Read The Treasure of the Incas: A Story of Adventure in Peru Page 11



  Three months were spent in the journey to the foot of the pass leadingup to Cerro. They had good shooting, and found no difficulty inproviding themselves with food. Fish were plentiful in the streams, andin some of the long-deserted plantations they found bananas, grapes,and other fruits in abundance, together with sugar-canes, tomatoes,maize growing wild, and potatoes which were reverting to the wild type.They met neither with alligators nor large serpents, for they kept onthe lower slopes of the foot-hills, as much as possible avoiding thelow forest lands, where they might come in contact with the savages.For the same reason, they had no opportunity of taking any of the greatfish found in the sluggish rivers, but had an abundance of smaller fishin the bright mountain streams. They killed two tapirs and severalpumas and jaguars. Their two llamas, having one night wandered awayfrom the mules, were killed by these beasts. But as the stores were agood deal lighter than when they started, this was no great misfortune.Occasionally they followed streams up into the hills, and did a littlewashing for gold when they halted for a day or two there.

  "We have had a good time of it," Harry said as they sat round the fire,"and I am almost sorry that it is over, and that this is our last dayof wandering where we like, shooting and fishing, and above all,camping in pleasant places. We have been very fortunate in not meetingany of the savages since the fight we had with them four or five monthsago. It is a splendid country for sport, and except that we should likeit a bit cooler, and could have done without some of thethunder-storms, it is a grand life. For a time now we are going back toa sort of civilization, filthy inns, swarms of fleas, andfifteenth-rate cooking."

  "It is not so much the fault of the cooking," Maria said, "as of themeat. Here we get fish fresh out of the stream, and birds shot an houror two before they are eaten. We pick our fruit from the trees, insteadof buying it after it has been carried miles and miles to the market.We have a capital stock of coffee, tea, and sugar. Among the oldplantations we pick cocoa and pound it fresh, and boil it. As webrought plenty of pepper and spices, it would be hard indeed if onecould not turn out a good meal. And then, senors, you always come toeat it with a good appetite, which is all in favour of the cook."

  "Yes, I grant that you have had all those advantages, Maria, but it isnot everybody who makes the best of them. I can safely say that sincewe started we have never sat down to a bad breakfast or dinner. Now,for a bit, we are going to lead a different sort of life. We shall beon beaten tracks. We shall meet lots of people. It is strange to thinkthat, except for those peasant muleteers we met at the foot of the passby the Tinta volcano, we have not seen a soul except the savages--whohave souls, I suppose--since we left Paucartambo more than six monthsago; and yet somehow we do not seem to have missed them. I wonder whatwe shall find when we get up to Cerro, and who will be president then."

  "I wonder what they are doing in Europe!" Bertie said. "We have heardno later news than what we had when we went on board a ship sixteenmonths ago. There may have been great wars all over Europe."

  "I don't think there is much chance of that, Bertie. India was the onlyplace where there was any fighting going on, and it seemed as if, sinceNapoleon was crushed, Europe would become permanently pacific. Still, Ido hope that when we are at Lima we shall get hold of a pile of Englishnewspapers. The consul is sure to have them."

  "I don't suppose we shall want to stay there many days, Harry, for weshall be eager to start the search for the enchanted castle Dias hastold us of. We saw quite enough of Lima during the ten days that wewere there."

  "Is the pass a bad one up to Cerro, Dias?"

  "There are some very bad points, senor. It never was a good one, but asnothing has been done to the roads for at least a hundred years, itmust have got into a very bad state. I have been down it twice withtravellers, the second time ten years ago, and it was bad enough then.It is likely to be worse now."

  "Well, as the road is used so little, Dias," Harry said, "there is nofear of brigands."

  "I hope not, senor; but there may be some, though they would not bethere in the hope of plundering travellers. But desperate men arealways to be found in the mountains--men who have committed murders andfled from justice. They are able to live on what they can shoot, and ofcourse they can get fish in the streams, and when they are tired ofthat can come down here, where they will find plenty of turkeys, andpheasants, and other game, besides the maize, and fruits, and otherthings in the old plantations. Sometimes they will take a littleplunder from the small villages. Anyhow, they do not fare altogetherbadly. Therefore one can never feel certain that one is safe from them,even when travelling over tracks where travellers seldom pass. Still,we may very well hope that we shall not have the bad luck to fall inwith them."

