Read The Tripoli Mission Page 4

grabbed my bag and ran over to the doorway where the guard was lying. I put down my travel bag as I watched all the doors down the hall for the second guard, and it was only about a minute or so that passed, and out the door came the second guard, pulling the door shut behind him. I took aim at him and blew down the mouthpiece and the dart hit him in the chest and he just dropped to the floor like a rock.

  I opened my dart box again and took out another dart and loaded the blow gun. I reached down and grabbed a hold of the guard’s shirt collar and pulled him into the hallway out of view. I picked up my bag and walked down past the second guard to the room door that he had just came out of and put my bag on the floor.

  I was thinking to myself, we may have one or two people in this room. So I pulled out my silencer fitted 9mm and took it off safety, just in case I needed to use it, and then put it back in the holster.

  I thought, ok, I am hoping that if there are two people, one will be in the other room and I can surprise both of them.

  As thoughts raced through my head, I thought, ok room service worked once tonight, maybe it will work a second time. Holding my blow gun with my left hand, I raised my right hand and knocked at the door and I could hear - “who is it” and I said, “room service” in Arabic. I heard someone on the other side, turning the lock and I raised my blow gun to get ready to shoot.

  In a flash, the door flung open and it was a startled minder who answered the door and looked at me. At that second, I blew down the mouthpiece, hitting him in the chest, he just looked at me as he dropped to the floor asleep.

  I knelt down on one knee, reached over to my dart box and quickly reloaded my blow gun with another dart as I looked around for human movement in the room.

  I picked up my bag and slowly entered the room with my hand on my 9mm and looking all around, I could see a light from an adjacent room and I walked over to the doorway and put down my bag.

  I could see that there was a fourth person sitting at a table and I could also see, the mother and one daughter sitting on the bed in the room, but they were not paying any attention to what the guard was doing at the table. I leaned up against the door frame, just like I owned the place and took aim at him and blew down the mouthpiece, hitting him in the upper back. He just fell forward onto the table, with a thud, fast asleep.

  From the corner of the room, I heard a high-pitched, loud screeching sound of a scared girl as I caught a glimpse of a white flash going across the room. I looked up to see a teenaged girl jump up on the bed behind a middle aged woman who was staring at me with almost laser eyes. I looked directly at the envoy’s wife and I held my hand out.

  I said to her in Arabic, “don’t be afraid, I am here to rescue you and get you out of here.“

  I continued talking to her in Arabic, “All of you stay here in the room as I need to secure the area.”

  I saw the nod of her head, which I took as she understood what I was saying.

  With that I left the room where the envoy’s wife and daughters were located and pulled the third guard into the room from the doorway where he had fallen. I walked out into the hall and grabbed the second guard by the collar and dragged him also into the room. Back out into the hall again, I grabbed the first guard by the collar and dragged him down to the room and in the door and closed the door behind me. After closing the door, I paused for a minute, as I reached over to my gun holster with my right hand and pulled out my 9mm far enough to put it back on safety.

  By this time the envoy’s wife and two daughters had walked out of their prison room from where they had been held captive for the past few days, and was watching me drag in the last guard from the hallway. I could tell they were scared to death of me and who wouldn’t be. I am dressed in total black from head to foot with a big sword handle towering above my right shoulder, a black face mask and the only thing visible that they can see, are my eyes in the slit of the mask. There was a very concerned look on the mothers face. It would be an understatement to say the least that this mother was scared shitless of me and I wouldn’t have blamed her.

  But, there they stood; mother and two daughters in their party dresses for a party that they didn’t get to attend. The envoy’s wife was a fairly attractive lady in her late 30’s. She had long black hair down to about her shoulders, dressed in a light blue floor length dress with an Egyptian style half moon embroidery collar. The first daughter, the younger looking of the two, looked to be about 14 years old. She was wearing a white dress, bow-tied on the right shoulder with white ties down the front of her dress and a silver rope belt tied around her waist which also hung down the middle of her dress. Her sister, the older looking daughter was about 16, maybe 17 and drop dead gorgeous. She was wearing a dark black dress with purple inlays with a wide collar and a black choker around her neck. All looked fairly well dressed, and it didn’t appear the guards had tried anything with them. I think if they had tried something with the girls, the mother probably could have killed them by herself as she looked the type.

  The envoy’s wife looked me up and down and then she spoke, “I have been associated with military people all my life, but I have never seen anybody who looks like you.”

  “Who are you,” she asked.

  I replied to her in Arabic, “I am with Air Rescue Special Forces” as I removed my hood and mask so they could see my face and reduce her fear level.

  I looked at her and said “I am a commando.”

  I reached down and put my mask and hood in one of my lower pant pockets.

  I continued, “your government has hired me to get you out of here“.

  I said, “there is a flying boat in the harbor waiting to fly us to Egypt.”

  I could see her eyes light up to the suggestion of getting the hell out of Libya.

  “Are you ok,” I replied?

  “Yes, we are ok,” the mother replied.

