Read The Total December Experiment Page 21

  They had nearly finished unloading the rest of their belongings when the team of guards pulled over and parked behind Manda’s car.

  Three men got out of the van and walked over to Manda and her mother.

  “Ms. Harris, we’ll be working your security. I figured we’d better introduce ourselves and acquaint you with the dogs.”

  Manda looked toward the van.

  “They’re in the back, Mam.

  Two of the men looked to be in their twenties and in good physical shape. The man doing the talking was probably in his forties and had a few extra pounds around his mid-section.

  “This here is Todd Rivers; he handles Bear, the German Shepard.”

  The redhead stepped forward and nodded,” “Nice to meet you, mam.”

  Manda reached to shake hands.

  “Pleased to meet you, Mr. Rivers.”

  “Please call me Todd.”

  Manda smiled at him. “OK, Todd.”

  The ebony man stepped forward, “I’m Jake Simon and Jake will do just fine. I deal with Prissy, the Doberman.”

  Manda grinned and reached to take his hand.

  “Prissy ?”

  “Yes, she has a little bit of an attitude,” he chuckled.

  “Attitude is good,” Manda laughed.

  The third man removed his cap, revealing a receded hairline.

  “I’m Richard Grater, mam. I’ll be working the gate.” He tipped his head at Manda and Teresa.

  “This is my mother, Teresa O’Neill.”

  Teresa smiled and stepped forward to greet the men.

  “I’m so happy to meet you all. I’ll be able to relax now.”

  “Thank you, mam. We’ll take good care of you ladies. You ready to meet our buddies ?”

  “You bet, Mr. Grater.”

  “Now, I need to tell you a few things. First, don’t ever try to feed them. They’re trained to not accept food from anyone but us. In fact, they will growl and back off, for starters. Second, call them by their names, say ‘ease’ and let them sniff you when you see them. If you need them to attack, their commands are ‘ball’ for one and ‘bat’, for the other. I’ll give you directions to study. To stop them, say ‘stand down’. They will be taught to take this set of instructions from only their handlers and you two ladies.”

  “Can we meet the dogs now”, Teresa asked.

  “In a minute. When we bring them out, just stand there. You can smile, but don’t grin and show your teeth. Showing teeth is a sign of aggression to dogs. After they’ve been introduced to you, you won’t have to worry about that anymore. Don’t touch them or reach toward them; just stand still; just relax. They’ll check you out and get your scent. After a few commands, they’ll protect you with their lives and be your friends forever. You all ready ?”

  Teresa and Manda glanced at each other with a nervous smile and nodded.

  Todd and Jake headed for the back of the van while Teresa and Manda made a conscious effort to relax.

  “It’s OK ladies; you’ll get along real good,” Grater said with confidence.

  The rear doors of the van opened and sounds of nails scrabbling and low excited whining reached their ears.

  Todd and Jake were calmly talking to the dogs as they led them toward the little group. Bear bounced a bit with play as he was led toward Grater. Prissy, on the other hand, walked sedately with her head up and fathomless dark eyes gazing at nothing in particular, looking for all the world like a bored Egyptian queen.

  Jake commanded Prissy to sit as Todd led Bear to first Manda then Teresa. Tod simply repeated the word ‘friend’ as Bear circled each while continuing to sniff their scents.

  Then the process was repeated with Prissy, who seemed to just tolerate their presence while looking down her nose at the women.

  “Now,” Grater said, “ We’ll do this one dog at a time. Manda, smile at Bear, reach out just a little with your hand…palm turned up, say his name and then say ‘ease’. OK?”

  Todd led Bear to Manda while saying, “Manda…Friend.” Manda followed her instructions while Bear checked out her extended palm.

  After Teresa complied, Bear was told to sit. He began to thump the ground as he wagged his tail with excitement at the proceedings.

  Prissy followed her commands with a condescending attitude, then sat in a regal manner leveling her eyes at Teresa and then Manda.

