Read The Total December Experiment Page 7

“Why, that’s Live Oaks !”

  “ There are several artists in our community. Nanny and I were friends for years and when I got the idea of using local scenes on the walls, I asked her if I could have an artist paint Live Oaks.”

  Manda noticed two photographs, one on each side of the painting. One was a vintage sepia color photo of a young woman. The one on the other side was a modern photo of an elderly woman.

  “ Your great aunt at ages 16 and 83.”

  Manda drew a quick breath. As she had hoped, Nanny May had rich dark hair. It was very long and pulled back on the sides but a few loose strands around her face indicated curls. She had a faint smile on her face. Manda couldn’t tell the color of her eyes but they were obviously very light. She was looking straight into the camera and the effect on Manda was mesmerizing.

  Moving to the other photograph, Manda saw a silver haired woman with curls on top of her head. This one was in color, so Manda could clearly see very light blue-grey twinkling eyes with laugh lines at the corners. A wide smile disclosed deep dimples.

  In the picture of her as a young girl, she appeared to be a timid young woman where-as in the other photo, her eyes sparkled with intelligence and her smile broadcast an enjoyment and love of life.

  “ She was a wonderful woman and friend, Ms Harris. I can see a lot of her in you. That’s why I felt that you were related to her. If you ever want to talk about her, just let me know and we’ll talk so much about her that she will return to haunt me!”

  “ I’ll do that, Kate. I’m so curious about her and Live Oaks.”

  “ When you’re ready, call me. I’ll whip up a picnic and we’ll make a day of it.”

  “ As soon as I get all the legal technicalities taken care of, we’ll do it! I can’t wait to hear all about my great aunt.”

  Chapter 33

  Gem wandered along the beach, pausing every now and then to pick up a particularly pretty shell or to gaze out to sea. The water was calm today with shallow slow moving waves that seemed no more than ripples creeping in to tag the shore . He climbed the gentle rise to the top of the low bluff, sitting on the edge with his legs hanging over the edge. He felt tired today, as though he hadn’t slept through the night.

  Gem decided that his fatigue was caused by seeing the new one for the first time. He had needed no one to point her out or tell him who she was. He knew as soon as he walked into the room…even before he turned toward her, he had felt her. Intense energy that reached toward him and pulled the energy from his body to hers. He remembered the instant fear that had skittered up his spine replacing the life force she had sucked from him. The thought had ricocheted throughout his brain that she could become stronger than he. He had looked away from her face, terrified that she would feel him and turn to capture his stare. He sighed at the thought of the struggles he would have to ndure…those within himself…and those between she and he.

  Chapter 34

  A fax was waiting on Gary’s desk when he returned from lunch. Several photographs and a memo from Sam.

  “Quilt is ‘Star of Georgia’ pattern. Other photo is of symbol on back of quilt. Still no ID on vic.”

  Chapter 35

  When Manda arrived back at the hotel, the desk clerk hailed her.

  “ Ms. Harris, I have a message for you. It came in about an hour ago,” he said as he handed an envelope to her.

  She sat in a chair in the lobby and opened the message.


  Tried to call several times but was told you were out. I’m letting you know that security team is now in place. I’ve had no luck getting any further information regarding our latest conversation.

  Call if you want more details about security.

  John Lanier

  Manda called his office and asked Grace to please have Mr. Lanier give her a complete resume and personal history of each guard, knowledge on the training and expectations of canine security and any thing about these particular dogs that would be guarding her property.

  Grace told her that she would give the message to Mr. Lanier immediately.

  After the call ended, Manda sat down with her pad and pen and began to update her list of information acquired and things she needed to do. As she reviewed her list, she realized it was getting much longer as she was having to add to it faster than she was able to cross things out. A deep sigh was interrupted by a brisk knock on the door.

