Read The Total December Experiment Page 15

  all about. Love making for a woman requires a prequel, the

  movie itself and a sequel. I seem to be stuck in movie

  mode, huh , but I think that in the majority of cases, the

  only time women see an example of the kind of relationship

  they want is on the silver screen.

  Why men can’t see that there must be a reason why women

  love so called ‘ girly movies ‘, is beyond me !” If they

  would take time and show sensitivity, they’d be rewarded by

  their partner a thousandfold.”

  “I think what you are enjoying and agonizing over is the

  beginning of the prequel, Sweets.”

  “Apparently, he’s comfortable in his own skin and doesn’t

  feel threatened by emotions and sensitivety. He’s willing

  to share those parts of himself without embarrassment .

  It doesn’t mean that he has a vast experience in seduction.

  In fact, I’d guess that a woman would have to be very

  special to him before he’d become involved in a romantic

  situation. I hope that eases your mind a little.

  As for your response, women seem to be able to sense

  whether a man is posturing or being himself. You were

  already attracted to him, and what you sensed tonight was

  his honesty and character. Add that to your attraction to

  him and you have an emotional explosion. That why a tiny

  kiss blew you into pieces.”

  “ Why did you ask me if I’d seen those Movies?”

  “ I think you need to see the sensuous side of women so you

  know that’s OK too.”

  “ Maybe this hotel has a pay-for-view……

  Manda smiled,”Want to watch a movie with me,Mom?”


  The credits rolled down the television screen. Both women

  sat in silence, absorbed in their own thoughts. The spell

  broken by the sudden appearance of the blank screen,

  Manda glanced at her mom.

  “Whew ! What a movie. I had no idea that emotion that

  strong can be expressed by dance.”

  “Oh,yes ! To me, the right dance with the right person at

  the right time ranks right up there with love making….a

  prelude,so to speak. I’m not saying that a person has to be

  a professional dancer, either. Ordinary people have the

  same rush of sexuality. I just want you to know that there

  are many fascinating parts to a romance…a healthy love

  relationship and that it’s Ok-wonderful.”

  “I want to give an example of the way people view love and

  romance in this day and age compared to years ago. There

  was a movie called, I believe,”From Here To Eternity”

  filmed years ago that starred Burt Lancaster and Deborah

  Kerr. In it ,there was this breathtaking scene with them

  making love on a beach in the surf. It has become a classic

  scene that everyone even close to my generation recalls

  vividly. Such an impact, it made.

  Well, the powers that be, decided to do a remake as a ‘made

  for TV’ movie. Well, it was a bust. I remember being so

  excited to see it, and so disappointed by the remake of the

  beach scene. The director had opted for the frenzied, out

  of control, rip the clothes off style. All I could think of

  while he was ripping her swim suit off was how he was

  hurting her. In his effort to yank the suits straps off her

  shoulders, he lost his grip and the spandex straps snapped

  her shoulders and upper arms like rubber bands. I kept

  thinking,ouch,ouch. Then he tried to strangle her with his

  tongue. Ludicrous. I don’t know what on earth that director

  was thinking of !”

  “In my opinion, that sort of thing is not a turn on for

  women…some men maybe, but not women”

  “You’re probably right, Mom, but I haven’t enjoyed much in

  the way of relationships. Tonight kind of blew me away.”

  “I noticed, Manda.”

  Manda grinned at Teresa, “Yes,Mom…that good .”

  The phone began to ring and Manda moved to answer feeling

  annoyed by the interruption.

  “ Manda,that you?”

  She recognized the voice.

  “ Frank, how nice to hear from you. How are you doing as a


  “ I’m surviving but I sure miss her.” Everything OK?”

  “Everything is fine, Frank. I bet you’d love to speak with

  her, wouldn’t you,” Manda teased.

  “You bet. Put my better half on the phone.”

  Manda held the phone toward Teresa.

  “Mom, I have a lovesick pup on the line needing to hear

  your voice,” she said with a grin.

  Manda wandered into her bedroom to give them some privacy.

  She plopped onto her bed to think about what Teresa had

  said to her.

  She could hear the murmur of her Mom’s voice and smiled at

  the tone of affection she heard.

  I’m sure Mom knows a heck of a lot more than I do about men

  and woman. I’d better consider her thoughts seriously…the

  voice of experience and wisdom.

  Manda heard the sound of the phone being returned to it’s

  cradle and returned to the sitting room.

  “Everything OK,Mom?”

  “Just fine, honey.”

  “He got the pictures today you took of Live Oaks.”

  “Oh, then you haven’t seen them. I would have thought you’d

  have gotten them before you left home.”

  “According to the postmark,I should have. I guess they got

  hung up in the mail somewhere. He said the envelope was

  pretty battered.”

  “Well, what did he think ?”

  “He said that the mansion….that’s what he called it…is

  unbelievable. Very beautiful.”

  “He is a little puzzled though. He said that as uneasy as

  you are about lightening, he can’t believe that you stood

  out in a raging thunderstorm to snap pictures. I told him

  that you were probably so excited that you were able to

  overcome your fear.”

  “No, it was a gorgeous day…could not have been any

  prettier.The pictures must have been damaged.He said the

  envelope was in bad shape?”


  “That must be what happened. Has to be, because the weather

  was great.”


  He stood in the shadows under the great tree leaning

  against the trunk and enjoying the soft gleam of the lights

  spilling from the windows of the cottage. It was good to

  see lights in the cottage again.

  In a few weeks, Live Oaks would be in its glory again with

  its spacious grounds beautiful and immaculate.

  The house would come alive with the return of the staff and

  would soon be returned to its majestic splendor.

