Read The Total December Experiment Page 19

  to wet myself. Besides, Kate’s wits are so scattered, it’s

  going to take a while to gather them!”

  Kate began to sputter with laughter again, but quickly

  caught herself.

  “I love your sense of humor, Manda. It’s just like Nanny


  Manda rolled her eyes as she headed for the bathroom. When

  she returned to the table, Kate had managed to control

  herself, but Teresa was still patting her arm in a calming

  gesture. Manda, looking at Kate with a mix of concern and

  exasperation, sat down.

  “You know,” said Kate,” I think that people CAN die from


  “Do you feel up to telling us what that was all about,”?

  smiled Teresa “

  “I have to begin by telling you that Nanny May was one of a

  kind, God love her. There will never be another like her.

  She was outrageous…. to put it mildly!!!”

  “When she decided to renovate the cottage, she drew up a

  simple blueprint of what she wanted, then called Herb

  Shivley, a local contractor.”

  “By the way, he’s very good if you ever need any work


  Kate continued to mop her face.

  “Herb picked her drawing up and went to the cottage to see

  what supplies he needed, to take measurements,etc.

  A little while after he left for the carriage house, he

  turned up at Nanny May’s door and told her that there was a

  problem and what did she want him to do. He explained that

  when he took measurements, he discovered a difference of 10

  feet between the inner and outer walls at the rear of the

  carriage house. In other words, a fake wall had been built

  and there were no doors or windows on the inside or outside

  of those walls to give access to the unexplained extra

  footage. So, she told him to tear the wall out.”

  Manda and Teresa glanced at each other.

  “Ah…a mystery,” said Manda.

  “Later that day, Herb showed up at her door again.”

  “Miss Harris,” he says,” We have another problem.”

  “What is it, Herb,” she says.

  “Well, Mam, I think that you need to come with me and take

  a look.”

  “Nanny May called me later that day and told me that I had

  to go to her place as soon as possible, but she wouldn’t

  explain over the phone.”

  Kate began grinning and with a slow shake of her head began

  to relate her story.

  “The door of the carriage house was open so I just walked

  in. Nanny May was standing with her back to me staring at

  the back wall. She was standing stiff as a board with her

  fists planted on her hips. I could tell that she was in a

  fine state…. madder than a rooster with no hens in sight.

  It was kinda dark where she was standing so I couldn’t see

  much of anything. She heard my footsteps and without

  turning, told me to brace myself and come take a look. I

  walked over to her where she was glaring at that Gawd awful


  “Do you believe this, Kate?” Can you believe that someone

  could design this horror and have it built?”

  “What kind of family did I spring from? It’s very clear

  that one of my relatives was crazier than a bedbug. I have

  insanity in my genes!”

  “Now, Nanny May, maybe it was someone just a little


  “A little…a LITTLE. Don’t you mean a full blown lunatic??”

  “Nanny May look at it this way. So you had a relative that

  had peculiar tastes, BUT, you had another relative who had

  the good sense to cover it up.”

  I remember she turned her head and glared at me.

  “Have you taken leave of your senses, Kate?”

  “No, Nanny May, and neither have you. I’ve know you for a

  long, long time, and you have never had a strange bone in

  your body or a strange thought in your mind. You are

  perfectly normal!”

  “You really think so, Kate?”

  “I know so…so relax.”

  “Well, it’s going to have to come down! I can’t live in the

  same house as this!”

  “But, its still there. What changed her mind?” Manda


  “Herb said it was going to be hard and time consuming to

  remove without damaging the rest of the structure. She

  wanted the renovations done as soon as possible so she told

  him to do the rest of the place first so she could move in.

  That way he could take his time with the fireplace. She

  really wanted out of the big house. Anyway, the more she

  saw of the fireplace, the more it grew on her. She finally

  decided to keep it.”

  “What was it doing in a carriage house to begin

  with,” Teresa asked.

  “We never found out the answer to that. We had no idea and

  she couldn’t find any references to it in any of the family


  Manda and Teresa looked at each other. It had been an

  amusing story but hadn’t warranted the hysteria displayed

  by Kate.

  As though Kate read their minds, she went on to say that

  there was more to the story.

  “I helped her move in and a few days later, she called and

  invited me over to join her for a house warming party. I

  got her a gift and a bottle of good wine, wrapped em up

  real pretty, got all dressed up, and went to the cottage.”

  “Now, Nanny May had some hobbies. One of them was making

  candles. She made some beauties…she was really good. Some,

  well most, were unusual. She really liked to experiment and

  see how creative she could be.”

  “ We’ve already seen some examples of her talents,” Teresa

  commented with Manda nodding in agreement.

  Kate began to chuckle,” Yeah, she had quite an imagination.

  She enjoyed being a little shocking, too. She liked getting

  a rise out of people.”

  “It was nearly dark when I got there. The place was kind of

  dark but I could see light flickering from inside. The door

  opened just as I walked up to it, and there she

  stood…. this tall, slender, regal lady who looked like she

  was in her 60s instead of her 80s. She had a long black

  dress on with a train, for heaven’s sake, and these full

  draping sleeves. She was wearing a gaudy black necklace

  and matching earrings that dangled almost to her shoulders.

  She had a ‘nose in the air’ look on her face and she said

  in this slow deep voice, “Enter, my good friend.”

  “ I stood there…My jaw had to be on my chest…. and I thought

  that maybe she did carry a ‘crazy’ gene and something had

  pushed her over the edge of reason. I stood there like

  an idiot.

  She finally laughed and told me to come on in.

  “Good grief, Kate, I was just going to have some fun with

  you. I got all dolled up in this ridiculous get up, but you

  looked so scared that I just couldn’t go through with it.”