  “OK, ladies. Consider yourselves introduced. We’re good to go. From now on you can talk to them, touch them, grin at them, even play a bit and they will be sweethearts.”

  Are you comfortable enough for them to be taken off their leads ?”

  Teresa and Manda nodded in a cautious manner.

  When they were loose, they again approached Teresa and Manda. The interactive between them and the dogs was just a little tentative for a minute or so; then became relaxed as they all began to know each other better. They had to laugh when Prissy shed her regal demeanor and became playful.

  “You are such a fake,” Manda laughed as she scratched behind Prissy’s ears. Prissy promptly rolled onto her back and presented her belly for some attention.

  After some time, the dogs were put back on their leads after Todd and Jake offered them treats; then loaded into the van. They both looked forlorn as they looked out the window at Manda and her mom as Grater pulled onto the lane.

  Manda laughed with her mom.

  “They are vicious guard dogs ???”

  “They’re doll babies,” Teresa responded.

  They returned to the cottage, taking a more thorough tour as they put the rest of their possessions away.

  “This is great, Mom. Everything is spotless and organized. All we have to do is enjoy.”

  “Mom, I need some advice.”

  “I’ll do my best, Honey.”

  They settled themselves at the kitchen table after making a pot of coffee. It had been a long eventful day, but a satisfying one. They both sighed with relief and comfort, as they enjoyed the fresh coffee.

  “What kind of advice do you need, Manda ?”

  “Mom, I love this little cottage. I’d rather live here. I can’t imagine bouncing around that huge house by myself; being waited on by a huge staff. That would be ridiculous. I’m just not a lady of the manor type. But…I don’t know what to do.

  All those great people have worked here for years: some of them all their lives. I can’t let them go. This place is their home and livelihood.”

  “What are they going to do ….…wax floors and wash windows every day ?”

  “Manda, you also have to consider the fact that the house and grounds have to be maintained and kept in good repair.”

  Manda sighed, “Why couldn’t I have inherited just this cottage and a few acres?”

  ‘Well, that’s not what happened, so let’s throw out some ideas.”

  “Mom,” Manda groused, “ There’s not even any furniture !”

  “Well, Sweetie, that sounds like a good place to start.”

  “How do I go about choosing furnishings for that huge

  estate ? I don’t have a clue !”

  “I say we begin by talking to Kate and Mr. Lanier. They may know someone around here that we could hire to help you. What do you think, Honey ?”

  “I think that’s a great idea. You are priceless, Mom.”

  “Why don’t we get going on this. It’s been a long day, so let’s go to Kate’s place for dinner .Let someone else do the cooking.”

  “Let’s finish this coffee first: I need the caffeine.”


  They sat at their usual table pondering the list of decorators that Kate had written down for them. There were four on the list.

  “I’ll make calls in the morning and set up appointments with each of them and take it from there.”

  Manda folded the list and put it in her purse.

  Manda looked up at the sound of the restaurant door opening to see a man enter and stand waiting to be seated.

; I know him. I’ve seen him before !

  At that moment, she heard Lorie’s voice travel across the room.

  “Perry, where have you been ? I haven’t seen you for such a long time !”

  As he turned toward Lorie, Manda caught a better look at his face.

  She jerked with surprise as she realized who he was.

  Teresa looked at her oddly.

  ”Something wrong, Hon ?”

  “Susan’s husband!”

  “Who ?”

  “ I’ll explain later, Mom.”

  She watched as Lorie seated him and took his order. Lorie remained for a moment at his table as they engaged in a muted conversation. Expressions of shock and anger-followed by grief-chased one another over Lorie’s pretty face. Lorie laid her hand on Perry’s cheek, then with tears skimming her face, spun to return to the kitchen. Perry watched her exit with an intense stare and expressionless face. He began to glance around the room, settling his gaze on Manda. A puzzled look crossed his face-then his eyes widened as he recognized her. He clasped his hands on the top of the table and directed his gaze downward. It was clear that he wasn’t sure that he wanted to acknowledge her presence.