  Manda was startled and puzzled. Housekeeping had already cleaned the room and she hadn’t ordered room service. Not knowing what to expect, Manda looked through the fish eye and was startled to see a badge being held so that she could view it. It appeared to be a police badge. Adrenalin rushed into her bloodstream causing her heart to race and anxiety to soar.

  “ Ms. Harris, I’m Detective Haworth. I’m investigating the homicide that took place on your property. I’d like to ask you a few questions, if you please.”

  Manda was gripped with uncertainty.

  “ How do I know you’re who you claim to be?”

  “ Jot down my name and badge number; then call the police department. They’ll verify.”

  Manda looked at his badge again, writing his number down with a slightly shaky hand.

  “ What did you say your name is ?”

  “ Detective Gary Haworth; H-a-w-o-r-t-h.”

  “ Thank you. This will take a minute.”

  “ That’s fine, I’m in no hurry.”

  Manda verified his identity, and with some embarrassment, opened the door allowing him to enter.

  “ I’m sorry, Mr.…Ah…Detective Haworth, but I have to be careful.”

  “ No problem, Ms Harris; I hope you continue to be careful.”

  “ Would you like to have a seat,” Manda said, gesturing toward a chair.”

  “ Thank you,” he said , as he settled himself, pulling a small notebook and pen from his pocket.

  Manda surreptitiously took in his appearance as he sat. About six feet tall, brown eyes, thick wavy auburn hair that most women would kill for; all of this masculinity topping a lean body.

  When her eyes had traveled back to his face, she realized that he had caught her scrutinizing him. A bright flush bloomed on her cheeks when she noticed a quirk tugging at one corner of his mouth. Luckily for her, his demeanor changed into a rather stern expression.

  Stern, I can handle, she thought.

  “ What do you want to know, Detective ?” I really don’t think I’m going to be able to help you. I’ve only been here a few days. I didn’t hear about the murder until yesterday.”

  He glanced at her with stern but liquid eyes. Is it possible to have stern and liquid at the same time, Manda wondered.

  “ You may have knowledge that you don’t realize you have. We have to check all the angles, Ms Harris.”

  “I understand; in that case, I hope I have some information that you can use.”

  “Where did you get the information about the homicide ?”

  “My lawyer, Mr. John Lanier; he’s the executer of my great aunt’s estate.”

  “I understand that you have inherited from Nanny May.”

  “That’s right.”

  “Tell me a little about yourself, Ms Harris.”

  “Well; I’m 20, born and raised in Gary, Indiana. Mr. Lanier, called me last month about my Great Aunt. So…here I am. That about covers it.”

  “When is the last time you were in contact with Nanny May?”

  “I’ve never been in contact with her. Until Mr. Lanier called, I didn’t know about her.”

  He arched a brow as he wrote the statement on his pad.

  “Nothing at all? Live Oaks?”

  “No; Nothing about her or Live Oaks.”

  “What about your parents ? Did they know of her?”

  “No; Mom didn’t know about her or the estate. I’ve spoken with Mom on the phone several times and no one in the family knew of her. This has come as a complete surprise for all of us.”

  “What about
your dad ?”

  “Dad’s been dead for many years, but he had never mentioned her or Live Oaks. I have asked Mom to check out Dad’s ancestors but we haven’t spoken since. I’ll call her later to see if she’s discovered anything unusual.”

  “Why do you feel that there might be something unusual, Ms Harris ?”

  Manda began to fidget nervously.

  ”Well, I went to the courthouse the other day to check our genealogy since no one knew of this branch of the family. The records didn’t match what Mom knows of our family. I thought something might show up in Dad’s ancestors.”

  “And did it?”

  “Mom hasn’t called me back yet; so I don’t know.”

  “Be sure to give me a call after she calls you.”

  “I will. Mr.…Ah…Detective Haworth, are you close to solving the homicide?”

  Lowering his head a little, he replied, “the investigation is progressing, of course, but I don’t have any information I can give you at this time.”

