!” Shabab grinned. Shabab was a fanatic of food. He eats more than anyone else in our class but still I do not understand how he stays slim. He never becomes fat.

  After some moments his brother came in the house.

  “Hey are you guys going to go or not?” His brother Masud asked.

  “Yeah” we three shouted.

  “Okay then, let’s go.” Masud said.

  We left for the police station. As Masud said that the police station was not far, we decided to walk there.

  “So you guys have been detectives.” Masud said.

  “Yeah!” I replied.

  “Hey Shabab have brought the CD?” I asked Shabab.

  “Oh no, sorry I forgot. I will just run and bring it.” Shabab replied.

  “You fool; you forgot to bring the main clue.” I ranted Shabab. “Go, Run!” Shabab ran toward his house.

  “What about the sack?” Adeeb asked.

  “I don’t think we need that. The record is good enough.” I replied.

  “So what about you studies?” I asked Masud.

  “All going good.” He replied.

  “Shabab said that you always keep a book in your hand, wherever you are. Is it true?” I asked.

  “He also said you take a book even when you are going to the bathroom.” Adeeb asked. We both started laughing which quite made Masud angry.

  “It is his habit to lie.” Masud got really angry. Shabab was now going to have a bad day.

  “There came Shabab.” Adeeb said pointing at Shabab.

  “Here is the CD.” He said breathing out aloud.

  “Let’s go then.” Masud said.

  In some moments we reached the police station and we were told to sit. Then when we were called Masud took the lead and started talking about the case.

  “Sir, these three young boys say that there had been a murder in the Kaderabag housing. They say they have strong clues. To be truthful, the clues do make me also believe that there has been a murder.” Masud gave him all the other details and told about our clues.

  “Can I see the record?” asked the police officer.

  “Here it is.” I handed the CD to the police officer. The police officer was also surprised like us.

  “Okay, I think we can go to the place.” The police officer said.

  Chapter 9

  Real Mystery

  In a moment we left for the shops. This time we did not walk, we went with gyp of the police. It just took five minutes to reach our destination.

  As the manager of Channel I told us to call their camera man, we did that. Our actions were now recorded. The police officer got up in the butcher’s shop. There two other constables with the chief. So, the chief ordered them to go and catch the shopkeeper.

  “You are arrested.” the police officer said to the butcher.

  “For what?” the butcher did look scared.

  “For murdering Mr.Mamun” the police officer said.

  “What? Why will I kill Mamun? He is my childhood friend.”

  “You know why you killed him.” I interrupted in the middle of the conversation between the two big men.

  “I did not kill him.”

  “Yes, you did,” I retorted, “You and that middle aged man killed our poor Mamun Uncle.”

  “Are you crazy? Why would his own son kill his own father?”

  “What? His own son killed him. Man! It is horrible.” There the shopkeeper appeared.

  “Hey, look, this kid tries to proof that we killed your father.” The butcher said to the shopkeeper.

  “Are they crazy? Why the hell would I kill my own father?” the shopkeeper shouted.

  “Look, whatever conversation you want to do, do it on the jail.” The police officer said.

  “Okay! Look you are having a wrong idea. I can make you contact with him.” the shopkeeper said.

  “Moreover, what clue do you have?” asked the butcher.

  “Hey! Bring the CD and the laptop.” The police officer ordered one of his constables.

  As soon the video finished, they both started laughing.

  “Look, Mamun is now in his village in great peace. You may contact with him if you want. He was not accepting to go to his village, so I forced him to pack the bag and leave for his village.” The butcher said.

  “Yeah, and you think the blood is of my father, that’s chicken’s.” The shopkeeper said.

  “What? Do you want to say, we were taking the chicken’s blood as human’s blood.” I retorted.

  “Really, I never expected a police officer to get fooled like this.” the butcher said.

  It was getting a shameful situation for us. The police was getting angry at us. Masud was getting very
angry at us. Everyone was getting angry at us.

  “Sorry, but the kids made us give the wrong idea.” The police officer was really ashamed. He called Masud privately and scolded Masud. And Masud scolded us. I was planning in my mind to scold Shabab; it wouldn’t have happened if Shabab had not seen the wrong thing.