  "I hope so, Dias. We did not come out here to fight. So far we havebeen very fortunate, and have not had to fire a shot, except at thosewretched savages."

  The next day's journey took them far up into the hills, and they campedthat night at the upper end of a deep ravine. It had been a hard day'swork, for at several points the mules had to be unloaded and taken upsingly, and the loads then carried up. Fortunately, the packs were nowvery light, and were carried or hauled up without much difficulty.

  In the morning they again started. They were just issuing from theravine when a party of ten armed men made their appearance from amongstsome rocks, and shouted to them to halt. Dias rode in front.

  "You speak to them, Dias. Keep them for a minute in talk if you can,and then take shelter behind that boulder."

  Then Harry ran back to Jose, who was walking with a leading mule twentypaces behind.

  "Turn them back again, Jose. Halt a little way down, and then come up;there are some brigands ahead. Bertie, bring up your rifle and the twoshot-guns. Tell Maria to remain with the mules."

  Then he ran back again just as a shot rang out, and, dodging among thefallen rocks, he took shelter behind one abreast with Dias. "Was it youwho fired?" he asked.

  "No, one of the brigands. The ball went through the brim of mysombrero. I think they are talking to each other, they know there is nohurry."

  "Hail them again, Dias, but don't show yourself above the rock."

  "What do you want? Why did you fire at me?"

  "We want everything you have got," a voice came back--"your mules andtheir burdens, and your arms. If you will give them up withoutresistance, we will let you up the pass without hindering you."

  "Tell them that you must talk it over with the others, Dias."

  "Well, we will give you five minutes," the man called back. "If you donot accept our terms, we will cut your throats."

  Dias stood up, and walked quietly down the rugged pass. At the pointwhere the mules stopped, the rock rose almost perpendicularly on eachside.

  "Maria," he said, "do you and Jose take off the saddles and bags andfill up the spaces between these rocks on each side. Get the animals inbehind them. You stop with them, Maria. I have got five minutes, andwill help you."

  "You had better go up at once, senor," he went on to Bertie, "and helpyour brother, so that they may not get sight of you. However, I amafraid they know how many we are. It was foolish to light that fireyesterday evening, I expect they were somewhere near and caught sightof us, and no doubt one of them crept quietly down to find out what ourforce was. Seeing there were but four of us, they thought they couldtake us all easily here in the morning without firing a shot. But asyour brother and I happened to be going on first, they thought theywould parley. They would be sure that if they attacked us, we shouldkill two or three of them at least before we had finished with them.And as they reckoned that we should gladly accept their terms, theywould get all they wanted without trouble, and could shoot usafterwards if they felt inclined."

  Bertie had by this time got the guns unstrapped, and had filled hispockets with cartridges. He now went forward, and as he kept among therocks he was able to get within four or five yards of his brotherwithout being seen, as th
e mouth of the pass was almost blocked withgreat boulders.

  "I cannot get any nearer without running the risk of being seen. I haveloaded the double-barrelled guns."

  "Stay where you are then, Bertie. I don't think they will make a rush,and if they do, you can use them as well as your rifle. Of course Ihave my pistols and you have yours. I don't believe they will ventureto attack in daylight, our trouble will be after dark."

  "Now, then, the five minutes are up!" the brigand shouted.

  "I am coming!" Dias shouted back.

  As he approached, Harry said: "Stand by the side of a rock, Dias, so asto be able to shelter as soon as you have given them the answer; theyare likely enough to fire a volley."

  "We will give you nothing," Dias shouted. "Anything you want you hadbetter come and take."

  Three men raised their heads above the rocks and fired. Almost at thesame instant Harry's rifle and Bertie's cracked out, the headsdisappeared, and a fierce yell of rage showed that one, if not both ofthe shots had found their mark.

  "You had better clear off," Harry shouted. "There are four of us, andwe have eight barrels between us, to say nothing of two brace ofpistols."

  A volley of curses was hurled back in reply.

  "Now, Dias, what do you think is our best move?"