  After a moment, he seemed to make a decision. He stood and began to walk toward her table. As he drew closer, Manda saw that his face was very pale and he had pulled a somber pathetic mask over his face.

  He stood by their table, looked with blank eyes at Teresa, then swung his head toward Manda.

  “Excuse me, but aren’t you the young woman who stayed at my B&B a couple weeks ago ?”

  “Yes, I am, Perry. My name is Manda Harris.”

  “Perry, I am so sorry about Susan. She was an outstanding woman.”

  “Yes….she was. I miss her so much. I guess you heard she..died .”

  Manda nodded, “Have the police caught him, Perry?”

  Teresa cast her eyes down and listened to his dull voice.

  “No, They have no clues at all.”

  “I heard you have a baby boy. How is he?”

  Perry smiled just a little. “He’s fine. Beautiful.” He barely whispered, “ He looks like Susan.”

  “Then…yes…he is beautiful, Perry.”

  “Susan’s mother is taking care of him while I’m on the road. It’s a good thing she has him to occupy her time. He’s the only thing keeping her going right now. I wish I could be with him all the time, but I have to keep the family business going for him. It’ll be his someday.”

  Susan sensed that talking was relaxing him a little.

  “What is the family business, Perry? I know you travel a lot.”

  “We own several quarries. Granite, limestone, marble, peridot….that’s what we have to offer. It’s a good business.”

  “I know about all of those except peridot. I’ve never heard of that one.”

  “ It’s beautiful, but it’s usually used only for jewelry and accents in masonery.”

  “What does it look like ?”

  “Well, in it’s natural state, it’s a beautiful rich dark green, but in jewelry, it’s a pale green.”

  “The big stone at the end of your lane…”

  “ Yeah, that’s peridot.”

  “ It is magnificent; especially with the roses covering part of it.”

  “That was Susan’s idea. She loves…loved peridot.”

  Watching his face begin to fall again, Manda tried to divert his thoughts.

  “ I think Peridot was used on the exterior wall of my little cottage. I didn’t know what it was until just now.”

  “ Really ? Where is your place ?”

  “It’s a converted carriage house on Nanny May Harris’ estate.”

  Perry’s face began to lose it’s color. Staring at Manda, he pushed his chair back and began to push himself upright.

  “ Ah, we weren’t the suppliers,” he stammered.

  Losing more color from his face, he turned and walked from the restaurant.

  Manda began to rise, but Teresa laid her hand on Manda’s.

  “Let him go, Dear.”

  “But Mom…”

  “Manda, it’s clear that he’s very upset and can’t deal with any further conversation right now.”

  “But, a conversation about peridot ???”

  “I know it seems odd, but there must be a reason. Let it go for now, Honey.”

  The truck sat in the parking slot across from the restaurant.

  His hands white knuckled the steering wheel as he fought to regain his composure. He kept swallowing the saliva flooding his mouth, attempting to prevent heaving the contents of his stomach. He searched the street for something to focus on that would distract his mind from producing the picture of Susan lying on the lounge by the lake; her life saturating her clothing, pooling on the cushion beneath her body, and glistening on the grass surrounding the place of her final breath.

  He leaned onto the wheel; moaning as he gripped handfuls of his hair in his fists.

  Too late; her image was there….her eyes looking into his piteously as if she was locked onto his gaze in an vain effort to keep her grasp on life. He could actually feel her desperate pull on him followed by her essence fading from her eyes.

  Susan, Susan…I’m so sorry, so sorry, so sorry.


  Manda and Teresa continued to sit in silence.

  In response to Teresa’s request for Manda to let her in on the story, Manda just shook her head.

  “Later Mom, Please.”

  Kate came out of the kitchen carrying a tray covered with prepared flatware in napkins.

  Seeing the morose look on the faces of the two women, she sat the tray down and walked to their table.

  “Is my food that bad ?” she grinned.

  “Oh no, Kate. It’s delicious as always.”

