Captain Yargoul's face, inflamed with rage, flashedon the screen.
"By what right do you take this on yourself,Drummer?" he exploded.
"I choose to be a free man, Captain Yargoul, andhave spoken as one."
"I don't believe President Narval gave you ordersto turn us against our own Governments." Yargoul'seyes glittered his suspicion. "What's your game,Drummer?"
"Those were indeed the orders given to me byNarval. As for my 'game', as you put it, it is,first, to take Planet Pluto out from under tyranny;and second, to bring reason to the negotiations nowtaking place between INOR and the UIPS. You cannothelp me with the first, but you and all honorablecitizens of the INOR federation share in theobligation to help with the second. With whom doyou stand, Captain Yargoul?"
"I stand against you, Drummer, and I charge youwith treason against your Government and disloyaltyto our cause. You are not fit to lead this fleet.As ranking officer next in line I now challenge yourright to act as Supreme Commander of this CombinedFleet. I hereby replace you in that capacity andassume command." His voice rang with the power ofhis new authority.
"Captain Hyk, take Admiral Drummer into custody.If he resists, shoot him."
Drummer switched off the communications consoleand turned to face Hyk.
"And you, Har, you're a Plutonian and shouldunderstand, better than most where the realtreachery lies. You've seen Narval's psychic probesplaced on board and must have suspected what theyand Scarf's troops aboard must mean. Think, man.Tell me I can count on you."
"I'm an officer in the service of PresidentNarval," Hyk growled, "and I remain loyal to him.I accept that Captain Yargoul has replaced you asSupreme Commander of the Combined Fleet. ThePlutonian forces in this combined fleet now comeunder my command. Drummer; I place you underarrest. If you resist I won't hesitate to shoot youdown where you are."
Hyk drew his weapon and aimed it at Drummer.
"Easy does it, Har."
Brad spoke from where he stood off to the side.Hyk shifted his focus and saw the weapon raisedin Brad's grip. Reacting instinctively, he crouchedand swung toward Brad, the nozzle of his gunflaring. A tight beam laced across Hyk's chest,and he crumpled to the deck. Brad slipped his gunback into its sheath.
Captain Yargoul's commanding voice blasted fromthe ship's loudspeakers, addressing the fleet.
"All ships' Commanders. You've heard and witnessedAdmiral Drummer's treasonous statements. I amcompelled, by circumstances, to assume commandof the Combined Fleet. You will follow my orders;I order that any commander or crew-member whorefuses to recognize my authority is to be disarmed,and imprisoned. Those who resist will be shotimmediately.
"The target stands: we will move on the SlingshotTerminals and take them. I order the fleet to arrayitself for the assault. Unfortunately, Drummer hassabotaged our rendezvous, and we must reconstitutethe assault formation. My chief navigator willissue sector orientation and vectors to each shipin the fleet so that we can form up for combatoperations. Follow his orders without question."
As Yargoul spoke Brad released the clip securingthe door and yanked it open. Adari rushed in anddarted to the communications console, drawinga comm capsule from her tunic. She slipped thecapsule into the computer slot, slapped switchesand pressed keys. She looked at Brad. He nodded.Adari pressed the final key. A light flashed red;the message on the capsule went out to the fleet.
A deep voice issued from the ship's speakers:"This is Captain Yargoul's chief navigator," it began."Here are the formation positions for each shipin our Order of Battle. Use as your referenceAnnex X-ray to the Slingshot Assault Plan. Complyimmediately upon receipt of your ship's newcoordinates. Jovian Battle Cruiser Boulder anddestroyer screen to Sector Alpha, coordinatesR784-212-426; Saturnian Battle Cruiser Encounterand destroyer screen to Sector Gamma, coordinatesR784-856-275; Plutonian Battle Cruisers Dragonand Tiger and screen to Sector Beta, coordinates..."
Adari grinned at Drummer who was staring at her.
"Lucked out," she said. "Yargoul brought his chiefnavigator along to Brad's planning meeting offNeptune. His voice was on our tapes, and easy tosynthesize. Even Yargoul himself won't know thedifference. The capsule is transmitting orders toeach ship of the fleet to move to new coordinatesin a three-dimensional tract. This redeploymentwill get them so screwed up it'll take 'em a whileto even figure out which way is sunside."
"But how did you know events would develop justthis way?"
Adari winked; tapped her temple with her forefinger.
"Just put myself in their place, and figured theoptions," she said and turned to Brad.
"Do you have all the data on where you've sentthem?" Brad asked.
Adari patted her pocket and nodded.
"Figured we'd need the information. Run a copy foreach fighter. Meet us on the flight deck."
Drummer snatched up Hyk's weapon as he followedAdari who raced out of the bridge compartment.Brad motioned Drummer to join Adari.
Brad followed and pulled the door closed behindhim. He drew his sidearm, narrowed the beam to itsminimum and its power to maximum. He directed thebeam into the space between the door and the frame.Within seconds the door had fused shut. The Dragon'sbridge, at least for the moment, was isolated.
Hodak crouched behind a massive generator at thebend of an L-shaped corridor. The rapid-fire beamrifle in his hands was energized and safety off.The passageway had a single entry to the bay inwhich Scarf and his troops were quartered. Hodakhad a free field of fire. He did not expect a longwait.
Drummer's appeal to the fleet commanders cutinto the talk and laughter rolling down the corridor.Drummer's opening words brought complete silence.Long before it ended Hodak heard shouts and cursesfrom the bay. Scarf's heavy voice rose above theclamor, giving orders. Hodak drew breath, raisedand leveled the weapon. He hoped Scarf would comeout first; that would simplify his job.
Scarf did not. Instead, armed troops spilled fromthe bay, crowding the passageway. Scarf followed,his coarse features congested.
"There's five of 'em, plus Drummer," he shouted."Search the ship. You know who they are. Shoot'em on sight. I want them dead."
Hodak tried to draw a bead on Scarf but troopersblocked the line of fire. Several started in hisdirection. He cut a swath through them, searchingfor Scarf.
The first streaks of concentrated energy wroughthavoc in the forward ranks. The stench of burningflesh came at him with a rush, and the corridorreverberated with howls and screeches of agony.Unaware of what they were up against, the troopsmilled about in confusion. They clawed at eachother in panic to get back into the bay and outof the line of fire. Scarf was somewhere in thestruggle.
The tiny receiver in Hodak's ear came alive.
"Sentinels. Flight deck. Now."
Hodak directed a final lengthy barrage of riflebursts at the entry. Molten metal and sparksbounced off the frames in all directions, followedby screams and shrieks from inside the compartment.
"Unfinished business," Hodak muttered as he turnedand raced off.