  "I don't know, senor. I fancy there are only eight of them now. You andyour brother could hardly miss marks like their heads at thirty paces.""If I were quite sure that there are no more of them I should say that,as soon as it becomes dark, we had better creep forward and fight them.It would be better to do that than wait for them to attack us. Butthere may be, and very likely are, more of these bands among the hills.Besides, Dias, we don't want to lose one of our number, and we couldhardly hope to get through unscathed, for if we were to try to push onthey would have us at a tremendous advantage. They would hide among therocks and shoot us down before we had time to level a gun at them. Nowthat we have killed one, if not two of their number, they willcertainly try to get their revenge, and will harass us all the way upthe pass."

  "It is not only that, senor; it is the booty they expect to take."

  "They could not expect much booty," Harry said, "for our baggageanimals only carry small loads."

  "Gold does not take up a large bulk, senor; and I have not the leastdoubt that they believe we have been gold-hunting, and have probably abig amount of gold dust among the baggage."

  "I did not think of that, Dias. If they believe we have gold we willtake it as granted that they will do their best to get it. Well, do youthink it would be a good thing to make a rush?"

  "No, senor, it would be throwing away our lives. They will guess thatwe shall probably attempt such a thing, and I have no doubt that theywill move away, if they haven't done so already, and hide themselvesamong other rocks. Then if we dashed forward to the place where theyhad been, they would pour a volley into us and finish us at once; forif they were lying twenty yards away they ought certainly to hit everyone of us, as they have eight shots to fire. At present I have no doubtthey are talking, and I think we can safely get back to where we piledup the saddles and bales. We can defend ourselves better there thanhere. We can then talk matters over quietly."

  "That will be the best plan, Dias, certainly."

  Keeping under cover as well as they could they retired to thebarricade, thirty yards lower. Jose, aided by Maria, had completed thedefence. They had not, however, attempted to block the passage betweentwo great rocks. It was but three feet wide; the rocks lay about sixfeet from the cliffs on either side, and these spaces were partlyfilled by smaller fragments. Wherever there were open spaces theblankets had been thrust in from behind. Dias had done the greater partof the work before he went up to answer the demands of the bandits, butthe others had laboured very hard to finish it.

  "Well done!" Harry said as they passed through the entrance.

  "I told them not to close the path," Dias said. "We can do that now weare all together. Most of the rocks are too heavy for Jose and Maria tolift. Shall we build it up now, senor? I am sure they cannot forcetheir way through while we four are holding the barricade."

  "Certainly not, Dias, and I have no fear of their attempting it. But Ithink it would be as well for us to close it, otherwise we could notcross from one side to the other without exposing ourselves."

  It took them two hours' hard work--the harder because the stones had tobe thrown into the passage from the sides, as the brigands might becrouching among the rocks higher up waiting for an opportunity to get ashot. At the end of the two hours the gap was filled up to the heightof six feet.

  "Now we can talk matters over quietly, Dias," Harry said. "We may takeit that, whether they attack by day or by night, we can beat them off.There is a little rill of water that trickles down along the centre, sowe need not fear being driven out by thirst, and we have food enough tolast us a fortnight. That is settled; but they may stay there for anytime, and without exposing ourselves to sudden death we cannot find outwhether they are still hanging about or not. Of course one veryimportant question is, are they going to be joined by others?"

  "I think they certainly will be, senor. As many of these fellows arehiding among the hills as would make a good-sized regiment, and theyhave only to send off two or three of their number with the news that aparty of gold-diggers with five laden mules are shut up in this ravineto gather any number of them. They would come as quickly as vultures toa dead horse. It must be a long time since they had any really valuableplunder, and the fact that we have five baggage mules besides the threeriding ones would show that we had probably been a very long time away,and might therefore possess a lot of gold."

  "Are there any other passes near?"

  "The nearest, senor, is on the other branch of the Palcazu--the riverwe followed till we entered the passes--and is about thirty miles tothe north. The pass starts from a spot about fifteen miles above thejunction, and goes up to Huaca, a place that is little more than tenmiles south of Huanuco. From Huaca we could either follow the road toCerro, or strike across the Western Cordilleras to Aguamiro."

  "Then I think, Dias, that our best plan will be to go down again intothe valley we left yesterday morning, and then strike across for themouth of this pass you speak of. You know the direction?"