  “In your opinion, do you think it’s safe for me to go to Live Oaks? Mr. Lanier has set up more security on the grounds. Dogs and around the clock security guards. Do you think it’s safe for me to be out there?”

  “I can’t give you 100% guarantee. I can tell you that we have a patrol checking the property frequently, if that’s any consolation. The murder took place on the beach, quite a way from the main house. It’s possible that it was a murder of opportunity committed by someone walking the beach. It’s very possible that the crime was not connected to your property at all. However, I ask that you let me know when you decide to move in. Also, if you see or hear anything that you think suspicious, call me.”

  With that, he handed her his card and rose from the chair.

  “I’ll be calling you if I have any other questions, Ms Harris.”

  She walked behind him to the door. Yep, at least 6 feet, she thought.

  “Ms Harris, please don’t hesitate to call, should you need anything.”

  “ Thank you, Detective Haworth, I appreciate your concern.”

  After he left , Manda leaned against the closed and locked door with a hint of a smile on her face. She had noticed that there had been no ring on his finger. Her smile deepened as did her dimples.


  Manda stood in the center of a large round field about 500 feet in diameter. She stood on a rectangular pristine white platform about 40 feet by 70 feet and 5 feet off the ground. It was enclosed around the sides from the level at which she stood to the ground.

  She turned in a slow circle, looking at the scenery around her. Around the outside of the field was a forest. The trees were symmetrical; glorious in their covering of dark green glossy leaves. Perfect trees. The sky was a clear light blue with no clouds. Perfect sky. The grass that covered the entire field was very thick emerald green. She knew that it’s height was 4 feet. The pleasant breeze that cooled her body caused the grass to move in rhythmic waves like a field of wheat. Perfect grass.

  Manda became aware of a pounding noise and moved to find it’s source. On the other side of a temporary wall was a man with a hammer, pounding heavy nails into lumber.

  His hair, a burnished auburn that shone and moved like wavy silk, was shoulder length. His skin, over lean hard muscles, was a light golden tone. He was clothed in a brilliant white short toga and wore sandals on his feet. She looked down and realized that she was wearing a long flowing white gown fastened at one shoulder with a brooch; the other shoulder bare. Her hair was very long and tumbled over her shoulders in waves.

  He stopped hammering and stood to his full height looking at her face with intense brown eyes. He slowly smiled and the look on his face and in his eyes expressed his great love for her. She smiled back at him and felt her body flood with intense love and desire. She wanted to lie with him so much that the feeling was uncomfortable and her need unbearable.

  He walked to her and laid his hand against the side of her face. She leaned her cheek into his hand. Without any words, they each knew that they were soul mates, destined to be together through all time. Her desire intensified and his touch told her that he was impatient to consummate their love, as well, but the time was not right. His gaze holding her eyes told her that they must wait until the house that he was building for them was completed-only then could they love each other’s bodies as much as they loved each other’s hearts and souls.

  All of these feelings and this knowledge passed between them at the mere touch of his hand against her face. Perfect man, perfect soul mate. She handed several tools to him that had been in her hands without her being aware of them. He returned to his work and she wandered to the edge of the platform, looking down into the beautiful grass waving a foot below the level of the floor. How wonderful it would feel to walk through the grass feeling it brush her skin. In an instant, she knew that she could not do that, for beneath the tall luxurious grass, hid all manner of deadly creatures and serpents. She looked over at the forest surrounding them and she knew that as beautiful and serene as it appeared to be, it too, held death. She and her soul mate were bound to this place forever.


  Manda awoke with a warm flushed feeling. She knew that her dream forecast the man that she would love always. She knew that he did exist for her and when the time was right, they would meet. She knew that she would never forget the dream; it would be with her always. She moaned with delight, anticipation and frustration, as impatient awake as she had been sleep. She lay there reliving the dream for a few moments, then swung her legs over the edge of the bed and sat up, glancing at her watch. Whoa, I really slept late this morning. Oh well, it’s Sunday, after all. I can relax and spend my day however I wish.

