Read The Two Pawns: Alien Mating Frenzy (Book 1) Page 2

  Chapter Two

  Tayker’s palms were sweaty as he stroked the hilt of his hidden dagger. Please don’t make me kill you, he begged silently. He’d killed before when necessary, but he preferred to do so from afar…and not in his apartments where his expensive and one-of-a-kind rugs would be ruined from the bloodshed.

  But Kaemon might not give you a choice.

  The younger man paced, eyes flashing with anger. “How could you let them send for Syri?”

  Arrogant prick. How can he possibly think that he can be Khar to his people when he can’t even control his temper?And yet, helping Kaemon to steal the throne would be better for the Elementas. And for you.

  Tayker took a deep breath, trying to sound calm and wise as he wiped his palms on his long crimson robes. “It wasn’t my choice.”

  “But you could have stopped it!” Kaemon glared, daring his advisor to challenge him.


  “Are you double-crossing me, old man?” Kaemon stalked toward him, no longer a foolish youth, but an aggressive male. He weighed far less than Tayker, and yet his entire body was like a well-crafted weapon, not quite thin, but toned to the point that his every movement sent muscles rippling.

  Fear spiked through Tayker’s chest as he slid his hand back to the hidden blade. “No, I am not double-crossing you. I simply realized that we could use this to our advantage.”

  Kaemon stilled, standing just above him. “And how can bringing my rival’s beautiful mate-to-be do anything but remind the people of their missing Khar?”

  Even though Tayker’s heart raced, he plastered a confident smile across his face. “Because when my niece comes, already in the throes of her mating frenzy, a male will need to claim her. You can claim her. Then you will have the daughter of the man most opposed to putting you on the throne as your mate. He will have to give up his goal of finding Rayden, and the throne will finally be yours!”

  Yes, putting Kaemon on the throne meant betraying Tayker’s entire family, but it couldn’t be helped. If his brother got his way, the Elementa fleet would never invade a planet with intelligent life. But the small blue planet was too perfect a new home, and planets like it too rare, for them to give it up for the good of some lower life-form.

  The younger man stroked his smooth chin, his expression thoughtful. “You really think I can make Syri mine?”

  He’s imagining her. Even as a young girl, her beauty was breathtaking. His greed and desire will cloud him of all rational thought.

  “Yes,” Tayker said, leaning back. “Let her come, and before we reach the blue planet, she will be yours.”

  “But if she still holds her father’s beliefs, she will want us to bypass the blue planet and continue this awful voyage to the next livable planet. Which could take decades. And is exactly what we’re fighting against.”

  Tayker laughed. “Once you have her in your bed, do you doubt your ability to tame her wild ways?”

  The younger man stood up straighter. “She will be on her knees, begging for my cock before her Biryut is over. I will destroy her loyalties to Rayden and her father. And before the month is out, we will purge the blue planet of its dominant species and take it as our own homeplanet.”

  Tayker turned away to hide his skeptical expression. I certainly hope he’s as good in bed as he thinks, because if Syri is still the rebellious young woman I remember, she won’t make this easy for him.