  "I know the general direction, although I have never been along there."

  "Well, Dias, you must be the guide. I should say the sooner we startthe better. My idea is this: If you with your wife and Jose will startat once, so as to be down the pass before it gets dark, my brother andI will remain here. You will leave our riding mules at the point wherethe track is good enough for us to gallop on."

  "We should not like to leave you, senor," Maria said.

  "I have not the least fear of their attacking us, and with our riflesand double-barrelled guns and pistols we could beat them off if theydid. I can't see any better way of getting out of this scrape, and amquite willing to adopt this plan."

  "I don't see any other way, senor," Dias said. "The plan is a good one;but I wish I could stay here with you."

  "But that would be impossible, Dias, for there would be no chance ofour finding the mouth of this pass by ourselves."

  "Why could we not all go together?" Maria asked.

  "Because if there were no one here the brigands might discover that wehad gone, within an hour or so of our starting. They might fire a shotor two, and, finding that we did not answer, crawl gradually down tillthey got here, for it must seem possible to them that we should returndown the pass; and as there is no getting the baggage mules to go fast,we might very well be overtaken--I don't mean by those eight men, butby a considerable number."

  "But how are you to find your way, senor?" Dias said.

  "We shall follow the valley down till we come to the spot where youhave struck off. You can fasten a white handkerchief to a stick and putit in some bare place where we are sure to see it. I want you to haltwhen you get to the river somewhere opposite the mouth of the pass. Wewill rid
e nearly due north, and when we strike the river will follow itdown till we reach you."

  "We can't halt opposite the mouth of the pass, for the river there isalready some size, and we could not cross it. I shall keep along nearthe foot of the hills--the water there is shallow enough to ford. ThenI will follow it down until, as you say, near the entrance to the pass,and there stop on the bank till you come."

  "That will do very well. In that case it won't matter much where westrike the stream, as our mules can swim across easily enough--theyhave had plenty of practice during the past six months. However, wewill turn off north where we can see your signal."

  "When will you leave, senor?"

  "To-morrow morning. I have no fear of their attacking during the night,for they can hardly bring other bands down here before morning. As soonas it gets dark we will light two torches and put them down at the footof the barricade, so that we shall be in the shadow. These will showthem that we are still here, and they won't care to venture down intothe circle of light. We have let them know what a formidable amount offirearms we have, and have given them a lesson that we can shootstraight."

  "They certainly would not come, senor, as long as your torches areburning, but three hours are as much as you can reckon upon theirburning."

  "Well, we have a dozen left now, Dias, and when they burn out we mustlight two more and throw them over and trust to their burning as theylie among the stones. Of course we should not think of going down tostick them upright, for the scoundrels will probably be watching us asclosely as we are watching them. However, I shall manage to keep thelights going till daybreak, and shall start a good hour before that. Weshall have to go down cautiously, and I should like to be well awaywith the mules before they discover that we have left. Now, the sooneryou are off the better. Breakfast has been ready for the past hour. Youhad better eat it and get under weigh as soon as you can. After youhave gone one of us will keep watch while the other eats. I have nodoubt there will be plenty left for our supper."

  "Yes, senor, and enough cakes to carry you on till you join us."

  Half an hour later the party started, Dias having muffled the mules'hoofs, so that the clatter, as they passed over the rocks, might not beheard above.

  "Now, Bertie, you go down to breakfast. When you have done come up andrelieve me. You have no occasion to hurry, for it is absolutely certainthat they won't dare to attack till they get reinforcements."

  When Bertie returned he said, "Here is a lot of food, Harry, they havehardly eaten anything. There is plenty for us to-day and to-morrow."

  "That is just like them, Bertie; but I daresay they will camp in fiveor six hours. It feels quite lonely without them."

  "That it does. It is really the first time we have been alone since weleft Lima, except, of course, when we were out shooting together."

  "Be sure you don't show your head above the barricade, Bertie. You mustdo as I have been doing, sit down here and look out through thispeep-hole between these rocks Shove your rifle through it, so that, ifyou see a head looking out from between the rocks up there, you canfire at once."

  In half an hour Harry came back and sat down by his brother, and,lighting their pipes, they chatted over the events of their journey andthe prospect before them.