  His friends and loved ones in the old cemetery would rest a

  little easier and be more patient with him in his


  The feeling he was experiencing from being a part of the

  restoration of this magnificent estate was almost too

  joyous for him to contain.

  He flicked h
is cigarette into the grass, ground the cinders

  out with his shoe, bent over to pick it up, and slipped it

  into his pocket. It wouldn’t do to create more work for the

  grounds keeper, chuckling at the thought.

  I want to celebrate this turn of events. He shrugged

  himself from the trunk and began to stroll toward the



  Teresa had gone to bed, but Manda was too antsy to settle

  down. Her thoughts kept flitting from one thing to another.

  Gary seemed to be taking up a lot of her thoughts….plus the

  discussion with her mom. She became frustrated with her

  inability to concentrate on things other than Gary. She

  picked her up notebook planning to make a list for the next

  day. She began to check off the items already taken care

  off. As she crossed out the notation to mail the photos of

  Live Oaks to her mom, she suddenly remembered that she had

  a double set of the photographs. The topic of the

  conversation with her mom had pushed everything else from

  her mind. She jumped up, “I have to look at those

  pictures,” she murmured as she hurried to her room. After a

  moment of searching, she found the yellow envelope and

  hurried back to her chair.She stared at the packet for a

  minute feeling sudden anxiety.

  Suck it up,girl.

  The first ones were of the grounds and the courtyard in

  front of the house. “These look fine,Frank, you dolt. There

  is no storm.”

  Manda relaxed and leaned back into the chair, prepared to

  enjoy the pictures of Live Oaks. The next photo, however,

  brought her back to the edge of her seat. She looked at

  the imposing house with disbelief.

  “Oh, My God !”

  The house was beautiful-the climbing foliage on the stone

  walls was a study of leaves in several shades of green,

  touched with contrasting shade and sunlight. Trees and

  shrubs cast their shadows. The windows captured the rays of

  the sun and flung them back into the lens of the camera. It

  was obvious from the contrasts beneath eaves and down one

  side of the door and windows that the sun was shining and

  the sky clear.


  The upper fourth of the picture was very different. Roiling

  and twisting above the house were sinuous clouds of intense

  black and grey, with streamers of red intertwined.


  Throughout the clouds were frenzied bolts of lightening,

  striking sparks off of each other as they flew across the

  clouds in all directions. One jagged bolt shot down from

  the clouds and where it struck the top of one of the

  chimneys, orange flames erupted.

  Manda drew back in fear, then quickly looked through the

  remainder of the pictures. All of them that focusing on the

  house carried the same mass of uncontrolled elements

  writhing above.

  Even though the sky caused terror to wash through Manda’s

  body, the house seemed to promise sanctuary.

  The sky seemed suffused with fury directed toward the

  house-the house seemed stoic and unafraid. An oasis of

  serenity and confidence in a maelstrom of unleashed

  enraged malevolence.

  She flung the pictures onto the coffee table and began to

  rub her arms as goose bumps tickled her flesh and a chill

  enveloped her body.

  Is this another vision ? No, it can’t be, because Frank saw

  it too.


  Call Kate first thing in the morning, Manda. Maybe she’s

  seen this phenomenon or heard Nanny May talk about it.

  She studied the pictures again and was a little relieved

  that the house was unchanged since her first look, still

  looking safe and protective.


  Above these lines, written before Tuesday, January 11th, 2005

  She put the pictures aside and gazed off into space ,deep

  in thought. A decision made, she located the the

  information on the security team and sat down to read it.

  She had decided that tomorrow might be a good day to take

  her mom to Live Oaks and get Teresa’s reaction to the house

  and grounds, but she wanted to be knowledgeable about the

  guards and dogs.

  There were only two pages…shouldn’t take her much time.

  The first page was a brief resume on each of the guards.

  All had training on security services; prior training with

  the canine unit and on the job experience, as well. One of

  them, Tod Rivers, had worked a private residence.

  Jake Simon had worked night security on the grounds of an

  industrial park Mr. Grater, Richard, had been on the police

  force for years before becoming the head of the canine

  unit. He was now semi-retired.

  The dogs, one a German Shepard named Bear, and the other, a

  Doberman with the unlikely name of Prissy, had been bred as

  guard dogs and had received extensive training.

  They had been placed with Tod and Jake who had now been the

  dog’s handlers for several years. These two teams would be

  patrolling the grounds. One team during the

  day, one team would cover the afternoon. At night, Prissy

  and Bear would be allowed to roam free on the grounds while

  Mr. Grater would occupy the guardhouse at the gate.

  A notation on the bottom of the last page informed Manda

  that Prior to meeting the team, she should make an

  appointment during which she would become acquainted with

  the dogs and be taught key commands.

  OK. I’ll call the police station early in the morning and

  make arrangements. I’ll set all this in motion so I can

  move in.

  The plan solidified, Manda felt her muscles begin to relax.

  I didn’t realize how tense I am.

  She rolled her shoulders several times and slowly rotated

  her head. Time for bed; tomorrow was going to be a big day.


  Above written on 1-13

  The phone on the bedside table woke Manda . Glancing at the

  clock, she realized she had slept in.

  She lifted the receiver with reluctance. Going to bed so

  late, only to spend the night flinging the blankets about

  and attempting to punch the pillow into submission, was

  causing a brain fog.

  I’m not ready for a coherent conversation. My mind is still

  in neutral.

  “Hello,” she said, trying to smother a yawn so big that it

  threatened to split the corners of

  her lips.

  “Good morning, Manda. Mr. Lanier here. Sounds like you had

  a late night.”

  “Not so much late as wrestling alligators all night,”she