Read The Twenty-Fourth of June: Midsummer's Day Page 13



  "I'm going to drive into town. Any of you girls want to go with me?"

  Mr. Rufus Gray addressed his wife and their two guests, his nieces,Roberta and Ruth Gray. It was the midwinter vacation at the school whereRoberta taught and at the equally desirable establishment where Ruth wastaking a carefully selected course of study. Uncle Rufus and Aunt Ruthhad invited them to spend the four days of this vacation at theircountry home, according to a custom they had of decoying one or anotherof the young people of Rufus's brothers' families to come and visit theaunt and uncle whose own children were all married and gone, sorelymissed by the young-hearted pair. Roberta and Ruth had accepted eagerly,always delighted to spend a day or a month at the "Gray Farm," a mostattractive place even in winter, and in summer a veritablepleasure-ground of enjoyment.

  They all wanted to go to town, the three "girls," including thewhite-haired one whose face was almost as young as her nieces' as shelooked out from the rear seat of the comfortable double sleigh driven byher husband and drawn by a pair of the handsomest horses the countrysidecould boast. It was only two miles from the fine old country homesteadto the centre of the neighbouring village, and though the air was keennobody was cold among the robes and rugs with which the sleighoverflowed.

  "You folks want to do any shopping?" inquired Uncle Rufus, as he drovebriskly along the lower end of Eastman's principal business street. "Isuppose there's no need of asking that. When doesn't a woman want to goshopping?"

  "Of course we do," Ruth responded, without so much as consulting theback seat.

  "I meant to bring some lavender linen with me to work on," said Robertato Aunt Ruth. "Where do you suppose I could find any, here?"

  "Why, I don't know, dearie," responded Aunt Ruth doubtfully. "Whitelinen you ought to get anywhere; but lavender--you might try at Artwell& Chatford's. We'll go past Benson's, but it's no use looking there anymore. Everybody's expecting poor Hugh to fail any day."

  "Oh, I'm sorry," said Roberta warmly. "I always liked Hugh Benson. Mr.Westcott told me some time ago that he was afraid Hugh wasn'tsucceeding."

  "The store's been closed to the public a fortnight now," explained UncleRufus over his shoulder. "Hugh hasn't failed yet, and something's goingon there; nobody seems to know just what. Inventory, maybe, or gettingready for a bankrupt sale. The Benson sign's still up just as it wasbefore Hugh's father died. Windows covered with white soap or whitewash.Some say the store's going to open up under new parties--guess nobodyknows exactly. Hullo! who's that making signs?"

  He indicated a tall figure on the sidewalk coming toward them at a rapidrate, face alight, hat waving in air.

  "It's Mr. Forbes Westcott," exulted Ruth, twisting around to look at hersister. "Funny how he always happens to be visiting his father andmother just as Rob is visiting you, isn't it, Aunt Ruth?"

  Uncle Rufus drew up to the sidewalk, and the whole party shook handswith a tall man of dark, keen features, who bore an unmistakable air ofhaving come from a larger world than that of the town of Eastman.

  "Mrs. Gray--Miss Roberta--Miss Ruth--Mr. Gray--why, this is delightful.When did you come? How long are you going to stay? It seems a thousandyears since I saw you last!"

  He was like an eager boy, though he was clearly no boy in years. Heincluded them all in this greeting, but his eyes were ardently onRoberta as he ended. Ruth, screwed around upon the front seat andwatching interestedly, could hardly blame him. Roberta, in her furrywrappings, was as vivid as a flower. Her eyes looked black beneath theirdusky lashes, and her cheeks were brilliant with the touch of the winterwind.

  "When did you come? How did you find your father and mother?" inquiredRoberta demurely.

  "Well and hearty as ever, and apparently glad to see their son--as hewas to see them. I've been devoting myself to them for three days now,and mean to give them the whole week. It's only fair--isn't it?--afterbeing away so long. How fortunate for me that I should meet you; I mightnot have found it out till I had missed much time."

  "You've missed much time already," put in Uncle Rufus. "They came lastnight."

  "Put your hat on, Forbes," was Aunt Ruth's admonition as Westcottcontinued to stand beside Roberta, exchanging question and answerconcerning the long interval which had intervened since they last met."Come over to supper to-night, and then you young people can talkwithout danger of catching your death of cold."

  Westcott laughed and accepted, but the hat was not replaced upon hissmooth, dark head until the sleigh had gone on.

  "Subjects always keep uncovered before their queen," whispered Ruth inUncle Rufus's ear, and he laughed and nodded.

  "Times have changed since I was a young man," said he. "A fellow wouldhave looked queer in my day unwinding his comforter and pulling off hiscoonskin cap and standing holding those things while he talked on aFebruary morning. He'd have gone home and taken some pepper-tea to wardoff the effects of the chill!"

  "There's Benson's," Roberta interrupted, "and it's open. Why, look atthe people in front of the windows! Look at the windows themselves.There must be a new firm. Poor Hugh!"