  "I am afraid, Harry, the journey will be a failure, except that we havehad a very jolly time."

  "Well, so far it has not turned out much; but, somehow or other, I havegreat faith in this haunted castle. Of course the demons Dias is soafraid of are probably Indians, who are placed there to frightenintruders away, and they would not keep watch unless they had somethingto guard. I cannot understand how it has escaped the notice of theSpaniards all these years. I had not much faith in their stories untilwe found how true they were in all particulars as to what they call thegolden river. There is one satisfaction, however: if the place isreally a castle, it can hardly have disappeared under the lake. Ofcourse if it is in ruins we may have a lot of difficulty in getting atthe vaults, or wherever else treasure may have been buried; but unlessit is a very big place, which is hardly probable, the work would benothing compared with the draining of the lake."

  "We have got nearly a year in hand, Harry, and can do a lot of work inthat time, especially if we use powder."

  "Yes; but, you see, we ought to allow at least five months for gettinghome. Still, no doubt if I felt justified in writing to ask for anotherthree or four months, saying I had great hopes of finding somethingvery good in a short time, she would stand out against her father alittle longer. I shall write directly we get to Lima to say that,although I have so far failed, I do not give up hope, and am juststarting on another enterprise that promises well." Bertie held up hisfinger. "I think I heard somebody move. It sounded like a stone beingturned over." For two or three minutes he lay motionless, with hisfinger on the trigger. Then he fired.

  "What was it, Bertie?"

  "It was a man's leg. I suddenly saw it below that rift behind the rock.I expect he had no idea that his foot showed there. I am pretty sure Ihit it, for I had time to take a steady aim, and the foot disappearedthe instant I fired. If he did not know it was exposed, there was noreason why he should have moved at all if he hadn't been hit."

  "It was better to hit his foot than his head, Bertie. It is equallygood as a lesson, if not better, for though we don't mean to let themkill us, I don't want to take life unless it is absolutely necessary.Well, after that proof of the sharpness of our watch they are notlikely to make any fresh move."

  The day passed slowly. They took it by turns to keep watch, and justbefore dusk Harry said, "I think, Bertie, that we might pull out theleaves and bush that Dias shoved into one of these gaps when he tookthe blankets and things out. I could push the torch through and fix itthere, that would save having to cross the barricade. It is quitepossible that one of those fellows may be keeping as sharp a look-outas we are doing, and it is as well not to set one's self up as a mark.If I put it through now it won't show much, while if I wait tilldarkness falls it will be an easy object to fire at. You keep a sharplookout while I am doing this, and if you see either a head or a guntry to hit it."

  Harry accomplished the operation without drawing a shot, and as soon ashe had fixed the torch he again stopped the hole up behind it.

  "It is evident that they are not watching us very closely," he said."If they have not sent for help, they have gone off. With two of theirmen killed and two disabled, the fight must have been taken out ofthem. We will watch by turns to-night. It is six o'clock now; will yousit up till eleven, or shall I?"

  "I don't care a bit. Which would you rather take?"

  "I don't care;--however, I may as well take the first watch. We willstart at five, so rouse me at four. If they come at all, which ispossible, but not probable, it will be between four and five."

  At ten o'clock Harry could see a glow of light at some distance fromthe mouth of the ravine, and in the stillness could occasionally catchthe sound of voices. When he woke Bertie at twelve the lad looked athis watch and said, "You are an hour late in calling me, Harry."

  "Yes, I had no inclination for sleep. The fellows have been reinforced.Of course I don't know to what extent, but I should say prettystrongly. They have lit a big fire some distance from the ravine. Theywould not have dared to light one if they had not felt themselvesstrong enough to fight us. No doubt they have half a dozen men on watchwhere we first saw them, and these would give notice if we were coming.I think we may as well fire a couple of shots, it will show them thatwe are here and on guard. They will suppose we thought we heard someonecoming down to reconnoitre our position."

  They both fired over the top of the barricade.

  "I see you have renewed the torch, Harry," Bertie said as they reloaded.

