Read The Units Page 3


  Tatum started her undergraduate training with the intent to get a biomedical degree and then become a doctor. "If I just had a dollar for every student that wanted to be a doctor, I'd be able to leave this crummy job," one of her professors had once said on a particularly frustrating day. At the time, Tatum hadn't really understood what he meant.

  Tatum's primary drive for university was a strong determination that she wanted to be useful, and having had much medical experience with Michael, physician seemed like a natural fit. Her mind was changed not too long into her studies when she needed an elective course that she could fit into her timetable. She didn't much care what the course was.


  "Welcome to Psychology 301 - An Introduction to Assessment of Psychopathology," the instructor loudly announced. Dr. Zubert was a bright and boisterous woman who found entertainment of her students to be her most useful teaching tool.

  She was a well-dressed forty-something who most would describe as averagely attractive. She had a reputation for making socially inappropriate comments, and the students loved her for it. "If you wanna be in my class, you must be crazy. And... at least for now... I'm the only one here qualified to make that call," she'd say with a smirk. Her students knew that her research at the University suffered because of her love for clinical practice, but they also thought that her unbelievable, but true to life, stories were worth the trade-off.

  Dr. Zubert changed Tatum's life plans with her simple, delightful and dedicated teachings. Stories of patients with major depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia and other serious mental health issues intrigued Tatum. But, she was especially enthralled by the stories of patients with developmental disabilities, neurological disorders, and, of course, Autism.

  With respectful humor, Dr. Zubert told her tales of patients who thought they were motor boats, those who commanded space ships, and those who met you for the first time every single day. She also told tales about heart-ache, family struggles, financial difficulties, and social stigma. These tales Tatum knew all too well.


  After taking Psychology 301 with Dr. Zubert, enrolling in Psychology 302 - Advanced Assessment of Psychopathology was the easiest decision Tatum had ever made. Not long into her second semester of learning about mental illness, Dr. Zubert pulled Tatum aside.

  "So, Miss O'Neill, you seem to be enjoying my class alright?" Dr. Zubert made her comment with a grin; she knew full well that her class was Tatum's favorite.

  "Of course," said Tatum shyly. She wasn't much for making small talk with Professors.

  Dr. Zubert continued. "I have heard through the grape-vine that you are a biomedical student, but I was hoping that you might consider continuing with some additional Psychology classes? You seem to have a real keen interest, and, I think, a knack for this area".

  Secretly Tatum was boiling over with glee; of course she had considered taking more classes, she'd never been so certain about anything in her life.

  "I would like you to come and work for me over the summer," Dr. Zubert continued, "We're gonna call it a 'practicum' so that you can get a grade and some clinical experience, and I can get some free labour." She winked as she mentioned free labour so that Tatum understood it was a joke. "What do you think?"

  What do I think? thought Tatum, I think YES!

  But... all she said out loud was "Thank you very much for thinking of me and for the kind offer Dr. Zubert. Could I have a day or two to think about it?"

  Tatum had watched her father build his business for years; she knew all too well the value of not appearing overly excited, and the art of graceful acceptance.

  Working for Dr. Zubert was all it promised to be. Mostly Tatum was responsible for office work and billing, but occasionally she sat in or assisted during a session of assessment or therapy. Her kind face and gentle personality made her popular with the patients, and, on more than several occasions, Tatum provided a kind ear to a family with struggles similar to those of her own family. The more she worked the more certain she became. Gradually, throughout the summer, one by one, Tatum changed the courses in her course schedule until each one fit some requirement outlined for a degree in Psychology. She wanted to be a Psychologist.