Read The Tower Bridge Page 7

  “OK.” says Stuart, not sounding at all convincing regards his understanding of the situation, however determined not to let the team down, he sets off out. As he exists the laboratory he overhears Andrew ask Henry if he thinks Stuart will be alright.

  Henry replies, “Oh yes he is eminently a sensible boy, I know he will do his best to stop the Saysestrians and protect himself into the bargain.”

  Sure enough the mask, food and Kelidon are where Henry had described them. The Kelidon moves as Stuart approaches, almost as if it were asking for his command. Stuart gathers the mask and food together. Then issues the command “Go.”

  The Kelidon ignores him, Stuart repeats the command and again the Kelidon ignores him, apart from turning its head towards him. Stuart wonders why it isn't picking him up, then he comes to the conclusion that it is his accent, so he tries again, but this time sounding more like Andrew. The Kelidon responds immediately, picking Stuart up and placing him on the first seat on it's back.

  Once seated, Stuart puts the face mask on and makes sure he has a firm hold on the rather rough cloth bag containing the food and drink. The door opens and the familiar dust starts swirling around inside the entrance, the breeze can also be heard. Stuart isn't looking forward to the journey, but he is glad that he has the face mask to protect him.


  The foundry is a smallish isolated building next to a rather rocky hill. It had been quite a long journey, so Stuart is glad to arrive, but rather worried about what lies in wait for him inside. The Kelidon deposits Stuart on the ground in front of the doorway.

  Stuart understands why the Kelidon is not coming inside, the building looks too small to take the Kelidon and Stuart. He soon sees the dull bump, to one side of the door, he waves his hand before it and nothing happens, but no real surprise there, it is covered in so much dust. Stuart cleans it and as he does so the door starts to slide open.

  Inside is quite dark and bare. A chair to one side and a large stone bowl in the centre, with the lever that Henry had described, to the right. The door slides shut behind Stuart as he enters, he looks around the gloomy single room, whilst there is a window in the roof it does not let much light in, probably due to all the dust collected on top of it. As the door finishes closing, a glow starts to emanate from the roof panels, gradually the getting stronger.

  As Stuart can hear no noises, he comes to the conclusion that the heat needs to be turned on. Sure enough the lever is in the off position. Stuart glances in the rough stone pot, inside there are lumps of rock, varying sizes and colours. Stuart pushes the lever back, there is a rumbling noise deep below the building. Nothing seems to happen apart from that. Stuart decides to explore the room. There are various tools hanging from the walls, he recognises some, like hammers, but others seem very strange indeed. At the back of the room are a pile of stone and metal items, of varying shapes. From the fact that some seem to have indentations in them, Stuart comes to the conclusion that they must be moulds that the molten metal can be poured into. He had seen a video about a men pouring melted metal into such moulds and waiting for it to cool down. Stuart looks closer at the nearest moulds, trying to imagine what the finished item would look like.

  The light much brighter now, Stuart can make out what looks like writing on the walls. Writing, it is actually more like pictures, like the Egyptians used to use. Stuart studies the patterns trying to make some sense out of it, but no matter how he tries, he cannot figure it out. He has been so busy that until now he has not noticed the bubbling noise. He walks back to the bubbling pot. The contents are now smoking and glowing bright yellow. The liquid inside merrily bubbling away. Stuart cannot stand too near, as the smell is atrocious. He wonders why the whole room is not filled with the smoke. He looks up at the roof and can see several holes, that the smoke is swirling around and disappearing through.

  Stuart decides that as everything is well he will settle down and watch the pot. The chair is a bit too far away for him to see into the pot so he drags it closer and settles down on it. Then turns his attention to the food that Andrew had packed for him.

  Periodically Stuart glances at the pot, watching its regular bubbling patterns.

  Food finished, Stuart is now bored. He turns his attention back to trying to interpret the patterns on the wall.

  Stuart is deep into his task, when he suddenly notices that the bubbling noise has changed and seems more ferocious. Stuart turns and sees a hazy shape the other side of the pot. It looks like steam with a torch behind it.

  Quick thinking, Stuart lunges for the the lever and pushes it forward. As he does so, he sees that the hazy shape before him has moved further away from the pot. Stuart thinks, 'Strange behaviour for a creature that is supposed to have no physical form, it is as if it is in fear that I will catch it. I wonder if Henry's assessment of the Saysestrian's is correct, perhaps they can be touched and touch things. After all I can just about see it.'

  The pot still bubbling away, but much calmer now. The hazy figure, moves back closer to the pot, the bubbling starts to increase again.

  'What can I do to stop it again?' thinks Stuart, 'I must not put myself in danger, but I have to stop it somehow. Perhaps I can get it away from the pot again.' Stuart slowly moves towards the hazy shape, keeping a close eye on it. The shape again moves away from the pot, the bubbling subsides again. Stuart gets closer, the hazy shape retreats further away, swings around the back of the pot and approaches the side opposite to Stuart. The mix bubbles furiously again. Stuart walks over to the pile of moulds, rummages through it and settles on an item. He picks it up, and aims it straight at the hazy figure, then throws it. Stuart's aim is good and he hits the area where the hazy figure was. However, the figure has reacted by moving away again. The two continue this chase for a considerable while, when suddenly the figure seems to slump to the floor. The bubbling liquid settles down.