  "Yes, I have done so twice. I was very careful, however, as I fearedthey might be watching. I did not wait for the lighted one to burn out,but passed the other one out, putting the end of my poncho round myhand and arm, so that they could hardly be noticed e
ven by anyonewithin ten yards, and certainly could not be seen from up there. As Ipushed it through I lighted it at the stump of the old torch and thenwithdrew my hand like a shot. I did the same thing again an hour agowith equal success, so it is evident that they are not keeping a verysharp look-out above, and have no fear of our making a sortie, hamperedas we are by our animals."

  The torch was changed again at four o'clock, and a little later Bertieheard a slight noise.

  "I think they are coming, Harry," he said quietly.

  Harry was at once on his feet. "Use your rifle first, Bertie, and slingit over your shoulder before you give them the two barrels ofbuck-shot, so that you can start to run at once if we don't stop them."

  "Yes, I am certain they are coming," he said, after listening for twoor three minutes. "We have got two or three torches left, and I willgive them the benefit of them."

  He went back to the embers of the fire, lighted the torches, and,returning to the barrier, threw them twenty or thirty yards up theravine. There was a hoarse shout of anger, and then a dozen shots werefired. Bertie's rifle cracked out in return, and Harry's followedalmost immediately. A dark group of some twenty or thirty men wererushing forward, and had just reached the line where the torches wereburning, when four barrels of buck-shot were poured into them. Three orfour fell, the rest fled at once, and the cries and oaths showed thatmany of them were wounded.

  "They won't venture again for the present," Harry said. "You may besure they will hold a council of war, so load again and then we will beoff."

  Two minutes later they were making their way carefully down the rockypassage, Harry carrying the bundle they had made up of the unconsumedprovisions. As they had to exercise great care in climbing over therocks, the day was just breaking when they came upon two mules that hadbeen left behind for them. They rode cautiously until they were quiteout of the ravine, and then started down the valley at a gallop. In anhour Bertie exclaimed, "There is the flag!" They rode to it and thenturned off to the north, slackening their pace to a trot. The animalswere in good condition, as they had of late been making short marches,and at eleven o'clock they came upon the river. Here they waited for anhour, gave a couple of cakes to each animal, and ate the restthemselves. The river was some fifty yards across, but the mules onlyneeded to swim about half this distance. The brothers kept beside them,placing one elbow on the saddles and holding their rifles andammunition well above the water. They were soon across, and, mounting,followed the river down, letting the animals go their own pace, andsometimes walking beside them, as they wished to keep them fresh forthe next day's work. At five in the afternoon they saw smoke ahead ofthem, and, riding faster now, soon joined their companions, who hailedtheir arrival with shouts of joy.

  "We have been terribly anxious about you, senors," Dias said, "andregretted deeply that we deserted you."

  "It was not desertion, Dias; you were obeying orders, and were on dutyguarding the baggage. There was really no cause for uneasiness; we werecertain that we could beat them off if they ventured to attack us."

  "And did they do so?"

  "They made a feeble attack this morning at four o'clock, but we wereready for them. They might have carried the barricade had we only hadour rifles, but buck-shot was too much for them. Of course we broughtdown two with our rifles; but there must have been over a score ofthem, and the four barrels of buck-shot did heavy execution. Some ofthem fell, and I fancy most of the others got a dose of shot, as theywere all in a close body. I will tell you all about it after we havehad supper."

  "I have got it ready," Maria said. "We have been expecting you for thepast hour, and I was sure you would have good appetites when youarrived."

  After the story had been told Dias said: "That was a capital plan ofkeeping the torches burning all night, and especially of throwing twoof them up the ravine when you heard the fellows coming. Of course theycalculated on getting within fifteen yards or so before you saw them.Well, there is no fear of our hearing any more of them. I expect youmust have been gone hours before they found out that you had left."

  "I should not be surprised if, after they had recovered from theirdefeat, half of them made a big circuit over the hills--no doubt theyknow every foot of them--and, coming down at the bottom of the ravine,built a strong barricade, making up their minds to guard both endsuntil we were obliged to surrender from want of food. Having sufferedso heavily, they would do everything in their power to prevent any ofus from getting out alive."

  "In that case they must have been prepared to wait for some time, Dias,for they knew we had eight animals to eat."

  "They would not have lasted long, senor, for we have only a fewhandfuls of grain left, and there is not enough forage in the ravine tolast them a couple of days."

