Read The Units Page 25

Chapter 13

  Tatum woke Monday morning feeling emotionally drained and unprepared to face the day. She ran and dressed slowly, slowly enough that she left little time for coffee. She wanted only to say good morning and drink her cup; she did not want to have to explain the events of yesterday to Milligan.

  Tatum was thankful her friend was intuitive - he didn't ask too many questions.

  Work was becoming routine, something for which Tatum was thankful; she didn't feel like her mind was focused enough for a steep learning curve this week. She went about her days in the beginning of the week, completing her assessments and therapy as assigned. As she had suspected, Tatum noticed much of her time was now being dedicated to comprehensive or complex assessment cases, intake assessments, and occasionally assessments requested by outpatient community members.

  Hoping to make up for her blunder the week before, she made sure she didn't missed a single lunch meeting with James.

  Tatum called or texted home each night in hopes that there would be some news, hopefully something positive. Finally on Wednesday evening, Sophia called and had something of substance to report.

  "Hi Honey," she said to her youngest daughter.

  "Hi mom, how's everything?"

  "We're hanging in there, still hoping for the best. How's work?"

  "We can talk about that in a moment, how's Michael? Did something change? You called instead of texting."

  "The biopsy results came back today," Sophia paused.

  "And?" pushed Tatum.

  "It's cancer. You're brother has brain cancer Tate. They say they can operate, but there's no guarantee." Sophia started to sob.

  "Oh mom." Tatum wanted to sob too, but didn't want to make it worse for her mother. "When's the surgery?"

  "Maybe sometime the first couple weeks of September, but I don't want you to worry, we can handle things here. You stay and do your job. We'll call when we need you to come."

  That's what she always says, thought Tatum. "How're Dad and Sarah?"

  "Your father is working too much, trying to keep his mind busy. Sarah's been helping him, trying to take on some of what I'm not doing."

  "Mom, I want to come home," Tatum said definitively.

  "No Tate, don't. There's nothing you can do here. We'll let you know."

  And with that Sophia said good night and was gone.


  Later that evening Tatum received a text from Sarah.

  "I heard you talked to mom tonight? Tate, don't listen to her. It's bad. Get here."