Read The Usurper's Seduction Page 2

  Trinta made every effort to stand and face her accuser, and throw herself on Lionstemia’s mercy. “Please! Lionstemia, I beg for your mercy. Release me from this prophecy!”

  Another blast emerged from The Empÿre Omega and sliced into Trinta again, dropping her, as Lionstemia stood defiant against her. “But I love him…” Trinta cried out weakly. “I love him! I truly do, and that’s something you’ll never have because you have the capacity to feel nothing! NOTHING!”

  Lionstemia, taken aback by the sting of Serendipity’s words and the pain upon the face of her adversary, withdrew The Empÿre Omega and retreated back to her home, addressing Trinta one last time. “Crawl back to whichever dark hole you slithered out of and do not trouble me with your feelings again. You will face judgement, and that day is coming sooner than you think.”

  Trinta lay in the blackness of space for many hours gathering the strength to return to The Pockets of Nothingspace, tears running down her face. “What have I done?” She thought to herself, in dark contemplation. “I can’t lose him.”


  When Trinta found the strength to return to The Shadowhead in The Pockets of Nothingspace, she found him pacing the main chamber, worried about where she had gone. When she had returned with multiple injuries, he held her close to him, doing his best to comfort her.

  “What happened?” The Shadowhead asked, his mind and voice full of desperation. “Please don’t die! What can I do for you?”

  “You being here is enough for me, my love.” Trinta said weakly. She smiled, looking into the eyes of her love. “I will heal, but it will take time.”

  Trinta relayed her tale to The Shadowhead how she went to try to make peace with Lionstemia and how she was rebuffed and attacked for her efforts. The Shadowhead listened carefully to his lover’s words, and as the days and weeks were spent caring for Trinta, hatred for Lionstemia festered in their hearts, and were soon back to building an army to protect them from the diseased Empress.

  After Trinta had found that her strength and power had fully recovered, she took the prisoners from the cavernous dungeons below and created a gift for her husband, which she presented to him at dinner that night.

  “A long time ago, a diseased and mutilated member of The Ichouli, who was exiled to The Sphere created an alien race of bloodthirsty beings called The Squigis.” Trinta began, the hatred for Lionstemia glowing behind her eyes. “The aliens in the dungeon were what was left of a mighty fleet of warriors who once attacked the planet Paradiso to gain control over medical supplies that would save their people in a conflict known as The Squigis War. At the end of the war, I transported the injured Squigis here and have kept them in suspended animation until I had need for them.”

  “Your compassion is one of your most endearing traits, my love.” The Shadowhead replied, smiling at his bride, never knowing what to expect from her next.

  “Lionstemia believes that The Squigis are extinct, and for all extents and purposes, that is true.” Trinta continued, relishing the telling of the tale. “I took the women and children and resettled them here on a world in The Pockets of Nothingspace where they cannot be seen by the eyes of Lionstemia and her diseased vermin.”

  Trinta walked The Shadowhead over to a large window, that overlooked a vast plain, pulling the curtain open so he could see the breadth and scope of her gift to him. These war heroes however, I have rebuilt them in much the same way I have rebuilt you. These are your personal troops. Four-hundred and forty million of them.”

  “I don’t know what to say.” The Shadowhead commented, his breath well and truly taken from him. “I shall call them The Iryntyl, named after the best day of my life.”

  “You will take these warriors, and form alliances with The Squigis, and the shadowy Zarn-Do race. This will become The Blackshadow Alliance, with my mighty Shadowhead as its unstoppable leader.”

  “I may have some other recruiting ideas as well.” The Shadowhead proclaimed, making plans to add to their already impressive roster. “When that piece moves into place, then we will take it for our own.”

  The Shadowhead reached down, and held Trinta’s hand, surveying the vastness of his Iryntyl Marauders, realizing there were many preparations that would have to be done. Fleets of ships would have to be built, armies trained and taught to work together, fortresses created and fortified, and of course, a plan to drive the stake right through the heart of the Empress herself.

