Read The Training Page 36

Page 36
Author: Tara Sue Me Later, I told myself.

“Notice the way she arches,” Nathaniel whispered so only I heard. He stood behind me and, as he spoke, his hands came around my waist. “How she silently pleads for the next stroke of the flogger. How her body craves it. ”

Watching her body move as the man flogged her, I saw what Nathaniel was talking about. How she moved, how she lifted herself. I watched the man walking around her, toy in hand as he teased, tormented, and played her. I was surprised to find myself moving with her against Nathaniel’s body.

Another thing that surprised me was how it was as if we weren’t even there. She didn’t pay us any mind, and neither she, nor the person flogging, seemed to care or be apprehensive about playing in front of others. Her freedom excited me.

Nathaniel’s hands moved up, brushing the side of my breasts. “In your journal, you said you wanted to be a mentor in five years,” he said. “Is that still the case?”

The man we were watching brought the flogger down across the woman’s ass with a loud snap. I swore I could feel the heat on my own skin, and I pressed back against Nathaniel.

“Yes, Master,” I said.

“Would you like to, one day, be a more active participant at one of these parties? To have everyone watch as I flog you and bring you what you crave?” he asked. “To serve me more publicly?”

“Yes, Master,” I said, pressing harder against him. I couldn’t feel his erection through his jeans, but I was certain he had one.

“Exhibitionist fantasy?”

The football stadium. Paul and Christine’s. The library.

Naughty delights made more exciting by the risk of apprehension.

“Yes, Master. ”

His voice was low and deep. “Take off your skirt. ”

Chapter Twenty-six


It had been more than six months since I’d attended my last party and, I had to admit, it felt good being back among my peers. It felt even better with Abby at my side. I enjoyed watching the experience from her novice point of view, but even more so, I enjoyed watching her nervousness dissolve into titillation.

I couldn’t focus on the scene playing out before me; my body and mind were drawn to Abby. She moved against me, brushing me each time the flogger tails landed on the blonde’s ass. Mary, I corrected myself. The blonde’s name is Mary.

She had sent her application to Godwin, the gentleman who screened my submissives, around the same time Abby suggested submitting her own application the second time. I thought telling Godwin I wasn’t interested would be enough. Of course, it escaped my attention that Mary would probably be in attendance at the meeting and the party.

She had approached me after the meeting, while Abby filled out paperwork.

Yes, I confirmed. I did remember Godwin mentioning her.

No, I was not looking for a new submissive.

No, I did not anticipate ever looking for a new submissive.

Yes, I would be at the party.

No, I would not be interested in participating in anything with her.

Ever, I had finally added, in hopes of dissuading further conversation.

She took everything well, even though I feared I’d been rather short with her. Another time and in another place, I might have been interested. She was easy to look at and she had a carefree attitude many doms would like, but she was nothing I was interested in. Not when I already had everything I’d ever wanted.


At my command to take her skirt off, she kept her eyes on the scene in front of us, but moved her hands behind her. She slowly unzipped her skirt, but not before pushing closer and brushing my c**k with her hand.

“Naughty,” I whispered, loving her playfulness. “You’ll pay for that one, Abigail. ”

The second stroke of her hand told me she was more than looking forward to it.

She slid the skirt over her h*ps and pushed it to the floor, stepping out of it one leg at a time. Her eyes were still focused on the scene in front of her when she handed the skirt back to me.

“Fold it and put it in your purse,” I said.

I had no plans for her to participate at all that night, nothing beyond a few simple commands. I loved her and I respected her, but I would also push her. Attending the party, taking her skirt off and walking around in a corset, garters, and panties, was enough of a push for one night. I didn’t want to scare her, after all.

However, since her long-term goals lined up with mine, perhaps in a few months we would host our own party at our house. Push her a bit more. Maybe do a simple demo scene. On our way home from the meeting, she’d told me about her conversation with Jonah. I was glad he’d asked her to join the submissives group. She would find mentors there, and the companionship and support would help her grow and flourish.

Listen to yourself, West, I scolded myself. You’re thinking long-term goals, growth, and flourishing at a play party. Hell, man, loosen up.

The scene before us was winding down. I glanced at my watch. Almost time for Eve and Jonah’s demo.

“Abigail,” I said, pulling her attention away from the couple. “Come with me. ”

I’d instructed her to walk slightly behind me and to always be within touching distance, knowing that forcing her to concentrate on something besides her nervousness would help calm her. Of course, she hadn’t seemed too nervous watching the flogging scene.

I led her through the living area, which was joined to a spacious kitchen. The living room and kitchen were considered neutral areas, I’d told her earlier. No play could be carried out in them, though I knew I could have her serve me in small ways, such as feeding me.

I noticed a small love seat and end table positioned near the kitchen.

Mmm. Later, perhaps.

The bondage demo was being held upstairs in a spare bedroom. Since this was something new to her, I thought it would be a good idea for Abby to see it played out before we tried it.

