Read The Tower Bridge Page 5

  Henry encouraged by Stuart's enthusiasm says, "We have three more stages to complete, but as we now know how to build them it should be much faster. I have to give the Saysestrians a report on the progress of our work, this afternoon."

  "Surely they are not interested in this?" Stuart waves his hand in the direction of their handiwork.

  "Er, no, they still think we are working on their project." Henry replies.

  Stuart asks, "You never told us what that was. Just what do they want us to do anyway?"

  Henry somewhat embarrassed says, "Well make bodies for them."

  "What?" asks Stuart.

  "Oh of course, I didn't tell you did I?"

  Stuart looks rather worried, "Tell us what?"

  "Well the Saysestrians are a very advanced race and they tinkered with cellular manipulation in order to improve themselves. At first it was to eradicate some pretty nasty illnesses. Spurred by that success, they went further and further and eventually ended up freeing themselves from the need for a body. It was seen as the ultimate improvement of their race and is referred to now as 'the time of conversion'. In preparation for this they devised the kelidons to act as their bodily representatives and servants on this world. The problem was, they neglected one small detail, they have no way of communicating with the kelidons, they are basically machines that take programmed steps or simple verbal commands. The task that the Saysestrians set me to do, was to invent new bodies for them, to give them back their bodily presence."

  "Surely they can talk to the Kelidons surely, we heard them talking to us.” Stuart ask.

  “Actually I thought that, first time I met them, but in fact, they communicate by thought not by sound. So the Kelidons just totally ignore the Saysestrians, as they don't have a mind as such, but a machine brain.”

  Stuart is amazed, “Wow so they are like robots? So what are you going to tell them?"

  “Tell who what?” Henry asks.

  “The Saysestrians, when you do the update report.” Stuart replies.

  Andrew has walked in and suggests, "You could just say that we are working on some side research that you think will help with their project."

  Henry enthusiastically replies, "Yes that sounds good, but what if they ask for details?"

  "Give them some bull about bio-mechanics." Stuart suggests.

  "What?" asks Henry.

  Andrew throws Stuart one of his scowling, 'that wasn't very helpful' looks, and suggests, "Tell them that you have found out from us that you had been almost on the right track, but we introduced you to bio-mechanics and give them some blurb about moving and controlling things with the aid of electrical impulses. Then tell them about our ability to generate and store electrical energy. If they ask any more detailed questions, just tell them that you don't know anything more at this time, but it looks promising. No, very promising. That should do the trick."

  Henry looks somewhat confused and admits, "If only I could remember all that."

  Stuart adds, "Well it doesn't really matter if you don't, they will think you have just become confused by the future technical terms. So long as you sound enthusiastic, they should buy it."

  "They have no money so why would they want to buy anything?" Henry asks.

  "Just do your best Henry, just do your best." Andrew encourages him.

  Henry sets off back to the task he was doing, whilst trying to rehearse what he is going to say at the afternoon meeting.


  Henry enters the office with a rather sullen look on his face.

  "Didn't go well then?" asks Stuart.

  "No, they know we are not working on their project and have told me that they are most displeased and if we do not get back on target soon, it will be the worst for us all." Henry replies.

  "What do they mean by that?" Asks Andrew, looking up from his work.

  "They were not specific, but clearly indicated their level of displeasure and I can only assume that the punishment would match." Henry replies.

  Andrew protests, "But that's not fair, you are not obligated to help them out, now that we may have found a way back home. After all, you have given them 99 years of your life."

  "I do not think I have actually been here for 99 years, we had assumed that to be the case, just because 99 years have passed between our two journeys. However, thinking about things logically, I do not look nor feel like I am aged 60 let alone well over a 100 years. As I have never kept any records of the passing of time, I have no real way of judging how much time has passed. Looking back at things, I do not feel like it could possibly have been anywhere near that length of time." Henry replies, ignoring the fairness aspect altogether.

  "Well we had wondered ourselves on that score, as you look around the same age as our Dads." Stuart says.

  Henry most intrigued asks, "Oh and how old are they, may I be so bold as to ask?"

  "Don't know for sure, but early 40's, wouldn't you say Andrew?"

  Andrew nods in agreement, obviously unable himself to provide a more accurate estimate.

  "As I was 41 when I came here, that means I have probably only been here ten to fifteen years at the most, as I look and feel no older than in my early fifties. Interesting; so as well as being able to travel considerable distances, my device can allow the user to travel in time."

  "If we carry on with our own work, what is the worst that the Saysestrians can do to us? Have you seen the Saysestrians do anything aggressive?" asks Andrew.

  "Well, no I have not, but I can imagine it would not be wise to annoy them." Henry replies.

  Andrew smiling says, "There's wise and wise. We would be unwise to abandon our search for a way out of here. I for one want to get back home. The thought of being stuck here for the rest of my days does not appeal to me. Are you up for continuing with our work or are you going to continue to bow to the wishes of the Saysestrians?"