  "There's a new sign over the old one; a '_Successors to_,' I think; butBenson's name is on it, '_Benson & Company_,'" announced Ruth, strainingher eyes to make it out.

  "Somebody must have come to the rescue," said Uncle Rufus with joyousinterest. "Well, well; the thing has been kept surprisingly still, and Ican't think who it can be, but I'm certainly glad. I hated to see theboy fail. I suppose you all want to go in?"

  They unquestionably did, but they wanted first to sit still and look atthe windows from their vantage point above the passers-by on foot, whowere all stopping as they came along. It was small wonder that theyshould stop. The town of Eastman had never in its experience seen withinits borders window displays like these.

  Benson's possessed the advantage of having larger fronts of clearplate-glass than any store in town. As it was a corner store, there werenot only two big windows on the front but one equally large upon theside. Each of these showed an artful arrangement of fresh and alluringwhite goods, and in the centre of each was a special scheme arrangedwith figures and furnishings to form a charming tableau. In one was thesewing-room scene, adapted from that one which had first challengedRichard's interest in his grandfather's store; in a second a children'stea-party drew many admiring comments from the crowd; and in the sidewindow the figure of a pretty bride with veil and orange blossomssuggested that the surrounding draperies were fit for uses such as hers.The clever adaptability of Carson's art showed in the fact that thefigure wore no longer the costly French robe with which she had beendraped when she stood in a glass case at _Kendrick & Company's_, but adelicate frock of simpler materials, such as any village girl mightafford, yet so cunningly fashioned that a princess might have worn it aswell, and not have been ashamed.

  Aunt Ruth and her nieces went enthusiastically in, and Uncle Rufus,declaring that he must go also and congratulate Hugh on thisextraordinary transformation, tied his horses across the street wherethey could not interfere with the view of passing sleighs.

  Entering, the visitors found inside the same atmosphere of successful,timely display of fresh and attractive goods as had been promised by theoutside. The store did not look like a village store at all; its wholeair was metropolitan. The smallest counter carried out this effect; onevery hand were goods selected with rare skill, and this descriptionheld good of the cheaper articles as well as of those more expensive.

  "Well, Hugh, we don't understand, but we are very glad," said Aunt Ruthheartily, shaking hands with the young man who advanced to meet them.

  "That's kind of you. It goes without saying that I am very glad, too,"responded the proprietor of the place. His thin face flushed a little ashe greeted the others, and his eyes, like Westcott's, dwelt a triflelonger on the face of one of the party than on any of the others.

  "Rob, I believe you'll find your lavender linen here," said Ruth in hersister's ear, as Uncle Ru
fus came in and Benson began to show them allabout the store. "Look, there are all kinds of white linens; let's stopand ask."

  With a word of explanation, Roberta delayed at the counter Ruth hadindicated, making inquiry for the goods she sought. It chanced that thisdepartment was next to an inclosure which was partially of glass, thenew office of the firm. The old firm had had no office, only a desk in adark corner. In this place two men were talking. One was facing thestore, his glance even as he spoke upon the way things were goingoutside; the other's back was turned. But Ruth, gazing interestedlyaround as her sister examined linens, discovered something familiarabout the set of one of the heads just beyond the glass partition,though she could not see the face. When this head was suddenly thrownback with a peculiar motion she had noted when its owner wasparticularly amused over something, Ruth said to herself: "Why, that'sMr. Richard Kendrick! What in the world is he doing out here atEastman?"

  As if she had called him Richard turned about and his look encounteredRuth's. The next instant he was out of the glass inclosure and at herside. Roberta, hearing Ruth's low but eager, "Why, Mr. Kendrick, whoever expected to see you in Eastman!" turned about with an expression ofastonishment, which was reflected in both the faces before her.

  An interested village salesgirl now looked on at a little scene the likeof which had never come within the range of her experience. That threepeople, clearly so surprised to meet in this particular spot, should notproceed voluminously to explain to each other within her hearing thecause of their surprise, was to her an extraordinary thing. But afterthe first moment's expression of wonder the three seemed to accept thefact as a matter of course, and began to exchange observationsconcerning the weather, the roads, and various other matters ofcomparatively small importance. It was not until Uncle Rufus, rounding ahigh-piled counter with his wife and Hugh Benson, came upon the group,that anything was said of which the curious young person behind thecounter could make enough to guess at the situation.

  "Well, well, if it isn't Mr. Kendrick!" he exclaimed, after one keenlook, and hastened forward, hand outstretched. So the group now becamedoubled in size, and Uncle Rufus expressed great pleasure at seeingagain the young man whose hospitality he had enjoyed during theChristmas house-party.

  "But I didn't suppose we should ever see you up here in our town," saidhe, "especially in winter. Come by the morning train?"

  "I've been here for a month, most of the time," Richard told him.