  “I just saw Perry ----.”

  “Yeah, I know he was here. Lorie is all upset. They had a thing going, you know.”

  Manda replied,” No, you’re thinking about someone else. This guy’s married…or he was, rather.”

  “Can’t be, Perry and Lorie have been a twosome for a long time. I figure they’ll be setting a date any time now. Of course, I don’t know why Lorie’s so upset. Maybe something’s changed.”

  “Kate, I swear…the man I just saw was married up until a week or so ago. On my way down here from Gary, I spent a night with him and his wife at the Bed and Breakfast they owned.”

  Kate frowned, “Are you absolutely sure, Manda ?”

  “Positive, it’s the same man….he recognized me.”

  Kate sat down.

  “You said that he was married until a week or so ago ?”

  “Yes, he and his wife just had a baby.”

  “What ?” scowled Kate. “ Did she die in childbirth ?”

  “No, Kate. She was murdered.”

  Kate drew in a quick breath, “Oh My God.I wonder if Lorie knows all this.” In a shocked voice, Kate answered her own question, “No,no…she can’t know. Lorie is a sweet and caring young woman… honest and forthright as an angel. She would never become involved in anything like this.”

  “Kate, will you talk to her ? I need some answers and she’ll be more comfortable with you. Can you try to find out what is going on and call me at the cottage, please ?”

  Kate nodded.

  “I will, but it may take a while. I expect this talk with Lorie is going to be a long one.”


  Teresa and Manda got into the blistering hot car. Manda started the engine and turned the air conditioner on.

  Teresa blurted the words, “Dammit, Manda. What the hell was that all about ? I’m terrified out of my wits !”

  “Mom, I’ll explain as soon as I can. There’s something I have to do right now. It’s very important. You’ll hear all about it when I talk to Detective Haworth.”

  “,” Kate murmured as Manda pulled away from the curb.


  Kate drew a deep shaky breath and entered the kitchen.

  “Bryan,” she addressed the cook, “Where’s Lorie ?”

  “I don’t know, Ms. Kate. She went running out the door about five minutes ago. What’s going on; is she OK ? She was crying; really upset.”

  “Shit,” Kate sputtered, as she ran to the door. There was no one in sight.

  “Bryan, do you know what she drives ?”

  “A bright yellow beat-up VW. It’s parked in the lot.”

  Kate scanned the small employee parking lot behind the restaurant.

  “She’s gone!” She whirled around to face Bryan, panic on her face. “Do you have any idea where she went?”

  “No, I don’t. What’s wrong ?”

  “I don’t know-I don’t know-I don’t know.”

  She dashed to her little office and yanked the drawer to the file cabinet open. After a few seconds of thumbing through files with shaking hands, she pulled one out and dashed back to Bryan.

  “I have to leave. Call the girls and see if they can come in right away to help you. If they can’t you’re going to have to close up.”

  She ran out the kitchen door to her car, glanced into the file for a second, then jumped into the car and gunned the engine as she tore from the lot.

  Minutes later Kate pulled into the driveway of the tiny cottage that was listed on the job application form as Lorie’s residence.

  Jumping from the car, a quick look around confirmed that no one was there. No answer to her pounding on the front and back doors, no car in the garage, no sign of life seen by peering through windows, the daily newspaper still on the front porch.

  Oh, Lord. I have a very bad feeling about this.

  The panic growing, she raced back to her car and headed and headed for the police department.


  She was lying exactly where he knew he’d find her.

  Under the huge live oak close to the bluff.

  As he approached her with silent footfalls, he could see that she slept. Her eyes were red and swollen, her eyelashes clumped into spikes by tears. It was clear that she had cried out her misery until exhaustion had delivered her into a calming sleep.

  He knelt with slow caution beside her. He studied the familiar contours of her lovely face, the beauty of her silken hair, the perfection of her youthful body.

  He bowed his head as pity, shame, and remorse flooded his mind. He knelt there as rage began to wage war with and finally overcome the other feelings.