  Henry does not answer immediately, there seems to be a great deal of torment going on in his head as he works through the options. Eventually he smiles and says, "Feels like being a rebel, but I have given enough of my time and life over to these Saysestrians, time for me to help you get back home."

  Andrew, not comfortable with the reply, says, "No Henry you have to be doing this for your benefit too, otherwise this lot will convince you to stay here and complete your work for them and you deserve to return home, who knows, you may be able to find members of your family."

  "You are right, I must want this for myself. Let us go for it and hang what the Saysestrians have planned for us, I have been away from home too long."

  Stuart says, "OK then, its one for all and all for one!"

  Henry smiles and asks, "Wasn't that the three musketeers?"

  "It sure was." Stuart raises his hand and asks, "Who's with me?" The three touch hands and repeat Stuart's phrase, "One for all and all for one."


  Chapter 8 – Convincing

  Henry says, "The Saysestrians want to see me, they must know that we are still not working on their project."

  "How do you know that they want to see you?" Stuart asks.

  "I just get the idea in my head that they desire an audience. Normally I would drop what I am doing and go straight to the chamber of audiences." Henry's face shows that he's worried.

  Stuart replies, "The Saysestrians will only want to tell you again that they are displeased that we haven't stopped our work and just to get on with their work, so it would be a pointless meeting. As they haven't done anything to us yet, it just goes to show how big and powerful they aren't."

  Henry looks a little more relaxed as he says, "You are right, it would be a pointless meeting. We have too much to do anyway. We still have to make the wires for the coils. I am glad the oscillators are working so well. All we have to do now is find something that will give them a steady input signal. Andrew is working on some ideas on that front. Frankly I am at a loss as to how it could be done at all."
r />   Stuart replies, "I have been trying to think of something myself, but so far nothing. He has been messing about with with those crystals for ages as if they would have the answer, but I can't see how they possibly can. He managed to buckle the plates of one of my batteries with his experimentation."

  Suddenly Henry clasps at his throat with one hand and then starts waving around wildly with the other arm, as if having a fit.

  Stuart realises that Henry cannot breathe, but he does not know what to do about it. Then suddenly remembers something about slapping backs. Not knowing why, he sets about slapping Henry hard on the back, hoping that whatever is stopping Henry breathe will be cleared. Stuart slaps and slaps, Henry still struggling to breathe now tries to contend with stopping Stuart. However, Stuart convinced that his actions are in Henry's best interest, persists. He calls out for Andrew to help.

  Andrew appears at the office doorway, not believing what he is seeing, he thinks that Stuart has either lost his wits and is attacking Henry, or he is defending himself from Henry. Andrew cannot quite figure out which it is, he does not know whether to join Stuart in his apparent attack of Henry or attempt to defend Henry from Stuart's slapping. Andrew shouts, "What's going on Stew?"

  "He can't breathe dork! Quick help me." Andrew pleads.

  "We need to do Heinrich something or other, not the slapping." suggests Andrew.

  "Well, quick he's not been breathing for some time." Stuart says.

  Henry collapses.

  "Oh heck can't do it when he's on the floor. What else can we do? Come on, come on brain think! I know, lets roll him over and get him on his back, I'll do mouth to mouth." Andrew kneels down, "Well come on give me a hand!"

  Stuart joins Andrew and the pair roll Henry over. He is like a very large and heavy rag doll now. Stuart asks, "Do you really know how to do this?"

  "No, but I've seen it on a video at school and we did it on dummies a long time ago when I was in scouts."

  "Get on with it then, before he..."

  Henry suddenly breathes in deeply, making both boys jump.

  Andrew says, "OK recovery position, roll him onto his side. It looks like whatever it was, has cleared itself. Perhaps your thumping, did the trick after all."

  The two boys roll Henry over onto his side, Andrew grabs one of Henry's arms and slides his hand under Henry's head.

  "What's the point of that?" asks Stuart.

  "Stops him rolling over and supports his head I think." Andrew puts his head down near Henry's mouth, he stays there for a while, before declaring, "Its OK he's breathing. I suppose I had best check his pulse, but as I don't know what it should be, I don't know if that would do any good."

  "Surely if he's breathing you don't need to check the pulse, I thought that was only if you think they're dead." Stuart suggests.

  "Probably right."

  "What next?" asks Stuart.

  "I don't know this is usually the bit where the ambulance arrives."

  "Well there certainly isn't going to be an ambulance here." Stuart says.

  "You are right there, its all down to us. I suppose all we can do is keep watching him to make sure he keeps breathing." Andrew says, as he gets off his knees and makes himself more comfortable sitting beside Henry.

  The boys stay like this for some time.