  "You have? And didn't come to see us? Well, now--"

  "I didn't know this was your home, Mr. Gray," admitted the young manfrankly. "I don't remember your mentioning the name of Eastman while youand Mrs. Gray were with us. Probably you did, and if I had realized youwere here--"

  "You'd have come? Well, you know now, and I hope you'll waste no time ingetting out to the 'Gray Farm.' Only two miles out, and the trolley runsby within a few rods of our turn of the road--conductor'll tell you.Better come to-night," he urged genially, "seeing my nieces are here andcan help make you feel at home. They'll be going back in a day or two."

  Richard, smiling, looked at Aunt Ruth, then at Roberta. "Do come," urgedAunt Ruth as cordially as her husband, and Roberta gave a little nod ofacquiescence.

  "I shall be delighted to come," he agreed.

  "Putting up at the hotel?" inquired Uncle Rufus.

  "I'm staying for the present with my friend Mr. Benson," Richardexplained, with a glance toward Benson himself, who had moved aside tospeak to a clerk. "We were classmates at college. We have--gone intobusiness together here."

  It was out. As he spoke the words his face changed colour a little, buthis eyes remained steadily fixed on Uncle Rufus.

  "Well, well," exclaimed Mr. Rufus Gray. "So it's you who have come tothe rescue of--"

  But Richard interrupted him quickly. "I beg your pardon, not at all,"said he. "It is my friend who has come to my rescue--given me thebiggest interest I have yet discovered--the game of business. I'm havingthe time of my life. With the help of our mutual friend, Mr. Carson, whois to be the business manager of the new house, we hope to make asuccess."

  Roberta was looking curiously at him, and his eyes suddenly met hers.For an instant the encounter lasted, and it ended by her glance droppingfrom his. There was something new to her in his face, something shecould not understand. Instead of its former rather studiedly impassiveexpression there was an awakened look, a determined look, as if he hadsomething on hand he meant to do--and to do as soon as the presentinterview should be over. Strangely enough, it was the first time shehad met him when he seemed not wholly occupied with herself, but ratheron his way to some affair of strong interest in which she had no concernand from which she was detaining him. It was not that he was failing inthe extreme courtesy she had learned to expect from him under allconditions. But--well, it struck her that he would return to hiscompanion in the glass-screened office and immediately forget her. Thiswas a change, indeed!

  "However you choose to put it," declared Uncle Rufus kindly, "it's amighty fine thing for Hugh, and we wish you both success."

  "You will have it. I have found my lavender linen," said Roberta,turning back to the counter.

  Richard came around to her side. "Didn't you expect to find it?" heinquired with interest.

  "I really didn't at all. We seldom find summer goods shown in a townlike this till spring is well along, least of all coloured dress linens.But you have several shades, besides a beautiful lot of white."

  "That's Carson's buying," said he, fingering a corner of thelilac-tinted goods she held up. "I shouldn't know it from gingham. Ididn't know what gingham was till the other day. But I can recognize itnow on sight, and am no end proud of my knowledge."

  "I suppose you are familiar with silk," said she with a quick glance.

  He returned it. "Aren't you?"

  "I'm not specially fond of it."

  "What fabrics do you like best?"

  "Thin, sheer things, fine but durable."


  "No, cottons, batistes, voiles--that sort of thing."

  "I'm afraid you've got me now," he owned, looking puzzled. "Perhaps I'dknow them if I saw them. If Benson has any--I mean, if we have any," heamended quickly, "I'd like to have you see them. Let me go and askCarson."

  He was off to consult the man in the office and was back in a minute.When Roberta had purchased the yard of lavender linen he led her intoanother aisle and requested the clerk to show her his finest goods.Roberta looked on, much amused, while the display was made, and praisedliberally. But suddenly she pounced upon a piece of white material witha tiny white flower embroidered upon its delicate surface.

  "That's one of the prettiest pieces of Swiss muslin I ever saw," saidshe. "And at such a reasonable price. It looks like one of the finestimported Swisses. I'm going to have that pattern this minute."

  She gave the order without hesitation.

  "I didn't know women ever shopped like that," said Richard in her ear.

  "Like what?"

  "Why, bought the thing right off without asking to see everything in thestore. That's what--I've been told they did."

  "Not if they're wise--when they see a thing like that. There was onlythe one pattern. Why, another woman might have walked up and said rightover my shoulder that she would take it."

  "If she had I'd have seen that you got it," declared Richard.

  He accompanied the party to the door when they went; he saw them to thesleigh and tucked them in.

  "Bareheaded again," observed Uncle Rufus, regarding him with interest.

  "Again?" queried Richard.

  "All the young men we meet this morning insist on standing roundoutdoors with their hats off," explained the elder man. "It looksreckless to me."

  "It would be more reckless not to, I imagine," returned Richard,laughing with Ruth and Roberta.

  "We'll see you to-night," Uncle Rufus reminded him as he drove off."Bring Hugh with you. I asked him in the store, but he seemed tohesitate. It will do hi
m good to get out."

  When the sleigh was a quarter of a mile up the road Ruth turned to heruncle. "Do you imagine, Uncle Rufus," said she, "that all those menyou've asked for to-night will be grateful--when they see one another?"