  'I wonder if this is a trick to catch me out?' Stuart thinks. He has an object in his right hand, poised and ready to throw at the figure. Stuart carefully walks around the pot, getting ever closer to the creature, expecting it to pounce on him at any moment.

  Stuart can see the creature laying on the floor before him, it is curled up almost in a ball, its outline seems to be fading. 'It looks hurt, I wonder if it is genuine or if it is a trick. I must be really careful. Should I lob the item I have in my hand at the creature and attack it before it has a chance to take me by surprise? It hasn't moved and looks as if it is in difficulty though, I could kill it if I do lob the item. Perhaps it will be better to wait and watch.'

  Stuart aware that the mix in the pot has almost stopped bubbling, decides to turn the heat back on, after all he doesn't want to end up with a solid blob in the bottom of the pot, that will help no-one. The creature's outline is fading considerably now. The pot starts bubbling again. The creature's outline is barely visible now, it hasn't moved at all.

  Patiently Stuart waits watching the creature, it seems to have stabilized in terms of the outline fading. Whilst it is no longer clear, it still can be made out. Stuart thinks, ' I wonder if the heat is sustaining the creature. It still seems to be in trouble though. I wonder if I can take it back to the others?' Stuart fetches a container and tries to scoop the hazy outline up, but the edges of the container go straight through it.

  'There is nothing I can do for the creature here, I must get some help from the other Saysestrians, it might be a trick, but I can't take the chance.' Stuart sets about setting off back to the main building, grabbing his food bag and putting on the face mask. He takes one last look at the creature before putting the item down that he was going to lob at it. There seems to be no change in the creatures position or outline.

  The door slides open, revealing the Kelidon faithfully waiting for Stuart. He yells “Return!” at the Kelidon but it ignores him, the door slides closed. The creature has still not moved. Stuart yells “Return!” again and th
e Kelidon faithfully picks him up and places him gently on the seat, then starts lunging off back in the direction of the building where Andrew and henry are.


  Chapter 13 – More Complications

  Stuart enters the white room, the chamber of conversations, Henry had called it. His hands are shaking, yet he enters the room with a an air of confidence. Perhaps he should have fetched Henry and got him to deliver the message. Stuart half expects to see the tall figure in the dark silky robes, to be standing in the centre of the room as had happened before, instead the room is empty apart from the statues and the two totally white chairs to the left. Stuart had not noticed these before.

  The door slides shut and it makes Stuart jump. Again he expects to see the cloaked figure behind him, but there is nothing apart from the sliding door, trapping him in the room. Stuarts hands are shaking more now. What should he do to start a discussion with the Saysestrians?

  Stuart waits patiently, but nothing happens, Stuart's thoughts turn to the creature back at the foundry, he must somehow arouse the interest of the Saysestrian's in the plight of the poor creature.

  Something grabs Stuart's attention, it is the flicker of some activity in the corner of his left eye, he turns and sees the figure in black standing in front of him. He hears the booming voice ask, “What of our fellow Saysestrian, what has happened to him? Your thoughts are al over the place.

  Stuart thinks back to the events that preceded the creature's collapse, Stuart is embarrassed as he recalls the events where he threw items at the hazy creature back at the foundry.

  The Saysestrian takes Stuart by surprise as he says, “Thank you for telling us. We will see what we can do to help him.” The figure fades away.

  Stuart turns and walks towards the door, it slides open.

  Soon Stuart finds himself in office, there is no sign of Andrew and Henry, Stuart remembers they were going to coat the wire and the equipment for that is in the laboratory. They are surprised to see Stuart, especially coming out of the office. They ask if he is alright and Stuart tells them what has happened. Henry sets off for the foundry as soon as Stuart has finished.

  “Do you think we should follow him?” asks Stuart.

  “What and leave this lot unattended, I don't think so. I'm sure he can take care of himself.” Andrew replies.

  Stuart asks, “But what if the Saysestrian's turn nasty?”

  “They probably haven't got enough energy to do that, if your visitor is anything to go by.” Andrew replies, then says, “Lets get on with this, we are nearly finished now. We really need that last batch of wire and we will be finished and can get away from this place.”

  Stuart takes over Henry's duties.


  Henry enters the small room, the journey here had seemed to take an eternity, to be here at last was at the same time great, but also nerve wrecking. Henry expects to be attacked at any moment as he steps in, but instead he finds the pot bubbling away nicely. The room is empty apart from the usual items, although many of those are not in their usual place, having been thrown by Stuart in his attempts to stop the Saysestrian. Henry is impressed by he number of items that Stuart had thrown, he certainly put up a good fight.