  Eventually Henry comes round and tries to get up, then lets out a yelp of pain.

  "Sorry about your back. Do you want a hand to get up?" Stuart says.

  Both boys help Henry get up and help him to a nearby chair. He winces when he sits down. He says, "You did a good job on my back Stuart."

  "Sorry about that. You OK now?"

  Henry replies, "Apart from the back and a really bad headache, yes thanks."

  Andrew asks, "What happened, did you choke on something?"

  "No it was the Saysestrians, they told me that next time they would finish me or one of you two off, just to prove that they mean what they say about us getting on with their work.” Henry replies.

  There is a noise coming from the office. The three look at each other and Andrew suddenly runs off to find out what is going on.

  Stuart is unsure if he should join Andrew or stay with Henry.

  Andrew exclaims, “No no they can't!”

  That is the decider as far as Stuart is concerned, he has to find out what is happening. He runs off to join Andrew, only to see that the circuits that Henry and Andrew have built are on fire. Andrew runs across the office and fetches a container of water and throws it over the flames.

  Stuart joins in the effort to put out the fire, he darts out of the office door and runs down the corridor to the food store, he fetches two more water containers. Andrew is waiting at the doorway and takes the containers off of Stuart. Whilst Stuart rushes off to fetch more. The two boys repeat the process several times until Andrew declares that the fire is out.

  Henry is standing in the doorway, he asks, “How much damage has been done?”

  Andrew says, “Difficult to tell, although I think the first stage oscillators are beyond repair, the second and third stage ones look OK, but I won't know for sure until I remove the damaged parts and test them.”

  “That does it as far as I am concerned, they have gone too far, there is no way that I will give in to their blackmail and I will not let them do anything to you two." Henry turns and starts to head off across the laboratory with considerable determination.

  Andrew protests, "You should rest."

  "No time!" Henry replies and continues to head towards the door that is now opening.

  "What are you going to do?" Asks Stuart.

  "Can not tell you the Saysestrians will know if I do." Henry sweeps out of the room.

  The boys pause a moment then follow at speed, not to stop Henry, but to find out what Henry is going to do.


  Chapter 9 - Have To Stop Them, But How?

  Henry heads off along the same route as that the boys had come into the building through. Henry stops off long enough in a side room to fetch the two Kelidons and some face masks. Henry says, “If you are determined to follow me, you will need these.” He hands the boys two of the masks.

  The three put their masks on. Henry checks that the boys have the masks on properly, before heading for the final exit door. The dust starts entering the building as soon as the door starts to slide open. The boys follow Henry as he heads out into the storm. The Kelidons faithfully follow behind the group of three.

  Stuart and Andrew notice that the ground has the same sort of look and feel as sand. Except that this sand is actually metal dust. It is very dark grey in colour. Stuart bends down and scoops some up in his hand. Expecting it to be sharp, yet it is quite smooth. The boys wonder how far they will need to walk across this stuff, as it is not easy to walk on and is quite tiring. Henry determined to reach his target soon, picks up speed and for a while the boys seem to be loosing ground, until they get used to walking on this stuff. They soon catch up. Whilst the Kelidons lumber steadily along, gradually falling further behind.

  Henry glances round to check that the boys and Kelidons are still following. Assured that they are, he presses on.

  Andrew and Stuart are suddenly aware that they can hear the Saysestrian as it's booming voice warns, “You must get on with the task, otherwise what happened will be less than what will be happening next.”

  Whilst the sentence, not phrased in normal English, it does make sense. The boys and Henry are not put off by the warning though, if anything it makes them more determined.

  Henry's voice can be just heard as he suggests, “Just ignore them.”

  The booming voice resumes, “You can not hide from your fate, return now to the task and you will suffer no more. We intend you no harm, but what you bring on yourself.”

  Henry turns right and the boys can see an even larger building behind the one that they have just emerged from.

ess is slow, as the air movement is considerably stronger than on the day the boys arrived at this place.

  Andrew suddenly stops walking and appears to be grabbing his throat. Stuart realises quickly that he is suffering the same attack that Henry had suffered. Stuart knows he will not be able to cope of his own, so he rushes to catch up with Henry. At first Henry ignores Stuart's attempts to get his attention, but Stuart persists. Henry darts over to Andrew, picks him up and throws him over his shoulder. Stuart tries to challenge Henry's decision, fearing the worse for Andrew. Henry, however points to the second building which is so much closer now. They are soon inside and as the door slides shut, Henry puts Andrew down on the floor and rips off his and Andrew's face masks.

  Andrew has passed out. Henry checks and by the time he looks up at Stuart, he has his face mask off too. Henry is about to speak, when the door slides open again and his words are lost in the sound of the wind as it whips up the corridor. Henry waits until the two Kelidons are safely inside and the door has closed again. Henry bends down to check Andrew again.