  “Sit down, I’m going to change into something comfortable.”

bsp; “I sat down in the dark; well, nearly dark. The only light

  was from a bunch of candles

  sitting in those little shelves like things down the side of

  that silly fireplace.

  She came back in a set of sweats and flipped a lamp on.”

  “Dammit, Kate,” she says,” You are such a spoilsport! I

  was going to pretend to have a séance and all that witchy

  stuff, but you are such a chicken.”

  “Anyway, we had a good time for an hour or so, in spite of

  me being a chicken, then we started getting tired and

  decided to call it a night.

  She handed me a candle snuffer and asked me to put the

  candles out for her, so I went over to the fireplace.”

  At this point, Kate started to laugh again…hard.

  Manda and Teresa started grinning, knowing they were about

  to hear the rest of the story.

  “This is going to sound terrible, but I you can’t say I

  didn’t warn you about your great aunt, Manda.”

  Kate tried valiantly to relate the rest of the evening

  without losing control, but it was

  impossible, so it was told interspersed with bouts of

  laughter with Teresa and Manda as a captive audience.

  “The candles were these huge ---pink--- columns. She had

  shaped or carved them and…,” Kate broke up again, hugging

  her stomach with her arms. “Oh, my stomach hurts!”

  Almost choking with hilarity, causing Teresa and Manda to

  start laughing, Kate blurted, “They looked just like


  All three women started whooping in fits of laughter as

  vivid pictures formed in their minds.

  Patrons, their attention drawn by the commotion, swung

  around in their seats again, and watching and hearing the

  woman howl, they couldn’t help joining in.

  Kate, Teresa, and Manda all covered their faces with

  napkins to stem the tears and smother the noise.

  Between gasps, Teresa said, “Are you going to finish,


  “I’m trying…I’m trying.”

  “I’m standing there with that damn snuffer, laughing so

  hard it was pathetic…. I put the snuffer over the flame and

  then went to the next…one….but the first one lit up again.’

  Another spate of loud laughter followed this comment.

  “Every time I’d put one out, it’d relight!”

  “Party candles,” they shouted in unison as Kate nodded her


  “Nanny May was sitting there as straight faced as you can

  imagine and she said…she said…”I guess I accidentally mixed

  some of that Niagara stuff in the wax. You know, the

  medicine men take for a long satisfying experience?”

  “Oh My Gawd,” Teresa laughed.

  “I say…Nanny May…you mean Viagra!”

  “She said, ….

  Manda and Teresa quieted and grinned with expectation.

  Kate continued with great difficulty, “She said….Well,

  Kate, I think Niagara is more appropriate!!”

  At this, Teresa jumped up,” Wait till I get back,” she said

  as she ran laughing for the ladies room.

  By the time Teresa got back, Kate and Manda had toned down

  to giggles.

  “Is there more?” Teresa asked.

  “Oh Yes!”

  Manda did her eye rolling and grabbed her mother’s hand.

  “The candles wouldn’t go out, so Nanny May decided that

  we’d have to drown em in a sink of water. Anyway, we

  started grabbing all the candles which were just sputtering

  away….and Nanny May said…said,” Kate….Kate’s face contorted

  as the struggled with the rest of her sentence.

  “She said, without even cracking a smile, “ Kate…I haven’t

  touched this much man flesh in sixty years!”

  The restaurant became a riot of sound as the three women

  lost any vestige of control that might have still existed.

  Manda and Teresa laid their heads onto the table in

  weakness as they laughed and cried at the same time.

  Kate was clutching her stomach again, laughing and moaning

  with pain.

  It was several long minutes before they could begin to

  regain any composure.

  The other diners had gotten anxious and concerned about

  them and watched them out of the corners of their eyes.

  “Damn, “ Manda grinned.” I wish I could have spent time with


  Kate shakily stood,” Gals, I need a drink. Let’s go down a

  few doors to Tom’s place and get something to calm our



  “Lorie,” Kate hollered,” I’ll be back in a day or so….


  three! Oh, and remind me to apply for a liquor license.”

  Lorie laughed and waved at them as they slouched boneless

  toward the door.

  Gem drove up to an area not too far from the carriage house

  and off loaded several good size boxes and rolls of high

  grade insulation from the bed of his truck He then moved

  his truck some distance away, hid it as much as possible

  behind several trees and walked back to the things he’d


  He began to calm down and breathe easier after he carried

  it down into the tunnel where it couldn’t be seen by

  curious eyes. From there, he transported it to his room

  beneath the carriage house. He began by restocking his make

  shift pantry. He had tried to think ahead so he’d have

  anything he might need available.

  He then spent the biggest part of the night preparing his

  room by adding additional insulation to prevent noise from

  traveling up to the living quarters. Then he had planted

  several listening and recording devices so he could keep

  track of the women’s movements and conversations.

  After he tested the units and set them to record and then

  checked that he had made all the

  preparations that he could think of, he left the cottage

  and walked back to his truck.

  He was very tired and needed to go home and grab a few

  hours sleep. It wouldn’t do for people to see him haggard

  in the morning.

  He started his truck and crept, without turning on his

  headlights, off the grounds of Live Oaks…a satisfied smile

  on his face.



  The three of them sat on the beach enjoying the murmur of

  the surf and the moon painting the crests of the

  incoming rollers with diamonds of light.

  It was close to the witching hour.

  They had gathered at the beach to compare notes in order to gather insight into the puzzling situation that had weighed them down for generations.

  “How are Manda and Teresa, Megan?”

  They’re fine, Nanny. Asleep- they had a long busy day.”

  “How are you doing, Nanny?” questioned Patrick.

  “I think I’m pretty well adjusted now, although things were

  a little confusing at first,” admitted Nanny.