  Neither Lionstemia, nor any prophecy would be killing Trinta as long as The Shadowhead had anything to say about it. Not in this lifetime.

  The Shadowhead had learned everything that he had needed to know about how to defeat Lionstemia. The prophecy stated that The Empress and her followers wouldn’t have the power to return until the unification of The Human Tribes. How could The Human Tribes unite if they’re all turned to ash?

  Every last one of them.



  This is an idea I decided to write about today while working on the outline for the second novel in The Chronicles of John Alkali. It’s not a long tale, but in the overall, grand scheme of the story, this is an important tale.

  If The Usurper Serendipity (Trinta) ever had discovered the light side of her passion, this is the closest that she would have ever gotten to such a revelation. Why she would choose this particular being, out of all the beings in existence to find compassion, happiness, and even love for is a complete mystery to me, and it’s the only time since her fall that she displays such an unction. But the overall meaning of the story is a positive message that no matter how evil a person is, we all need and long for love and companionship.

  I had fun throwing this together in a couple hours, and I love to write short stories like this when I get the opportunity. I’m working on one called A Quest for Vengeance that is an adaption of a short story I wrote as a teenager, and the other is called The Cypher of Migsaari, which is about Chevria Timone’s part in The Forgery of the Xumanfelian Wasteland, which I get asked about a lot. And of course, the first book in the trilogy, called The Chronicles of John Alkali: The Key of Immortality will be released next year.

  Happy reading!

  Rik Johnston

  Mobile Alabama

  March 27, 2017


  Rik Johnston grew up in a rural community in the state of Idaho. During those years, he discovered that he loved writing stories about far away worlds, about military commandos and about time travel. He honed his skill under the tutelage of his high school English teacher, who recognized a degree of talent, and agreed to publish some of his stories in the local newspaper. The stories that he wrote became the basis for The Chronicles of John Alkali, an idea that he has developed throughout the years.

  Rik spent a good deal of his life in Southwest Washington State, where his storytelling desires had morphed into a dream of independent filmmaking. He wrote a screenplay for what would have been his first film called Dreaming god, but has now adapted that screenplay for his first full-length novel of the same name.

  Rik Johnston currently resides in Mobile Alabama with his wife. He has three beautiful daughters, eight wonderful grandchildren and two cats. Rik enjoys playing guitar, attending his church, and likes cinema and video games. Rik is currently attending Virginia College to learn how to repair computers and how to manage large computer networks.





  I’d like to thank the following people for being a part of this process throughout the years. My Mom, for allowing me to think creatively and encouraging the use of my imagination at the earliest age. Andy Frostensen, who was a good friend who always gave me honest criticism of my work. Margaret Brackenbury, who helped me to realize my potential and who first published my work. James Schmoyer, who was on
e of the first in my adult life who said he’d be interested in my stories. The staff at the Longview Public Library, who put up with me for months on end while I worked on my screenplay. My co-workers at Borders Express, Gary, Elisa, Tammy, Carrie, Mishel, Cathy, Donna, and Cassandra who always pushed me to take my writing further. I’d like to thank my good friends, Erika Ankenman, Stephanie Johnson, Kyle Powers, Christopher and Michael Shindel, John McGregor and Julie Miller for just being really awesome people when I wasn’t a very awesome person. I must thank my beautiful children Angi, Kimi and Emily for being an inspiration in my life. I want to seriously thank my wife Cherie for the hours she puts up with me ticking away on my laptop to accomplish this, I love you and you mean the world to me. I’d like to thank my church family at Covenant Life Church, for showing me truth and providing a steady light to steer by. And I’d like to thank Yahweh for each and every day being a blessing in some capacity or another, to Him be the Praise.

  Rik Johnston

  Mobile Alabama

  Also By Rik Johnston


  Dreaming god

  The Book of the Sphere:

  An Historical Companion to The Chronicles of John Alkali


  The Hidden Tribe

  The Unity Bell

  Forgery of the Xumanfelian Wasteland


  A Quest for Vengeance

  The Cypher of Migsaari

  The Chronicles of John Alkali:

  The Key of Immortality

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