  "I expect they would have tried to get us to surrender, by offering tolet us pass if we would give them half of the gold they thought we hadwith us. There is no chance of our being followed, I suppose, Dias?"

  "Not the slightest. When at last they discover that we have gone, theywill come down the pass and find where the mules were left standing.They will then see that only two of us had remained at the barricade,and will guess at once that the rest left hours before. They willtherefore conclude that, being on foot, they have no chance ofovertaking us, even if they could find the track."

  "No, I expect by this time they are dancing with rage, and as likely asnot quarrelling furiously among themselves. How far do you think wehave ridden to-day?"

  "Nearer sixty miles than fifty, senor."

  "Yes, I suppose we have. And if we had come straight here?"

  "It would have been nearly fifteen miles shorter. But if they pursuedthey would not come that way, because they would not be able to getacross. I think they would have to go round and ford the river somemiles higher than you did. They could never swim across with their gunsand ammunition to carry."

  "I should not count on that, Dias. They might come straight here, asthey would guess that we had made for this pass, and they might makebundles of reeds to carry their guns and ammunition across, and swimover."

  "That would be possible," Dias admitted reluctantly, "and if they knewthat the five mules were all loaded with gold they might be tempted tofollow; but that they could only guess. I have no doubt, too, that manyof them had been walking for hours across the mountains before theattack, and as you fired into the thick of them, a fair share must havebeen too much wounded to start on a forty-miles' tramp.

  "No, senor. I do not think there is any chance whatever of theirpursuing us. Besides, I chose a spot where the ground was hard androcky to plant that flag. And they would have a good deal of difficultyin ascertaining in what direction we went from there."

  "We pulled up the flag-staff and threw it away among the bushes a mileand a half farther, and of course brought the handkerchief with us."

  "I don't think we need give another thought to them, senor. At the sametime, it would be as well to keep one on watch all night. Jose and Iwill be on guard by turns. Neither of you slept a wink last night, soyou must not keep watch this time."

  "I sha'n't be sorry for a good sleep, for the meal we have eaten hasmade me drowsy. However, if you hear the least noise, wake us at once."

  "That I will do, senor. It is a great deal more likely to be made by awild beast than by a brigand."

  The brothers were sound asleep in a few minutes, and did not wake tillDias called them, and said that Maria had coffee ready.

  "What sort of a pass is it to-day, Dias?"

  "Not a very bad one, senor. The one we tried yesterday hadn't been usedfor very many years, there is regular traffic up and down this; notvaluable traffic, for Pozuco is a small place. They send up fruit anddried fish, and the oil they get from the fish; and bring back cloth,and such things as are required in the village."

  "So there is nothing to tempt brigands to infest the pass and robtravellers!"

  "No, senor. When I last went through it I heard no talk of them at all.They are more like
ly to infest the hills beyond Cerro, for near thatplace really valuable captures can be made."

  "That accounts for their being able to gather so many men to attack us."

  The journey up the pass occupied two days. They met three or four smallparties of men with donkeys or mules, but all these when questionedsaid that the pass was perfectly open, and that it was a very rarething indeed for anyone to be robbed on the way. Late in the evening ofthe second day they arrived at Huaca, and were advised to go to thepriest's house, as the accommodation at the inn was so bad. The man whodirected them there was the head man of the place, and they gladlyaccepted his offer to guide them to the priest's house.

  "It would be the best way, senor," Dias said. "I know a man here whowould willingly put us up, and who has a yard where the mules couldpass the night."

  "Very well, Dias. Be sure you buy a good stock of grain. They havescarce had any for the last three days."

  The priest--a cheery, hearty man--received Harry and Bertie cordiallywhen they were introduced as English travellers, especially when hefound that they could both speak Spanish fluently.

  "It is a pleasure to receive British travellers," he said. "Cochraneand Miller have done more for us than any of our own countrymen. It isnot often that travellers come this way. I have heard of two or threegoing to Cuzco, but they never come farther north than Cerro. I shallbe delighted if you will stay two or three days here, senors. We get solittle news of the world that it would be a great pleasure to us tohear what is going on outside this unfortunate country."

  "We can give you but little news, for it is more than a year since weleft England, and we have heard nothing of what is doing in Europe, aswe have been travelling and shooting at the foot of the mountainsbetween the bottom of this pass and Tinta volcano."