  She ordered breakfast from room service, grabbed a quick shower, and dressed in light weight sweats; her favorite clothes.

  She opened the drapes and thought what a lovely day to indulge herself.

  Her breakfast arrived and she settled down to enjoy the coffee and Belgium waffles with fresh fruit. Um-um, so good! What a wonderful day this would be.


  After breakfast and while nursing her second cup of coffee, she placed a call to her mom.

  “ Good morning, Mom, I’m checking in.”

  “ Hi, Sweetheart. Everything ok?”

  “ I’m good. How are you and Frank?”

  “ We’re doing just fine. I don’t have all the information on your dad’s family yet, but I’m working on it.”

  “ How is it looking? Anything unusual?”

  “ Nothing yet…it looks perfectly normal so far. I hope to finish it tomorrow, then I’ll drop it in the mail.”

  ” What are you two planning to do today?”

  “ I think we’re going to take a nice drive out in the country. This evening we will meet some friends for dinner. What are your plans?”

  “ I think I’m going to go to the beach today. Later, I’m going to go over this stuff from Nanny’s envelopes again.”

  “It’s going to be very interesting, Mom. Mysterious, to say the least. The smaller envelope was a letter from her. The larger one had the key to her lock box at the bank, information about the family and her staff, her journal and money to get me started while the will is being processed. I’m going to the bank tomorrow. Then I’ll be able to tell you more.”

  “I’ll make copies of everything I can and mail them to you. I’d love to have your opinion of this rather strange letter. The letter seems to indicate an eccentric woman, but everyone I’ve talked to that knew her thinks that she had her feet on the ground. They think she was normal in every way and they all thought the world of her.”

  “What do you mean-eccentric ?”

  “There’s one room in the house that she kept locked and she warned me never to unlock and enter it. Several years ago, she auctioned off all the furnishings because she felt that it was ‘in my best interests’, but she didn’t explain. She had moved into the carriage house that she had fixed up.
The letter had a few little comments like that.”

  “Manda, are you sure it’s safe to be there? I’m worried.”

  “ I’m sure, Mom. I’ve toured the house and I didn’t have any bad vibes. I was very comfortable there. It’s a gorgeous place. I can’t wait for you to see it.”

  “I was in this little restaurant yesterday and the woman who owns it knew Nanny. She thinks Nanny was a very nice, sweet lady. They had been friends for years. Kate; she owns the restaurant, had a picture of Nanny on the wall. There was nothing sinister about the picture. She was an attractive, smiling, elderly lady.”

  “Oh…Guess where my dimples and black hair came from?”

  “Nanny May, apparently,” said Manda’s mom.

  “Yep, one mystery cleared up.”

  “Manda, please be careful.”

  “Mom, stop worrying, please.”

  “I’m sorry, Honey. I know I’m a worry wart.”

  “I know, Mom. Just try hard not to worry. I don’t want to have to worry about you worrying. OK ?”

  “You’re making fun of your poor mother.”

  “No, Mom.. I’m just teasing you.”

  “Mom, I better go. Talk to you soon. Love you.”


  Manda strolled along the ribbon of white sand. There were quite a few people enjoying an afternoon on the beach. Moms and Dads were keeping watch over young children playing in the sand or at the edge of the surf. Children squealed with delight touched with a little fear as small waves nipped at their heels, sending them running for the safety of the beach. The children, in turn, chased the waves as they returned to the sea…then the whole game would begin again.

  Couples walked hand in hand on the beach, heads down in conversation, stopping now and then to steal a kiss.

  Several volley ball games were in noisy progress.

  Music of all kinds filled the air from boom boxes and CD players. One large group of people of different ages were enjoying what appeared to be a family reunion picnic.

  A few brave souls sat in beach chairs working or playing on laptop computers. Hope they don’t get sand in them.

  Manda watched all the activities with a smile but she also felt lonely and alone.