  Henry does a complete loop of the room trying to spot any sign of the injured Saysestrian, but there are none. Henry sets about tidying up the room, before turning his attention to the boiling pot. He is still somewhat nervous that the Saysestrians may either be laying in wait somewhere in the room, or may return. The noise of the bubbling pot is both reassuring, but also could be covering other things. Henry can't help but remain nervous as he sets about his task of removing the unwanted materials off the top of the bubbling liquid, then preparing the moulds.


  Henry is most surprised as he enters the laboratory and removes his face mask, to see that the two boys are not alone. There is another man chatting with them. He is tall, thin, has short dark hair, a rather longish and worried looking face and is smartly dressed, he seems somewhat distressed. Henry wonders where he has come from.

  As Henry strolls across the room the three pairs of are eyes looking straight at him, two look inquisitive and the third just frightened.

  Henry transfers the second bag of clanking metal bars from one hand to the other. Then extends a hand towards the stranger and Henry says, “Henry Englefield and you are?”

  The man somewhat nervously says, “David …. David Johnson, pleased to … you, Andrew and Stuart …. 'ere......told me you were here.”

  Henry somewhat nervous himself asks, “Where …..have you come from?”

  “The hotel sir, I was sent to the tower to investigate an annoying hum, reported by a guest, when I noticed the lights on in the roof space and I went up to explore and somehow ended up here.” replies David.

  Andrew excitedly says, “Your device is still on and it still works, isn't that great?”

  Henry seems somewhat disappointed at the news, after a moment's silence Henry replies, “That could actually work against us.”

  “How?” asks Stuart.

  Henry turns his attention to Stuart and says, “Well if we fire up our device the two my compete against each other, rather than work together to open up the tunnel. I will need to calculate some new sympathetic frequencies, which will mean more work, as Andrew will need to redesign or at least adjust his speed governor. This could all put us back. In addition to that we now have four people to transport back and I'm not sure the tunnel will stay open long enough.”

  David says, “Sorry to be such a bother.”

  Henry replies, “It was not your fault, you just got caught up in all this. At least I know that my device the other side is on, all this could have been a waste of time if I didn't know that. We could have been stranded here forever.”

  David says, “At least my trip was some good then.”

  Henry smiles and exclaims, “I have it, we don't need to to change the frequencies, just change the coil winding ratios. We just need to reverse the coils and put more strength into the horizontal coils. My previous device had greatest concentration in the vertical coils. Of course polarisation is the key.”

  Andrew, sounding like a right little professor says, “Wouldn't the two polarisations cancel each other out?”

  Henry says, “Normally yes, but with this device, the multi circuits produce sliding oscilating patterns, the two phases will slip in and out of each other, rather than working against each other they should strengthen the field tunnel.”

  “Oh wow! That's great!” Andrew explains, whilst David and Stuart look at each other still mystified as to what Andrew and Henry are talking about.

  Henry excitedly says, “Right boys we have work to do, we need to wind the coils. How are those formers coming on young Stuart?”

  Stuart, big beaming smile, replies, “Almost finished, just got eight of those strips of rock to glue on.”

  Henry says, “Right, you and I can finish that whilst Andrew and …... er …. David.” Henry looks to David for confirmation that he has his name right, David nods, Henry continues, “Can get started on the windings, or perhaps it would be better if David and I did the windings, as they need to be quite carefully wound.”

  Andrew sounds rather hurt as he says, “I can do careful.”

  “I know but once David has seen how they need to be done, he can team up with you and I can team up with Stuart.” Henry suggests.

  Andrew does not reply but his face shows that he is not happy about the situation. However Henry ignores this and takes David into his charge, the two disappear across the laboratory.

  “Come on then, Stuart, the sooner we start the sooner we will finish.” Andrew's tone reflects the disappointment his face showed just now.


  Chapter 14 – Who's What?

  “Don't forget the Kelidons.” Stuart nervously reminds Henry.

  “Thank you, with a
ll the preparations I had quite forgotten that part of the plan. I just hope I have built in enough of a delay in their programming.” Henry replies.

  Andrew asks, “Do you think we have enough batteries?”

  Henry replies, “I would have thought so. I will just go and instruct the Kelidons, Stuart can you fetch the food and drink.”

  Stuart asks, “Do you really think we need to take any?”

  “Yes we might not end up on the earth, remember, this has never been tried before, with two devices operating at each end of the tunnel, we might end up anywhere. Now don't hang about young Stuart we will not have much time to spare, I will be back shortly.” Henry says, just before leaving the office on his mission to set the Kelidons on their task.

  Stuart sets off at speed for the kitchen, David follows.

  Soon the group of four are assembled back in the office.

  “Right Andrew, release the weight.” Henry says.

  Andrew does as instructed, then quickly rejoins the group. The familiar humming starts and patterns start to form in the space before the coils. It reminds Stuart of the Saysestrian that he saw in the foundry. He is about to remark on the fact when Henry is snatched by the ball of ever changing light patterns. The line of three move forward and Stuart is snatched next.