  "And gold seeking?" the priest asked with a twinkle in his eye.

  "We have occasionally washed the sands in the streams, but have notfound enough to repay our work. The amount we have gathered is onlyabout twenty ounces."

  "Well, gentlemen, I shall be delighted to have you as my guests as longas you are willing to stay."

  "We are greatly obliged to you," Harry said, "and will gladly be yourguests. To-morrow the animals need a rest, and we shall enjoy one too.Next morning we must be going on, as we have been away longer than weought, and want to get down to Lima quickly."

  They had great difficulty in getting away from Huaca, where the goodpriest made them extremely comfortable, and was very loath to let themgo. However, at dawn on the second day they started for Cerro, andarrived there forty-eight hours later after a rough journey through theMils.

  "We never know in Peru, when we go to bed, who will be president whenwe wake," Dias said that evening. "There have been a dozen of them inthe past five years. Lamar, Gamarra, La Fuente, Orbegozo, Bermudes, andSalaverry succeeded one another; then Santa Cruz became master. Nietohad the upper hand for a bit, and at that time there was no travellingon the roads, they were so infested by robbers; one band was master ofLima for some time. Then the Chilians occupied Lima; Santa Cruz wasdefeated, and Gamarra came in again. None of these men was ever supremeover the whole country. Generals mutinied with the troops under them,other leaders sprang up, and altogether there has been trouble andcivil war ever since the Spaniards left. That is why the country is sofull of robbers. When an army was defeated, those who escaped took tothe hills and lived by plunder until some other chief revolted, thenthey would go down and join him; and so it has gone on."

  "Who composed those armies? because the fields seem to have been wellcultivated, and the peasants are quiet enough."

  "Yes, senor, for the most part they take no part in these affairs. Themen who compose the armies were in the first place the remains of thosewho fought against the Spaniards. When the Spaniards left the countrythese men had nothing to do, and were ready to enlist under anyone whoraised a flag and promised them pay. Of bourse there are many men inthe towns who are too lazy to work, and who help to keep up the supplyof armed men. The good God only knows when these things will come to anend. A few of those who have come into power really loved theircountry, and hoped to establish order and do away with all the abusescaused by the men who were appointed to offices by one or another ofthose tyrants; but most of them were ambitious soldiers, who ledmutineers against the chief of the moment. If Heaven would but destroyor strike with blindness the soldiers--and above all, every official inPeru--the country might hope for peace and good government. The bestman who has ever fought out here since Lord Cochrane left the place wasGeneral Miller, your countryman, who was splendidly brave. He wasalways true to his word, never allowed his soldiers to plunder, andnever ill-treated those captured in battle. Ah! they should have madehim president, but it would never have done. As the Chilians werejealous of Lord Cochrane, the Peruvians were jealous of Miller, firstbecause he was a foreigner, secondly because his uprightness andfidelity were a reproach to their ambition and treachery, their greed,and their cruelty. Besides, he understood them too well, and if allPeru had asked him to be president, he knew well enough thatconspiracies against him would begin the next morning. Ah, he was agreat man!

  "Well, senor, I think that before we start it will be well that I atleast should go on to Ayapata and find out what is doing. That wouldonly delay us two days, and we might be better able to judge as towhich route to take. They may be fighting in the north, and we do notwant to get mixed up in any way in their quarrels."

  "I think that would be a very good plan, Dias. You start in themorning, and we will stay quietly here till you come back with thenews. If many brigands are in the pass they might get to hear of usfrom someone going over from this side, and take it into their heads tocome down. I would certainly rather not have to fight with you away."

  Accordingly next morning Dias went on ahead. On the following eveninghe rejoined them.

  "There is fresh trouble in the south, senor. Colonel Vivancohidas hasdeclared himself Regenerator of Peru, and is now marching againstGamarra, and General Castilla is advancing against him. The fightingwill be somewhere near Arequipa. Whichever wins will presently crossthe mountains and make for Cuzco."

  "Then that settles it, Dias. Certainly I have heard nothing inGamarra's favour, but a great deal against him, since I landed, and Icare nothing about either side; but I hope the new man will win,because I think that any change from Gamarra will be an improvement."