  She continued looking me up and down and wouldn’t take her eyes off me for a second. I could tell she didn’t know whether or not to believe me. She was especially interested in my big black handled sword towering above my right shoulder, because she kept glancing at it.

  She finally got up the courage to ask me.

  “How do I know this is not some kind of trick, she replied?”

  “You are quite right lady,” I replied, and with that I reached into my travel bag and pulled out an envelope and handed it to her.

  “I was instructed to give this to you.”

  With that the lady opened the envelope and much to her surprise when she looked into the envelope, she found her underwear, or as the Europeans like to say, her knickers that she had been ordered to take off by the guards.

  Her knickers were sent to her husband as a reminder to be a good boy and do as he was told or worse things could happen to his wife.

  She looked back at me with a smile and a very red face.

  I looked at her and said, “your husband said that you may need them, since you’re going to be traveling back to Egypt.”

  I looked at her again and said, “it’s a pretty common intelligence trick in the art of intimidation of a target person in this case your husband into thinking worse things would happen to his wife if he didn’t cooperate.”

  “Are we ok now, its ok, you can trust me,” I said.

  “Yes,” she replied.

  I leaned over and held out my hand.

  “Hi, I am Jimmy West,” I replied.

  She smiled and shook hands with me.

  “I am Isis and these are my daughters: Iset and Tara.”

  “Pleased to meet you Isis and hi daughters,” I replied.

  “Ok, let’s get down to business of getting you all out of here.”

  I walked over to a closet and opened it.

  I walked back to where the guards were laying. I said to Iset and Tara, “grab hold of a leg and help me put these guards in the closet.”

  They looked at their mother and she nodded approval.

  The daughters walked over a
nd did as I requested.

  Tara said, “are they dead?”

  “No,” I replied, “they are not dead.”

  “They are just asleep.”

  “I shot them with a tranquilizer dart used for putting bears to sleep in the wild.”

  “These boys will sleep for a few days,” I replied.

  I could see a big smile come over Tara and Iset’s faces.

  I looked at the girls and said with a kind of a smile on my face, “but girls, when their boss finds them locked up in the closet, they may shoot them for me, because someone is going to be very embarrassed over this mission.”

  We finished putting the last guard in the closet and shut the door.

  “Thanks girls,” I replied.

  Isis, who was watching us put the guards in the closet, asked, “How are you going to get us out of here Jimmy?”

  “Isis, we are going to walk right out the front door,” I replied.

  Isis looked at me with a very puzzled look on her face.

  “Ok Isis,” I explained, “this is a hideaway or half-way house and they were just keeping you here.”

  “It appears that there were only a few guards here and they are all asleep in the closet right now.”

  I continued, “when I came into the building, there were no guards outside of the building; no camera’s, nothing.”

  I said, “so I don’t see why we can’t walk right out the front door.”

  Again, I see this puzzled look appear on Isis’s face, “don’t worry Isis, I replied.

  “I am very well armed.”

  “I have guns on me if I need them and I know how to use them.”

  I continued, “now here is the game plan, if we run into any problems, you get your daughters together and just get out of the way and hide behind something.”

  “You let me do all the fighting, because this type of mission is my specialty.”

  I said, “are you ready?”

  “Do you have everything?”

  “Yes,” was their reply?

  As the women watched, I walked over to my travel bag that was setting on the floor.

  I unclipped my sword case straps and took my sword off my back and put it in my travel bag.

  Isis spoke-up, “Jimmy, was that a sword you just put in the travel bag?”

  “Yes,” I replied, “it’s a Japanese sword.”

  I see this puzzled look on her face.

  “Isis,” I replied, “I am trained in all forms of Martial Arts including sword fighting.”

  As we talked, I continued to reach into my travel bag and pulled out my shirt and put it on. I left the shirt unbuttoned, but it did cover the presence of my guns.

  She asked, “have you ever used it?”

  I looked at her, “yes,” I replied, “I have used it a couple of times.”

  I continued, “I use it in close-in fighting when I don’t have time to grab a gun, so I will go for the sword.”

  “Ok,” was her reply.

  I again reached into my bag and pulled out a small walkie-talkie and clipped it onto my belt.

  “Now girls” and they both turned towards me, “I want you to know that this is only for show as the girls looked at me with a puzzled look.”

  Much to the surprise of Isis, I reached over and took her hand, “Isis,” I replied, “this is only for show, because no one is going to question a couple holding hands with two daughters trailing behind.” I could see this big smile on her face as she gripped my hand with approval. But by this time the two daughters are holding their hands to their mouths, giggling like a couple of school girls.

  “Come on girls,” I replied.

  “Let’s go” and with that I picked up my travel bag and we went to the door.

  I opened the door and looked out into the hallway and it was all clear.

  “Ok everyone be very quiet,” I replied.

  I walked out into the hall first with Isis behind me and the two girls followed.

  I turned to Tara and Iset and in a low voice, I said, “one of you take the key out of the inside of the door and lock the door from the outside.” Tara responded to my request by