After we took our places, I looked around the room. There were several people I knew and recognized, but many were new or unknown. I thought Carter and Jen, a couple I’d played with in the past, would be in attendance, but so far I hadn’t seen them. I was a bit relieved. Abby knew of them, but I feared it would be somewhat awkward. Besides, there was another couple in attendance that might be more awkward, but so far, so good.

Eve and Jonah were preparing for the demo. Eve stood behind him, whispering something to him no one else could hear. Every so often, he would speak, his lips forming a quiet, “Yes, Mistress. ”

I had known Jonah for a good number of years and was happy he now worked for me. He’d thrived in the leadership position at work, but in his private life, he craved and needed the domination Eve gave him.

She was certainly dressed for the occasion, with high, spiked heels and a tight black leather skirt and bustier. Jonah, of course, was naked.

While viewing scenes, I’d told Abby she was to be in front of me. I wanted her view unencumbered, and I wanted to whisper in her ear. As she took in the couple before her, I put a hand on each of her shoulders and pulled her to me.

“Jonah thoroughly enjoys this sort of thing,” I whispered in explanation, because she might have a hard time reconciling the spirited man she’ d met earlier with the one before her. “He loves demos. Exhibitionism,” I said. “Almost as much as he enjoys mentoring. He is a complex sort of a guy, so many layers to his personality. ” I kissed the back of her neck. “Similar to you. I’m pleased he’s shown an interest in taking you under his wing. ”

Jonah would be a good friend for her. A reputable confidant and one I could trust implicitly.

The demo started and Eve spoke, walking a fine line between instructing the attendees and keeping part of her attention focused on her submissive.

She picked up two ropes and briefly discussed their differences.

“I use ropes for two purposes,” I whispered in Abby’s ear as she watched. I dropped my hands from her shoulders to capture her wrists behind her back. “The first is to immobilize, to keep you in place for my pleasure. Remember the weekend I took the pictures?”

She would recall that weekend, I knew. The way I’d kept her bound while I took her from behind.

“The second,” I said, “is to tease and torment you. All based upon rope and knot placement. ”

I paused for a second so she could pay attention to what Eve was doing. The domme took a piece of rope and bound it around Jonah’s upper thigh while explaining the knot she used.

“Done correctly,” I said as Eve continued tying the rope around Jonah’s hips, “you could wear the ropes under your clothes. ” I cupped her breasts. “Imagine walking around with ropes binding you here. The pressure. The pulling. The friction. ” My hands skirted down to her hips. “Or here. How I could put them between your legs with just enough pressure to torment you. I could keep them there for hours, making you go about your day as if nothing’s different at all. Not let you find your release. ”

We watched for a few minutes more.

“She’s using black rope tonight,” I whispered while Eve talked about several rope safety concerns. “And while that’s a nice choice, I think I’ll use red on you. ” Abby’s body shuddered as I ran my hands down her back. “Such a nice contrast to your pale skin. ”

Eve was doing something to Jonah. I could hear his moans. My focus, however, was on Abby.

“The type of bondage I’m wanting to try can be very intense,” I said, as in the background Eve commanded Jonah’s silence. “We’d need a long weekend. What do you think, Abigail? Does the idea excite you?”

“Yes, Master,” she whispered.

“What do you think of the timing?” I asked. The closest holiday was Labor Day.

“I have a long weekend coming up in August. ”

She’d told me Martha was giving her some time off. “Are you sure?” I asked.

“Mmmm,” she hummed, as I stroked her hips. “Yes, Master. ”

“I’ll mark it on the calendar. ”

When Eve finished tying Jonah up, she spoke silently to him for a few minutes and then slowly started untying him.

“As erotic as it can be to tie someone up,” I whispered to Abby, “it can also be erotic to untie them. ” I swept my hands along her upper arms. “Imagine my hands slowly releasing the pressure of the ropes. My lips softly tracing their path. Can you feel it?”

“I want to, Master. ”

The first rope fell from around Jonah’s arm.

“Do you see the marks?” I asked her. “They’re faint, but they’re there. ”

The ropes hadn’t been on him long enough to leave a deep impression, but they were there if you looked hard enough. As we watched, Eve started untying his legs.

“When I take the ropes off you, the lines will be obvious,” I said. “I’ll trace them with my fingers. The sensation will be like nothing you’ve experienced. ”

A few minutes later, the demo was over and people started leaving.

“There’s a love seat downstairs, near an end table,” I told Abby. “Go fix a plate of snacks and grab a bottle of water. ” I didn’t particularly feel like drinking soda, and alcohol was prohibited. “I’ll be down in ten minutes for you to serve me. If the love seat is occupied, stand nearby and wait for it. ”

Feeding me would be a small type of public service, but it would turn her on. Of that, I was certain. Abby had a streak of exhibitionism in her, and this would be a very subtle and nearly inconspicuous way to explore that side.

After she left, I turned and chatted a few minutes with Eve, glancing at my watch to check the time.

“She’s very lovely,” Eve said when it became obvious my mind was not on our chat.

“Thanks,” I said. “She was a bit nervous about coming tonight, but I think she’s done extremely well. I’m glad Jonah talked with her today. ”