Read The Undergrad Page 1

Copyright © 2012 MonoPanda

  All Rights Reserved.

  COPYRIGHT: This story, “The Undergrad” including all chapters, prologues/epilogues and associated content (i.e. fanfics, teasers and content within blogs, social networks and eReaders) is copyrighted under the Copyright, Designs and Patens Act 1988. All rights are reserved by the owner and the creator of this work (MonoPanda) and an unauthorized copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling of this work constitutes as an infringement of copyright. Any infringement of this copy is punishable by law.

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  Robyn's POV

  I'm just a nurse.

  Okay maybe barely a nurse. A graduate does count, you know. I spent almost two years of my life studying about the human body and pharmacology; I'm not so good with meds. And now I regret it.

  Maybe it wasn't my fortune-telling grandmother's fault for insisting that my future lies here. She did say she saw me in white clothes and lots of money.

  There was no shitting me on that one.

  I am in white and I do have money--figuratively speaking--in this Louis Vuitton bag. Is that how you even spell it? Whatever. I had more important things to think of now, and staying alive is one of my top priorities as of now.

  At least I've finished my Nursing Exam, and no I cannot tell you where and from what University I graduated from. So now I get to take it off from my list of priorities. Have I mentioned my name yet? Well I guess going by my first wouldn't hurt right?

  Never mind. Maybe I shouldn't tell you. Lately, someone named me Robyn. They called it my code name. Which is much of an ew-ish name. Who would name someone Robyn anyways?

  I remembered one day, I don't remember when but I'm pretty sure it happened sometime this week; I was on my way home from Nursing Review classes taking a detour to my favorite Starbucks junction. I ordered my usual latte and took a seat in a vacant armchair at the corner of a window and a wall, minding my own business reading wattpad on my iPad.

  Suddenly some strange, tall man sat in front of me with Oakley shades, a red bandana on his head and a leather jacket. Honestly, he looked like one of those typical riders with big bikes, but my goodness, that get up was so hot on him and fine by me. But then again, I was reading something about human trafficking. And so my paranoia kicked in.

  Just as I was about to begin packing my things, he said, "Why choose nursing? It is a dying occupation,"

  "Excuse me? Nursing happens to be one of the fastest growing occupations in the U.S." I retort heatedly, I can't believe this guy!

  "One out of every four registered nurses works part time," He added smoothly, clasping his hands beneath his adorable chin-ew. No! I cannot believe that, but-what did he say?

  "True, but maybe part time in different medical institutions. At least we have the balls to try to get that much work done. Judging from your horrible clothes and the time, I bet you don't even have one so back off,"

  The man seemed to calm down as he leaned back with a smile, a cute dimple surfaced prominently on his fair skin, "Do you like robins?"

  "Robins?" I repeated, what is this guy talking about. I know I should leave right now, but it has been almost two years since I last broke up with my perfect boyfriend. All my friends told me to move on but I simply couldn't just... all right, maybe labeling him as a human trafficker is a little overrated, maybe he's just a friendly citizen who loves bikes, and I should actually consider myself lucky that someone as hot as he is, is actually talking to someone like me.

  I cleared my throat, instantly changing my mind. "Who wouldn't love cute furry birds?" I mentally slapped myself; I meant feathery birds! Since when did birds grow fur anyway?

  He suddenly leaned against the round coffee table separating the both of us and inched forward with his jaws set. He spoke with a low voice, "few days from now, you will be receiving Intel, just take it without question and head to wherever direction you are headed. Stay calm and when they ask your name, tell them you're Robyn. That's Robyn with a 'Y' not an 'I.' Look, I'm really sorry if you have to put up with this, but I promise, you will be safe" he readjusted his shades and stood up, his adorable smile framed his lips, "see you around,"

  With that he just left me alone with my Latte, confused and considering that he was probably a psycho that escaped the mental hospital, but then taking in the fact that he was in a biker get up, maybe he had just too much drugs that rotted his brain. I instantly calmed down and shook my head. I watched him through the glass window I sat next to as he started up his Harley Davidson. My eyes raked through his buff body hidden in his leathery jacket and his nice ass before he zoomed off into the highway.

  I never thought that one day his words would finally make sense--

  Crash! My trip down memory lane was cut short as the discord yanked me back to reality; I hugged myself in this stuffy closet.

  Ohmygodohmygodohmygod. They're here. They're here! They're here and they're going to kill me. I knew that cute guy was too good to be true. I can't believe this is happening to me. These things only happen on movies, TV or suspense novels and I was never a fan of suspense. My God why did he choose me of all people? Why not the police or something?

  From a distance I heard discreet footsteps. And then silence. A sinister crash ripped through the silence and my heart takes up a notch. My god they're banging the doors open! I stayed as still as death--maybe not death, as still as this broomstick I'm leaning on. I've got to be hopeful against all odds. The intensity of my anxiety shot up to a magnitude that dared my muscles to give way, yet I anchored them down with all my willpower that I felt every fiber of my body spasm in fear.

  I began a mental mantra of prayers as the commotion came closer and closer. I'm hidden in a janitor's closet and I hope that they don't--

  They're here. Yes I know they've been here since a while ago but this time they are right behind this door. Light seeping occasionally through the seams of this rickety door was the very proof I never wanted.

  I stayed frozen. Relaxing a little when I heard them moving away. I cautiously let out a shaky breath.

  The next thing I knew the door was violently flung open accompanied by blinding light. I begin thrashing in protest as I see figures of men drawing closer and panicked when big firm hands grabbedmy shoulder. I wrenched my left wrist free with minuscule hope of escaping only to have something minute prick my skin and let out stinging warmth invade my system.

  In a matter of seconds my vision blurred and I wilted away into the darkness. All I heard next was a faint: "Carry her."

  I should now consider myself dead; nice meeting you by the way.